So... since they'll be leaving the bar pretty soon would you like to make the time skip or continue on where we are? Either way I must warn you that I'll be traveling all day and won't have time to post.


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A timeskip to another day or perhaps a few days ahead? I'm fine with a timeskip though. But I'm unable to guarantee a post tonight as work looms near with my new position and shift of overnights. I have the next two days after this shift off however, and can make it by some time tomorrow for sure. While trying to work on a post and perhaps post tonight if all goes well. 

@thefan1 @Rui
I think a few days ahead might be a good choice, about a week or so after the battle. Trouble is I most likely won't be able to make the time skip considering all of the things I have to get done and the little time I have.
Alright sounds good. If you'd like and others are not opposed to it, I can put together a timeskip for my next post and have the group off somewhere else. Then when your free to post, it would leave open further details of what they might have been doing in the between scenes and etc, plus other details you guys might like to include. 

Any news on HBK, Akio and hearing from Emily? Or other potential members for the Rp to add in? Out of curiosity. I figured one idea for new members if we have some or attract, of introducing them rather easily to the plot and fitting in would be perhaps making a little use of Arnaldus's mind games with Andrew about others and expanding beyond the known details about the order could be a way, or taking from the series and using Hogwarts & the students starting to fight back perhaps or even both.
Alright sounds good. If you'd like and others are not opposed to it, I can put together a timeskip for my next post and have the group off somewhere else. Then when your free to post, it would leave open further details of what they might have been doing in the between scenes and etc, plus other details you guys might like to include. 

Any news on HBK, Akio and hearing from Emily? Or other potential members for the Rp to add in? Out of curiosity. I figured one idea for new members if we have some or attract, of introducing them rather easily to the plot and fitting in would be perhaps making a little use of Arnaldus's mind games with Andrew about others and expanding beyond the known details about the order could be a way, or taking from the series and using Hogwarts & the students starting to fight back perhaps or even both.

Oooh that's a great idea! I haven't heard anything about the older members of the rp but I know someone who might be interested in joining. I think Emily is still in, she just said she would take her characters away for a while to move the plot along and have the Order win the battle.
Oooh that's a great idea! I haven't heard anything about the older members of the rp but I know someone who might be interested in joining. I think Emily is still in, she just said she would take her characters away for a while to move the plot along and have the Order win the battle.

Thanks! Ah ok, but cool news on the interested person who may join us. And alright cool, just checking since she's been away for a bit. 
Guys, again, I'm sorry but I'm really busy and I won't be able to post until tomorrow night. @Rui you can go ahead and post before I do. 
@SuperSpice Noticed your joining and saw your character. If you'd like, now could be a good time to start your characters joining of ours. Since The order will be hitting the communication venture soon to other order members. Giving your character a way into the fold. 
@SuperSpice In the recent posts some mentions of Arnaldus and Quinn's travels before finding Paige, Greyson -Honeys characters  at a abandoned house spoke of finding other order members and setting plans into motion for a future reunion once things settled down and it was right timing for it. A spread out order across the country and perhaps some allied nations too, gathering recruits and bolstering the weakened orders strength and number. Your character could be one of those they found and could receive word from a owl or other animal or method that fits from the order of where to meet up and reunite. And yeah currently in a cave as well. 

Any thoughts @thefan1 ? Or perhaps another way to fit in can be made. Perhaps a word has been sent already to atleast one character (yours, Superspice) to get the ball rolling and speed up the meeting of our characters?
I think we could have her character be informed of the Order just to move things along. Maybe Paige or Greyson knew some people who supported the Order and sent an owl in hopes they could join their group.
Yeah, and you can have her know the others if you want. They were all classmates at some point so... it's likely they've spoken to each other before.

Okay, ill have her come to the cave on the pretext of receiving a mysterious letter from someone.
@thefan1 Oh i have an idea, perhaps Victoria and Dany could be old friends, they both come from rather dark families afterall. What do you think?  ;D
Guys I'm really busy right now and won't be able to post. 

@Saru you can go ahead and post if you want to.

Ok cool, no problem. Just working on the post now that I'm more awake and functioning with work last night. Since the nature of Arnaldus's tactics with Victoria has led up to his likely release of bottled emotions, it will possibly show more about what he was trying to do. 
So how exactly are we going to have the Order conquer Hogwarts? I assume they'll have Dany and Victoria with them, or at least just Victoria after Logan (or someone else, open for anyone) convinces her to stay. But what then? 
HELLO!!!! I have returned. It's been a long time and I am very far behind but I'd love to give this a huge comeback so I'm down for whatever ideas we have.

I'm also very very very behind
okay, scratch everything I just said because I read back more. I would just like to say that I am so sorry for abandoning the roleplay because it had so much potential and I'm so glad you all carried on without me. But, I would still like to maybe start again or start a second one and this time I won't leave so that I can be part of it. I was really excited to come back to this.

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