OOC: this is were out of character discussion takes place [Sands of Glory]

Red Shadow Claws

Six Thousand Club
Welcome, feel free to discuss here. hopefully the sub-forums will be created shortly, and then we can organize this to start.
Before the game starts, I was wondering if someone might offer me a few suggestions? You see, though I have pretty much everything else finished up, if at times the data exists only in my mind, I still have no clue what name I should give him.
@ happerry

Haha, I sympathise, I am awful at comming up with names. If you're very stuck, google 'exalted name generator', there are a couple of good tools lying around.
Btw, how big is this game looking to be? Once Lando posts a character sheet I think that will be 7?
yes, there will be 7 of you once everyone posts his character sheet in the "Grains of Sand" sub-forum.

Please try to do so in the new few days, it will take me a few days more to organize things so we can start.
I'd say it's a 5 point flaw, though that depends. We need to establish more about this order and what constitutes a "good cause" in their eye.

Also, please post the code in your character.
So, I was wondering if it would be possible to talk people into considering some house ruled combo rules? Mainly because it bugs me about how our characters become transcendently powered heroes who beat up evil gods and foul demons, but can't manage to figure out how to let themselves improve in their special techniques without reinventing the wheel first.

While I do not have my heart set on this, I do think it would work better then the normal rules. Still, if no one wants to argue for this then I have no problems with that. I just felt someone should mention this thing and see if any one here is interested and if Shadow Red Claws would consider it.
I've read the house rules, and feel that it might be too much. I agree that the Combo rules need some love, but that seems a bit too much for my taste.

What we would do is this:

1) Charms from favored/caste abilities take half as much time to put in a combo.

2) If you want to add a charm to a combo, you need to pay experience equal to the minimum Ability requirement of said charm +1 to add it.

3) If you want to make a variant on a combo you already have (i.e. you want to add a charm but want to keep the old combo) you need to pay only half the cost of the combo.
I've read the house rules, and feel that it might be too much. I agree that the Combo rules need some love, but that seems a bit too much for my taste.
What we would do is this:

1) Charms from favored/caste abilities take half as much time to put in a combo.

2) If you want to add a charm to a combo, you need to pay experience equal to the minimum Ability requirement of said charm +1 to add it.

3) If you want to make a variant on a combo you already have (i.e. you want to add a charm but want to keep the old combo) you need to pay only half the cost of the combo.
Sounds good to me. The only thing that I might want to add is something based off the "LIMIT: No Combo may have more total Charms in it than the character's Essence x2." rule. But that can be done just by using common sense.
Considering that there are multiple ways to render a combo ineffective, I don't think that's a problem.

Also, the sheer xp cost of creating a massive combo is likely the main deterrant.
I got most of my sheet posted yesterday, but haven't got my background done yet. Been pretty busy today so I intend to do some typing of it tomorrow. :)
I should have everything updated and ready to roll by either tomorrow or wednesday if I get tied up for any reason.
I'd say it's a 5 point flaw, though that depends. We need to establish more about this order and what constitutes a "good cause" in their eye.
Also, please post the code in your character.
Good causes would include most of your typical heroic "kill bandits, save the world" type stuff. If there's a downside, like "Sure, some innocent civilians would die, but think of all the good it will accomplish!" then my rule of thumb would be that if it would trigger a compassion virtue roll in an exalt then it would violate the oath unless it's a "lesser of two evils' choice and all his options would do this, in which case he should pick the least harmful.

As I haven't modernised the text, it might be quite hard to understand what it's saying. As well as vowing to only fight for good causes, it also binds him to:

Never commit any major crimes or do anything that is legal but similarily awful (Like slaving). Minor crimes, like pickpocketing, are technically allowed, but he still shouldn't do it without good reason.

Never commit treachery.

Never cause unnessesary pain or suffering.

Always accept a foe's surrender (Within reason. If you've accepted Joe McBabykiller's surrender before and then he just went and killed some more babies, it would be within reason for him to assume a second surrender is false. On the other hand, unless he had reason to think that they're lying he'd have to accept the surrender of an archnemesis, a Yozi or a Deathlord.)

Give succor to the ladies, as long as they're not up to no good.

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