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Futuristic ᴄʟᴏᴄᴋᴡᴀʀᴅꜱ - OPEN & ALWAYS ACCEPTING



A Swing For One, A Swing For Two
Roleplay Availability
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Time Doesn't Stop For Anyone...

The Land Of Etheria has a long line of history-a supernatural feature that is only torture for the civilians. Millions of years ago, the king then ordered to make portals that could lead to other dimesons. Unfortunately, all those who followed his demand were put at blame because the vortexes they made led to danger. Monsters pooled in the new world, but a beautiful new city came up to hide them. The cities devised a plan to force all civilians to threaten their lives to protect everyone from the monsters that were at the verge of flowing out of their world and into Etheria.
The cities created more things needed for these warriors-called "Clockwards"- such as powers. Powers were manifested by scientists testing out new elixirs and injecting them into humans. Gradually, when two people with powers gave birth, the baby got powers too of one of the seven elements. After most dying, the humans soon all had powers and had forgotten that their ancestors were mere humans, but there are times when newborns aren't born with powers. More buildings like a weapon shop, a potion shop, etc, were created to aid the Clockwards who were sent on missions to explore the new world. The new "world" are called dungeons/domains. That's right-they aren't a "dungeon" or "domain", it's plural. Why? More explanation will be below.

Seven Elements:
Fire/Blaze Clockwards
Electric/Supershock Clockwards
Water/Hydrolic Clockwards
Wind/Airspine Clockwards
Ice/Verglas Clockwards
Plants/Nature/Natural Clockwards
Earth/"Etheria"/Woodland Clockwards

(If blurry, don't worry, sections will be explained)

City Of Resemblance, Astral, Sorrow, and Jade: Before, this land was just called Etheria, but after establishing kings, rules/laws, and many more, the civilians split up and made their own cities with their own mayors and governors. Of course, they're still under the king's order, but the mayors and governors are treated better to those with lower ranks.

Ability Renewal: The larger building, Ability Renewal means to change a Clockward's power. There is a due date for each person (1 week), so changing powers is normal. The limitation to this is that Clockwards cannot change the element they have, and only their power. For example, the element electricity can give super speed for one week, but then the user renews their ability and gets a random new one; controlling thunder!

Ability Removal: The smaller building, if any Clockward/Civilian defies the King's ruling, they will be either executed right away or sent to this site. The ability removal building holds scientists and other roles that are forced to remove the bio-genetic elixir that holds the ability of one's power. Doing this makes a Clockward weak, and unable to protect themselves to the creatures in the dungeons. Once their ability is gone, the King will either send them straight into the domain or have the normal human live without powers in grief/guilt for disobeying the leader's demand.

King Square: Where the King settles/removes himself away from the rest, deciding dungeon groups and adding more laws etc. The "palace" is surrounded and filled with guards of all kinds loyal to his highness and aged by the time spent. When a king has fallen, the son often takes the throne. The king only gets a child by eloping with a Clockward, but not fully marrying them-a simple toy to use and throw away.

Dungeons/Domains: The portals lie just in the middle of all four cities, in a small dome circle that is layered in a mix of all land types; sand, grass, stone, etc. Now why are they in plural? Every year, the Dungeons/Domains are renewed, changed and holding a different world for Clockwards to complete. If the warriors do not by the end of the year, the monsters will flee to Etheria and destroy the land. But there are only a certain amount of people, chosen by the king, that are allowed to fight in the domain that year.

Ability Transaction: When a newborn instead made with an element, at age 14 all normal humans head to this site to gain one. The inside holds a big, glass, clear orb that changes colors on the corresponding affinity. The orb flows the same elixir the scientists made, which transfers into the human body so long they let their palm have contact with the monument. An element is chosen based of the person's personality.

Training Site: All Clockwards, often those chosen in the group, go here to increase their level of battle strategy and practice abilities- especially if a Clockward just renewed his or hers ability. There are training dummies, mind puzzles, and normal exercising equipment like weight lifts.

Witch's Broom: Name after fantasy creatures who were known for using cauldrons, the stores in the area hold supplies for Clockwards like potions for healing, poisoning, or more breath for water, etc. Weapons are also sold here, of all kinds, but there is different payment here. In the cities, people pay in cash or credit. In Witch's Broom, Clockwards have their first day basic equipment free. The currency used after that are tokens. Tokens are earned and inserted into a person's digital backpack-something where they can store supplies. Tokens are earned by killing monsters in the dungeons. The amount of tokens depend on the danger level of the monster.

Hatching Forests: Familiar eggs are often scouted/born here, useful for Clockwards in battle. But only experienced Clockwards can enter here, the payment for EVERY ENTRY coming up to 70,000 tokens (very cheap in my opinion). These familiars come from all species, growing stronger for however long they live. They only die from physical effects, like being stabbed vitally, etc.

Hatching Arena: A small mini game tournament held when enough participates are accepted. This goes on for those who have/found eggs ready to hatch. In the contest, the one with the most strongest familiar hatched gets rewarded by the king. The eggs are set in incubators, then once hatched, are set besides their owner to fight against an opponent. The trials will carry on until the strongest hatchling and Clockward are left standing.

Air Force Ship: A long ride often used for a small chat between a group that tours around the whole city. Expense: 2,000 tokens or 200 dollars in cash.

(Map will be updated once we explore further areas)

Spawn Point: Every time a Clockward enters, there is a certain spot that is mainly safe where they "load." This map's spawn takes place on a beach with a big dome building holding saved supplies/equipment/or maps. Things can only be saved once dungeon has been "played" once.

Time Clock: There are 12 ticks, each displaying the current month- a daily reminder to show how much time does the Clockwards have.

Monster Hide: Where the monsters have their own lair, and where the final boss is. In order to complete a dungeon, all monsters should be killed. Mini bosses are splattered randomly in each domain, sometimes two in the same place. After completing a dungeon, the reward is heavy for around 100,000,000 tokens PLUS, depending the dungeon danger level.

Exit Runes: Crystals every Clockward has when going inside a dungeon. These help create a portal (that takes a second/minute to open) that leads back to the Land Of Etheria. There, the Clockwards will teleport to the same area- the portals for the dungeons/domains. Include these in inventory/backpack!


It has been six months since a dungeon has been out, and the chosen senior Clockwards are having difficulties for a high ranked (S-Ranked) dungeon. The king orders more Clockwards- newbies - to help the seniors out of laughter and fake pity. These newbies are us-never fought in a dungeon before. How will we survive, especially with such low weapons and an extreme dungeon?

Month: June
Dungeon Ranks: L-Ranked, E-Ranked, A-Ranked, R-Ranked, F-Ranked, and top tier S-Ranked


- 18+ ONLY, Not Persuadable
- No AI generated FC, only anime styled or drawn
- This contains Gore, Futuristic/Complexed, and Adult Themes, if not comfortable, please leave.
- One Paragraph MINIMUM For EACH Post
- Maximum OC Limit: 2
- One Element Maximum
- Coding is not required, only styled
- Arguing IC, Not OOC- Same with Bullying, etc.
- LGBTQ+ Allowed
- No Overpowered Abilities, or heavy amount of tokens so randomly
- No, absolutely NO NSFW
More Rules Will Be Added, Depending On Questions and because I forgot some.

If this gets popular, I'll make a second RP/Chapter viewing another tournament

Map Updates Thread


(Dungeon Map Section)

Exit Runes: Crystals every Clockward has when going inside a dungeon. These help create a portal (that takes a second/minute to open) that leads back to the Land Of Etheria. There, the Clockwards will teleport to the same area- the portals for the dungeons/domains.
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