OOC General Discussion

Hey @ChazGhost.

If you have any questions about the RP, now's the time to ask. You can ask about any aspect of the RP and use as many questions as you need to understand fully what this RP is going to bring to the table.
Ok then. Ill start think of other questions soon but the only one I can think of is will there be dragon balls and do they work like they do in the show/manga? 

Ok then. Ill start think of other questions soon but the only one I can think of is will there be dragon balls and do they work like they do in the show/manga? 


I have yet to decide, but I'm leaning towards "no." The Dragon Balls, like the Senzu Beans, really are a deus ex machina that make life and the possibility of immortality and other such excuses to God-Mod too easy.
You could always limit there power and make them hard to get.You for example make so they can't bring people back from the dead, make you all powerful, or become inmortal. Then you could instead of having the dragon balls on one planet be on several across the galaxy. These of course are just suggestness to keep the dragon balls in.

You could always limit there power and make them hard to get.You for example make so they can't bring people back from the dead, make you all powerful, or become inmortal. Then you could instead of having the dragon balls on one planet be on several across the galaxy. These of course are just suggestness to keep the dragon balls in.



What is Dragon Ball without the Dragon Balls, after all?

Very well. I'll do some thinking about how best to make them work without making them overpowered or giving any God-Modding excuses.
@ChazGhost, while I wait to hear from the other interested player, you may begin posting now. I have updated the first IC post for the RP to include what Val is doing with her time right now, so feel free to have your character doing something completely different elsewhere.
Both characters coming this weekend at the latest. I've had a busy week, on top of being sick. Sorry for any delay.
Ive been busy lately so I havntbeen able to make a good post for the Ic, but I will post in it tomorrow.
Yo no offense @ChazGhost but you need to like fix the quality of your replies. Like, they've ranged from unreadable to unpleasant to read. It's just grammar issues, structure, etc. 
I apologize for that. I have been busy lately with starting school this weel. Ill make sure to double check and review what I post next time.

That the reason I had them act that... mostly. Also in there defense having a frost demon, someone who can defeat almost anyone that come at him in a few seconds, as your captain would sort of make you arrogant to.

@Deathrattle BB
Oh, yes, it would. Which would make it so satisfying for him to get busted up by somebody who is probably only half his size, you know?

Eh, power level isn't really shit in DBZ. Besides that, good luck even landing a blow on Elprede. It's common for Nephelem to never even be hit in a fight unless you're a Nephelem as well, they're fragile as all hell to being hit though.

Since the Kai's don't take a role here, does that mean instant transmission and the Kaioken techniques are unable to be obtained? I'm mostly talking about Kaioken since it had been an incredibly useful ability, especially to Saiyans.

Since the Kai's don't take a role here, does that mean instant transmission and the Kaioken techniques are unable to be obtained? I'm mostly talking about Kaioken since it had been an incredibly useful ability, especially to Saiyans.

You are correct. Those techniques will not feature in the RP.
That's really a bummer, since the Kaioken was a technique that actually is quite useful and handy in most cases for even a few Saiyans to know. I'm not even remotely bothered by Instant Transmission being gone.
That's really a bummer, since the Kaioken was a technique that actually is quite useful and handy in most cases for even a few Saiyans to know. I'm not even remotely bothered by Instant Transmission being gone.

Techniques which accomplish the same task can and will be created later on. But for now the original Kaioken technique is not going to feature.
@ChazGhost, @Deathrattle BB

With Era's introduction to the RP as another primary Saiyan character, I thought it would be a good time to unveil my plan for the immediate future regarding the RP's story.

As the information in the RP says, our characters are going to be forced to fight together for mutual survival. This doesn't meant that they will be forced to group up and become pals or anything though, so you may still retain your characters' respective independence for as long as you like.

What I have planned is that this tournament will play out normally up until the final bout when one of our characters is supposed to face Pyro. The match will likely either begin, or at least the contestants will enter the ring and exchange a few unpleasantries, and then the tournament will be interrupted by the immediate destruction of the facilities along with a good chunk of the onlookers.

The source of this interference?

You shall find out in due time!

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