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Infernal Baron
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Hey there, I'm thrilled to present my updated interest check thread! Before we go into the details, I would like to introduce myself. I'm Sinurak, a dedicated roleplayer who's been immersed in the practice for years and is now excited to open up a thread here. Now, let's get to the point and discuss my rules and what I'm looking for!

  • +20 ONLY. I prefer to roleplay with partners who are in the same age range as myself.
  • GRAMMAR. I take great care to go back and check my posts, ensuring they're easy to read and don't break immersion. I kindly ask for the same courtesy. Nothing dampens my creative flow like a post riddled with typos and grammatical mistakes that make the whole thing seem rushed. Let's strive for a high standard together!
  • GHOSTING. I don't mind if you ghost. I prefer a heads-up, of course, but I won't crucify anyone over it.
  • REPLY RATE. I'm in a position where I can reply multiple times a day, depending on my muse. You don't have to match my rate, but I'd like someone who will attempt to respond as late as once a week. If you can answer more often, that's always a plus!
  • COMMUNICATION. I mean, don't we all like more communication? I'm confident that 90% of ruts in roleplays can be resolved if partners talk to each other, so I will endeavor to do so if I'm suffering writer's block or need pointers on how to proceed. Likewise, I'd like for you to do the same!
  • PLATFORM. I'm completely open to DMs and threads. It's all about my partner's preference and what makes them feel most comfortable and engaged!
  • OOC. I'm perfectly fine with casual chatter. By all means, let's engage in discussion, whether it pertains to the roleplay or not! I'm open to shooting the doo-doo if that's all you're in the mood for.
  • PAIRINGS. My leading roles are typically male, but I can also play female supporting characters. I prefer MxF pairings, but romance is not a requirement for me. I can do romance if my partner wishes, but this guideline is meant to be inclusive for prospective partners seeking platonic pairings.
  • FANDOMS. I love fandoms and am all for roleplays set in them. They can be led by OCs or focus on the canon characters, depending on how you want it! Heck, we could go for an AU if that's your cup of tea! OCxOC and CCxCC are good options. OCxCC, I'll need convincing. It's not a refusal; tell me what you have in mind, and I'll see if I'm up for it!
  • LENGTH. Obviously, give me enough to write a reply with, but not too little so that it looks like you wrote it with little thought. I, for instance, typically write longer posts if I'm setting the scene, describing the environment, delving into a character's thoughts, and so on--these can range from a few paragraphs to several. For dialogue, my posts will be shorter, roughly a paragraph or two in length. While I'm not going to impose a hard word limit for replies, I ask that you give me more than a single sentence and show that you actually cared enough to write something substantial.
  • TRIGGERS. When you message me, please inform me of any triggers you may have so that we don't run into any complications. I, for example, don't mind topics involving blood, horror, murder, stalking, kidnapping, and so on, but I understand that there are people who aren't. Please tell me what you aren't okay with so we can smooth out any speed bumps.

As you can tell, I'm searching for a Murder Drones roleplay! I'll list some pairings, as well as characters I'm open to play below!

I'm open to playing: N, Uzi, V, J, Cyn/Absolute Solver, and Doll. I'd like to primarily focus on CC X CC. Bold is my preferred role!
  • N X Uzi
  • N X V

If you've read and understood the rules, shoot me a DM and inform me of one of your favorite colors. I'd never be so restrictive as to force you to choose if you have more than one. Thank you for coming to my thread! Of course, I will update it if more things come to mind!
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I'm sorry if you said it and I just didn't grasp it but are you looking for a single couple or a doubling?

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