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Multiple Settings One x One, Multiple Fandoms


An archivist documenting all things
Hi, my name is Anon but you can call me...well whatever you prefer I don't really care. (Anon, Noni, Two, Six, Zero, Hundred, to name a few)

I'm gender neutral, and go by any pronouns you wish to refer to me as, it doesn't matter. (He/She/They/Xe/Xer/It). I also can play any gender you wish, doesn't bother me.

I'm a D&D dungeon master by trade, but have been roleplaying since I was a young Anon of like 13/14. Needless to say I'm older than that now. (I'm concious about personal information, but I'm between 25-30 for all you +18 rp requesters, but closer to the top end of that scale. Though I don't mind the age I rp with as long as you're aware the worse it's going to get is if there's any 'sad times'. Though it's expected we talk through triggers and stuff before we roleplay). I'm also in the GMT/BST time zone, so replies will tend to be from 7am-9am and 6pm-midnight most days.

I would say I'm a literate roleplayer, I can write multiple paragraphs and am more than happy to develop or grow our plot together. If you can only write one line we're not going to be a good fit I'm afraid.

I'm a big fan of fantasy as I said, but sci-fi, adventure, dystopian, and mythology based I am also interested. There are a few fandoms/settings that I wouldn't mind dabbling in as well:

Disney Stuff
Dungeons & Dragons movie
MCYT (hesitant, ask me)
Spy x Family
Star Trek
The Owl House
Tokyo Mew Mew
Yu-Gi-Oh (only the first, don't come at me with your GX bull)

American Murder Song
Different punks (Steampunk, Rococopunk)
Dungeons and Dragons (Forgotten Realms, Exandria (though I only really know Tal'Dorei and a bit of Wildmount), Ravnica)
Exploration/Journey to the Centre of the Earth/Atlantis the Lost Empire style
Fantasy (I have my own homebrew world I'm happy to share and lore dump to you)
Historical (Ancient Egyptian, Ancient Greek, Celtic, Roman, Viking, Victorian, Industrial Era, WW1, WW2)
Superhero (Miraculous Ladybug or Marvel esque)

What I won't do
Harry Potter (We're not supporting those views in this house)
Mental Health Issues (I'm not someones therapist. I'm here for writing and plot)
School setting (I'm an old Anon, I've not been to school in years, I don't care)
Star Wars (Never seen it, don't know it)
Other than that....I don't really have any limits. Whatever you're comfortable with then sure, we can go from there. Come at me with the pairings you want, I'm chill, let's talk.

As I'm an old anon I have a full-time job, partner, children (their names are Mocha and Latte and they are my baby rats, I adore them), and being a Dungeon Master I also have the addiction of running 3 games a week and playing in 1...I can't help it and I can't stop at anytime.
So while you'll get a response from me at least once per day, you may get more if our time zones sync, or you may not.

Also, I don't mind roleplaying on here though I also prefer email as...well I'm old school like that. I do have discord, which I can give you if you can't tolerate anything else, but I've not really rp'ed on discord before so I'm still getting used to it.


In the small, isolated village of Newrey located in the Scottish Highlands, strange occurrences have been happening. Ever since a group of archaeologists uncovered an ancient artifact from deep beneath the earth on the banks of the local loch.

Villager A has lived in Newrey their whole life, and have heard reports from the locals of strange, otherworldly whispers in the night. They have heard them too, quiet mutterings that make them feel lost and alone.
Villager B moved to Newrey recently, they don’t seem to be affected, and are curious to investigate the current events which are causing the locals to go mad and turn on each other.

What is the cause of the whispers, what was the artifact, and can this be stopped before it’s too late…?

Journey to the Centre of the Earth
Dr Scientist, world renowned researcher has assembled a team of intrepid explorers to set out on a seemingly mad mission. The world above is dying, too much pollution destroying the ozone. The rich and wealthy ignore it, sticking to their high rises and McMansions with fake generated air, while the poor die in the streets, lack of oxygen, lack of hope.

Dr Scientist believes the answer lies deep beneath the crust of the earth, since their hero Dr Jameson first attempted the mission, and brought back healthy greenery, a chance, a hope.

The team assembled is rough and unwilling to work together at first, wanting to take claim for being the hero. But as they descend deeper into the bowels of the planet, they discover more than they were first predicting. What future awaits this rag tag expedition, and will they be the heroes of future stories?

I have a writing sample here if you've made it this far. It's a little long, I do apologise. But I hope it gives you an idea of what to expect.
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