OOC Chat

@Sullivanity I checked your character template. I've just a question, do you have a sample/example, we can look upon as a specific reference? It'd help us to know what type of images you prefer (3-d, 2-d, anime, etc), and whether there's a particular name we must utilize in the sheets. Example: Are all characters using a Japanese naming style like the anime?
1.) I will set up an example sheet soon. I'm kinda making a lot of stuff right now.

2.) Anime/manga images are prefferd, but an picture is not required

3.) Use an English naming style, but feel free to use any name you can think of, including ones that aren't really names. I mean, characters in HxH have names like "Knuckle", "Biscuit", "Kite", and "Beyond".
@Sullivanity 1. Alright, thanks for letting me know. There's no rush.

2. I'll look for anime-style images.

3. Thanks, I'll make my name unique. I'm just making sure, because in most anime RPs people prefer Japanese naming conventions.
So how exactly do the stats work? Strength us fairly obvious but some of the others are a bit vague?

Also like, hello and stuff.
So mean! I will send your soul to the Shadow Realm, where sweets are salty and salty things are even more salty!
So how exactly do the stats work? Strength us fairly obvious but some of the others are a bit vague?

Also like, hello and stuff.

Strength is raw physical power

Speed is how fast and agile you are

Intelligence is how competent and knowledgeable you are

Skill is how well you can apply physical and mental traits in a fight, as well as general technique

Spirit is general willpower

Talent is just innate combat ability

I got these skills from the HxH guidebooks, they rank most characters with these stats. In order to add a little more detail, I shifted the scale from 5 to 10. Stats will not serve any major purpose in game, they mainly serve as an easy way to gauge how powerful your Hunter is and in what ways. They will also be a way to keep track of your progress as you train in between missions. Once you guys discover nen, that will become a stat as well.
Yep, I'm just waiting to see an example from the co-chairman, and I'll have my character profile up! So I'm keeping myself busy with OOC chat, lol.
Yep, I'm just waiting to see an example from the co-chairman, and I'll have my character profile up! So I'm keeping myself busy with OOC chat, lol.


My cs will take a while, since I want to see if I can draw my character. (And also rather busy studying as well). 

You have an idea for yours I assume? 
I wish I'd time to learn how to draw, but I'm too busy. Plus, I prefer writing my descriptions (I will use a picture). Yeah, I do have an idea for my character, just not the hatsu/nen stuff, since we're all beginning in the hunter exam. I'm planning to do a young aged individual, so around 12-14 like the main characters.
@Sinister ClownI wouldn't mind death as a concept, if the character profiles didn't need so much detail/information. I usually prefer to have my characters live and progress.
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I wish I'd time to learn how to draw, but I'm too busy. Plus, I prefer writing my descriptions (I will use a picture). Yeah, I do have an idea for my character, just not the hatsu/nen stuff, since we're all beginning in the hunter exam. I'm planning to do a young aged individual, so around 12-14 like the main characters.

I was actually thinking the same (and likewise no idea for Hatsu yet, not even nen). Though going to make sure their personality is different from Gon and Killua though. 

I just like the theme of growing up from child in general. 
@Quark Yeah, nen/hatsu got to think on that stuff, since the anime covers so many cool abilities that I don't want to copy by accident. I enjoy a good bildungsroman, so I like playing young characters too. I hope to make my personality unique, but that depends on what nen I use. I remember enhancers are straightforward/blunt/honest, and manipulators deceive. 
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@Quark Yeah, nen/hatsu got to think on that stuff, since the anime covers so many cool abilities, that I don't want to copy by accident. I enjoy a good bildungsroman, so I like playing young characters too. I hope to make my personality unique, but that depends on what nen I use. I remember enhancers are straightforward/blunt/honest, and manipulators deceive. 

Yeah, understandable. I find that adding in a few quirks or something adds on to make the personality more unique. 

And yeah, I believe so.

Still trying to work that out though since my character starts off with a rather bland personality, and was thinking of having them develop it (with influences from whom they interact) 

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