OOC (Star Wars RP)

And that's exactly what I did! See how wonderful just doing it! can be? Heh.

(Also , that is a level 10 quotable quote that I use all the time , along with Most Displeased).
folclor folclor

You gonna post as Kaen anytime soon? I'm starting to forget I even had a Sith character.

Also, did you guys hear about how they un-canonized the term Grey Jedi?
HK Fifty HK Fifty
Non-Canon to your New Canon , Commander , Not to our Canon.

Honestly , at this point the New Canon is still kind of.. eh for me. Rogue One was amazing , and Rebels has been pretty good at times , but other than that and the Tarkin book (and maybe the Thrawn one , haven't read it yet) , haven't enjoyed it nearly as much as I did the EU. And the fact that Luke seems to just have entirely given up after the first bad thing just makes me dislike it more. Where's my determined , altruistic Luke who would keep trying to make the Jedi work no matter what bad shit happened? Where is my fucking New Jedi Order?
Non-Canon to your New Canon , Commander , Not to our Canon.

Honestly , at this point the New Canon is still kind of.. eh for me. Rogue One was amazing , and Rebels has been pretty good at times , but other than that and the Tarkin book (and maybe the Thrawn one , haven't read it yet) , haven't enjoyed it nearly as much as I did the EU. And the fact that Luke seems to just have entirely given up after the first bad thing just makes me dislike it more. Where's my determined , altruistic Luke who would keep trying to make the Jedi work no matter what bad shit happened? Where is my fucking New Jedi Order?

It happened, for a time.. I'm upset that Luke gave up after one bad thing happened as well. They'll probably kill Luke off in the next episode. I'm pretty sure Mark Hamil doesn't want to act in Star Wars anymore, but I don't know. He gets paid.

What would be neat to see is some movies in the SWTOR era, something about Obi-Wan, Yoda, and people like those who's back story really could use more explainin', yes?
For a very brief time. And it was probably all little kids too , because DisnEU has a black and white morality thing going for it , so there definitely weren't any Kam Solusar or Mara Jade types. And apparently also , all Force Users are either Jedi or Sith or entirely untrained , with literally no other type of force user existent.

Agreed. I think the Han Solo film is just a massive waste , because we already know what he did. He was a Smuggler. Hell , we all know how he got into the situation too - what the hell could they really tell , other than him meeting Chewbacca? Which pretty much has to be the way it was in the old EU , because if it isn't that's bullshit. An Obi-Wan movie would be amazing (and they should damn well do it , because that's the one everyone really wants). As for the SWTOR era , I'd be down for something as long as they didn't use Revan as a damned cash cow again like they did in SWTOR itself. Keep her/him the ambiguous and mysterious hero of a tumultuous and forgotten era again , and leave it at that. If a movie about the Mandalorian wars or whatever is done , do it like the KOTOR comics (which are easily the best Star Wars comics ever , and in my opinion among the best Star Wars fiction. John Jackson Miller is just an epic writer) and have it focus on a different character. Maybe somebody like Atton instead of somebody like Zayne , and then follow that character into a Jedi Civil War movie. But then , there's also the fact that the studios think that audiences would find it boring to watch a film not about the central hero of the era.. but Rogue one should've proved otherwise already.
I'm going to go ahead and let everyone know that I'll likely be unavailable for most of Saturday , and definitely all of Sunday through to Friday next week. As usual , I won't be offended if my characters need to be ghost written (and really the only one that could need to be is HK-50-01) , or if everything gets out of hand and starts really getting rolling again. I'm fine (as I can really be of course) with that , so don't let it stop all of you should such things come to pass! Cheers , everyone!
...as for my last OOC post , plans have dramatically changed. Thursday and tomorrow may be busy , but.. yeah , no , the plans have changed so much as to render that obsolete.

Thank god Thrawn and the TIE Defender were in those episodes of Rebels I had saved , or I would've gone full Atris. Seriously , fuck whoever decided to have this may the Fourth be the nothing may the Fourth.

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