Ooc Chat


Not made of lies and deceit
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Hi hi! Welcome to the roleplay everyone. We've got some old members and some new ones, so come on over and introduce yourself please :)

I'm ian, your friendly neighborhood penguin. I'm excited to roleplay with ya'll!
Announcement: If you already have a character here, pretty please copy and paste

it into it's own thread in the character forum! Tag the thread with their side (i.e. rebel,

queen, or neutral). I know it's a pain, but I'd like to make everything neat and tidy and

easy to find. If you'd like, I can dig out your CS and shoot the info to you in a private

message. Just let me know!

Announcement: There are a couple of changes to the character sheet. Please do not

post a description of your species in your actual CS anymore. All descriptions are sent

to me to be posted in lore tab. All you need is the name of the species itself.

Also, while pictures are still accepted, at least a paragraph of physical description is

now required as well. Sorry for all the changes guys. Just tryin' to update everything.

I'm hatin' how broken the BBCode is. All of my pretties are gone! From what I hear

they're tryin' to figure something new out for the site. Unless they already have and

I'm just slow.

Anywho, I can sort through and send everything to you. I'm having fun getting everything

fixed. >.> Don't judge me.

I'm hatin' how broken the BBCode is. All of my pretties are gone! From what I hear

they're tryin' to figure something new out for the site. Unless they already have and

I'm just slow.

Anywho, I can sort through and send everything to you. I'm having fun getting everything

fixed. >.> Don't judge me.

I'd be okay with that~ :D
Basically just remaking. You don't have to do much to your old character sheets, just

reorganize and post it as a new thread. The only difference now is that there is no

species description necessary, just the species name, and I now require at least a

paragraph of physical description, picture optional.

If you'd like me to do so, I can pick through the messy broken coding, and send you

the information in your CS. I don't mind at all.
I'll do it<3 thank you my dearest.

i was considering making a new character so this uncomfortable love angst wouldn't continue...

maybe I'll make 2!

So I'm staring at my character, and groaned. My pictures! Gone! Now I have to go crawling across google images to find them again. Great.
@Beowulf Hihi. Two things: Under species, all you need to put is his species, no

description needed. I'm keeping up on the lore page again. Also, I'd like everyone

to do a short paragraph of physical appearance to accompany the picture.
@Beowulf Hihi. Two things: Under species, all you need to put is his species, no

description needed. I'm keeping up on the lore page again. Also, I'd like everyone

to do a short paragraph of physical appearance to accompany the picture.

What about for Jackal? He has 4 appearances..do I need to describe them all with a paragraph? (Because..his animal is kinda..a given..ya know? But I can still do it if need be.)
What about for Jackal? He has 4 appearances..do I need to describe them all with a paragraph? (Because..his animal is kinda..a given..ya know? But I can still do it if need be.)

Yes please. Doesn't have to be much, especially if you're accompanying it with a picture,

just something simple. (Though I would say you don't need to describe his animal form, lol)
Yes please. Doesn't have to be much, especially if you're accompanying it with a picture,

just something simple. (Though I would say you don't need to describe his animal form, lol)

Blahhh x.x Okayyyy. I'll do it when I have the free time >.< And the mental capacity to focus on it >.> (Fuck this thing called 'life', ya know?)

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