OOC Chat

Your characters are a 6th Dan and a Anbu Squad Leader. The squad Leader would be up near the Daimyo likely discussing targets with him. The 6th Dan would be leading his own platoon possibly next to my character.
Like idk what to write about. Are we going to get attacked? Because my next post would just be him looking around
Alright so I'll wait for your conversation to happen before I do my post. That way I can add more into it :)  
I will let this remain for 24 more hours so this time tomorrow if there isn't any post I will move these threads to the recycle bin and move on to the next project.
I think I'm going to make that an actual rule, if the IC is inactive for longer than 24 hours I I will dl what I said I'd do above. This once it'll be 24 hours from this post but after the next ic posts it will 24 starting from then.

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