Online RP:ing and tools for online RP:ing


One Thousand Club
I'd really like to get my chronicle going again for my players, but they've scattered all over the place. One's in the south of Sweden, one's in India, and one's in Finland...

So I thought we'd try playing online for a change... Some enticing mails, a bit of chatting action and we could be having ourselves a Real Good Time [tm]. So. I was wondering if anyone around here has any experience RPing online.

The most obvious alternative is using an IRC-client, but I was thinking of trying to use an RPG chat client such as OpenRPG. I'm not allt that familiar with it yet, so I'm glancing through the user manual right now. Any thoughts on that piece of software (or any alternative out there I might have missed) would be greatly appreciated.

I am not familiar with that program.

In fact, I am what one would call a greenhorn when it comes to online rping.  I am in my first PbP and PbChat games now, actually.  (We use the chat provided by Palladium for the game, and the Play by post is on some forum.)

But my main intent was to summon Stillborn. :twisted:

It has occured to me only recently that you (Stillborn) could use this site to aid people who want to do PbP games.  Well, at least I think this is a good idea, but I don't know what would be involved in trying to implement this.
kakitashinsumi said:
It has occured to me only recently that you (Stillborn) could use this site to aid people who want to do PbP games.  Well, at least I think this is a good idea, but I don't know what would be involved in trying to implement this.
If there's a demand for it, I can arrange it. If an ST wants to create a game, I can make a forum that only he, and anyone he adds to the list can post to. I can even make it invisible to everyone else, if desired.

Lemme know.

It worked.

Slick, that is what we like about you and this site Still.

I have seen people try to do play by posts on the WW forums, and even lurked a few other PbP games on other forums, but they all seem to die off into the abyss of the internet.

Perhaps in a months time or so, long enough for me to collect my thoughts into something cohesive for a gane, I may take you up on this for running a PbP here.
Sounds good. The offer stands for everyone else as well.

I hope someone does, cus i being a world traveller that i am could use a place where i am always guarenteed a quick and
Only online games i have played have been by email, which are slow.

I have been looking at products for it just out of profesisonal interest. is one i have looked into.

I have to say what I have found is mostly for DnD and D20 stuff.  At least anyhting that is a chat cleint plus campaign stuff.

I woudl point you to this thread over at treasure tables where they talked about computer aided gaming.  I will point you there when it comes back up.

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