[OOC/Signup]: A House is Not a Home


♥Hopeless Chromatic♥

A House is Not a Home

In the style of a Realistic Role Play

Home is where the heart is, so where is home once the heart is broken?

A house is not a home, just a shelter from the elements.

A house becomes a home when it is filled with those you loved.

Not everyone has those who love them.

You can give them a house, but not promise them a good home.

Setting: The Lemontree Foster Home

This is a couple-ran foster home that is recently formed.

The building is not very well maintained.

The family in it is even worse.

The time is modern.

Mr. and Mrs. Lemontree are available for anyone to play.

Please note, however, that I do want there to be 'something' wrong with the relationship.

can have their own children as well, should someone wish to not be an foster child.

The children in the Foster Home can range between 4 and 17.

These children are shipped here from around the country, even world.


1.) Anything stated above must be followed.

2.) This role play will be PG-13. This includes language, content, and out of character.

3.) One character per person, unless you contact me and I okay it.

4.) If you want two characters related, get the other owner's position first.

5.) Please be active in posting.
If you do not post for one week without informing the role play members of your absence, you will be removed and your character 'sent away'. Not trying to be rough, but waiting is what kills role plays.

6.) Each bedroom will have two occupants, maximum.
There will be no opposite genders in each room. They will be a boys room or a girls room. NO mixes.

Character Outline




Primary language:

Description: (Images permitted)

History: (Please include age orphaned at, an foster/orphanage history, and date of arrival at Lemontree if applicable )


Anything else you'd like to add.

And if anyone has any questions, please do not hesitate to ask

Name: Heather Morgan

Age: 17

She was born in Canada but has no idea what nationality her parents were.

Primary language: English

Description: (Images permitted)

History: (Please include age orphaned at, an foster/orphanage history, and date of arrival at Lemontree if applicable ) She was orphaned from age two and has no recollection of her biological parents. She was found, alone, in a car-seat by an old man while he was out on a walk. She had been bounced from foster home to foster home because she was always throwing tantrums. In her teen years she became withdrawn and untrustworthy. She arrived in the Lemontree house when she was fifteen.

Personality: She's untrustworthy and a little standoffish. She uses sarcasm to hide her true feeling and doesn't like letting people close to her. She spends a great deal of time sitting in her room drawing or outside taking walks.
Name: Nora Lucas

Age: 15

Nationality: American, she was born in North Carolina

Primary language: Nora is a mute. Doctors say she is perfectly capable of talking; She just chooses not to.

Description: View attachment 6957

History: When Nora was younger, she was happy. Her parent's were happy and loved each other dearly. -- Or at least she thought they did. They were really miserable, but they did all their fighting behind closed doors when Nora was asleep. Nora was oblivious of this at first, but as the fighting got worse and more frequent she could no longer miss it. When Nora was 13 years old, her father took up drinking. She rarely saw him sober anymore, and her mother had gone into some sort of depression. Nora didn't know what to do. She tried to stay out of the way as much as possible and not talk. One day her father came home from work, drunk and angry as usual. Nora decided that was a good time to take a walk. She walked to the town park and climbed up to the top of the slide, where she sat with her eyes closed listening to her iPod. She must have fallen asleep because when she opened her eyes it was already dark. She knew her mother hated for her to be out late so she hurried back home. When she got there, there were police cars all around her house. She didn't know what was going on but she knew it wasn't good. A police officer stopped her before she could walk inside the house and told her what had happened. In a drunken rage, Nora's father had murdered her mother. Her father was being taken to jail and would not be able to regain custody over her. Nora was taken to her first foster home where she lived until they sent her to Mr. and Mrs. Lemontree.

Personality: Quiet(obviously) and shy, but very sweet. She loves animals and always has her iPod. Her music is her life.

Name: Anthony Frank Iero

Age: 15

Nationality: From Italy, moved to America at age 13 when his parents were run over by an 18 wheeler, and killed leaving him an Orphan.

Primary language: Italian. (Not very much English)

Description: (Images permitted)


History: (Please include age orphaned at, an foster/orphanage history, and date of arrival at Lemontree if applicable )

Tony was orphaned at age 13 after his parents were killed by an 18 wheeler. He went into a downward spiral of deppression. His first foster parents thought he was weird, and wanted to help, so they got him a doctor, and prescribed him with Xanax, depression meds. at age 14 he stayed in this middle area of still depressed but can have a good time,and have fun. During the time when he was taking Xanax he'd been through 3 other foster homes, till they stuck him in Lemontree. But atleast it was better than all the other homes he'd lived in. The first were nice and caring, then seconds were drunks, the 3rd house was like an insane asylum. Tony arrived at Lemontree on his birthday: October 31.

Personality: quiet, bookworm, he can be flirty when he wants too, loving, depressed..he loves Black Veil Brides, Avenged Sevenfold, and My Chemical Romance.

Anything else you'd like to add: He doesn't speak much english, which is why he was booted out of the 1st home...and the 2nd and the 3rd..
Name: Benjamin 'Bug' Lemontree

Age: 6

Nationality: American

Primary Language: English


View attachment 6985

History: Benjamin is a biological child of Mr and Mrs Lemontree. He is unsure how to feel about this recent transition into his home becoming a home for all these new strange people.

Personality: Although shy to strangers, Bug is very intelligent if you can get him to open up. He loves watching Discovery Channel, and seems to retain all the information given to him. However, if he's unable to do something, he becomes frustrated and gives up easily.

Anything else you'd like to add: Bug does have a pet iguana named Eduardo that he is very VERY protective of.

[[May edit this depending on how the parents come out; and depending on who else signs up, may make another child/one of the parents myself. If you guys have anyone you feel would enjoy this RP, please invite them :3 ]]

Name: Legacy Black

Age: Fourteen

Nationality: American(born in Georgia)

Primary Language: Sign Language

Description: Pale, emerald green eyes, brunette(imagine a scene snow white)

History: Legacy's mom died when she was six and she was sexually abused by her uncle so she was sent to live in the foster home. She cuts. She also loves animals and is super sweet. She doesn't know who her biological father is. She's mute. he loves the bands Motionless In white, Asking Alexandra, Blood on The Dance Floor, Sleeping With Sirens, Falling In Reverse, and Black veil brides. She's an amazing singer/screamer and guitar player.

Personality: Sits by herself and never interacts with anyone. She's always scared that her uncle will come back. She dreams of being a metal singer and meeting one of her favorite bands. She also wants to be adopted by Jinxx and Sammi Doll

PS: Legacy wishes Tony was her brother

Adopted together I mean...

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