okay, scratch everything I just said because I read back more. I would just like to say that I am so sorry for abandoning the roleplay because it had so much potential and I'm so glad you all carried on without me. But, I would still like to maybe start again or start a second one and this time I won't leave so that I can be part of it. I was really excited to come back to this.


You're characters were some of the best ones, dude, just sayin'.

 The idea is to give the first roleplay an ending and then start a sequel with the children of our characters. I'll recap what's happened since you left: 

1. There was a ball, not much happened there except for some character development.

2. Victoria and Andrew got married, which ended in tragedy when Andrew gave away the identity of the members of the Order and a huge fight broke out. Most of the members died, Victoria and Alexander were taken to Azkaban and the others decided to hide from the Ministry in a house with a new member, Quinn. That's when the 3rd wizarding war began. 

3. 5 months passed, and while the Order focused on running from the Ministry and surviving, Victoria was turned insane from her treatment in Azkaban and joined the Ministry, now expecting Andrew's child. 

4. The Ministry found the Order in a pub and a fight broke out, they captured Victoria and kept her as a prisoner to see if they could bring her back to sanity. 

5. They're now hiding in a cave, planning their next move. An old friend, Dany, just joined. 
IM SO HAPPY TO BE BACK!!!! And damn, you guys were busy. So, what would be the best way for me to rejoin? And how do I navigate the website now? It's changed so much.
IM SO HAPPY TO BE BACK!!!! And damn, you guys were busy. So, what would be the best way for me to rejoin? And how do I navigate the website now? It's changed so much.

Well, since you had left we just had the characters assume your characters had died in a horrible and gruesome manner. But they can just come back by finding the Order and revealing they were alive all along. 

I know, the new layout actually made me go on a hiatus since it was so different. It's quite simple, really. See the Harry Potter gif with the rp's title on top of it? Click it and it will take you to the roleplay menu. Then just click on the roleplay section and click the one that says "in character roleplaying" our progress since the site changed can be found there.
Hmm, catching up on posts and seeing the entry and such. I suppose maybe it would work best for me to just have Arnaldus off walking about the grounds and landscape and is away from the cave entry point. Clearing what is left to clear and getting some air in wider range of movement then standing in place. 

Ezekiel am uncertain what to have him and Arnaldus do right now. Have been busy trying to relocate and reform his character file and work, car tires and such, but have seemed to lost it since the updates and Rp move. Thought about having Ezekiel going off to confront and figure out what's going on with his brother, while you guys catch up and etc. but still considering options. 
So...this thread has been rather quiet lately.... 

Maybe we could have the group outside the cave discuss their plans for the future or see if they're gonna inflirtate Hogwarts? 

Just cause we've gone so far for this rp and I really don't want it to die

What do you say? 

@Saru @Rui
So...this thread has been rather quiet lately.... 

Maybe we could have the group outside the cave discuss their plans for the future or see if they're gonna inflirtate Hogwarts? 

Just cause we've gone so far for this rp and I really don't want it to die

What do you say? 

@Saru @Rui

In truth I was hoping @indiedarling would be back to respond as I left Arnaldus and Ezekiel talking to Iggy and Logan. So while Quinn joined us I was still waiting for that reply. But despite that wait, I don't want to see this die after all the effort to see it revive and complete for a possible sequel on top of wanting to continue with our respective characters. So I'm on board with your idea (: 

Not sure how things will go from here between characters. But yeah no dying!
Awesome! I'll have Logan speak with the others and leave @indiedarling characters alone in case she comes back. It is the holidays , after all, she might be busy with family or traveling. 
Guys just a heads up I won't be able to post much for a week, so advance as much as you want without me and I'll catch up later. 
The brothers are ten feet away from the cave but haven't spotted anyone from the Order. They're oblivious to the fact that there are people inside.
What shall be our next move @thefan1? A small timeskip to the next day or try a post to return the thread to active posting without a time skip deal? 

I think we should try to keep the thread active for a few more posts so the Order can get to know @MuffinRPs  characters. I say we try that out first, give it about 2 days and if no one posts then we'll make a time skip. My internet access is still very limited, which means I won't be able to post until the 4th of January.
I think we should try to keep the thread active for a few more posts so the Order can get to know @MuffinRPs  characters. I say we try that out first, give it about 2 days and if no one posts then we'll make a time skip. My internet access is still very limited, which means I won't be able to post until the 4th of January.

Alright sounds good. I'll work out a post for Arnaldus and Ezekiel shortly then and see about getting @MuffinRPs  characters brought into the fold now I'm more clear on there location and status. @Rui and @indiedarling can jump in as well when they are able to and would like. 

That sucks though for your internet limitations, but understandable. 
Hey guys, just wanted to say that I'm excited I finally found a good HP rp! Any way I could introduce my character right now?
@thefan1 Hey, been really busy with the new year and all, whats happening and how can i jump back into the RP?

Some old Order members arrived and began speaking to the rest of the group. You can go ahead and speak to the ones outside the cave if you want, I think they're going to start planning their next move sooner or later. 
Is it cool if I also get my character to the outside of the cave? Who's there right now that he can interact with?
Is it cool if I also get my character to the outside of the cave? Who's there right now that he can interact with?

Wasn't your guy a dark wizard? Ministry loyal and opposing the Order or just a dark magic practitioner with order loyalty? Asking since it would effect your guy if he was a ministry loyalist and if he wasn't. The bio made it seem like a dark magic practitioner with disagreeable views to the ministry, so perhaps more inclined to help the Order but then again I could be wrong. Just seemed that way from what I saw. 

If you have a good reason though and way of being at the cave or knowing others are there, then i would assume it's all good. 

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