Awesome were back up. Is the Rp starting off like last time where it was a first night back to Hogwarts Ball type deal or no? 
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It is, but I just want to see if more people join first and get the new villains (@EmilyPower is using her old characters again) but we might have some new baddies.
Also @HoneyBear-Kat Paige is joining house hufflepuff too? :)  awesome. Or was she always a hufflepuff and I just forgot? I remember Greyson in ravenclaw.
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I was wondering if anyone would be interested in playing Victorie Weasley. Just curious. 
Also @HoneyBear-Kat Paige is joining house hufflepuff too? :)  awesome. Or was she always a hufflepuff and I just forgot? I remember Greyson in ravenclaw.

she was always a huffle

i'll try putting grey up tomorrow

i just got out of a serious relationship so......im a bit of a mess
Also, if you want to invite anyone just tell me who to invite and I'll send the invitation. 
I could come back, but I'll have to see if anyone comes back. 

Besides, wouldn't it be better to revive the old rp rather than make a new one?
Back for the old times huh? Understandable. Seeing this thread or Rp pop up by a new guy posting brought back memories and thought about seeing, what's up and how all are doing now days. 

Yeah, that's true. Never felt complete with Arnaldus and his spaced development and stories to experience. So giving him a chance to complete his journey would be cool. We got further last time then any other, starting over would be nice but continued story would be awesome! 

But it yeah it would be. Just curious of who returns and how many? HBK and Emily have been gone as well for awhile now, I think? 
I think Emily's still on the site, she told me she's doing 1x1 roleplays for a while now, but I'm not sure. I don't know about HBK though. 

I must admit I didn't really enjoy how quickly Victoria turned insane either, but it had to be done for plot purposes. I do think that continuing the old rp might be a good idea, just to finish that timeline and to finish the war. 

I remember discussing the future of our characters with Akio and HBK and saying we should make a "sequel" to the rp. With the characters as adults after the war with their children in hogwarts going on new adventures. What do you think?
Cool to hear about Emily still being around! I can't say we talked much or rped togther much but still cool news. 

Yeah, I know I mentioned too much before. But the whole Arnaldus thing rather went bad Imo with disappearances during convos, etc and losing opportunities after to try to recover cost him, I think. But I can see what you mean with Victoria and how quickly it all went for plot purposes. It would imo, we attempted it a number of times to see it end and finish the tale of our characters would be awesome. A finished chapter in their lives! But not their story. 

That at would be cool! I'd totally be up for it. Not sure how Arnaldus will or would turn out... but it would be nice to have the opportunity to experience it. Oh man, Arnaldus with kids? Ezekiel as a uncle? xD  interesting. 

Plus seeing how your guys characters turn out would be interesting and cool too. 
Yup! I'm still here! I got out of the group rp business a long time ago since it was getting pretty hectic and I was super busy. But now I'm back! 

Yeah, things were pretty rushed back in the old rp. I wasn't disappointed with how Andrew and Robert turned out, but it was a bummer to see we wouldn't be able to see them in power and their eventual deaths. 

I'm totally up for the sequel too! I would obviously have to create new characters seeing as mine wont survive the war, but it would be interesting to see the old members of the order trying to deal with new threats after the whole war trauma. 

So... do we have an arrangement? Are we gonna rp in the other rp until that story is closed and then make a sequel? Because I'm totally up for it. I would love to rp with new people and your characters were pretty amazing, actually some of the best I've seen in rp nation. 
Yup! I'm still here! I got out of the group rp business a long time ago since it was getting pretty hectic and I was super busy. But now I'm back! 

Yeah, things were pretty rushed back in the old rp. I wasn't disappointed with how Andrew and Robert turned out, but it was a bummer to see we wouldn't be able to see them in power and their eventual deaths. 

I'm totally up for the sequel too! I would obviously have to create new characters seeing as mine wont survive the war, but it would be interesting to see the old members of the order trying to deal with new threats after the whole war trauma. 

So... do we have an arrangement? Are we gonna rp in the other rp until that story is closed and then make a sequel? Because I'm totally up for it. I would love to rp with new people and your characters were pretty amazing, actually some of the best I've seen in rp nation. 

Aww thanks,love! If your characters weren't so evil I would be sad to see them go! They were pretty awesome villains! 

As for the continuation, I'm 100% up for finishing the old roleplay and then making a sequel. It would be awesome to see new characters and create new plots. Continuing the last rp might be tricky since HBK and Akio aren't here and they haven't been here for a long time... but I'm sure we can manage something without having to kill their characters. Maybe we could have our characters briefly mention them every now and then? 
Yup! I'm still here! I got out of the group rp business a long time ago since it was getting pretty hectic and I was super busy. But now I'm back! 

Yeah, things were pretty rushed back in the old rp. I wasn't disappointed with how Andrew and Robert turned out, but it was a bummer to see we wouldn't be able to see them in power and their eventual deaths. 

I'm totally up for the sequel too! I would obviously have to create new characters seeing as mine wont survive the war, but it would be interesting to see the old members of the order trying to deal with new threats after the whole war trauma. 

So... do we have an arrangement? Are we gonna rp in the other rp until that story is closed and then make a sequel? Because I'm totally up for it. I would love to rp with new people and your characters were pretty amazing, actually some of the best I've seen in rp nation. 

Awesome! Welcome back Emily. :)  

yeah ah it was sad, kinda lost a step but oh well. Still plenty to reflect on and see continue! 

That it would indeed! Three up for it then? Now maybe we'll get more too. 

I am in. I'm feeling.... What's the word nostalgic? Yeah I'm feeling the nostalgic here. Yeah Fan and them and you all had incredible characters! Thus I see the Tale of this Rp having plenty left to look forward to and build upon. 
Aww thanks,love! If your characters weren't so evil I would be sad to see them go! They were pretty awesome villains! 

As for the continuation, I'm 100% up for finishing the old roleplay and then making a sequel. It would be awesome to see new characters and create new plots. Continuing the last rp might be tricky since HBK and Akio aren't here and they haven't been here for a long time... but I'm sure we can manage something without having to kill their characters. Maybe we could have our characters briefly mention them every now and then? 

We've kinda done it before, haven't we? With James potter and @indiedarling and company? Maybe we can manage something else and workable with Akio and HBK.
Yay! Nostalgia bringing people back together! 

Who should make the first comeback post? I'm kinda busy right now so I could make the post in a few hours (don't you loooove homework?) unless @saru can do it? 
Yay! Nostalgia bringing people back together! 

Who should make the first comeback post? I'm kinda busy right now so I could make the post in a few hours (don't you loooove homework?) unless @saru can do it? 

Comeback post, me? Hmm..... Quite the post to write but yeah I think I could..... Yeah I'll do it. Only thing is how should I go about it? HBK and I think Akio were a majority of the people present besides Logan and Arnie. Shall I have a move on from there like a timeskip deal or..? 

Yeah homework is often the killer for time and such. (I know I loved homework back then. Lol) Watching Harry Potter and deathly hollows so it seems fitting of time to write a post for is Rp. xD  Student wizards and witches on the run and hiding while trying to bring down the villains.
Comeback post, me? Hmm..... Quite the post to write but yeah I think I could..... Yeah I'll do it. Only thing is how should I go about it? HBK and I think Akio were a majority of the people present besides Logan and Arnie. Shall I have a move on from there like a timeskip deal or..? 

Yeah homework is often the killer for time and such. (I know I loved homework back then. Lol) Watching Harry Potter and deathly hollows so it seems fitting of time to write a post for is Rp. xD  Student wizards and witches on the run and hiding while trying to bring down the villains.

Yeah, I think a timeskip is our best option. Maybe a few months wont hurt, since I remember we were planning on having the Order capture Victoria during her 9th month of pregnancy so she could have the babies while being held against her will by the Order. This was supposed to set the main battles of the war. We could have that, or we could skip just a month or a few weeks and go on from there, although I imagine that will be quite challenging with only 5 characters (6 if you want to bring Ezekiel back).

Personally, I think the first idea is better, but I don't know about you guys, what do you think?

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