Wasn't your guy a dark wizard? Ministry loyal and opposing the Order or just a dark magic practitioner with order loyalty? Asking since it would effect your guy if he was a ministry loyalist and if he wasn't. The bio made it seem like a dark magic practitioner with disagreeable views to the ministry, so perhaps more inclined to help the Order but then again I could be wrong. Just seemed that way from what I saw. 

If you have a good reason though and way of being at the cave or knowing others are there, then i would assume it's all good. 

Dark magic practitioner with Order loyalty. He hasn't gotten involved at all, but from what he's heard he definitely believes the Ministry's corrupt and everything.

I was thinking that Ira would be living in the woods, kind of close to the cave, see the lights in it or something. If that's too coincidental then after the next timeskip the group runs into his place or something like that. Whatever's most convenient.
Dark magic practitioner with Order loyalty. He hasn't gotten involved at all, but from what he's heard he definitely believes the Ministry's corrupt and everything.

I was thinking that Ira would be living in the woods, kind of close to the cave, see the lights in it or something. If that's too coincidental then after the next timeskip the group runs into his place or something like that. Whatever's most convenient.

Ah I see then, living in the woods is interesting. But in that case I see no issue with him noticing the lumos spell from a distance since it was recently cast and make use of it as the starting point to get Ira over to the cave. Unless @thefan1 has other ideas or objections. 
I have no objections. Also, I'm going to give @indiedarling one more day to post. If she doesn't, then I'll reply.
@HoneyBear-Kat @indiedarling

YAAAAAY YOU GUYS ARE BACK!!!! Glad to see you're still interested! 

Dont mind me, I'm just making my monthly rp nation check up to re-read all of the rp's I was in.....although you know that if you wanna call Andrew and/or Robert they'll come whenever you want...just saying...

So...has anyone else returned? I remember @Akio having a big plot point with Alexander and...well, I really don't remember anyone else. 
Heeey you're back! If you wanna bring back Andrew and Robert then go ahead, but I'm really not sure how it'll work considering they're kinda on the edge and if the Ministry shows up there'll probably be a battle. But hey, we can battle if you want. 

I'm not sure if @Akio is still interested in the rp or not. I know he's active, just not posting in this rp.
Heeey you're back! If you wanna bring back Andrew and Robert then go ahead, but I'm really not sure how it'll work considering they're kinda on the edge and if the Ministry shows up there'll probably be a battle. But hey, we can battle if you want. 

I'm not sure if @Akio is still interested in the rp or not. I know he's active, just not posting in this rp.

Im gonna text him and ask. I texted him yesterday but he didnt reply till today, and i was busy so i didnt get a chance to ask but im gonna do it now
So...quick question, the timeskip will be to the final battle, right? If so, how many months will pass? Because Victoria is like 6 months into the pregnancy right? And I thought Robert was going to end up one of the kids to teach her a lesson. So...yeah, I'm a bit confused...
So...quick question, the timeskip will be to the final battle, right? If so, how many months will pass? Because Victoria is like 6 months into the pregnancy right? And I thought Robert was going to end up one of the kids to teach her a lesson. So...yeah, I'm a bit confused...

Now I'm confused as well. Though it could be migraine related and not fully seeing the areas I missed? 
What I'm trying to say is if we're moving straight to the battle, do something else or have Victoria have the baby.

Huh, good question. I actually hadn't thought about this before. I honestly have no clue on what to do. It all depends on how eager you guys are to finish this rp and go to the sequel. If you wanna have them go somewhere else and have her have the babies, have Robert discover where they are and have him kill one of them or if you want to have the big battle between the Ministry and the Order in Hogwarts.
What I'm trying to say is if we're moving straight to the battle, do something else or have Victoria have the baby.

Huh, good question. I actually hadn't thought about this before. I honestly have no clue on what to do. It all depends on how eager you guys are to finish this rp and go to the sequel. If you wanna have them go somewhere else and have her have the babies, have Robert discover where they are and have him kill one of them or if you want to have the big battle between the Ministry and the Order in Hogwarts.

Well it seems we have been in the cave for awhile though it has been a way for everyone to get into the Rp/action. I've been working out a post/reply but it's not complete yet and not sure if HBK wanted to join us outside the cave or not plus Guys joining the group. 

Either way the cookie crumbles I'm good. Just was confused on the topic a bit since it brought up, the kids and killing one of them, possibly fast forwarding toward the final battle and Victoria having the babies all being options for time skip and etc. (Migraine is providing the difficulty not the posts really) 
I don't really know what to add to the RP that won't be short, irrelevant and overall not progressive.
It's unfortunate as the group seemed to be reuniting old characters as new joined in. But thought Indies might be such a case while Spice I wasn't sure. 


I'm sure once your characters familiarize themselves with ours it will be easier to get involved more and adding to the Rp. Since at the moment much as boiled over from long pent up emotions and troubles and reunions, it's tough adding in for those who just joined us, but once that is over I'm sure plenty of room for development and character bonding, etc will come. It usually does when given opportunity. (: 

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