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Fandom OOC - Hogwarts RP

I will not comment on what happened, as it is unprofessional and I don't intend to vilify anyone publicly. If someone is worried that I may be in the wrong and not fit to GM, then please DM me and I'll be happy to openly discuss your concerns
When all the Slytherin kids either have a sharp tongue, a sarcastic tone or a rude demeanor to others as an exterior and Ana is there like "???"

PixieDust PixieDust - I assume Antonius knows Anastasia then because of pureblood society?
When all the Slytherin kids either have a sharp tongue, a sarcastic tone or a rude demeanor to others as an exterior and Ana is there like "???"

PixieDust PixieDust - I assume Antonius knows Anastasia then because of pureblood society?
Oh for sure, if he hasn't personally spoken to her then he will definitely know of her. To be fair, he's not nearly as intolerable toward other 'good families' as he is to other people. He can be very polite when it suits him xD
Oh for sure, if he hasn't personally spoken to her then he will definitely know of her. To be fair, he's not nearly as intolerable toward other 'good families' as he is to other people. He can be very polite when it suits him xD

I'm sure they would have talked every now and then; enough to be acquaintances perhaps.
Thirty seconds later and a bout of accidental magic, Imelda's carriage is full of chocolate frogs
Is the time skip in nine minutes??
Nah, not until midday. Be aware that the time stamps will cover more ground now that everyone (sorta, sorry Percy) is on board and the Express is moving

Imelda really wants sweets from the trolley because her chocolate frog stash is depleted xD
Trolley Witch is coming around soon! I'm planning on putting her in my next James post and having her move down the train, though that depends on how much material I have to work with haha

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