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Fantasy Oni No Ude


Despair :3
The lives of students at the Rapid Falls High school is average at best with nothing to fancy to offer them in terms of excitement. On the first day of school a Oni, or Demon as it is called in other countries enters the school towards the middle of the day. It rampages and kills several people and would almost kill 5 students who had decided to stay in class to eat but are saved by a mysterious man. This man then urges these 5 students to follow him and that would be the day that their lives would change forever.


Rapid Hills, Courtyard, 10:30 am

There were a few students who decided to walk about freely here on their free time but for the most part it was relatively empty. A solitary man in a dark blue uniform sat on a bench under the shade of a tree smoking a cigarette. He seemed almost invisible to anyone who passed by but that could be because he looked intimidating. He was waiting for something important to happen. For five specific students to walk by and see if they notice him. He didn't know who these five were but if they could see him they were the ones he was looking for. He kicked up his legs and waited. He knew you weren't allow to smoke on campus but he didn't really care. It wasn't like any regular person could tell him otherwise.
Being the Student Council President in their Sophomore year was unheard of. That wasn't until Yuuki entered the school and showed up the previous president. With his excelling skills in almost everything he continued to overtake the school. He was well known throughout the school and him being unheard of was a rarity. He was already number one student in education and athletics. In his mind it was to be expected,only winners get somewhere in life and the losers should be abandoned.

It was this exact reason that he was also called the Hunter. In Yuuki's eyes if anyone falls behind in a subject they should be abandoned. Because of him being the heir of his father's high ranking business-he also could decide on a student's expulsion. Thus he was looking for the student who earned last place on the entrance exam. During his time in the school he had almost forgotten about them. He was a busy person handling the affairs of the school but for now he was free because of the Vice President. The culprit was said to hang around the courtyard and so Yuuki headed towards it. However, before he reached it he had already made eye contact with him and the student who turned out be a boy started to run. "To run from a king is to run from death" and with this line he had already caught up and brought the kid to the ground. Yuuki was right above the boy and the way he had fell was in the position of a peasant bowing to their king."What a laughable attempt. You should just stay where you are, groveling at my feet." The boy then started to beg to be forgiven and in this act Yuuki chuckled out loud. "I don't see why I should,when someone doesn't succeed they shouldn't even be alive" he said not knowing that he himself was quoting his own father's words. "When I tell you to leave, leave. In this world, winning is everything. Winners are affirmed completely, and losers are denied completely. I've never lost at anything before, and I never will. Because I always win, and I'm always right. I show no mercy to those who oppose me, not even my own parents." and with this said the student was taken away to the office.

Yuuki took a deep breath and looked at the sky. He didn't feel joy in these acts but it was more to show the position of everyone in this school. He indeed was proud of his acts though and felt contempt in them. He looked a bit around a bit before setting off and saw a grown man that he hadn't seen before. He was pretty sure that he knew everyone and their entitled jobs so how come he didn't know him. The man was even smoking and that was unauthorized in the school rules. He scratched his chin in confusion but decided to sway it off as he was way to busy to care and with that he went back towards the student council office.
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  • Nick


    Nick was sitting in the courtyard sitting up against a tree and watching everyone as they went by. He didn't really feel like going to class today, he more so wanted to just sit around and enjoy the nice day. He witnessed as the Student Council President run after a poor sap who probably didn't deserve it. He watched as the president tackled the kid to the ground and proceeded to tell him that winning is everything and that he should just die for not being smart enough or something like that. He kept on watching as the kid got taken away. "Winning ain't everything kid." He said quietly in the president's general direction. Then he noticed that he was looking over at someone who was sitting on a bench and smoking. "Wow, he must pretty chill to just come here to smoke." He thought to himself.

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Standing up he took one last hit dropped it on the ground and stomped out the cigarette. Upon doing so he simply lit up another one and went into the building. He had already seen two people notice him and this wasn't nearly enough to go on. He flipped open his phone and hit the call button, "Yeah... that's right... two so far... alright I understand. Proceeding as planned." He blew out a puff of smoke in the hallway a bit bored. He knew what would come next. He had heard a loud explosion from a distance and knew instinctively what that noise was.
Ai stopped reading her book and looked up, gazing at the poor boy with pity. He had started to fall behind in class, and now he was going to be expelled. But did 'the Hunter', as Yuuki Sol was known, really have to be so brutal? Being expelled was already punishment enough, couldn't the Student Council try to comfort them? To be honest, the little girl couldn't understand his thinking. You went to the school to learn, so making mistakes was obvious. If you already knew everything, you wouldn't need to go to school. Besides, this crazy expelling frenzy had given the school a... special reputation. It wasn't really the most clever buisness strategy.

Not that it mattered to her. She had always had good grades, despite having skipped a grade, and was usually very close to beating Yuuki, the difference often being a simple mistake of carelessness. Sometimes, she wondered if he cheated or something, it just seemed unnatural how he excelled at everything. The fact that he and his parents were basically running the school probably had something to do it. That's at least what she liked to tell herself.

She stopped looking at the boy and began to read her book again. Maybe she should have tried to help him, however, she didn't want to cross paths with Yuuki. Besides, it's not like she could make a difference. While resuming her activity, she suddenly started coughing. She looked around her and saw a man smoking a few meters away. That was forbidden on school property. She wondered if she should go tell him that it was forbidden, but before she had the chance to do anything, he walked away.

Suddenly she heard an explosion in the distance. She jumped instictively and looked around, trying to see it's source so she could see what direction she should run in the opposite of.
A terrifying cry could be heard from the northern part of the campus and with it came the sounds of gun fire from local campus officers. Whatever it was apparently wasnt fazed by the guns as the sounds of the dying officers was the next noise heard beside the soubds of squirting blood.

Another eerie screech but this time the windows in the courtyard shattered making a loud booming noise. After the sound subsided there was a sound of heavy footfalls.

  • Nick


    Nick watched the smoking man get up and start walking into the school. He shrugged his shoulders and went back to doing nothing in particular. Suddenly a loud explosion rocked the courtyard. "Jesus Christ! Did that guy just blow up half the school or something?!?" He thought as he scrambled to his feet and watched everyone run around in different directions not really knowing what to do. Curiosity started getting the better of him and started moving towards the school to check out what's going on. "Gah! I can't just run away, well I can, but there might be some people that need help." He thought as he pulled open the door and started to walk in. He got about 10 feet into the school before gunshots rang out through the halls which were followed by the sounds screaming. "What in the?!? Alright screw this!" He thought as he turned tail and ran back out of the building.

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When the blond haired girl walked up to Yuuki he had already knew who she was because of her reputation throughout the school. "A complex, no not really Kotaha but more of an unwritten law" he replied with a smile. If he would be moved by such attempts to pester him then he wouldn't be able to become the heir to his fathers company. Yuuki always wondered how he had never caught this girl or even try to reprimand her. The thought had crossed him multiple times. However, in his mind as long as you were doing fine in classes and athletics he had nothing to do with you. Most people usually thought of him as someone who only did care about winning. However, he was also a just person. "Yes, the way I did capture that student was pretty ruthless but if the student hadn't ran then none of this wouldn't have happened. He ran because he knew what he did." In Yuuki's head it was his duty to do this and in he thought that it was right.

That's when the explosion happened and that's when Kotaha ran directly towards it. She turned around and tried to pester him again but he wasn't even listening. Yuuki first thought was to at least try to analyze the situation. He'd seen a man he hadn't known that was in the school and then an explosion happened short after. A terrorist attack maybe? He turned around to look for the man but he had already left. There was multiple reasons that he could have bombed the school but Yuuki didn't want to know that, he wanted to know the location of the man. Then came the screech and the gunshots. An animal? That was a possibility as well. Yuuki was going to go in and help when he heard the officers dying. That's when he knew that this wasn't a normal animal and decided to escape before he had gotten hurt. He looked around to see students running in all types of directions but some were just standing."What are you doing! Are you asking to be laid into a coffin. Run!" They finally got knocked out of their trance and started to run away from the explosion. Yuuki then started to run as well and started to run by another student by the name of Nick. There was only a few foreign students in the school and he was one of the few. Yuuki had seen him try to help but the screaming made him run. "Did you see anything?" he said with perfect English. He was forced to learn it at an early age as his father wanted him to be able to expand the business past Japan. If he had an accent his father would brutally beat it in his mind by making him learn the whole day and way past into the night.

  • Nick


    Nothing human or animal could do something like that. I don't what that man could've done, but I sure don't want to stick around to find out. As Nick was running out of the school he ended up passing by the president. "All I saw was a weird smoking man walk into the building and a few minutes later there was the explosion. I tried to go in there, but I couldn't see anything. I heard some messed up stuff in there man. What ever was in there was definitely not natural. If I was you, I'd get out of here pronto." And with that he ran off again. Sure that kid might think he's a coward, but hey, it's a helluva lot better than being a dead man.

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The large machine came around the corner and skidding to a halt at the mouth of the courtyard. A female student who was running out of the building didnt notice it in time. But once she noticed the shadow cast upon her she turnedbto face it. "No... no way..." her eyes shook wildly in her head. She was incapable of screaming at this point. And with a single swing of its sword the girl disintegrated into smoke and dust. It took two more heavy steps to scan the environment for living things. It spotted a male student hiding behind a tree. With unnatural speed it glided forward smashing into the tree with its shield crushing the student with ease. It scanned again.
Turning around and seeing the machine kill the humans struck fear into Yuuki's heart. Everything in his body told him that this couldn't be happening but it was right there in front of his eyes."I will not die today" he said while turning away from the main group. If I stick with the group then i'm just going to die like them. He yelled towards Nick to follow him as he knew of an old underground storage that was even gone from the school map. He dipped and turned on corners while hearing screams filled with blood and he knew that if he didn't get there in time that he too would be part of the bodies.

On his way there he saw a kid fall and had sprained their ankle. He stared at them as they looked back directly at him and their eyes were pleading for help. Yuuki's mind jump back and forth between to keep running or go and save them. If he did pick them up it would be a high risk that they both would die. He kept staring while running and then decided. Tears swelling in his eyes he finally got to the storage. He wiped them off while opening the key that had locked the storage. He had to stay strong or else if not, it would just be like last time and he would almost lose his sanity.

  • Nick


    As Nick was running, when a huge robotic thing slid right in front of where he was headed. "Aw shit!" He shouted as he stumbled while turning back towards the building. He heard Yuuki shouting for him to follow and he did just that. Jesus, what is that, that thing? It looks like a female Metal Gear Ray that found a sword and shield!" As he ran, he spotted the young blond girl who was talking to Yuuki earlier. "Hey blondie! 'Mere!" He shouted as he waved for her to follow. He sprinted after Yuuki and ran through the halls right behind him. They saw a kid fall down as they were running. They must have sprained their ankle or something. He saw Yuuki staring at the person as they ran past. He could see the sadness in his eyes. There's no way I could help them. I'm nowhere close to being strong enough to lift them off of the ground. He started whispering "I'm sorry" over and over again to himself as he passed the helpless classmate. He arrived at what appeared to be a storage room and Yuuki unlocking it.

He opened the storage room with a cough. He always hated the smell and feeling of being inside of it but now he had no choice. Yuuki stepped into the storage room still coughing and brushing out the area. He untied the school uniforms tie from his neck and dropped it on the ground. He took a deep breath to calm his mind but his mind wasn't thinking of anything. It was blanked out, how could something go from him finishing a job to all of these deaths. How could something go from his expelling a student to him practically killing someone. He sat down on one of the many boxes in the storage and laid down. He looked up at the ceiling and heard constant screaming and booming. Yuuki covered his ears in anguish and gritted his teeth.

That's when he remembered that Nick had also ran with him and so for the sake of making it seem like they were gonna get out of this he stood up and brushed himself off. He couldn't let Nick feel the same way that he felt so he decided to think of a plan. But nothing came. This "thing" wasn't even an animal yet alone a normal machine. Who would even do this to them and what was their agenda. "Nick, are you okay?" he said still speaking English. That's when he thought that it was a bit odd if a student who had come from America to Japan would still be speaking English and decided to drop back to Japanese. "Everything going to be fine, i'm sure that whatever out there wont find us in here" he said reassuring himself. "And, if it comes down to it. I'll distract it as best I can so get ready to escape"
The mysterious man from before stood in their way of the hallway as the large machine blew through the wall to face them. Turning its head it scanned them and charged into their direction. Partially unsheathing his katana he went into a low stance and as it grew near he swung once, its shield arm collapsing to the ground. Startled by this the Machine jumped back and surged back into courtyard to attack the other side of the building. "Tsk you wont get away from me Oni. I am no were near done with you." He looked back at the students, "Keep your heads down. I will do my best to subdue it, but I will not be the one to babysit you. I can't have you in my way." With that he pursued the Oni's wake with a serious expression on his face.

  • Nick


    As soon as Yuuki had unlocked the door, Nick rushed in. He slumped up against the nearby wall and put his right hand on his chest while trying to catch his breath. Through the explosions and screaming that Nick was fervently trying to drown out, he heard Yuuki expressing his concerns for him. "Yeah man,*Cough* I'm fine. *Wheeze* You don't have to do that, just worry about yourself *Cough* I'll just slow you down. You let me be the distraction, you still have a successful life to live." And with that, the robotic monstrosity burst through the wall of the hallway and it looked like it was about to attack Yuuki and him. Then the mysterious man from before appeared and without even fully unsheathing his sword, he cut the things arm with the shield clean off. The thing clambered back out of the school and the man followed swiftly. Nick couldn't believe what had just happened, let alone what has been happening for the past couple of minutes.

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As soon as the wall got destroyed,Yuuki opened his eyes in surprise. Everything felt like it was in slow motion from the machine scanning them and charging towards them and the unknown man from before intercepting it and cutting its arm off. When he finally processed what had just happened inside his head, the man had already left. "Did he say "Oni"?" It didn't make sense, wasn't that man the cause of all of this. Did he not sent the machine towards them. It was about to attack them too and he had come out and saved them. Was there a reason behind this attack after all. He had his doubts,maybe that him and Nick weren't the real targets or that they weren't supposed to be killed. But that didn't make sense either, he just said he would subdue it. He finally looked at his surroundings and realized that there was no point to hide in this place anymore. It was wide open and the "Oni" as it was called could just come back. "We should follow him. There might be a reason behind all of this and if anything, I want to know why" and while saying that he walked out and went after the man.
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  • Nick


    What's an Oni? The question ran through his mind as he looked at the gaping hole in the school. Yuuki suggested that they both follow the strange yet cool man who just scared away a giant robot with just a sword. "Eh, we might as well, seeing as we've already been compromised." He said as he nonchalantly walked after Yuuki. "By the way, do you know what an Oni is?"




"An Oni is a Japanese yokai folk lore. It usually is depicted as an ogre or a demon of some kind but I don't see how that could equate to the same thing as that monster" he continued while following the destruction that the Oni made."Who ever can control that thing could probably control the whole country." He looked down and clenched his hand. If he could somehow get control of it than he can maybe stop all the hardships he has been going through. He looked around a bit and saw all the bodies lying on the floor. Blood was splattered everywhere. Some people were still alive but barely,others were completely gone and body fluids were everywhere. He bumped into something and looked down to see the same person that they had left behind before. Half of their body was in rubble and Yuuki crouched down and lifted the boulders while thanking God that they hadn't been killed but when he finally got through to their body, the other half was completely gone. Yuuki covered his mouth in disgust and ended up vomiting. How could I do this to them. I could have saved them, I could have done anything but here they are dead in front of my eyes. He stepped back and took a deep breath and something clicked inside of his mind. Normally the personality that had took over would be half of him and half of it but in this crisis it completely took over. To protect himself was the first reason it had come,now it came to protect his sanity. Yuuki stepped back and chuckled at the body. "Weak" he said walking away from the body. "Their all weak and hopefully Nick you aren't the same"
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Ayumi stepped into the sunlight, holding a stack of books and notepads, ready for a long study session in the school courtyard. It was pleasant day, warm enough to draw her out of hiding. She had been at the school for years, and she still never felt comfortable being with other people. Her train of thought ended when she looked around, and noticed the chaos that had taken over the courtyard. There was a hole in the wall, and a few unmoving bodies were strewn across the grass, blood staining it a sickly red. She hurriedly stepped back into the shadows, studying the scene from where she could be unnoticed. It seemed that much of the danger had passed, and she could see two students, one she recognised as the school council president. Further ahead of them, a man was walking alone, but she couldn't recall ever seeing him before, certainly not as one of the staff. Deciding that familiarity seemed the best option for her survival, she strode over to them, being careful not to let the disgust she felt for the stench of death and vomit that seeped over the once relaxing area. "What happened?" She asked, her voice showing just a hint of anxiety for her fellow classmates, though her face remained impassive.

@GoldnEye @The Endergod



When the two girls had walked up to Sol and Nick, he didn't notice. He was too busy thinking of what the man's purpose was. The man was powerful and he could tell that much. However, it almost seemed like his abilities weren't even human. How could someone stop the Oni when even bullets couldn't penetrate it. He thought and thought and then he realized it. It was the blade, it couldn't be a normal type of steel katana. If not, then it had that he had known what the enemy was in the first place. What made it odd was the fact that the man was in the school before the attack. It was like he knew that the Oni would attack in the first place. What was the man's goal? He stared at the man's back with a lustful glare "Interesting, I want to know more." he said while finally noting the girls that had joined their group."If you follow you'll be putting yourself in danger and I'm not going to help you if you die." he remarked. He didn't want any distractions and if any one of them including Nick was in a life threatening situation he would abandoned them where he stood.
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  • Nick


    A demon? I didn't think that robots could be demons." He thought while walking behind Yuuki. They passed by the kid who was on the ground earlier. Yuuki went over to lift the rubble off of them, and to Nick's dismay, the student was in half. He threw up in his mouth before hearing Yuuki talking about how strong he is again. "Jesus, is that all this kid thinks about? A classmate is dead and all he thinks about is how strong he is!" "I sure hope that I'm not..." He replied to Yuuki. Continuing on past all the carnage, they followed the man to god knows where. Then a girl who he didn't recognize had appeared from what seemed like nowhere. "Gah! Jesus, where did you come from?!?" He practically shouted as he jumped back a bit. "Where have you been?!? There's a huge freaking robot killing everything!" The Blond had finally caught up with the group and Nick carefully listened to what Yuuki and her had to say. "These people don't even seem all to fazed by what is going on around them."

When Ai saw the robotic demon thingy, she shivered in fear, and was very close to letting out a small scream. She couldn't believe this was happening. This wasn't possible. She started running in the opposite direction. She wasn't going to let herself die by stupidly panicking. Suddenly she came by a student who had fallen. She quickly helped him up before starting to run again. She knew that it probably wans't the smartest to help others, however, it was important to her to always be useful in some way, even if it meant being blown to bits. Their lives were propbabaly more important than hers anyway.

After a while however the bodies became too many. There were people covered in rubble everywhere, and most of them seemed dead. As she helped up a student that was stuck, she noticed somone not far. It was the mysterious man from earlier, the one who smoked. He was fighting the robot demon thingy, which astounded her, as gunshots hadn't even scratched it before. Still she continued her escape until she trip and fell. When she looked up, she saw Yuuki Sol, Nick Greco and Kotoha Shinonome.

@GoldnEye @Nano @The Endergod

Kotoha Shinonome

"Mmm, don't worry. I'm used to this kind of stuff so I won't be dying anytime soon. I would worry more about yourself, kid." Kotoha said in a sarcastic tone, "Also, I'd reword that last sentence if I were you. You can't help someone if they're already dead."

Whatever switch had been flipped in the Student Council President didn't make him very pleasant. She was used to poking fun at him and getting equally light-hearted comments back, but this extra persona increased the view of superiority that he had of himself, making him even more egotistical than usual. On the other hand, at least this attitude prevented him from having a breakdown of some sort. To the side, Nick was doing the exact opposite by freaking out at the slightest thing. Of course, this was the reaction that was to be expected of a normal citizen, but Kotoha couldn't help but smile slightly at this. In the midst of all of the chaos, it was, oddly enough, a bit of a refreshing sight to see.

Suddenly, yet another student entered into the scene--this time much more dramatically--as she tripped right in front of them while running. This was a face that she remembered well. Ai Ueda was a common name and easy to remember and a girl who was shorter than even Kotoha herself was someone easily remembered, despite the petite girl's quiet nature. As doing so would pose no threat to her, the blonde crouched down slightly and offered Ai a hand. "It's good to see that you're well."

@GoldnEye @The Endergod @SdrawcabDaer

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