Uh, I'm a little bit confused... Are people separated or are the characters just impervious by the random guy approaching? They carry on business as usual, which is definitely odd

Someone clarify? 
Well Paige just arrived so she probably didn't notice him, I don't know why Percival didn't react, Arnaldus is just letting the others handle it and Victoria is pointing her wand at him and demanding to know what he really wants 
Writing my post- shoot Victoria is so right. I didn't even think about that. I'm pretty stumped.. How is Ira supposed to prove they can trust him?
I wish I knew, but my mind is blank. Keep in mind Victoria is pretty touched in the head, so it might take a lot of effort to convince her.
Arnaldus reacted before Victoria but with no response, I continued Arnaldus with Victoria and now it's like Fan said and he's letting others deal with Ira. Percival is inside the cave on his own sleeping I believe, Logan and Greyson also remain inside the cave. 
There's my post. I was writing yesterday and I had a pretty big post, but then I had to go so I decided I'd finish it today. Turns out it deleted most of it, so I'm not really in the mood to rewrite everything I had yesterday. Made me sad :'(
Have you typed a post up already? If you did go ahead cause im gonna be home a littlw late thanks to work
Um, well no... I was just wondering because I probably won't be able to post tonight either and thought you might want to post first
Hmm..... Not sure what to say, but curious if the Rp/plot is just in pause due to RL which is understandable or if people lost interest or what we could do here? If others ar still interested should we consider a skip to a epilogue and begin the next chapter in the characters tales or something?

@thefan1 @HoneyBear-Kat @EmilyPower 
Hmm..... Not sure what to say, but curious if the Rp/plot is just in pause due to RL which is understandable or if people lost interest or what we could do here? If others ar still interested should we consider a skip to a epilogue and begin the next chapter in the characters tales or something?

@thefan1 @HoneyBear-Kat @EmilyPower 

Im still extremely interested but everytime i try to make a post i end up falling asleep cause im so tired from life

Nyehhh, i havent forgot about this, and i still want to post
Im still extremely interested but everytime i try to make a post i end up falling asleep cause im so tired from life

Nyehhh, i havent forgot about this, and i still want to post

That's cool to hear. I wasn't sure what the status was for this Rp. Since we've been through similar experiences in the past I thought it worth posting a check here, so glad to see people still have interest. I don't know what will happen next, but seeing a continuance of this story would be cool. 

Understandable... The draining effect of life sounds familiar to me. 

But sounds good. I'd post to give a boost to the thread, but Arnaldus I was intending on keeping silent and shutting down into a cone basically, so outgoing for him with a approaching to others would be unlikely unless he was approached first. While I'm just not sure with Ezekiel right now.

If your still wanting to post then I'd return to continuing the plot. Just throwing out ideas in case people lost interest or something.
I'm stilll interested too. I was just waiting for @HoneyBear-Katto post so we can move on. Honestly, I think our best option is to move to the epilogue or any other scene. 
I'm stilll interested too. I was just waiting for @HoneyBear-Katto post so we can move on. Honestly, I think our best option is to move to the epilogue or any other scene. 

Cool. Epilogue seems tempting because of the number of attempts we've made with the Rp, but continuing the plot I'm up for as well. If @Guydaguy is still around it would be his house scene next wouldn't it or shall we soon skip to something beyond it?  Give a skip to the forbidden forest to lead up to the scene at Hogwarts after HBK's post or something, idk. 
Cool. Epilogue seems tempting because of the number of attempts we've made with the Rp, but continuing the plot I'm up for as well. If @Guydaguy is still around it would be his house scene next wouldn't it or shall we soon skip to something beyond it?  Give a skip to the forbidden forest to lead up to the scene at Hogwarts after HBK's post or something, idk. 

Even if he's still around, I think the best thing to do would be to skip forward. The battle might be a good idea, since we could bring @EmilyPowerback if she's still interested and make things more exciting. 
Even if he's still around, I think the best thing to do would be to skip forward. The battle might be a good idea, since we could bring @EmilyPowerback if she's still interested and make things more exciting. 

Yeah that's a good move.  propel us toward the next stages of the plot and see how it goes down while adding the excitement of battle. 

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