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Fantasy One True God | Gallia


Divine Vocalist
Higher Order
Collaboration with The Prophet The Prophet

Mentions: Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum
Interactions: The Prophet The Prophet

It is Judgement day, a day in which the Almighty descends in his kingdom come to call upon the tired souls of the mortal world. The labyrinth is crowded with lost spirits, striving to repent for their darkest deeds as they journey along the maze which was shrouded in a thick fog. Each and every turn, they are forced to face the dark stages in their life where they must show remorse under the Absolute’s gaze, and their only hope for freedom was to be graced by his forgiving light.

Soon they are met with the master of the realm, stationed in front of the elevator to judge on behalf of their Father, whether they are fit to be welcomed above or doomed for eternity, the decision was left to Uwila.

Ordin soared the skies of the ever-changing realm of her sibling, surveying the long line of souls that appeared like ants trailing behind each other. As the mist grew thicker, she reached for the guiding lantern that clinged on the hooks of her belt, and with a soft click it emitted a gentle glow that veered away the dark fog that was consuming them. Looking over her shoulder, Ordin’s eyes fell upon the figure that followed right behind her, “Don’t steer too far Liel, the mist affects even us and it’ll take you days to find your way back home,” Netzah, her most trusted companion who had served under her for more years than she could count, he was always there tracing behind her every flight and landed whenever she did.

The Numen was indeed close by, mind busy with the workload he’d be likely to have tomorrow given the amount of souls in line. It was always countless, but it seemed extra this time. Perhaps an obscurement done by the mist. “...Oh yes, you are right. Pardon.” flying closer, Netzah’s wings trailed a beautiful apparition of starlight; streaking in the air beside Ordin. Today was their day, and he should hardly let work taint his mind on the occasion. Shaking his head, the thought of work dissipated.

Ordin smiled at her company as their majestic wings soared the cold skies of the realm. It has always been a delight to have Netzah by her side and she had never felt more secure whenever in his presence. Considering the towers of responsibilities that they carry, it has been difficult to find the time to see each other. Admittedly, conquering the skies was one of the moments that she missed doing with him.

Gliding through the dense mist of the labyrinth, the screams of the rejected souls begging to not be thrown had become more audible as they neared the ground, but the Seraphim paid no heed to those calls. Fully corrupt sinners are fated to suffer below, and that’s how it was since day one. With the sight of the panopticon nearing their vision, it was Ordin’s que to perch on the grounds of the labyrinth. She gently flapped her wings against the air to soften her land, causing a few of her feathers to disperse around them. On their arrival, a few dwellers guarding the building welcomed them with a salute, and in return the seraphim greeted them with a smile before advancing through the gates.

What a hectic day indeed for her older twin as she sees the long line of souls awaiting to be redeemed fill the halls of the panopticon. Luckily for Ordin, she had reserved this day for a well deserved rest where she dragged along Netzah to accompany her visit in the mortal world. As a Seraphim piled with work, they are only granted this liberty once every three years to take some time off their duties.

Passing by countless souls, they are finally met with the portal leading to the mortal realm. “I wonder how much the earth has changed? Oh! And imagine the boutiques we could visit! I am in need of a new dress, don’t you think?” Ordin’s eyes gleamed from excitement as she turned to Netzah, like a child being taken to disneyland.

“Of course, I only hope that in our absence they haven’t changed their style too much. I quite liked the last time we went; the fabrics were almost divine.” Came the reply of the taller Netzah, the soft tap of heels accentuating the Numen catching up with their companion. “...I’m glad that you could get the time; I’m looking forward to the rare occasion of getting to relax for a day with you.”

Somehow, hearing those words had painted her cheeks in a soft blush crawling up to her ears. There was warmth that settled on her chest, like a fire suddenly lit. It was the first time this ever occurred and she could only answer by avoiding his glance. “Y-yeah.. I’m also looking forward to it.”

While work as a Numen wasn’t as important as that of a Seraphim, if one was to take a look at the white haired man’s workload you would be mistaken in thinking he did less in general. As temperance he was frequent at the churches, while also managing the security and domain of the Tree of Life under his mother. In addition to Netzah’s work under Ordin, he was privy to much of the same tasks and as such much of the same fatigue. Netzah would make this a day to look back on and remember, for both their sakes.

Stepping closer to the gate and by proxy further from the sinners that failed to repent gave Netzah a sense of ease; They brought such a fate upon themselves, and yet feel the incessant need to make everyone with ears aware of their plight. How long did humans live, a hundred years? For them, it should have been plenty. Giving a quiet nod towards an angel by the gate to silently inform them of their departure, the Numen spun toward Ordin. “Do you think we can stop by a teahouse after a boutique or two? I’d like to see how their palate has changed over the years. If it;s anything like how they dress, I’m quite sure it will be delightful.” pointing towards the pair’s mortal inspired attire, Netzah smiled softly.

Ordin nodded eagerly to each of Netzah’s requests. It’s their short escape from one hell of a workload afterall, and she would gladly accompany him in every nook and cranny of the earth to make it worth his while. “Some tea and dessert sounds divine, let’s do it.” She gently reached for Netzah’s hand, her face brimming with joy as she led him to traverse through the portal.

In their wake in the mortal world, she finds herself staring at her reflection alone in a well-lit room with stalls of cubicles partitioned in the background. “Liel? Where are you?” Wearing a confused look, Ordin scans around in scout for her missing friend, but with a quick glance to one of the stalls, she notices a tall figure with white hair easily towering the enclosed cubicle. She let out a chuckle before walking towards its door and opening it. “There you are! Oh, and before we forget..” The seraphim points out his wings that still rested on his back, “We gotta hide it before anyone sees us.”

With their shape shifting capabilities, Ordin hides away her wings along with her veil to disguise as a normal human, except she maintained the royal fashion and appeared like a princess plucked right out from a fairy tale book. She turns to her reflection, quickly fixing a few locks of her hair before looking back at the Numen, “Ready?”

Hiding their own wings Netzah nodded and stepped past the seraphim, making way for the exit and holding the door open for the pair. Already the mortal realm was so different from the divine realm; Opulent golden arches were replaced with more muted wooden framing, grand courtyards instead gave way to mundane walkways. Still enjoyable to be sure, but more…Human. “This is definitely not our realm….”

After letting Ordin walk through he let the door close itself, taking a moment to enjoy the sun and air and continue. “...But still quite nice. Did you have a specific market in mind, or are we exploring for the afternoon?” The street they found themselves on was somewhat busy; children ran down the street with toys with their parents not far behind, couples walked the road hand in hand, and groups of people laughed and joked as they made their own way towards a pier. Casting an observing gaze on the passersby, Netzah silently prayed to the Overseer. They had the Overseer to thank for a million years of prosperity, and for a billion more. It was his diligence that kept them safe from sin, and only those who would spurn him suffered. What an easy exchange, these mortals had. Worship for salvation.

Stepping closer to the Seraphim, Netzah looked down the long road for their hopeful first stop, musing “I fear we might lose the day if I spend it seeing mortals enjoying the Overseer’s gifts. Let us be off, Ordin.”

It was refreshing to see the busy buzz of the streets littered with countless people just minding their own lives. The drastic change in earth was easily noticeable as plenty of years had passed by since her previous visit, and although this world was far from perfection unlike their homestead, there was still so much beauty to perceive. “You know our mission, Liel. We need a new pair of boots for you and a royal gown for me.” Ordin had finally taken the lead to start off their stroll, catching a few gazes to their direction as they coursed through the sidewalk of the city. Understandably so, the pair stuck out from the crowd as these two ethereal beauties walked casually in a severely outdated wardrobe. “Are they cosplayers? Should we ask for a picture?” The curious whispers amidst the few people were quite close enough to hear, gathering more eyes the longer they stalled at one of the shops.

Ordin was definitely making the most out of her leisure, as with each stop was another baggage to carry. Fascinated by the new fashion trends of this era, she had now adorned some leather pants paired by a jacket with just the same fabric, even accenting the look with sunglasses planted on her head. “Oh look! Isn’t that a teahouse by the sea?” The seraphim tugging Netzah’s clothes as she points to a cafe settled at the white sands of the beach. “Let’s go try it!” With much enthusiasm, she drags along Netzah towards the bay, and in just a few walks they hear the jazz music pouring out from its open doors along with the aroma of fresh baked goods. The workers were even kind enough to lead them to their seat with the ocean in its view.

Sitting comfortably with her excess baggage of clothes placed on the ground, Ordin admired the setting sun which reminded her of how time ticks faster in this realm… Or perhaps these blissful moments are just not meant to last long. She turned to look at Netzah, smiling nonetheless even if they are to be called back soon and get on with their duties as a higher order. “These desserts look exquisite! Which one are you picking?” Ordin asked with her nose buried on the menu.

“They do look quite nice, I wonder where they grow their supply. Perhaps they’ve stopped cultivating gardens as much..Ah yes, I think I'll take the Earl Grey. A classic to be sure, but a welcome one. What about you?” Smiling in return, Netzah couldn’t help but take in their surroundings. He’d been in the mortal realm before, but every time felt so different. He wondered how this scene would feel if he had been born a mortal like his other soul ‘siblings’. Where were they now? Perhaps it didn’t matter much, and his life was certainly better as a Numen than it was mortal. Who knows if he would ever have met Ordin like this if he would have arrived at the divine realm as a saint. As short as a human day was, this was the best day he’d had in years. Placing a hand on his jaw, the Numen took to simply watching the Seraphim across the table.

“I’ll just order the same tea, and hmmm…” Ordin was still pondering from the various selections of sweets which all looked delectable in her eyes, but what stole the trophy was a cheese flavored cake that piqued her curious taste buds. “The cheesecake looks good, I’ll take that.” She turns to the waiter stationed near them, and soon enough their orders are listed. Hospitable people with a good ambiance.. this surely eases the stress that weighed her back for days.

“...I’ve enjoyed this greatly, as brief as mortal days are.” Musing briefly as he set down his menu, glancing down at the many bags they collectively had around them then back to Ordin. “I’m glad you found so much to your liking, I even found a second pair of shoes I liked.” nodding in thanks to the waiter once they ordered, the process was quick; Netzah guessed the lingering effects of their own time at play for it felt like they had their orders in no time at all.

Ordin’s eyes fell back on the shopping bags that went unintentionally overboard, but it wasn’t new to the pair as both harbor the same interests in fashion. “The shoes would definitely look good with this scarf,” She replied as she brought out the blue knitted scarf from one of the bags, taking the liberty to gently wrap it in his neck. “See? I knew the colors would suit you.” Ordin gave him a soft smile before resting her back on her seat. Everything was perfect.. Or so she thought, until she hears a static interfering every sound in her ears. The beautifully painted view had turned dim, the clouds were turning gray, and thunder had begun roaring in the background. Her relaxed exterior had quickly turned into an anxious one, something wasn’t right.

Soon enough she hears a familiar voice resonating within her head. “Ordin, you must come back here.. now.” It was Zeke; the leader of the Seraphs, serving as the right hand man of their father. Her older brother only called out to her to discuss of important matters, but his tone this time was different. “Okay brother, we’ll be there.” She replied telepathically through the divine link that exists between them. There was uneasiness that settled on her chest, but she tried to stray away any negative thoughts that might consume her. “Liel, open up your domain. We have to go now.”

Netzah watched intently as the mood turned dour, standing from the table as his own mood returned to a certain stoicism. Their day of rest was over; It was back to duty. It seemed that whatever happened would require the Numen of Temperance, and not Netzah Leliel. With a silent nod he glanced out toward the room to make sure no one was watching, and used his ability. In but a moment as brief as the breeze the pair was gone, along with their bags and any sign they were ever there in the first place. As they shifted back home to the more familiar sights, the Numen looked out towards the greater Divine realm. Something was off, something terrible had happened and he was in the dark as to what exactly. Whatever it was, he needed to remain in control of himself more than ever.

He had called away his domain as quickly as he opened it, leaving them standing in the open air of their home realm with baggage surrounding them. The now spilled tea was already soaking into the ground, cracked cups evident of their haste to return. In a more calm yet serious tone he questioned the Seraphim as to their next step. “What is our destination? I can come along with you and contact the other Numens along the way, or just focus on ensuring control. If they felt what we saw in the mortal realm, surely some will be asking questions.” In any case they lacked intel. Information they’d hopefully learn soon, if it was something that put such worry in their Seraphim.

Ordin noticed the unusual air spread amongst the divinities. The borders were heavily guarded, and oddly enough, the saints and lesser angels are not seen loitering around in the kingdom. The land felt barren and unsettlingly quiet. She could not even pay attention to the Numen’s words. Seeing its current state, it was enough to make her hand tremble as more anxious thoughts crawl up in her head.

“You have my support, Just let me know how I might help.” If Ordin was feeling this way, there was no doubt the other Seraphim were too. They were likely already in a meeting, waiting for their final member. Was Mother Cura worried? Was Zeke concerned? Only time would tell. Once more Netzah gave a silent prayer to the Overseer for guidance in this moment; Only this time it felt different. Different enough that it made the Numen’s core briefly shiver.

Thankfully, Netzah’s calming words had snapped her out of distress. She took a deep breath before turning to the Numen. “Try to contact the other Numen and gather updates regarding their specific sanctuaries. We need to make sure that the saints are okay.” In mere moments, she notices a few winged soldiers marching towards them. “Ms. Ordin, Sir Netzah,” The three soldiers gave them a salute before turning their attention back to the Seraphim. “Sir Zeke is calling for you at the throne room. He asked to escort you there alone.” She gave them a brief nod and faced back to Netzah. “Wait for my call. Until then just focus on protecting your region.”

Watching them leave, Netzah let the bags teleport to his domain and turned his gaze towards his peers’ regions. “...This is Netzah, how are things over in your region? I’m not in the know yet on what happened, but I'll update you when I can. Until then, our orders are to focus on protecting our regions…Calm your people, keep the saints safe. No doubt they’re confused. They need their Numen’s to hold to their virtues in uncertain times like this. I’ll call for you again later, stay safe.”

The soldiers then began escorting the Seraphim, making their way towards the House of God. Each step felt heavier as they neared the abode of their father. Finally, she meets the gateway of the house, now with even more guards scattered about in the area. Arriving at the front, she is greeted by Zeke wearing the same serene exterior despite the current situation. “Brother, you called? What has happened?” Ordin braved herself to ask, knowing that the response would unlikely be favorable. “For now, just follow me. You’ll know when you see.”

She walked towards her brother and kept up with his long strides that echoed along the halls, and soon enough, he began to open the heavy doors revealing the dreadful sight that lay in their father’s room. Ordin’s heart dropped as she witnessed the few splashes of ichor that stained the walls and carpets of his abode. And at the center of the crime scene was their father in his humanoid form, stabbed in the core with a dagger. The overseer; the all-powerful king who had lived for eternity, was now lifeless in his own throne. “H-how is this possible? Who would even do this?” Her chest tightened as she stared at the scene, feeling suffocated at the reveal of the situation. “We have no idea. All we know is that the ichor was fresh. It probably occurred right when you left the realm.” Zeke replied, before walking towards the body to examine the weapon. “This dagger… I haven’t seen anything like it,” His brother was awfully calm and showed no hint of sorrow in his face. Given that he was the closest to the Overseer, always in his beck and call, how could he remain like this? “Only the higher and middle orders should be informed of this to prevent a breakout of chaos among the realms,” He added as he walked away from the body and then turned towards Ordin. Positioning his hand on her shoulder, he lowered his head and looked at her intently. “All will be okay, sister. For now, focus on what you could do for the annual meeting tomorrow. I’ll have to stay and handle everything here.”

Ordin had to be strong even if the realm was on the brink of fall, she must go on with her duties to serve and protect their people in this now Godless world. “Call upon every leader of the orders, and announce that we are to have an assembly right after you go back from the annual meeting.” Zeke had given her his last assignment for the day, tapping her shoulder before gently leading her out of the room. To think that this happened all too quickly while she was out of the divine borders. Furthermore, the only question that haunts her the most was what entity could be stronger than God himself? To win a battle against the superior of all beings. Ordin didn’t want to dive deeper for that terror would only fog her mind.

She shook her head in an attempt to stray away the negative thoughts that were eating her mind. Ordin still had a duty to fulfill, and so she began to open a link, contacting all leaders of the Order, “Zeke has requested for an assembly. Meet us at the cathedral right after the annual meeting tomorrow.” Severing the divine link between them, she takes her exit in pursuit of Netzah, walking like a dead corpse as the clouds weep with her heavy heart. “Liel,” Feeling astray and abandoned, it was the only words that escaped her lips. He was her last light to hold on to in this life.

Standing at attention in the dead center of his region, The Tree of Life sat guarded as proper defenses were organized and put in motion; His region was admittedly less populated by saints so it was an easier job, nonetheless Netzah could do naught but wait for news. Was there an attack? Has someone important gone missing? The divine realm was abuzz with activity yet none knew more than the Seraphim. Speaking of, as the Numen turned his head he spied Ordin worse for wear and moved to intercept. “Are you alright? I’ve contacted the others and things seem fine if not busy.” It wasn’t hard to tell that something was deeply bothering Ordin, that something heavy was in the air. “Take as long of a moment as you need, Ordin.”

Ordin’s body still shook from the horrifying scene she had witnessed causing her to fall on her knees. She could only stare at the ground as tears welled from her eyes and coursed down her cheeks. “He’s dead.. Our father is dead.” She said before promptly looking back up at the Numen. Ordin reached for Netzah’s hand, cradling it for warmth as it has always given her a sense of safety. “What’s gonna happen to us?” Knowing that their kingdom is now godless, the divine realm is in a brittle state.

Of all the things that could possibly be said, the death of the Overseer was not even a conceivable option. Was something even possible, to kill the unkillable? It went against every sense of logic, every bit or reason in the Numen’s mind, an anomalous event unlike anything other then the Overseer himself could predict. And yet, even now Netzah could not bring himself to weep. If this were revealed to the wrong people, heavens forbid the vile demons; it would be pandemonium. The Overseer might be gone, but his spirit remained and the Numen still had a duty to fulfill. Taking the hand of the Seraphim he smiled as best he could in this trying time. “I do not know what will happen to us tomorrow, but for today i suggest you get some rest. You’ve dealt with so much in that building; I will handle what I can. I can only rely on my teachings as Temperance and push forward ever more. Come, It has been a long day; it will be longer tomorrow. We will endure it together.” A moonlit portal materialized to their side, motes of light hinting at the astral interior. “I’m sure the other Seraphim won’t mind if you rest, even if only for a short while.”
Code by Serobliss
Numen of Humility
Zhuó Xiá.
Zhuo Xiá sighed for the umpteenth time as she released another shimmering jade tablet, watching as it shattered into fine dust that vanished into the ether. She leaned sideway, easing her weight from the grasping palm of gravity, cradling her chin as black eyes glazed at the pouring of stars above with a faraway expression. The tip of her silken scarf trailed down to kiss the water’s surface as she floated just above the surface of the vast pond, occasionally brushing against the delicate petals of blooming water lilies that littered her realm.

Her thoughts were a tempest of storm, constantly writing and rewriting the skeleton script of her upcoming speech. Jade tablets containing half-formed ideas hovered around her in a silent orbit, each one subject to the ghostly knife etching the passing thoughts of her mind—adding lines here, crossing out parts there, scrapping things into oblivion. This time, the Numen of Humility was determined: her parts wouldn’t be too dull nor too intense. No jargon, no shouting, no roaring fire or demonstrations with her whips. She still can vividly remember her last speech, how some of the audience turned as pale as a scepter upon eye contact. When she tried to amend it with a smile, they almost burst into tears.

She supposed fire and brimstone was too much of a topic for some.

Her mentor had often spoken of wordsmithing as a delicate act of balancing substance and emotions, a balance that again and again eluded her grasp. Xia was more of a creature of extremes, approaching life with an all or nothing mentality, losing herself in passions of worship and the rigid disciplines of her duties. Suffice to say, mastering this craft hadn’t been her most successful endeavor since her conception. But duty was still duty, and as the Protector of the Cathedral, it was her duty to deliver a speech for the Judgement Day sermon. She was thankful enough to have Avriel assisting this duty in a more day to day manner, but at times like this, she wished it was Avriel who delivered this instead.

As the master of Cathedral surfaced in her thoughts, Xiá paused her musings. It was well-known that the soft-spoken lady is a beloved figure among the younglings, her words were not merely heard but felt—a soothing balm that even calmed the highest echelons of angels. Perhaps a counseling is necessary, for the smooth procession and happy congregations. True self-awareness begins with seeking guidance, after all.

With a swift, deliberate gesture, Xiásliced through the empty air above her, rending the very fabric of space until colors bled and gravity seemed to lose its grip.

And in that moment, the world shatttered.


Sunlight gently caressed her eyes, heralding the emergence of the Cathedral's daylight as it bathed the soaring stained glass windows in hues, each panes depicting the solemn worship of the Overseer. Xia found herself settled in a sumptuous sofa outside Madam Avriel's office, half-written jade tablets suspended in the space around her still. The air hummed with the gentle buzz of excitement of the angels as they anticipated the arrival of new Saints, while the entire place pulsed with life as the staff busied themselves with a whirlwind of activities in the name of Judgment Day.

Amidst the bustling comings and goings, a barely suppressed scream pierced the air. Xiá turned sharply, her serene expression momentarily breaking into concern as she spotted a startled young angeling clutching a broom, almost got struck by her jade orbit.

She bit her lips at the oversight, lowering her head slightly in apology. "Ah, sorry for that. You're good?"

The angel simply nodded in quick succession, but this led her to be more suspicious of their current condition. Minutes past as she fussed over them, asking five more times on the well-being of the poor soul and releasing a pulse of healing at the cost of a little itch at her pinkie, before she released them of scrutiny.

"Well, if you're really sure. And before you go, mind calling Avriel for me?"

coded by natasha.
Last edited:
Madam Avriel
The Principality
location ➝
The Cathedral
attire ➝
This dress
tags ➝
Zaruslala Zaruslala
With the sun rising above the distant mountains of the realm, the stillness of dawn and the rustling of the leaves outside her window accompanied Avriel in her waking hours. As her fingers traced her bedside table in search of her bible, she began speaking in quiet prayer. This day was especially important, given Judgement Day was upon the angels, an event where the Almighty would bless the eyes of those below him with his presence—the most precious occasion.

Despite the things that limit her, she arose from her bed and got ready for the day with haste. With a calming lullaby escaping her lips, she combed through her hair with ginger dexterity. Avriel remained in high spirits, and despite her calm exterior, there was always a wave of excitement and a looming need to triple check absolutely everything.

And so, once she had completed her morning routine, she summoned her staff within her hand and was off.

Long white robes followed alongside her as she navigated the hallways. With a smile, she delivered quick orders and reminders to lingering angels who had yet to busy themselves with the things that concern them, “Move along, now.” She would nudge, the younglings would quickly realize their errors and scurry—muttering apologies in their wake.

She eventually made her way to her office, a trek that was ingrained in her mind despite the darkness that constantly surrounded her. Only the tapping of her staff against the pristine floors could be heard in her ears, a rhythm that gave her direction. Anyone who knew Avriel would be alerted of her presence through the sweet scent that always overtook the room—and in this case it was no different, as the few angels that were in the area greeted her long before she had reached the door of her office.

“No more dilly-dally, work awaits you young one.” She would reply.

Entering her office, the familiar smell hit her—a combination of the burning incense that lined her desk and the aroma that emanated off her staff, being here long enough in the composing of new scriptures, the aroma had lingered, reminding those of who frequented the place.

Gripping her staff instinctively, she maneuvered around her desk, finally settling down in the chair behind it. She knew to make haste before the sermon. Moments went by in solitude, until…

“Well, if you’re really sure. And before you go, mind calling Avriel for me?”

A voice, muffled by the wood of her door, came to her honed ear. A voice that rang familiar to her.

“Y-yes, ma’am.”

…Panicked words, followed by hurried footsteps. As the young angel opened the door to the office, they spoke, “Madam Avriel, someone asks for you.”

“I will be there.” Her reply was surprisingly brief despite knowing who was waiting at her door. The woman who spoken before, Zhuo Xia. With her sharp and jagged words that brought worry to those that she approached, the way she carried herself while attending to her duties—it was hard not to be aware of the numen.

Rising from her chair, her staff appeared in her hand once more. The shuffled footsteps of the young angel could be heard as they moved out her way, “Thank you, young one.” Her gentle voice piercing through the silence as she stepped past the frame of the door. “Move along, now.” She reminded.

In just a moment, the young angel had fled.

The amount of tension that radiated off the poor soul was enough to confirm Avriel’s suspicions. “My..” She muttered, whatever could have happened?

Avriel chose not to dwell on it. With the tapping of her staff, she turned her head to where she believed Zhuo Xia sat, her lips curling into a smile and she began to walk towards the fragrance the numen emitted. “Miss Zhuo Xia,” her voice carried a hint of happiness within it, “Goodness, it’s so early in the realm. I didn’t expect to encounter you here, given the day that is upon us.”

Avriel stopped in her tracks, “How have you been?” There was a brief pause, “Good I hope. I know I’ve been feeling as light as a feather these past few days—despite witnessing Judgement Day so many times, I still get butterflies just thinking about it!”

Her rambling went on. “Perhaps some tea? Come, come—I’ll prepare some. You know I appreciate a good honey tea, don’t you?” Avriel gestured gently at her office door, “Oh, yes. What would you like? Don’t be afraid to say, there is nothing I can’t get. I believe that tea is the gateway to thoughtful discussion.” Her tone calm, “Don’t you agree?”

As Avriel re-entered her warm office and sat back down in her chair, she had a moment of self-awareness before continuing, “My.. Look at me, talking your ear off. I apologize, Miss Zhuo Xia. What is it you have come here for?”

Avriel nodded, “Do remember that the tea offer is still in the air.” She added on in finality, awaiting the numen’s response.
code by @Nano
Last edited:

"Its a beautiful day outside. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming. On days like this, kids like you, Should be burning in hell."


"..........................................................................screw this game....seriously, what boss starts off with their strongest attack? I've died 85 times...Well..technically once........Ahem...I'VE FIGURATIVELY DIED 85 TIMES SO AS NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH THE REALITY OF THE DEATH OF THE BODY BEING FINATE WHILE THE SOUL BEING UNDEFINED BY MORTAL BOUNDARIES EXISTING OUTSIDE OF THE RIGIDNESS OF SUCH AN INTANGIBLE CONCEPT! SO DO NOT DESPAIR BECAUSE IN DEATH YOU ARE ACTUALLY ALIVE! DID YOU ALL GET THAT!"

A poor soul held a quizzical look laced with fear having had to be in ear shot of Elyx's ramblings. The moment itself was so puzzling that Elyx could have sworn there was a breeze, but that would be ridiculous; breezes...in purgatory? He hadn't quite reached that level of insanity yet. "Figuratively alive...figuratively. You all on the other hand are absolutely as dead as can be. I was there when you died so I would know just how dead you are. Doesn't get much deader than you all....death is me, I am death and you are dead."

Elyx ended his speech with a dismissive wave of his hand. He could never quite get the mantras correct, they seemed to change everyday. It was of little consequunce for the audience usually had little interest in what he had to say. That aside, even Elyx could barely find time to relax today. Business was booming, Purgatory was bustling with new faces and potential recruits that sparkled within the mist like the very important irreplaceable lanterns that-

"Wew, almost broke my lantern. Don't want to end up like you poor bastards."

The nearly irreplaceable lanterns that guided the reapers through the obscured infinity known as the realm in between. "Looking good Carl, Susan did you do something with your hair? Jessica...don't flirt with the guys too much. Victor how have you been!"

My name isn't Vi-

"WOW, Why are there so many dead people today, jeez. You would think it's Judgement Day or something? Wait....wait wait wait...."

Elyx rummaged through his empty pockets, instantly running his fingers across what felt like worn out paper crumpled to oblivion. It was not uncommon for Elyx to write notes, or keep a copy of his schedule just in case he became side tracked.

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Once again...the breeze of Purgatory was upon him. His eyes drifted from his paper and unto the masses before him then back to his paper. The weight of his realization fell upon him, but rolled off like the mist around the pale light of his lantern once he realized what was done was done. He took a deep breath, staring up through the mist into what he imagined would be a beautiful sky. He wondered what the view was like beyond the Sun. Were they looking down...if they were then he wanted to make sure they could see him smiling. Exhaling, Elyx performed an exaggerated back stretch before maneuvering through the crowded area.

"Alright, you guys aren't my responsibility anymore. Welcome to Luke Warm Central! May the great UwU guide you to a place better than this. If there are any complaints about my performance my name is Katritella. If you think I did great, my name is Elyx. Good luck, don't end up like me and remember to smile!"

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