• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fandom One Thousand Birds


Below is a list of required information for your character to be accepted.

Feel free to add information and put this in any format you wish.

There is no minimum or maximum that you need to include.

Please indicate if your profile is incomplete in some way and keep this updated as needed.

[ Name ; ]

[ Gender ; ]

[ Age ; ]

[ Rank ; ]
Genin, chuunin, etc.

[ Village ; ]

[ Appearance ; ]
Paragraph, list, and/or picture.

[ Personality ; ] Paragraph and/or list.

[Fighting Style ; ] Keep this up to date as role play progresses. List any special attributes, frequented weapons, strategies, jutsu, etc. Keep it realistic with rank. Feel free to make up your own kekkei genkai or things or that nature, but be detailed about this.
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[ Name ; ]

Teikomai Chichiru

[ Gender ; ]


[ Age ; ]

13 (academy age)

[ Rank ; ]


[ Village ; ]


[ Appearance ; ]


From afar, Teikomai Chichiru looks like any other girl. She has hair, A light brown with hints of red that she always keeps in an ordinary braid. She has two arms and two legs, one head (It seems rather strange to point these things out, but she had heard stories), she even retains all of her fingers and toes. there is nothing really extraordinary about her.

Perhaps that, in itself, makes her special. A uniqueness of her own she can use to great advantage. An uncanny, some would say, ability to blend. Crowds, trees, fields of grass, even hiding in plain sight- An invaluable skill for a girl well on her way to becoming a ninja.

However that was only from afar. Up close Teikomai was stunning in her own way. Her hair often hid the keen intelligence in her soft grey eyes. Her lips were often quirked in a small smile, both mischievous and sweet. When she grinned (which she did quite frequently) she revealed straight white teeth, and cheeks that dimpled endearingly. Once you got close, it was hard to forget.

[ Personality ; ]

Teikomai's ability to blend into almost any atmosphere leaves her, more often then not, forgotten. She is passed over frequently for people with more magnetic personalities-whether they were attracting or repulsing people. Rather then hold a grudge, or vie for attention, Teikomai uses her lack of presence as a gift. She can often be found acting as a mediator, her passive presence allowing her to more easily sway peoples opinions without making them feel as though the thoughts were forced upon them.

Joyful and kind, Teikomai tries her hardest to support her team. She knows she isn't the strongest, or the bravest, but she is determined to use her abilities to help her teammates shine. With an eternal optimism, Teikomai looks upon every new day as a chance to make someone else's dream come true.

[Fighting Style ; ]

Aside from her above average stealthiness, Teikomai excels at chakra manipulation. She learned early how to center herself and move her chakra to major areas of her body, finding the perfect balance of both body and spirit. Despite her chosen career however, Teikomai is rather pacifistic. She prefers to find non-violent solutions to problems and almost goes out of her way to avoid harming people if she can. Hence her abilities began to blossom in the art of healing.

Teikomai already knows a few simple medical jutsu's- nothing complicated, but enough to be able to assist in the healing of bruises and minor cuts. She can also use her chakra as an energy source, giving her teammates small boosts of energy when they need it most.

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[ Name ; ]

Tetsune Ayane

[ Gender ; ]


[ Age ; ]


[ Rank ; ]

Academy Student

[ Village ; ]


[ Relationships ; ]

friends | Lol friends?

acquaintances | Asuka - Asuka is one of the few people that he views as competent and doesn't mind the company of. He has a moderate amount of respect for her as a result and won't make any attempts to provoke her.

Jakunen - He finds her strange and occasionally a nuisance, but not enough for him to bother considering her anything other than that.

Makoto - Tetsune finds her too fun to pick on to outright hate her. However, the same qualities that amuse him also annoy him, particularly how she doesn't know when to be quiet, and he looks down on her.

Night - The jounin seems more tolerable than his twin, but Tetsune still finds their 'good cop bad cop' act to be distasteful.

Ryoichi - About the same with Night, though finds Ryoichi more annoying.

Teikomai - He finds her to be the generic friendly neighborhood brainiac. Tetsune isn't annoyed with Taikomai enough to make any judgment calls on her, as she doesn't respond to his insults.

enemies | Kotone - Tetsune finds her dull, obnoxious, and distasteful overall when she isn't beneath his notice.

Midnight - Midnight rubbed Tetsune the wrong way upon their first encounter, and the boy hates him for a great number of reasons because of this. He finds the jounin to be an egotistical, impulsive, killjoy that isn't fit for his position.

Yuzuki - To him, Yuzuki's sanity is questionable and wants nothing to do with her.

[ Appearance ; ] Tetsune has a striking appearance, attributed to several different factors. Puberty was not too kind to him - rather, the lack thereof. While his fellow academy students were graced with growth, Tetsune was left alone to deal with an unimpressive height of four foot six that would make him appear younger than he is if it weren't for the sour expression typically found curling his thin lips. His frame has a light build - his back, stomach and arms just burly enough to reveal muscle. Otherwise, he is entirely too small, as suggested by the bottom of his rib cage being visible and the way both his collarbone and scapulae tend to stick out a little. The palm of his hands are somewhat calloused, being the only blemish on his otherwise smooth skin. His accommodating skin tone is of a pasty pallor, contrasting with his typically dark clothing. Tetsune's fine, unkempt hair is black and flows down to his ears, barring bangs that are swept aside just enough to not conceal brown irises. A light spray of freckles dot along his cheekbones and a little beyond to his nose and cheeks.

His casual attire is simple, as he cares very little about his appearance, save for trying not to stick out or appear too sloppy. Typically, he can be found with a plain, heather shirt that is either too big or too small for his unusual frame. Khaki shorts are typical for warm weather, but more often than not, he wears windbreaker pants, accented with red shades for his otherwise grayscale clothes. As for ninja attire, he wears a dark gray jacket with mesh armor underneath and the swirling fire symbol on the back, sleeves just long enough to cover his shoulders. His pants are long and black, stopping just short of the standard blue sandals. A cream pouch resides on the back of his left hip, while a holster is wound around his right leg. Tetsune alternates between having his blue headband on his forehead and tied to his arm, just short of the sleeves, though it is more often found on his arm.

[ Personality ; ] Tetsune is a difficult person to get along with. He is judgmental and not afraid to act on it, no matter the bias he has developed. More often than not, he finds a reason to look down on others, as he possesses an ego the size of a small country. He is crude, sporting a colorful vocabulary to back it up. Tetsune finds great pleasure in provoking people, both exploiting it as a means of a battle tactic, as well as figuring people out, be it through blunt insults, expressing his condescending nature, or just bitter sarcasm. He is clever and has good instincts, able to pick up on certain things quicker than most and develop a plan if push comes to shove. In the event that something goes wrong, or he has to deal with some general form of idiocy, Tetsune will undoubtedly become annoyed. His temper is ruthless in the instance he loses it. This is rare, though, as just with how any shinobi is supposed to, he has practice in burying his emotions.

Tetsune is prideful and unable to turn down challenges. His competitive nature is blatant, in this respect. Tetsune has a tendency to work hard to achieve a particular goal set out for him. However, his inspiration is short term, and he inevitably slips back into putting minimal effort into things as a result of his assurance in his own abilities. As a result, he is prone to developing rivalries, though can just as easily drop this relationship after beating them in the area he had fixated on. The easiest way to get him to back off is to simply ignore him. Tetsune is the sort who will not speak unless spoken to, sometimes refusing to engage in conversation even then if he does not have enough reason to be annoyed by someone, or the more often alternative of being a girl. Tetsune honestly has no clue how to deal with girls, as he finds them unpredictable and dangerous, which he is quick to attribute to that time of the month. He is not the sort to harass continually without reason, becoming quickly discouraged if the other person reacts with sorrow as opposed to anger. He cannot recognize a lot of emotions with people, but he can at least differentiate those two, though his difficulty with apologizing prevents him from being able to deal with this.

Though particular aspects of his personality may make the boy come across as lazy, Tetsune is a very reliable person. He is quick to take responsibilities when the situation calls for it with or without being asked to do so. When he says that he will do something, he follows through with it to the best of his abilities, not being one to lie unless absolutely necessary. In situations where he is seemingly helpless, he becomes restless and abrasive, as he hates feeling vulnerable in any way. Tetsune can sometimes struggle with teamwork, having to rely on his allies being able to predict his own intentions, but is excellent at acting on his own. He is strongly independent and does not need much instruction, as he easily comes up with means of acting on his own, sometimes even going so far as to tune out orders. He is impatient when dealing with others slower than him, but usually has the self control to not express it, other than expressing his contempt through body language.

The only time he expresses manners and treats someone in a polite fashion is if someone has managed to earn his respect or are one of a few people he truly cares for. Except for in the case of someone of a high status, it is very difficult to receive this decent treatment from him. However, this aspect of behavior is drastically unpolished. Even if he wants to appeal to someone, his lack of interpersonal skills can often lead to him offending someone by accident. He is nowhere near being in touch with his own personal feelings and is uncomfortable having to deal with them, sometimes not even being able to recognize them, particularly in cases of attraction. Tetsune feels very few obligations, as there are only a handful of people he holds dear to him, but as for those he has that close relationship with, he is fiercely protective. This trait is most plainly demonstrated with his younger sister, whom he would do anything for, if the situation called upon it.

[ History ; ] Tetsune has been lucky enough to live an average life up until this point, with no character changing event occurring. His family is not particularly wealthy, but they are well off enough to not notice, simply reserving money for necessities. He is the elder son to a nine year old sister, Soto, that of which he has a very close relationship with. Presently, his mother is three months pregnant, and has since become very sickly, as she does every time. Unable to keep a job, the income of the family is dependent on both Tetsune and his father. His father, however, is an ambitious jounin who has been trying to get into the ANBU ranks for many years. As a result, he tackles dangerous missions and is rarely home.

[Fighting Style ; ] Tetsune talks a lot during combat. His favorite thing is to get under an opponent's skin and take advantage of their anger. Considering his stature and slight build, the boy is not able to take a lot of hits. To compensate, he is building his speed, using this to dodge and sometimes counter attacks, occasionally having to manipulate chakra for the Body Flicker Technique. Tetsune is able to use the wire spool to ensnare opponents, sometimes attaching it to shuriken to manipulate the path of the weapons. He has all of the basic ninjutsu mastered, such as the Clone Jutsu and Rope Escape Technique, and is currently working on manipulating his elemental chakra with the help of his father.

The holster on his right leg allows for easy access to an array of kunai knives, usually holding around five. His back pouch holds the majority of his weapons, however. Tetsune carries a wire spool that is around twenty-five meters when rolled out. About five more kunai are held here as well. The rest of the items are ten shuriken, fifteen exploding tags, two smoke bombs and one flash bomb. He doesn't resort to weapons often, rather sticking to his counter attacks in taijutsu, but shows competence in wielding them and can use them effectively at the right time.
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[ Name ; ]

Night&Midnight Misuki

[ Gender ; ]


[ Age ; ]


[ Rank ; ]

Night- jonin

Midnight- ex-anbu

now both are teachers

[ Village ; ]

hidden leaf converted from hidden Mist

[ Appearance ; ] image at top black hair is midnight

[ Personality ; ]

Night- Night is very calm and keeps his thoughts to himself a lot. When he is teaching he helps his class and shows them as a group. His favorite technique to teach is the chakra focus technique. When in battle he shuts down his emotions and focuses on keeping his team safe with his water based jutsu.

Midnight- Midnight is the more aggressive brother. He believes there is no time for slack and believes anyone can do it if they try hard enough. When teaching he shows next to no mercy. While in battle he does his best to eliminate the enemy as fast as possible.

[Fighting Style ; ]

Night- Night uses more of a defensive battle strategy. He blocks attacks then counters with a quick minor attack to hold until he can finish with a larger and much stronger attack. Although the finishing attack ends in a restraining style to end the battle peacefully.

Midnight- Midnight enjoys getting to the point and finishing the enemy off rather quickly. His technique is to blind the person with a jutsu he created himself. Then from the mist he uses twin swords by the name "kiba" to strike the person quickly.

[More information ; ]


-He is almost completely opposite from his twin brother in mind and actions.

-Night enjoys learning new things.

-He loves helping others.

-Can be "too"nice from time to time.

Water Release- This is a trademark element of the village hidden in the mist.

Water Release:Water prison Jutsu

Information:Through the many variations of this jutsu. Night's version is nothing more then a ball of water. The 'prisoner' of the jutsu is available to breathe and speak inside the jutsu and is only restrained from moving. This restrains the person from performing hand signs to get out of it. Although this move can easily be disrupted if the chakra flow inside the ball of water is disrupted and broken.

Water Release: Water Dragon Jutsu

Information: Creates a dragon made of pure water that rushes towards an enemy with great force. Enough to knock the person down or throw them a few feet away. Moves in a direct line. The pressure of the water depends on the amount of water nearby and how much chakra is forced into it. The more chakra and larger body of water. The more powerful. If no water is available the dragon only has the ability to soak the foe.

Water Release:Hidden Mist Jutsu

Information: A trademark jutsu from his original village. This jutsu shrouds the area in a blinding mist leaving the foe blind. The user of this jutsu normally has trained themselves to see through the mist with near ease. This is due to either being able to notice slight shifts in the air. Or using the chakra in the mist to locate a body rather then air. If anyone used a wind based Jutsu to clear the fog it'd easily fade.

Water Release:Water clone Jutsu

Information: Much like a shadow clone, the water clone is a full functioning clone that can use jutsu or attack normally. This clone can also turn back into solid water. Turning back to solid water gives anyone the ability to control the water as if it were a simple puddle. The clone is quite vulnerable to attacks and can be destroyed with enough attacks to it.

Water Release:Hidden Water Technique

Information: The user has the ability to use bodies of water (Even puddles) to sink into and cloak themselves. The user completely sinks into the puddle and is undetectable unless a sensor ninja can sense the body inside the puddle or body of water.

Water Release:Rising Jet Jutsu

Information: This technique is nothing more then a stream of water that launches into a straight line with enough force to cut through a solid rock. Can also be used to strike an enemy in the air. If used across the ground it can easily be avoided by jumping. If shot in a straight line into the air, the foe can easily dodge simply by ducking or jumping to the side.

Water Release:Water Wall Jutsu

Information: The user creates a 4 ft by 6 ft wall of water protecting the user from any direct attacks. The wall is 4ft high and 6ft wide. The ability can be avoided if the foe goes around the wall or uses an earth based jutsu to break through the wall.


-He enjoys Fighting

-Midnight holds the blade in his right hand straight up while the blade in his left hand is upside down.

-He was in the anbu before becominga teacher with his brother.

-Him and Night teach the same class together.

-His twin swords are one of the seven ninja swords

-Midnight is much stricter then his brother.

-His name in the anbu was known as "The Black Mist"

-The jutsu he created was a mixture of water based jutsu and wind that creates a black cloud much similar to a storm cloud. (That's all the jutsu does nothing more then creating a storm cloud.)

-Midnight is not much of a people person.

Water Release- Trademark jutsu from his original village. He has the same jutsu's as Night, as well as a few more.

Water&Wind Release: Black mist Jutsu

Information: A jutsu created by Midnight himself, this jutsu is the same as the 'Hidden Mist Jutsu' but the difference of it is the density of the water and air. This forms a darker mist much like a storm cloud. using this, the technique renders the foe blind in a shroud of black. The jutsu, being more dense then the original hidden mist jutsu is harder to blow away with a simple wind technique.

Water Release: Flooded land Jutsu

Information: Another jutsu created by Midnight but rather useless. The jutsu simply forms a large puddle of water. Nothing more then that, it doesn't damage anyone or anything.


Wind Release- This technique is from the nature of his father who excelled at wind based Jutsu

Wind Release: Ferocious Wind

Information: With a swing of his sword, a wave of wind is launched towards the enemy. This wave is strong enough to cut down a solid rock but the downside to this attack is it only moves in a straight line and has a length of 4.5 ft.

Wind Release:Pressure Damage

Information: This technique covers a sphere around the user with a pulse of wind. This has enough force to knock an opponent down and maybe give them a small cut. The easiest way to avoid this is as simple as moving back and out of the range.

Wind Release:Stream

Information: The user breathes a stream of wind that launches directly towards an enemy. This attack is mainly used as a diverse attack to alter the path as something as a kunai. The ability can make a kunai move straight down rather then directly towards the user of this move. Downside is it moves directly in a straight path rather then moves in an area.

Wind Release:Divine Wind

Information: Creates a mini twister in a 1ft radius. The twister moves in whatever path the user sends it. It can easily be deflected with a sort of shield move and the move does nothing more then spin stuff around in circles.


Seven Ninja Swordsmen techinques- Techniques able to be used due to him being in the Seven Ninja Swordsmen. Lightning Released moves are limited only to when he has the swords in hand. If he does not have the swords then he is unable to use Lightning Release

Silent Kill

Information: This technique is a known move for all seven ninja swordsmen. The Silent kill technique is simply a quiet motion. It's normally used to kill an enemy rather quickly and undetected, normally used with a bladed weapon. The user will normally slit their opponent's throat, preventing any cry that might give them away.

Lightning Release: Discharge

Information: The technique simply creates a circle of electricity and 'discharges' causing the ring to sort of explode, shocking the enemy inside the ring. The technique is more effective when it's in a body of water. Simple way of dodging is to leave the circle seeing it takes a moment to activate the full discharge. Midnight uses this move by stabbing his swords 'Kiba' into the ground. The range on this move is 1-10 ft away. Anything past that the discharged electricity grounds itself out completely. If used on a body of water it can travel up to twenty feet max.

Lightning Release: Twin Lightning Fangs

By drawing together his twin swords, Midnight can send an electrical essence into the clouds, allowing him to create lightning strikes in any desired location. This move is limited to only when there are thunder clouds in the sky. The lightning bolt can only be used 1-15 ft away. Another downside is if the move is used 1-5 feet away he renders the chance of striking himself as well.

Lightning Release: Discharge clone

Information: The clone is a simple water clone infused with an electric discharge. When the clone is created it uses the 'Lightning Release: Discharge' on itself filling it with electricity. The clone will explode when it comes in contact with anyone including Midnight. The downside is, it's rather weak and a simple cut will cause it to explode. The clone will shock anyone/thing touching it at that moment.
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[ Name ; ] Rin Hirasaka

[ Gender ; ] Female

[ Age ; ] 19

[ Rank ; ] Jonin/ Teacher

[ Village ; ] Hidden mist

[ Appearance ; ] <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bee841d33_2014-03-1700.51.02.jpg.c5c75cfaa24d6a788f678e9eb5f9fd33.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14700" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bee841d33_2014-03-1700.51.02.jpg.c5c75cfaa24d6a788f678e9eb5f9fd33.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Green eyes. black hair. 5'10". 90 pounds. (the skirt makes her look fat...)

[ Personality ; ] Rin is really aggressive in nature. She enjoys picking on her little brother Shiro. She is nice and can be funny when she is out and about but when she is on a mission she always tenses up and focuses on completing the task that she is given. She acts like a leader and gives very good advice. Rin also considers herself and expert in love and helps people out when they have someone they like and don't know what to do.

[Fighting Style ; ] Rin is well rounded having talents mostly in ninjutsu and Taijutsu and a little talent in Genjutsu. She also has her Kekkei Genkai:

Kekkai Genkai

- Black water replacement

- Black water clone

- Rising black water slicer

-Black water gunshot

-Mist fog prison

-Black water Dragon

-Rampaging water

Wind Release

-Vortex Bullet

-Rose dance

-lade of wind

[ Name ; ] Shiro Hirasaka

[ Gender ; ] male

[ Age ; ] 14

[ Rank ; ] Genin

[ Village ; ] Hidden mist

[ Appearance ; ] <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bee860a29_2014-03-1700.52.05.jpg.50e2ba6845c3f7abf2fb2b8be42ef2d5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14701" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bee860a29_2014-03-1700.52.05.jpg.50e2ba6845c3f7abf2fb2b8be42ef2d5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Black hair blue eyes. 5'2". 100 pounds.

[ Personality ; ]
Shiro is very calm and collected. Even though most of the village are disgusted by him and the fat that he has no friends he remains to be unaffected by it. He hates getting picked on by his sister though, basically the only person he has cared about since both of their parents had passed away. Shiro is a very serious person like his sister when it comes to missions. He is actually was made a genin under his sisters training.

[Fighting Style ; ] Shiro was born as a jinchuuriki to the four tails Son Goku. He has no knowledge of this how ever although he knows what Jinchuuriki are. He is decent in taijutsu and only knows basic ninjutsu. He is also a decent swords man and the higher ups have had thier eye on him to see if he were worthy of becoming one of the Seven swords men of the mist. He has also unlock one of his two Kekkei Genkai:

Kekkei Genkai: (His other one being lava release which comes alnog with being the jinchuuriki of Son Goku)

-Black water clone

-Black water replacement

-Black water Gunshot

Clan Information:

Clan Name:

Origin: been around for as long as anyone has known

Kekkei Genkai: Black water: This Kekkei Genkai is much like the black lighting release and Amaterasu. Its powerful water which cannot be dried up and it is not weak against earth.

Affiliated Village: Hidden mist

Members (#): About 30

(I hope it doesn't matter that I drew both of my characters)



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[ Name ; ] Jakunen

[ Gender ; ] Female

[ Age ; ] 12

[ Rank ; ] One of the academy students about to become genin.

[ Village ; ] Otogakure/Konohagakure

[ Appearance ; ] Black hair with bangs that almost fall over her pale yellow eyes. The back of her hair is very short, and her bangs are divided into three sections with some hair between her eyes and some on the sides of her face. Her canines are slightly sharper and more prominent than other people's, however it's not a very big difference. She dresses pretty simply, one example is an outfit with black shoes and pants that cut off around the knees and a purple shirt, with the rest of her legs are wrapped in bandages. Jakunen has the standard blue and tan pouches ninjas use to carry things like kunai and shuriken. Her height is a little below average and her skin is fairly pale, but not ghastly white. There are small purple markings on her eyelids but they're not too noticeable.

[ Personality ; ]Sometimes doesn't get along too well with others and can be distant. Jakunen doesn't really care about other people, but from being in Orochimaru's company she's gotten a habit of being polite most of the time, though it might be obvious to some that she doesn't really mean it. Gets bored and annoyed by things easily. She's scared of messing up, of not being good enough or smart enough, being found out, of being a failure, and of not being needed anymore. Because of this she tends to act tough, even if she doesn’t realize what her fears are. Because of her upbringing, she might not have the best morals. If someone wants to fight, she'll fight with them. Jakunen is good at taking orders and usually follows them as best as she can unless she completely disagrees with them

[ History ; ]Sort of a clone of Orochimaru to be used in the future as one of his bodies, and until she was old enough to join the Academy in Konoha she was raised by him, and thinks she's his kid and has no clue of his current plans for her. She went to Konoha to learn the basics of fighting, how to spy, and to observe the other students there sasuke oh yeah.

[Fighting Style ; ]Mostly uses niinjustu and taijutsu. For weapons she uses kunai, shuriken, and poison. She would be able to fight with snakes, but she can’t use those techniques out in the open and she only knows a few very basic techniques. Knows all the basics other genin do. Doesn’t like to talk a lot during fights. Likes to fight closer up and has a bit of a bad habit of protecting more vital spots at the expense of her arms (she really needs to get something to protect them). Is of average strength.
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[ Name ; ]

Asuka Byakko

[ Gender ; ]


[ Age ; ]


[ Rank ; ]

Academy Student

[ Village ; ]


[ Appearance ; ]


[ Personality ; ]

Many tend to describe Asuka as having something wrong with her, mainly because of the fact that she can go from happy to mad in seconds. That's just her personality. Most of the time she's excited and happy to learn more and hang out with her friends. She enjoys spending time with others and learning how to be a ninja. On the other hand, she has a fairly short temper. She doesn't care if someone talks about her, but absolutely hates it when her friends or those she cares for have been disrespected. She's not afraid to start a fight, especially if she can back it up. She's fiercely loyal and despises any who turn traitor for just about any reason. ("There has to be a damn good reason why!")

[Fighting Style ; ]

Asuka comes from the Byakko clan who tend to affiliate with wind and lighting jutsu. Unknown to her, like most of her clan, her chakra nature is lightning and wind. She prefers to use a katana, Akai Tsuki (Red Moon), as her main weapon, but does use kunai and shuriken. Her katana is strapped across her back, leaving her belt free to hold kunai and shuriken.

Most of the time Asuka knows not to charge straight in to a fight, but if provoked too far, she's known to attack blindly. Depending on her opponent, she has been known to throw insults to try and rile them up, for a better fight. She can be pretty rash at times, which could lead to possibly getting her teammates hurt, but is working on fixing that. Though it's slow in progress.


[Name ; ]


(White Fox or Albino Fox)

[Origin ; ]


[Kekkai Genkai ; ]

Tsukinukeru - Break Through

It's more of a defense technique.

Tsukinukeru Daiichiheki (First Wall): 'Sees' the Ninjutsu about to be used

Tsukinukeru Daini no Kabe (Second Wall): Sees through Genjutsu, and 'breaks through' it effects, rendering it useless on the user

[summons ; ]

Artic foxes

[Affiliated Village ; ]


[Members ; ]

Around 35-40

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[Name ; ] Kotone Akiyama

[ Gender ; ] Female

[ Age ; ] 13

[ Rank ; ] Academy Student

[ Village ; ] Konohagakure

[ Appearance ; ] Almost everything about Kotone's appearance is average. She's of average height, has average hair color (dark brown), average eye color (brown), and average skin tone. She keeps her hair in low pigtails. She wears a mid sleeved, dark-red shirt with a short, sleeveless light gray jacket over that. She wears black pants, and standard dark blue sandals. She hasn't really gone through puberty yet, as she still has a boyish figure and lacks anything that would visually identify her as a female. Bandages wrap around both her hands, stretching from her wrists to her thumbs, and are changed often.

[ Personality ; ] Kotone has a short-temper, which can be set off by a number of things; such as stressful situations, people who she finds annoying, or have somehow prompted her into finding them an emotion that isn't 'tolerable'. Her temper can also be set off by things she doesn't understand, as anger is her go-to emotion to deal with things, or people that she simply can't comprehend, or just 'doesn't get'. However, she's a completely different person when around her superiors than when around her peers or acquaintances. She becomes a polite person, who will suddenly know how to control her emotions. She also doesn't believe in working with others, preferring to find a way to do things on her own, and stick with her own stubbornness rather than see the true genius of teamwork until someone else somehow makes her see that teamwork is the best way to go about doing things. Without a reason, even if it may be flimsy, to be angry at a person, she will usually just act neutrally toward them. She doesn't like written tests, as she usually slacks her way through them, only to end up receiving a failing grade in the end.

[Fighting Style ; ] Yet again, she's mostly average. With the exception of taijutsu, she's pretty average in ninjutsu and genjutsu, and only knows basic ninjutsu and how to dispel genjutsu. She's better at taijutsu than everything else and knows this, so she tries to perfect her hand-to-hand combat at the expense of everything else. Her preferred weapon is explosive kunai, though she can't always get her hands on those, so she settles for regular kunai.
[ Name : ] Makoto Iwasaki

[ Gender : ] Female

[ Age : ] 12

[ Rank : ] Genin

[ Village : ] Konohagakure

[ Appearance : ] Looks: Makoto has crimson spikey red hair. On the right side of her head, her hair covers her eye in the front. The longest part in the front barely touches her shoulder and gets shorter towards the back, stopping an inch before her hairline (kinda like a backwards high-low). Her left side is shorter than her right, only reaching to her chin. She tends to keep this side pulled back behind her ear. It gets shorter to the back too and stops at the same length as the other side. Makoto has bright hazel green eyes with a devious glint in them and that smirk on her face that spells trouble. She has olive skin, is around 4'11, has a well built body especially for her age (she does a lot of extra training on the side), and is around 92lbs


(closest thing to hair description...don't judge)


-wears a skin-tight, black shirt that covers her neck and stops just before her elbows and ends past her navel

-wears a loose, forest green shirt over black shirt that stops before her navel

-has dark brown skin tight armbands that end at her wrist

-black fingerless gloves with the clan symbol on the right glove.

-loose navy blue shorts that stop at her knees.

-normal blue ninja sandals

-wears a thick cream belt with a pouch attached to it

-blue holster on right leg.

[ Personality : ] Makoto is a short tempered girl who's very impulsive and sarcastic and rude at times. She hates studying with a burning passion, and will do anything to sneak get out of class. Probably part of the reason why she's not the greatest at ninjutsu. Also, Makoto likes to think of herself as "one of the guys". She's not afraid to get down and dirty with things, and most of the time, she feels like she can associates herself with the guys more so than the girls. On the bright side maybe, she can be one-track minded at times when it comes to goals that she's determined to achieve, and refuses to quit until she's reached that goal. Stubborn-much? Probably so.

[Fighting Style : ] She will rely mainly on her taijutsu in battle since her ninjutsu is pretty bad (she can still do it, but it takes up a lot of time and energy for her to do it right). She may taunt the enemy if the outlook of the fight seems to be in her favor, but if things aren't going her way, she'll most likely get pissed off at her opponent and start to lash out on them, not thinking before she swings anymore. With weapons, she'll typically use her kunai knife for close combat, since she needs more work on aiming with her throwing stars
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[ Name ; ] Masato Kawashima

[ Gender ; ] Male

[ Age ; ] 14

[ Rank ; ]

[ Village ; ] Hidden Leaf

[ Appearance ; ]

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/OC__voodoo_ninja_by_Ninjatic-1-1.jpg.7cb91b5a20b388a9984ab93154f215ff.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14783" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/OC__voodoo_ninja_by_Ninjatic-1-1.jpg.7cb91b5a20b388a9984ab93154f215ff.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

-The Symbol of his Village is tattooed onto his left hand, which is wrapped up in Bandages

-Carries a Katana on his person

-Has Blue Eyes

-Always has the lower half of his face covered

-Left arm is always covered with a long orange sleeve

[ Personality ; ]
Silent, Confident, Head Strong, Stubborn, Cold

[Fighting Style ; ]

-Has unparalleled Taijutsu and Kusarigamajutsu

-Skilled in Kenjutsu

-Skilled in Shurikenjutsu

-Skilled in Bojutsu and Naginatajutsu, however it is not often he uses pole arms

-Often uses a Katana or Kusarigama in Combat

-Often tries to conserve the use of Kunai and Shuriken when in battle

-Likes to conserve Chakara, so he rarely uses Ninjutsu or Genjutsu



  • OC__voodoo_ninja_by_Ninjatic-1-1.jpg
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[ Name ; ]

Yuzuki Hanabe

[ Gender ; ]


[ Age ; ]


[ Rank ; ]

Jonin Teacher

[ Village ; ]


[ Appearance ; ]


[ Personality ; ]

Yuzuki normally has a very calm and cool appearance, but it can easily be broken with the right words. She's pretty short, and her younger twin brother loves to make fun of her, easily setting her off, causing her to chase him around the village, threatening him with her katana and ninjutsu. She's nice to those she's friends with, though many are slightly afraid to get near her because of her calm yet slightly cold look. She's a strict teacher and doesn't accept any slacking, having no problem 'disciplining' her students. She's loyal, kind, and caring, and will do whatever she's able to protect her family and those she loves.

[Fighting Style ; ]

Yuzuki goes into a fight silently, wanting to get the job done as quickly as possible, saving as much of her chakra as she can. She doesn't talk or try to goad her opponent into revealing anything. If she wants information she'll extract it from them in an interrogation.

Yuzuki is more of an offense fighter, preferring to use her katana in close range fights, but has no problem switching to kunai and shuriken. She's more skilled at ninjutsu and taijutsu then genjutsu, but can still cast them. Her chakra nature is water and wind. She uses simple water jutsus to form around her katana and attack. She's currently working to change that from just water to ice.

She has a neko summons that is small and white, but constantly carries poison in a hidden pocket on a small white vest. Yuzuki mostly has her summons send messages and lead others to where they need to be, but the little white neko can fight back for a bit if needed.

[ Name ; ]

Ryoichi Hanabe

[ Gender ; ]


[ Age ; ]


[ Rank ; ]

Jonin Teacher

[ Village ; ]


[ Appearance ; ]


[ Personality ; ]

Ryoichi is a very calm and laid back person. He loves to feel free, while his sister Yuzuki prefers to seem stiff. He likes to mess around with his team, getting to know them as friends not just someone in your squad. He makes friends just about wherever he goes, knowing many people in the village. He loves to set Yuzuki off about him calling her short, causing her to chase him around, letting them both practice their stamina. He's not very harsh with his students, but if they need to be corrected, he has no trouble doing that. He's definitely loyal, calm, and collected, and likes a good joke on his day off, but will do anything to protect his family, friends, and village.

[Fighting Style ; ]

Ryoichi enters a fight calmly and with a slight grin on his face, working on unnerving his opponent. Being a more defensive fighter, mainly using kunai and shuriken along with his ninjutsu, he works on talking to his opponent, figuring out their weak spots, and getting them to mess up.

Ryoichi tends to use taijutsu more than he does ninjutsu and genjutsu, though he can do both with ease. His two chakra natures are lightning and water. He tends to use his lightning ability more than his water, finding it easier to strike an opponent down. He's a little above average in all three categories, but doesn't full use them, preferring to preserve most of his chakra for when he needs it rather than a fight he can win with just taijutsu.

[ Name ; ]

Renshii Akahero

[ Gender ; ]


[ Age ; ]


[ Rank ; ]


[ Village ; ]


[ Appearance ; ]

On the back of his jacket he has a tribal based Dragon symbol. The symbol notifies him as one of his clan.



[ Personality ; ] Renshii is more of a cocky type person. Being from his clan, where most of the men are looked highly upon and skilled Ninjutsu users. Renshii was taught how to use fire based jutsu's fairly early. His skills proceeded from the genin level as he learned to use Great Fire ball jutsu just before the chunin exams. From the days of young age where he began training his attitude became more like his fathers. Bold and strong minded. Not afraid of anyone, and won't stand down to a challenge. When he is around his partner and or family, some times friends. Renshii is a tad bit calmer and goes quiet unless spoken to or speaking about some missions. When in battle with someone he has no problem running his mouth to wind up the enemy and anger them until they just become hostile and strike without thinking.

[Fighting Style ; ]

Renshii's fighting style is more of a mixed martial arts mixed with a style his clan uses. Renshii is quite well with TaiJutsu and his NinJutsu. His main weapon is the paper bomb kunai's or a demon wind shuriken. He strikes with the kunai by throwing it towards the enemy and follows it up with a fire jutsu. If the jutsu doesn't work he rushes the opponent and uses his TaiJutsu before slipping a tagged kunai in their pocket and jumping back.

Fire Release:Fire clone Jutsu

one of his clan's signature jutsu's. They create a clone of themselves that explodes at a simple hand seal. The clone follows orders through chakra and explodes when the user uses the "Tiger" hand seal. Other then that the clone is rather useless and terrible at counter attacks. Only Skilled users (Jonin's) Can use the clone as if it were a normal clone and have it act upon it's own will.

Fire Release: Flame Shuriken

Another skill used by mainly his clan but not impossible by others. The user throws multiple kunais and ignites them with a fire technique sending the flaming shurikens towards a foe

Fire Release: Dragon's breathe.

The user breathes a small stream of fire towards an enemy. The strength/Size depends on the level of the user. Although, the bigger the flame the more chakra it uses up at a time.

Fire Release: Dragon flight

User shoots a flame from their mouth that forms in the shape of a dragon and burns the foe. The highly skilled can give the foe third degree burns.

Fire Release:Pheonix flower

Same as it is in the anime. It's a common fire jutsu to most fire release users. The technique shoots multiple balls of fire towards the enemy. The more fireballs, the more chakra that will be used. Most common used at a time is 3.

Summoning Jutsu: Dragon Summoning.
(Right up Orochimaru's ally ain't it? xD )

Information:Summons a small dragon, about the size of a medium dog. The dragon has the ability to use fire release techinques and fly. NOT RIDEABLE.

The user also has the ability to summon small snakes. At most 4 Ft long. And maybe as big as a human being.

Future ability. Not until much later on.

Dragon Sage

Information: Dragon sage is a user who has signed the agreement with the reptiles. Much like snakes and dragons. Beginner users have their eyes turn red. More advance users gain horns and a serpant's tongue. The more advanced users can summon a larger dragon or snake.

[ Other Information ; ]

Akahero Clan: The Akahero clan is filled with people who follow along the lines of the reptiles. Ones much like snakes and dragons. Their symbol is an A with a dragon wrap around it. The clan has been known for the dragon summoning and snake summoning techniques. The clan is highly seen for their Fire release techniques and the tai jutsu style they use. Most men of the clan are bold and cold hearted.
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[ Name ; ]

Chinatsu Arikawa

[ Gender ; ]


[ Age ; ]


[ Rank ; ]


[ Village ; ]


[ Appearance ; ]




[ Personality ; ]

Chinatsu, or Chi, is very timid. Being the only child of the small Arikawa clan, Chi gets a bit of pressure to uphold and carry on their traditions as ninjas. Chinatsu started out with a timid nature, but it steadily grew worse as she started at the Academy and her training got more intense, starting to make her more nervous, especially since she wasn't very good at taijutsu or ninjutsu. She was proud when she was able to properly learn how to throw kunai and shuriken but her parents said it was disgraceful that that was the only thing she could do. That made her even worse.

She was able to become a bit more confident in herself when she was able to understand genjutsu perfectly. After that she was able to summon and when she summoned her partner Hikage, a small wolf-dog hybrid. She's slowly working on building her confidence, and trying to become stronger. She still gets nervous and embarrassed a lot and tends to apologize, but it's getting better.

[Fighting Style ; ]

Chinatsu tends to stay back and try and attack from a distance or trap her opponent in a weak genjutsu and lets her team take care of the rest. Her chakra nature is earth based and upon finding that started to learn some of the more basic earth style jutsu.

Chinatsu doesn't charge her opponent head on, she prefers to try and help from the sidelines, staying out of the way, having Hikage sneak in and help attack at times.

[ Name ; ] Hana

[ Gender ; ] Female

[ Age ; ] 12

[ Rank ; ] Academy student

[ Village ; ] Konohagakure

[ Appearance ; ]


[ Personality ; ]
Hana has always been a difficult person to discern and despite the fact she doesn't express interest in reviving her clan she has great loyalty to them as a whole. She has become an engima to both friend and ally alike, as she is never clear to anyone about herself. Allowing others to define their own image of just what and who she is. She is incredibly Flippant as she mouths off to the baddest and most powerful of shinobi. Always looking to slide in a witty comeback or remark to her opponents, and will not hesitate to make condescending remarks to her target. Making them charge into battle with no plan. When not in battle she is a cool calm and collected Gal with a cooler than ice persona. She is known for her true neutral lifestyle as most times he is willing to Look the other way if a situation doesn't affect her directly, But when it does she rises to the challenge. She will not go out of her way to hurt someone. She is also the last of her clan.

[Fighting Style ; ] Knows basic jutsus and excels in genjutsu:

- Kekkei Genkai: Jikan stage 1: An eye genjutsu that slows the vision of its target, making the user seem faster than she actually is. Members of the clan are born with this stage.

[ Name ; ] Sora K?jin

[ Gender ; ] Male

[ Age ; ] 10

[ Rank ; ] Academy student

[ Village ; ] Konohagakure

[ Appearance ; ]


[ Personality ; ]
Sora known to be a kind-hearted child and sympathetic with those around him. When one of his friends is hurt he willalways visit them in the hospital or at their home to make sure they are okay and to cheer them up. This made him rather popular as it showed how he truly cared for others. He was also rather cocky when it came to fighting.

[Fighting Style ; ] Knows basic jutsus and excels in Ninjutsu

Kekkei T?ta (CANNOT USE AS OF NOW): Flare release: Flare Release (??, Nenton) is one of few, exceptionally powerful bloodline limits which appear in the form known as kekkei t?ta. It is an advanced nature transformation that is created through the simultaneous employment of the Fire Release, Wind Release, and Yang Release natures.

Fire Realise: Fire dragon bullet

Fire Realise: Breath of flames
[ Name ; ]

Kamei (K-ah-may) Taki

[ Gender ; ]


[ Age ; ]


[ Rank ; ]


[ Village ; ]


[ Appearance ; ]


[ Personality ; ]

Kamei is sort of a shy child. Doesn't get into much trouble and keeps away from as many as possible being shunned because he was the jinchuriki of the Three tailed beast. Many stayed away from him and tortured him attempting to cut him but due to his tailed beast's ability his skin was touch and gained very little scratches. The hardness resembled that of a tortuous shell. When he moved to Kumogakure he began to lighten up a little and become a bit more confident opening up a little but keeping to himself still. This all caused him to spend hours a day alone training trying to become a stronger opponent so he could prove his worth to the people of his village and show he's not a push around.

Due to all the issues of being a jinchuriki, Kamei has developed an anxiety issue. He gets to anxious to become more like everyone else training to be the best. This anxiety issue makes him have a freak out moment where he loses his mind, gets the shakes and starts to hyperventilate. The things that normally trigger this are, being picked on to much, getting to hyped up for a mission or something of that sort, having 'to much' fun with things, etc. When having an anxiety attack, Kamei gains strength, a slight chakra boost, and if it's a severe attack he begins to have the symptoms of a single tail and ends up losing his mind in the end and the tailed beast takes over.

[Fighting Style ; ]

The Jinchuriki inside Kamei gives him an adept understanding of water release. This gave him the ability to be able to use the water release jutsu at genin level. With Kamei being only Genin rank, his water release is limited to only knowing the two. If he decides to use the water release techniques then his chakra drains rather quickly. Only able to create a single water clone and a small wall of water. The downside to his water release techniques is they are rather weak and only able to be used when he is around a body of water such as a lake or pond. A puddle is possible but the size of the clone will be at most 1ft tall and the water wall will cover his shins at most. Kamei trains hours a day with his taijutsu to hone his skills, he knows the tailed beast has enhanced his strength so the punches feel like being hit with a turtle shell as well as his kicks. Due to the knowledge of this he uses mainly taijutsu to attack and will use a jutsu every so often but relies on his punches and kicks more. His reaction time is slow but his attacks are rather quickly and direct. His jutsu attacks are more of a defensive use like the water wall creating a weak shield, as well as the water clone to make his attacks come from more then one spot. Other then this he is terrible when it comes to throwing Kunais or Shurikens.

Basic Taijutsu- Average kicks, a semi strong punch for someone his age, not quick but rather strong due to his skin which is hard like a turtle shell. His counters are fairly average and mainly a punch counter rather then a kick.

Ninjutsu- Simple things that a beginner genin learns.

Water Release: Water Wall

Information: Kamei's version of the water wall is only 3ft tall and 2ft wide. And he can only use this technique when water is around him. The wall is weak and mainly only deflects Kunai's and shurikens as well as any basic fire jutsu.

Water Release: Water Clone

Information: Simple clone that looks all purty c: The clone can move and jump freely but is unable to form any jutsu's that Kamei knows. Mainly used as a distraction

Summoning Jutsu: Tortoise

Information: The jutsu can summon a variety of turtles. Max sized turtle he can summon is about 3 ft tall from the botttom to top of the shell. That one is mainly for riding and hiding behind.

Tailed Beast attacks- Attacks he's only able to use when he's using the chakra from his tailed Beast Isobu.



Seeing Kamei is only a genin and only just learning the natures of chakra as well as how to use them. The seal on his stomach is pretty strong and rarely leaks. Due to this, Kamei very rarely has access to even 1 tail of his tailed beast. Even when he does access it his mind goes haywire and the chakra controls him rather then him using his mind. He has no control over himself and attacks anyone and anything that comes off as a threat. He only has the ability to access this tail when he is either highly depressed or angered to the point of a blind rage.

Tailed Beast Release: Tails and power from each Tail

Single Tail: A red chakra exoskeleton forms around Kamei showing the chakra is activated and flowing through his own regular chakra. This slightly increases his strength

Two Tails: A semi turtle skeleton forms around Kamei and his strength increases greatly. The tails are still basic red chakra tails

Three Tails: The full skeleton covers Kamei and gives him the ability to attack with a much greater strength also giving him the access to the tailed beast moves

Tailed Beast: Kamei takes the form and size of the three tailed turtle Isobu and has full access to all attacks and strength the turtle has to offer Kamei.

Tailed Beast Release:Tailed Beast Bomb:

Information: A black ball that is launched towards the foe with great power.

One Tail: This power is not accessible with a single tail.

Two Tails: The beast bomb is about the size of a golf ball and does little damage

Three Tails: The beast bomb is at full strength and power.

Water Release:Water Bullet

Information: Chakra infused water bullet that has the ability of breaking trees and possibly a bone or two. The attack also has a surrounding shockwave of air that can knock over a few things. If used at a body of water it creates a semi large tidal wave.

One Tail: Very small bullets of water. More of a wave of energy that will possibly knock someone down but does little damage other then that.

Two Tails: The water bullets send a small shockwave out around them pushing anyone away. When struck by it, the foe will be knocked back a few feet and onto their back.

Three Tails: The water bullet can be shot in a rapid session of 3 at a time. The bullets are as big as a normal sized human and sends waves of energy spiraling around it. This can knock the foe many feet back and possibly break a bone or two.

Tailed Beast Release:Tortoise shell

Information: This attack is more of a shield. The more tails Kamei has the stronger the shells shield. This move forms a small shield to protect him from attacks

One Tail: The Shell is more of a red chakra shield

Two Tails: The shell is made of the bones of the 3 Tails

Three Tails: The shell is made of the actual tortoise rather then just the bones. Nearly impenetrable.
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[ Name ; ]

Ren Torisei

[ Gender ; ]


[ Age ; ]


[ Rank ; ]


[ Village ; ]


[ Appearance ; ]


[ Personality ; ]

Ren, although born the head of a wealthy family, has a very nice, calm, and concerned nature. She holds no grudge against anyone she meets, be from where they come from or if they've done something to her. The only time she'll hold a grudge is if someone harms someone close to her. Her family, friends, etc. She knows that there are people who need money and think that by trying to take her they can get it. Much to her family's displeasure she doesn't mind. She renders them immobile to get away and leaves them alone, never looking back.

Ren, despite being bright and cheerful, doesn't have many friends, knowing many would try to be her friend for any money she might give them. The only real friends she has are her team mates, knowing they don't really want anything of her. She always tries her hardest, wanting to be the best she can be on her own strength, not with her parents' power or money. She wants her own reputation.

She doesn't normally get mad, but she does have a slight temper. She gets annoyed most of the time, mainly by dealing with annoying suitors and family members trying to force her to do something she doesn't agree with. She prefers to spend most of her time training and spending time with her team rather than at home, dealing with her parents who complain about her risking her life when she's the Torisei heir. Ren knows her parents are proud of her, but they worry to much, especially with the elders breathing down their necks about forcibly pulling her out of her ninja career.

[Fighting Style ; ]

Ren's choice of weapon are two medium sized pale yellowish white battle fans with black handles. With wind being her chakra nature, she uses the fans to help channel her chakra, creating much fiercer winds then she could on her own. She knows plenty of basic wind jutsus, and is working on expanding her knowledge of complicated wind techniques.

Her fans are reinforced with hard metal, making them deadly enough to cut her opponent if they're within distance. If fighting a real battle against an enemy, she's fierce and deadly, gliding around the area, working to take down her opponent as quick as possible, saving as much chakra as possible.

For scouting purposes and sneak attacks, she summons her black and white spotted falcon, Chirashi. When summoned he lands gently on Ren's arm, waiting for the order to either attack from above or scout for information. Ren tends to give him small bombs to drop on enemies when coming from above.

When she knows her team mates are in danger, she'll immediately go to help if possible. She hates to see those she cares about getting hurt. When they do get hurt, her anger spikes, and she is able to access her kekkai genkai. For an unknown reason, Ren has been unable to access her kekkai genkai unless in a complete rage, which rarely happens unless her loved ones are in danger. Upon accessing her kekkai genkai, she skips the first stage, and goes straight to the second. She's tried to access the first stage during training in secret, and it only causes her crippling pain, and blood to pour from her eyes.

Her Fans


[Name ; ]


[Origin ; ]


[Kekkai Genkai ; ]


Mōkin: Sensei kōgeki (Bird of Prey: First Strike) - The users eyes turn fierce, brown with a black undertone, and beady, like a bids. It entrances the users opponent(s) and renders them immobile with fear, giving the user a chance to strike quickly.

Mōkin: Nijikōgeki (Bird of Prey: Second Strike) - The users eyes become completely black, looking slightly possessed and beady. It strikes fear in the users opponents and enhances the users speed when running and attacking.

[summons ; ]

Falcons, Hawks, and Eagles

(A member summons one of the three birds and that will always be their Summons)

[Affiliated Village ; ]


[Members ; ]


The Torisei clan has lived in Kumogakure as far as their records go back. The current head is Souta Torisei with his wife Aoi Torisei. Their only child is Ren Torisei, their heir. The clan was small when they started, but steadily grew in members, power, and wealth as time went on. They are now one of the more wealthier clans of the village and have a high standing. Most of the males of the clan choose to become ninjas and only a few females do. Ren is one of those females, much to the clan Elders annoyance.

The Elders wish for Souta and Aoi to pull Ren out of career as a ninja and force her to accept a life as a household wife to her fiancé Satoru. Although Ren agreed to being engaged to Satoru, seeing as she liked him and thought him nice, she refused to quit her dream of becoming someone by her own power. She hated that she was expected to quit her dreams just to sit around and do nothing when she had the power to help and protect her village.

Her parents worry about her constantly and often complain to her about her choice, mainly because the Elders continue to try to get them to make her quit, but they are proud of their daughter, and know that she'll be an asset to the village.


[ Name ; ]

Satoru Hatakeda

[ Gender ; ]


[ Age ; ]


[ Rank ; ]


[ Village ; ]


[ Relationships ; ]

friends | Kamei - Though Kamei's reserved nature makes communication between them rare, they have always been kind to each other, and now Satoru can appreciate what it's like being a jinchuuriki more than ever.

Ryuu - Satoru is mostly amused or confused by Ryuu, but enjoys his company.

acquaintances | Ren - Satoru views Ren with ambivalence. As his fiancé, they have always been on good terms and treated each other well, and he does support her in her endeavors. However, a part of him believes he can never truly love her because of the reason behind his proposal and he cannot help but resent her a little for the wealth she was born into.

enemies | None at the moment.

[ Appearance ; ] Satoru has a light build, defined subtly by muscles and just enough weight to keep his bones from protruding anywhere. Overall, he is very lightweight, even being around six feet tall. His skin is a light shade of ebony, making his calloused palms and nails stand out and also bring attention to his eyes, though the irises are a very plain brown. Satoru's thick hair is black, though appears to have a very slight navy tint when it gets lighter. He leaves it to simply hang, the length extending down from his chin to his ears. Oftentimes, his hair is carelessly brushed out of his face, leaving him vulnerable to his bangs falling in his face. Satoru's face is very angular, outlining sudden curve in the skull. His eyebrows and lips are thin, in addition to his nose being slight. His face is not very expressive, instead only characterized by very subtle shifts, making him appear bored most of the time.

Casually, Satoru does not deviate much in appearance. More often than not, he simply wears a skimpy, loose-fitting tanktop and white or khaki shorts, typically sporting and excess number of pockets and strings. He has a tendency to go without shoes, though will wear simple black sandals when called for. As far as ninja attire goes, Satoru does not deviate much from the standard issued Kumogakure jacket. Beneath the white, one-strapped flak jacket, he wears a sleeveless, collared black shirt with a zipper down the middle. His pants are similarly black, cut just before the ankle and can be seen wearing the same sandals as he otherwise would. His black headband is tied around the single strap of his flak jacket. On his back is a strap to hold the sheath of his sword. A white pouch wraps around his waist and hangs behind him.

[ Personality ; ] Satoru has a rather negative outlook on life, expecting the worst out of situations. This is partly attributed to the unfortunate experiences he has had throughout his life. Though he thinks in such a pessimistic manner, which he is not afraid to share with others, he also very idealistic views. He has many doubts they will come to fruition, but Satoru often thinks about the way things could be better. He is a good mediator for relationships in part because of this, but more so thanks to his serene nature. Satoru can sometimes become flustered and stressed, but otherwise remains calm. The only time he will lose his temper is in the event that someone close to him is hurt or threatened severely enough, even then able to maintain an overall apathetic demeanor sometimes. He is level headed and task oriented, able to prioritize things in accordance with his selfless nature.

Satoru is very at ease with social situations. Though appearing reserved, the boy has an impulse to surround himself with people. His sense of humor is dry, taking cracks at ironic jokes whenever the opportunity presents itself. He is an attentive listener, just as content with listening to someone else's problems as well as conveying his own, though only if inquired. Satoru's attachment to people and drive to fit in with others makes him very susceptible to peer pressure. Somewhat lacking in education, Satoru is ignorant on a lot of topics and treats new information with little suspicion, making him gullible. He is somewhat of a perfectionist. This trait shows with a small impulsiveness to fix and organize certain things, provided it is simple and quick enough to, but this is more relevant to his compulsive need to hide his flaws. Satoru is thoughtful with every action he performs and every word he speaks, trying to do whatever he can to please another person. Consequently, his slow way of going about things can sometimes give the impression of him being sluggish and having absolutely no intention of doing anything, where in reality, Satoru is a hard worker.

Once a very conceited individual, Satoru lost a lot of confidence upon the Nibi being sealed inside of him. He is keen enough to notice people treating him differently, making him all the more desperate to appear perfect and serve others. He is very careful in his appearance, both physically and in the way he conveys himself. He has a lack of security and takes anything resembling an insult to him as a personal foul, causing him to shy away before actually offending him. Satoru is dependent on others to confirm things for him, as even the simplest of decisions seem difficult. Without any guidance, Satoru will often switch between ideas and doubt himself. If the situation becomes dire enough and no one else is around to take on the role of leadership, the boy will either panic or manage to revert back to his old sense of self-assurance.

[ History ; ] Satoru was an accidental product of a one night stand between a womanizer, his father, and a young prostitute, his mother. Naturally, his father left that same night and was never to be found again, completely unaware of the child he had left behind. In spite of it all, Satoru was treasured by his mother and was brought up with the same love that any child deserved. However, it was a life of poverty with the two of them just barely scrapping by without a real home and two meals a day. They were not up to the standards of living and the only reason why he was not taken in by an orphanage was because he had never been registered into any official documents, and thus did not exist. Satoru rarely complained though, instead regarding his mother as hard working and beautiful.

Eight years had passed like this until his mother, wrought by guilt of the poor conditions she was putting him through, abandoned her old job and tried to get a better, more stable occupation. This did not bode well with one of her old regulars. She was stalked through the streets one night, and upon arriving at her makeshift home in the alley, he attempted to attack and rape her. A young Satoru, only seeing it as an attack, was paralyzed with fear. It seemed as though the man's attempts were going to be successful, as people walked by the alley and pretended to not see, when another man showed up. Easily overpowered, the man was pried off of her, only managing to give her a few new bruises. This man, introducing himself as a member of the local Lightning Vanguard, Kumo's elite fighting force, immediately won Satoru's idolization and his mother's infatuation. After that, the man hung around to help them with their situation regularly. Satoru's mother got a stable job as a waitress, and within a couple of years, they were engaged.

At this age, now able to have a better understanding, Satoru was made aware of the truth of his upbringing. In spite of knowing that his real father was not truly responsible for leaving his mother alone with a child, he could not help but harbor a certain degree of resentment. His mother had told him that he took more after his father than his mom, who did not have the same dark skin and thick hair. Knowing this, Satoru was unsure of whether or not he ever wanted to meet his father, but always kept a lookout for a man with his dark skin and thick hair.

He was able to direct his attention away from this, however, and instead acknowledged the Lightning Vanguard as his father and tried to follow in his hero's footsteps. Satoru found some complications with signing up for the ninja academy, considering he had not existed for the past ten years, but since his living conditions had dramatically improved since the Lightning Vanguard came into his life, he was not forced into custody and was eventually accepted a year later. Satoru was not particularly bright, but his determination hastened his progress. Two years later, he graduated to being a genin on the same day his new father was killed in action. This was deeply upsetting to both him and his mother, and their standard of living quickly began to revert back to the way it once was. Satoru did not allow this stunt his progress, working harder than ever now that he could take a part in their income.

In his efforts, Satoru had managed to slow down their transition back into poverty, but he could not stop it entirely. Still heartsick over her late husband, his mother had trouble staying motivated and was fired from her job. Satoru knew that he could not be separated from her now that she could not take care of herself, but was also aware that he could not shoulder them both financially. The boy had a certain charisma that attracted people to him, so when he began to look into the village's traditions of arranged marriage among the more wealthy estates in hopes are sharing in those riches, he found some interest in him despite his status. Satoru had to skip out on the luxury of three full meals a day once more, but within a year, he had scraped up enough to make himself look presentable for one night and proposed to Ren. With the engagement, which was kept secret from his mother, Satoru was about to improve their lifestyle again. Any time he had to spend with his new fiancé was excused as missions.

Two more years passed, and with the help of his connections and his progress over the years that was difficult to ignore, Satoru achieved his ultimate goal of joining the Lightning Vanguard. Thanks to this boost in military rank, he was able to bring in more income and rely less on the wealth of his fiancé, though her family insisted that it was no trouble at all. Satoru could focus more on becoming more like his late father, even managing to motivate his mother to work again. Life seemed stable for a while, as Satoru managed to reach the age of eighteen without incident.

The Nibi Jinchuuriki's death was not expected by anyone. Village officials had managed to contain the beast for long enough to make a quick decision on the next vessel. Due to the history Kumogakure has with Two-Tails, they knew how to pick a host that would be able to wield Matatabi's power the most effectively. Being one of the best katon users in the village available at the time, Satoru complied to their selection of him as the Two-Tails' new Jinchuuriki.

Though the Nibi is not viewed with hatred, Satoru could easily pick up on people treating him differently. Previously a socialite and utterly full of himself, his confidence began to falter. People observed him with caution, avoiding anything that could possibly set him off. Satoru became self-conscious, attempting to appeal to others in any way that he could, but his efforts were in vain, even his own mother not being able to see past his new status as a weapon of the village. Though in terms of power he had progressed to be on chuunin level long ago, his newly acquired lack of confidence hurt his leadership skills, forcing him to stay at his genin rank. Satoru, originally not bothered by the notion of a beast sealed in him, has developed a degree of resentment towards Matatabi. In return, the Two-Tails views him with distaste and avoids him. Determined to ignore each other, neither Satoru or Matatabi have attempted to exchange a single word.

[Fighting Style ; ] A large part of Satoru's fighting style derives from his use of Namiwakiru. He has learned to control his chakra well enough to utilize the blade's special quality, even being able to use his fire element to make the blasts all the more powerful. Satoru has learned a share of relatively advanced fire techniques, though he does not utilize them often. These techniques include Hiding in Ash and Dust technique, Great Fireball Techqniue, and Phoenix Sage Fire Technique. Used even less often for the sheer amount of chakra it can end up consuming, Satoru has a summoning contract with bears, which are useful for either tracking or combat, as he is unable to summon any of the abnormally large bears. Being the Nibi jinchuuriki, Satoru has a lot of chakra at his expense. However, Matatabi's power is almost never triggered as a result of his calm demeanor and his lack of control.


Namiwakiru, meaning wavecutter, is huge, just exceeding five feet from the tip of the blade to the end of the hilt with the blade being nearly two inches wide.

Weight: Namiwakiru is very heavy, requiring two hands for most people to pick up, let alone handle in combat. While this can slow a person down significantly, the extra weight packs a significant power boost. The sword is not designed to cut so much as it is to crush.

Longevity: The blade is very durable. It takes a lot of careless usage to dull this sword, many materials not able to chip it, such as rock, though it is not powerful enough to cut very far through. Namiwakiru even shows some resistance to rust.

Adaptable: The sword's uses are only as limited as it's wielder's creativity and skill, going beyond the scope of just slashing. Namiwakiru does not allow for much evasiveness but more than makes up for it with it's ability to block attacks. The curved end makes either side of the sword just as lethal, providing a point great for stabbing. Near the hilt is a crescent-shaped hole that is big enough to fit a person's neck.

Chakra Bursts: Namiwakiru does not react to chakra in the conventional way. There is no way to lengthen the blade or coat it with chakra. Instead, chakra must be exerted at the time of the end of a swung, or upon impact. Along the blade erupts a burst of chakra with power equivalent to a small series of explosions, directly proportional to the power of the wielder. The true power in this technique is brought out upon mastery of chakra nature, giving the extra attack that elemental aspect.

SUMMON NAME | Yoshinobu

SPECIES | Black Bear


APPEARANCE | Yoshinobu does not differ greatly in appearance from many of it's subspecies. A little smaller even on the size of being a medium-sized bear, he weighs around 170 pounds, stretches fifty inches from head to tail and is thirty-two inches in shoulder height. He has a shaggy black overcoat, the only deviation from this being a tan muzzle and a silver splotch of fur on his chest.

UNIQUE ABILITIES | As a bear, his sense of smell is excellent, surpassing even the sharpest of canines in this respect, also having better eye sight. If there is any scent to be found, he can follow it for miles, even into water. Considering his size, he is scaling many things, even able to climb trees. He is one of a few bears that are capable of speaking in human tongue, making Yoshinobu valued as a scout. While not particularly fast, he has great endurance and is hard to tire. He is not meant for combat, though proves just as strong as other bears and can hold his ground, and instead shows more skill in sheer dexterity, capable of opening jars and other tasks usually unique to humans. He has also been taught to taste for food poisoning.

TECHNIQUES | Gyaku Kuchiyose no Jutsu [Reverse Summoning Technique]


SPECIES | Grizzly Bear


APPEARANCE | Masae is considerably larger than most of her species, though not abnormally so. She is seventy-eight inches from head to tail, forty inches in shoulder height, and weighs 480 pounds. Her pelt is consistently a golden-brown and a distinct hump is on her back. She wears an iron chest plate, strapped over her shoulders and also covers her back.

UNIQUE ABILITIES | Masae has the typical skills that come equip with bears - a great sense of smell, decent eye sight, some skills in dexterity, and ability to swim. She is inclined more towards combat situations, powerful due to her size and even fast after a running start. She is also notable for being particularly adept with standing bipedal. She is capable of speaking in human tongues, though is not exactly fluent.

TECHNIQUES | Doton: Retsudo Tenshō [Earth Release: Tearing Earth Turning Palm]


SPECIES | Giant Panda


APPEARANCE | Ogai is a blend of white and black fur, the black fur marking his ears, legs, and eyes. He is abnormally large, matching even the size of kage towers.

UNIQUE ABILITIES | Ogai is enormous, therefore capable of tanking hits very well, even without taking his hardened fur into account. His senses are dull compared to most of his species and he has difficulty moving, rendering him useless outside of tanking. He is resistant to most elemental attacks, though not immune by any means.



SPECIES | Polar Bear


APPEARANCE | Jurobei, often called the king of all bears, lives up to his name. With a size even exceeding Ogai, matching the size of other titan summons, he appears obviously prominent. He is almost strictly seen standing bipedal, until moving a considerable distance is needed. The coarse fur of his pelt is an off-white, which emphasizes his black gums and the various scars that scatter across his frame, the most obvious being on his hip where some animal took a great bite out of him. He wears a cream happi and is usually seen chewing on a stalk of wheat.

UNIQUE ABILITIES | Jurobei is just as adept to water as he is to land, if not moreso. He is excellent at swimming, able to be just as fast or flexible as any fish, and has the capacity of holding his breath for extended periods of time. He also has the standard senses and dexterity, as well as a capability of speaking in human tongues. Jurobei has a great reserve of chakra, and with the few ninjutsu he can perform, proves dangerous wielding it. He is great at taking as well as delivering hits, and has a certain degree of resistance to katon.

TECHNIQUES | Kirigakure no Jutsu [Hidden Mist Technique]

Suiton: Suijinheki [Water Release: Water Encampment Wall]

Suiton: Bakusui Shoha [Water Release: Exploding Water Colliding Wave]

[ Initial Chakra Cloak ] Wisps of blue flames resembling the ones that engulf Matatabi form and dissipate at intervals, always appearing to lick downwards. His nails grow a little and sharpen into claws and his overall stance turns more feral, being forced to hunch and becoming more inclined to running quadrupedal. Satoru gets a noticeable boost in his physical attributes, more so in flexibility and speed than strength, but still gains a noticeable boost in that. His katon techniques also benefit from this change, becoming much hotter as they take on a blue color, and cover a wider range than they otherwise would be able to. Satoru automatically enters this state when enraged or endangered, and although he is conscious during it, his only focus are his wrathful desires.

[ One Tail Chakra Cloak ] Matatabi gains more control over Satoru, no longer allowing him to stand bipedal. His pupils become slits, one taking on a yellow tint and the other a green one. The nails that formed from the initial cloak grow even more. The wisps become more visible, taking on a more saturated blue color. They become more frequent and turn into tangible flames, whether they burn or not being up to Matatabi. A tail of pure chakra appears, blue flames swirling all along it's length. His hair reacts a little to this form as well, stiffening enough to stand a little. Physical attributes gain another boost, dramatically improving reaction timing, his speed becoming difficult to keep track of, and his speed becoming more up to par with his other attributes. He can no longer perform typical jutsu, instead only able to shoot powerful fireballs from his mouth. These fireballs have very potent destructive powers, able to create small craters upon impact. Satoru loses consciousness if he stays in this state too long, giving into a savagery that makes it difficult to tell allies from enemies.

[ Partial Transformation ] Satoru enters this state on his own initiative, not being triggered by anything other than a need to tap into this power. A thin veil of blue flames consume his body, becoming a protective cloak of chakra. His nails grow and harden considerably more than in other forms, becoming a several inches long. Satoru is free to switch between bipedal and quadrupedal stances as it suits him. A tail sprouts from the back, becoming more clearly defined with black outlines and patterns like Matatabi's own. More than his speed and strength, Satoru gains a boost in his flexibility, reaction timing and katon techniques.

[ Tailed Beast Mode ] In this stage, Satoru takes on all characteristics of Matatabi and is completely under her influence if she chooses. The size and effect of the beast form is directly proportional to their relationship due to the chakra cloak that engulfs the form, both capable of being the smallest and largest of the tailed beasts. This also affects the katon techniques used, though will be the most powerful in this form regardless. This form accesses a wide array of ways to manipulate flames, as well as gains access to the Tailed Beast Ball. In all aspects, however, Satoru cannot draw upon the form's full potential in any aspect until such a bond is formed that they can completely trust each other, which the two are nowhere near as of present.
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[ Name ; ]

Ryuu Akaheshi

[ Gender ; ]


[ Age ; ]


[ Rank ; ]

Jonin (Teacher) of the students Ren, Kamei, and Saturo

[ Village ; ]


[ Appearance ; ]

Remove the studded things O_o and belt


[ Personality ; ]

Ryuu is highly laid back and enjoys having fun as well as playing a few jokes. When it's time to get serious he has no issue in doing so using his kekkei genkai as well as multiple earth/fire style jutsu's. When Ryuu is training his group of genin he tries to keep serious but have a little fun every now and then. On missions Ryuu tries to make the entire thing a joke as well as finish it as fast as possible showing he cares about his team and getting the mission done but does not care how they do it.

[Fighting Style ; ]

Using a combination of his jutsus he will launch multiple attacks while backing the jutsu attacks with kunai's or shuriken. On the side of throwing the weapons he creates a clone to rush the foe with taijutsu while he keeps the pressure with his jutsu attacks. When the foe is rather easy on the other hand, Renshii has no problem toying with the foe and making them look like a fool while fighting them.

Kekkei Genkai- Dragon's slit Ryuu's Kekkei Genkai is pretty simple. The kekkei genkai does nothing more then magnify his vision allowing him to see a further distance then most humans. While a normal human can see a distance of two miles, Ryuu is able to see double that giving the total sight range of four miles ahead.

Earth Release- This ability comes from his mother who was skilled in the element of earth based Jutsu.

Earth Release:Armor defense

This jutsu allows the user to use the earth to their advantage and create a shield of stone to protect them from attacks. The rock is able to be used and formed into a blunt and non sharp weapon. The downside to this is, the armor defense causes the user to move slower. The more defense they use the slower they move.

Earth Release:Earth Prison

The user creates a dome around the foe that sucks chakra out of them little by little. This technique steals the chakra and gives energy to the user giving them an even distribution of chakra being used and chakra gained. Downside to this jutsu is the dome is weakened near the opposite end of the dome due to the chakra's travel length. Another downside is the user must be touching the dome for it to suck the chakra out as well as hold itself together.

Earth Release: Mud clone

This technique creates a shadow clone made of mud of the user. Since its made of mud, it can continue to reform and mould itself back to its original shape. Once reverted to mud, the clone can serve as a powerful restraint that is capable of completely halting the opponents movements. Downside is it's made of mud and easily destroyed, and it will take a few moments to regenerate.

Earth Release: Dome

Information: The user creates a dome around them to shield them from offensive attacks. They have the option to leave a small section open for them to use an attack and send it through. The downside is, the jutsu only creates a dome covering the sides and top, the ground is still the same and vulnerable to be shifted or something of the sort.

Earth Release:Rock Fist

Information: The user gathers stone around their hand to give them a rather hard punch to the foe. It's a rather simple jutsu and the downside to it is the rock only encases their fist.

Earth Release:Hidden Rock Technique

Information: The user of this jutsu uses it to blend into the stone leaving them nearly invisible to any passing foes. The downside is this jutsu is only available when there is a rock of some sort, if in an open field the jutsu does nothing.

Earth Release:Wall Formation

Information: The user creates a wall of solid rock to protect them from attacks. Stronger the user the stronger and bigger the wall. The down size to this is the wall only protects one out of the four sides of the user.

Fire Relase- The ability to use fire release is from his clan's natural element being Fire.

Fire Release: Dragon's breathe.

The user breathes a small stream of fire towards an enemy. The strength/Size depends on the level of the user. Although, the bigger the flame the more chakra it uses up at a time.

Fire Release:Pheonix flower

Same as it is in the anime. It's a common fire jutsu to most fire release users. The technique shoots multiple balls of fire towards the enemy. The more fireballs, the more chakra that will be used. Most common used at a time is 3.

Fire Release: Dragon stream

Information: This jutsu allows the user to shoot a fire version of the 'Water Release: Water Dragon Jutsu' move. The downside to this attack is the dragon is made of pure fire and can easily be extinguished by water.
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[ Name ; ]

Maoh Kouun

[ Gender ; ]


[ Age ; ]


[ Rank ; ]

Missing nin (jounin)

[ Village ; ]


[ Appearance ; ]

Drawing of her

Kouun looks young and is a bit above the average height.

She's not buff but she's strong and muscular from being a ninja.

She doesn't normally dress casually since she never knows when she's going to be in a fight.

[ Personality ; ]

Kouun is laid back and calm most of the time, but can be whimsical and capricous.

She's pretty carefree, and isn't bothered by much. What does bother her is when there's nothing exciting going on, or when people don't pay attention to her when she wants them to or don't remember her.

To her, life is a kind of game to be won, and whoever's remembered the longest or has the most fun wins. Because of this she doesn't really care about anyone else. Even if she seems really friendly at times, she can betray someone without a second thought, though she doesn't consider it a betrayal or big deal. Nothing really matters but winning. What's fun for her and what will get Kouun to be not soon forgotten is crimes. Its a lot more fun to be chased around and have spontaneous fights than work hard to get a small amount of praise. Also, it would be a lot harder to be remembered for doing good things. You'd have to become a kage and bring world peace or something. At least, that's what she thinks.

Kouun is a little bit obsessed with luck and gambles a lot. Even when fighting she'll leave things up to luck, and will take risks that normal people might not.

She likes to go her own way and do what she wants and not what other people tell her to do, so this and her tendency to get into big trouble are what made her decide to leave her village and become a missing ninja, free to do whatever she wanted. Or, as free as a wanted person.

[Fighting Style ; ]

Kouun might talk while fighting, but she doesn't do it all the time and the talking doesn't always have a purpose/isn't used as a strategy. She's fast and agile and uses those things to her advantage. She fights short to mid-range.

Her chakra nature is wind release, and she relies mostly on taijutsu that's supported by her wind, but she knows wind jutsu too.

Other than shuriken, kunai, exploding tags, and smoke bombs, Ko uses a thin poisoned cable, which when has a lot of tension and moving at a very high speed, can cut through most parts of a person except their bones. With her wind nature, she can use her chakra to reinforce the wire, shape/help move it, or make it taut. With shuriken and kunai, she can channel chakra into the blades to increase their cutting power and overall range.

Wind Release: Great Breakthrough

This is a relatively simple technique that creates a sudden gust of wind, but its scale varies greatly depending on the user. The wind from the squall can blow away all things in the user's line of sight.

Wind Release: Divine Wind

The user releases a gust of wind that forms several small tornadoes.

Wind Release: Vacuum Sphere

The user takes a deep breath and then exhales several small blasts of wind chakra. Due to the properties of this technique, the expelled blasts are capable of piercing into an opponent's flesh when they collide with it.

Wind Release: Vacuum Wave

Like Vacuum Sphere, except the user spins while exhaling, compressing the released air into a solitary blade of wind that covers a substantial area around the user, due to their circular motion.

Wind Release: Spiraling Wind

Instead of channeling chakra through a cable or wire, the user would spiral chakra through it creating a stronger cable/wire and give it a better ability to pierce someone, sort of like a drill.




APPEARANCE | An average sized black crow.

UNIQUE ABILITIES | Can speak in the human tongue.

TECHNIQUES | After tasting some of the blood of the target, it is able to preform a technique similar to the Mind Body Switch technique of the Yamanaka clan, except the minds of the user and target completely switch bodies and the target has control over Huginn's body.

OTHER INFO | Huginn and Munnin are often journeying about and do not want to be disturbed. Oftentimes, they will not come when summoned, and will send a normal crow or two in their place.





APPEARANCE | An averaged sized red crow.

UNIQUE ABILITIES | Can speak in the human tongue.

TECHNIQUES | After tasting some of the blood of the target, it is able to put the target in a genjutsu made from the worst memories of the target. Of course, the effectiveness really depends on what's in the target's memories.

OTHER INFO| Huginn and Munnin are often journeying about and do not want to be disturbed. Oftentimes, they will not come when summoned, and will send a normal crow or two in their place.


SUMMON NAME | Huginn's Cage

DESCRIPTION | A birdcage for Huginn for when it uses it's technique. The size can vary depending on what the user wants to use it for and the user's available chakra, but not after it's summoned. It can be used to put people into it too, if made big enough. Not very useful for blocking some attacks, since it has bars.


SUMMON NAME | Tsukyojin



APPEARANCE | A raven just large enough to ride on.


TECHNIQUES | By beating her wings, she can create small gusts of wind similar to that of the Wind Release: Great Breakthrough jutsu.





APPEARANCE | A little bit smaller than the average rook.

UNIQUE ABILITIES | Can speak in the human tongue.

TECHNIQUES | None. is usually used for sending messages or spying.


[Name ; ]


[Origin ; ]


[summons ; ]

Crows, ravens, rooks

[Affiliated Village ; ]


[Members ; ]


Not a very large clan, but their two most powerful crow summons Huginn and Muninn are useful for gathering information and interrogation, as they have incredible memories, can speak in human tongue, and Munnin can see someone's memories after tasting their blood. Usually they're busy travelling, so unless they respect their summoner they don't come. Normally the head of the clan is the only one who has a contract with them. Luckily a lot of the other summons are good for spying, too so a Nido ninja's missions and roles in Suna usually reflect those abilities.

Kounn was a part of this clan before she left Suna, and she stole the scrolls with the contracts to Huginn and Munnin. She decided on going by a different name that she thought was more impressive. Her "real" name is Nido Aiko.

Huginn and Munnin don't usually come when Ko calls them.

She wasn't taught any of the clans unique jutsu, which usually have to do with interrogation and spying, because of her constant trouble-making. She'd made a deal with her parents when she was much younger that if she'd learned how to behave, she could learn them, but she just never stopped and then left.
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[ Name ; ]

Itsuki Kimura

[ Gender ; ]


[ Age ; ]


[ Rank ; ]


[ Village ; ]

The Village Hidden in the Trees, Parents from The Village Hidden in the Rocks

[ Appearance ; ]

  • Black Hair
  • Black Eyes
  • Height (Tall for his age): 5'6"
  • Not muscled, but not skinny
  • About 125 lbs
  • Commonly wears plain, beige robes with a black trim

[ Personality ; ]

  • Supportive
  • Tries to avoid conflict
  • Dislikes fighting (People angry at each other)
  • Persistent

[Fighting Style ; ]


Rock Clone Technique: Itsuki expels rock from his mouth that creates clones made of rock.

Earth-Release Armor: Itsuki forms rock-based armor on his body. Only one part of his body at a time due to him only being a Chunin.

Earth Release: Added-Weight Rock Technique: Itsuki makes anything rock or earth-like heavier

Earth Release: Light-Wighted Rock Techique: Itsuki makes anything rock or earth-like lighter

Earth Release: Earth Flow River: Itsuki transforms the ground underneath his target(s) into a river of mud. Does not push enemy away very far since he is Chunin.

Fighting Style:

Itsuki is not one for fighting. He tends to try to avoid them or let others do it for him. He often provides supplementary justu in a fight, and has little offensive justus. Itsuki is somewhat adept at taijustu and tends to rely on it when fighting an opponent. He also likes to use explosive tags to damage his opponents that may be unsuspecting.
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[ Name ; ]

Zen Akero

[ Gender ; ]


[ Age ; ]


[ Rank ; ]

Jonin-Missing Nin.

[ Village ; ]

Hidden Rain village

[ Appearance ; ]


[ Personality ; ]

Doesn't take anyone's crap. He enjoys doing what he can to finish his contracted target and get out of sight. Zen, only enjoys company of very few. Someone with gold, and his partner Moah. Everyone else he sees as someone who looks better with a bit of red on their clothes. Or a lot, but thats not a subject you'll remember. His mind tends to rush around inside his head giving him a bit of a crazy side rather then a calm and relaxed side.

[Fighting Style ; ]

His main style of fighting is his sword in hand and hilt up. Generally uses his surroundings to his advantage to move quicker and do as he pleases while catching the opponent off guard. He strikes with his blade, throws explosive tags and finishes with a jutsu. If it'd be easier at the point in time he will use his jutsu first then attack with his sword.

Fire Release- The fire release is from his parents who were skilled with fire. His mother although was skilled with fire and water.

Fire Release: Flame Shuriken

Another skill used by mainly his clan but not impossible by others. The user throws multiple kunais and ignites them with a fire technique sending the flaming shurikens towards a foe

Fire Release: Dragon's breathe.

The user breathes a small stream of fire towards an enemy. The strength/Size depends on the level of the user. Although, the bigger the flame the more chakra it uses up at a time.

Fire Release:Pheonix flower

Same as it is in the anime. It's a common fire jutsu to most fire release users. The technique shoots multiple balls of fire towards the enemy. The more fireballs, the more chakra that will be used. Most common used at a time is 3.

Water Release- This release is due to him being a part of the hidden rain village. Main element known is the water element.

Water Release:Water prison Jutsu

Through the many variations of this jutsu. Zen's version of the water prison is a ball of water, the foe inside is restrained from much movements but they are also unable to breathe as if they were ten feet underwater. Although this move can easily be disrupted if the chakra flow inside the ball of water is disrupted and broken.

Water Release: Water Snake Jutsu

Creates a serpent looking beast, made of pure water that rushes towards an enemy with great force. Enough to knock the person down or throw them a few feet away. Moves in a direct line. The pressure of the water depends on the amount of water nearby and how much chakra is forced into it. The more chakra and larger body of water. The more powerful. If no water is available the serpent only has the ability to soak the foe.

Water Release:Hidden Mist Jutsu

A trademark jutsu from his original village. This jutsu shrouds the area in a blinding mist leaving the foe blind. The user of this jutsu normally has trained themselves to see through the mist with near ease. This is due to either being able to notice slight shifts in the air. Or using the chakra in the mist to locate a body rather then air. If anyone used a wind based Jutsu to clear the fog it'd easily fade.

Water Release:Water clone Jutsu

Much like a shadow clone, the water clone is a full functioning clone that can use jutsu or attack normally. This clone can also turn back into solid water. Turning back to solid water gives anyone the ability to control the water as if it were a simple puddle. The clone is quite vulnerable to attacks and can be destroyed with enough attacks to it.

Water Release:Hidden Water Technique

The user has the ability to use bodies of water (Even puddles) to sink into and cloak themselves. The user completely sinks into the puddle and is undetectable unless a sensor ninja can sense the body inside the puddle or body of water.

Water Release:Water Wall Jutsu

The user creates a 4 ft by 6 ft wall of water protecting the user from any direct attacks. The wall is 4ft high and 6ft wide. The ability can be avoided if the foe goes around the wall or uses an earth based jutsu to break through the wall. Lightning release can break through it as well
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"The tongue, like a sharp knife, kills, without drawing blood..."












Koi has the obvious Japanese oreintated facial features. Her hair is white and ends at her chin. Two strands of hair on her left side are dyed from top to bottom in colours chosen to fit and corrispond with either how she feels or to go with what she wears. Unlike most chunin's she doesn't wear the green body warmer that comes with it, but a cropped lever jacket. Her outfit always varies but she's more acostum to long length trousers and non-tight tops normally decorated with a logo or picture. She doesn't wear make up however she paints part of her lips (no the whole lip) to creat the image that she has smaller, more pouty lips. This is a custom she was brought up by.


She likes to play a little sarcasim into her speach but overall she is rather polite. She can get bored easily and incrediably cocky when she really, really shouldn't. She enjoys sparing and takes it seriously as if she was in a real battle. She cannot backdown and doesn't know how to hold back unless it's completely essential. She can be stubborn and doesn't like following orders that she doesn't agree with...

Fighting Style

Koi possesses "Lightning Style". Currently, she's in the middle of making her own jutsu from a bet, and has managed to make a couple of changes. She's used to lose combat but long range suits her fine too. She tried to avoid using fancy ninja tools and preffers jutsu and explosions to do the deeds on a mission. Stratagizing? Not particularly her field...


Koi comes from a small family consisting of mainly merchants and tea markers. However, her family although small as alliences and is quite friendly with other head families like the Hyuga's for example. Formally, her family makes special herb teas and kimono's of all sorts of which the sell at resonable prices in Konoha. They own their own store and Koi normally helps up running it in her free time when she's not training or on missions. Her family, in the past had memebers who were ninja's but for now Koi is the only one currently in the blood line who has become a ninja.

[ Name ; ] Maika

[ Gender ; ] Male

[ Age ; ] Exact unknown, appears about 19

[ Rank ; ] Newly Jounin

[ Village ; ] Konohagakure (adopted)

[ Appearance ; ]

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.ca0154a1bf3c145bb23daa2632686e9a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15490" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.ca0154a1bf3c145bb23daa2632686e9a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

[ Personality ; ] (To be discovered more as story progresses) Maika was found as a war orphan during the last Great Ninja War, sitting in the rubble of a demolished, burned out house. The Konoha Medical Team picked him up and returned to the village with him, where he was taken in by one of the Medical Ninja, his adopted mother. His adopted father, not a ninja in the least, ran a small produce stand in the village, selling the crops he had grown himself. Maika found his father's business to be boring, and so he took after his mother in her trade, learning Jutsu from her, even though he had yet to attend the Ninja Academy. He excelled at the basic Medical Jutsu, often helping small animals that had been injured, but always without his mother's knowledge. When the time came for him to join the academy, he was excited to join, eager to learn. His classes disappointed him with the basics of ninja knowledge, he knew he was far ahead of the rest of the class, but was also shy of being an orphan, so he never showed off or drew attention to himself.

His life changed when playing with the other children one day, when another student fell from a tree and broke her leg while the class was having a recess in the woods. Help was many minutes away, and so Maika made the choice to try on his own. He tried to set her leg with his skills, but, to both of their horror, what should have been a Healing jutsu began to shred her muscles and decay the bone. Maika stopped the Jutsu at once, but the plague continued to spread across her entire leg before the teachers arrived and carried her to the hospital.

The doctor had had to amputate her leg, their jutsus were unable to stop the infection from spreading, and her parents were enraged that she could now no longer be a ninja. Maika was expelled from the Academy, mere weeks away from the graduating to Genin. The ANBU Black Ops, however, took an interest in him, and took him in under a new identity behind a mask, away from the angry villagers and teachers.

His unique style of Jutsu turned out to be a rare Poison Acid Style, a minor Kekkei Genkai created by fusing Fire and Water type chakra. This made him an excellent spy and assassin, taking down targets with venomous precision and then vanishing into a dark cloud of poisonous mist.

And now, upon receiving Jounin on the field of duty, he has returned from his mission to the village, and to whatever lies in store for him next..

[ Fighting Style ; ] (to be updated continually as Maika develops more skills)

Maika focuses on a blend of Ninjutsu and Genjutsu, with some very minor Taijutsu. He has yet to make an animal contract, though the Snakes have asked him, he declined due to being on a mission and too busy to waste time discussing it with them.

Maika carries almost no specialized weapons, relying on simple kunai, shuriken, and senbon needles dipped in his own poison, and several smoke and flash bombs.

Maika tends to carry several scrolls in his uniform, uses to summon in his stored poisons or seal a dangerous enemy. He also carries a large, Kusarigama-type weapon sealed in a scroll that he uses when he is in an actual battle, rather than when he is spying on or assassinating targets:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.b2283c1dbd81301a6618b1f436ed17cc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15491" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.b2283c1dbd81301a6618b1f436ed17cc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

This weapon has no special properties of its own, but Maika can coat it in different poisons to various effects.


Maika has basic knowledge of both Fire and Water Style jutsu, Due to his Kekkei Genkai being a mix of the two, such as Water Prison and Phoenix Flower, as well as some basic first aid Medical Jutsu learned from his mother. But, he tends to focus on his Poison Style, developing new jutsu and applications for them as he matures and learns.

Maika's Poison Acid Style is very effective at breaking defenses and assassinations, but is vulnerable to many Wind Styles, which can blow the mists away, and Fire Styles, because many of the poisons are also flammable. These jutsu are very adaptable, however, and can chain from one jutsu to the next with very little cost in battle, because vials of poison can be prepared months in advance and stored, as well as many simple liquids like alcohol or even some fuels can be swallowed, imbued with some chakra, and then spit out in a variety of jutsu, such as:

Poison Acid Style: Twin Viper Hands

Maika coats his hands in either a special prepared poison or Acid Style Chakra, which on contact can dissolve many hard surfaces; armour, walls, etc. If in contact with another human's skin, the poison will burn the opponent's chakra as fuel to feed its spread through their own body, crippling them both physically and depleting their chakra stores. It can be cleansed with a Healing Jutsu, washed or burned off of the target if treated quickly.

Poison Style: Black Cloud Jutsu

Maika spits a wall of fumes and mist from his mouth, suffocating anything caught inside of it and temporarily reducing all of their senses with a nerve paralysis agent that restricts their sight, hearing and touch. Can be use offensively to cripple a foe, or defensively to escape into the dark and confusion, etc.

Poison Style: Plagued Visions

This jutsu is a ninjutsu/genjutsu combination. Maika produces a certain mist that causes hallucinations, specifically of being entangled in large, man-eating plants and being slowly digested. The jutsu only takes effect if the target breathes the mist in, contact is not enough to trigger the effects, but the jutsu mist can last for up to an hour in one area if no extra chakra is added to it. The longer the jutsu is extended, the chakra rate exponentially goes up, requiring no more than 3 hours before all chakra is depleted from sustaining it.



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[ Name ; Ikomo Kakasheki]

[ Gender ; Male]

[ Age ; 13]

[ Rank ; Genin]

[ Village ; Konoha]

[ Appearance ; Ikomo is slightly taller than the average thirteen year old, and is a little to well built, with not overly imposing muscles but here there. He has a boney defined face, with wavy black hair. He prefers to keep it at a long height for a boy and keeps it behind his ears. His preferred clothing is along the lines of a tight yellow shirt, and red pants of any kind. His liking for definition may be a factor in that. If he cannot dress in those colors he wears two colors that are stark opposites of each other. He always wears his black lace up combat boots everywhere, be it a tundra or his bed.]

[ Personality ; Ikomo may on the outside appear a hipster, or a "cool-kid", but he is a man of definitions. He prefers something set in stone than a experiment. He will himself experiment in things when he sees it as a valid cause, but keeps it to himself when others improvise. He is a complete introvert, and doesn't feel a valid reason ever to show true emotions. He keeps himself in a nonchalant disposition, with little frills attacked. He doesn't talk when performing tasks, but does flex his creative muscle in speech, using metaphors and smilies instead of clear sentences. He doesn't comprehend why people can't understand his speech. He believes that all people and equally powerful abilities, but it is a matter of use of abilities and skill with them is what sets oneself apart from the machine. He likes order, and believes all people deserve a equal chance from the get go on anything, but it shouldn't be set after that (he would love communism). From a young age he had a rough life in a bad area in town, so he honed his skills in physical combat, and disdains using his chakra, but when it is needed he will use it. A panther running through the jungle.]

[Fighting Style ; His disliking of using his chakra, makes him focus on Taijutsu. He grapples and uses attacks that feign mortal strikes to distract from encumbering them or tiring out his opponent. He can match almost anyone attack with a counter attack, if it is physical but cannot withstand very much attacks from someone using there chakra which is at times a fatal flaw. He knows how to defend against chakra, but chakra Ikomo is slower than present Ikomo. He prefers to use his fists and feet to blades, but is equally deadly with a blade and his hands. His favorite attack to weaken someone is to grab them by the neck and punch there gut into submission.

Kekkei Genkai: Spirit Release: Ikomo closes his eyes and can see and communicate with the spirits of others around him.
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[ Name ; ]

Sozui Gyoko

[ Gender ; ]


[ Age ; ]


[ Rank ; ]

Jounin, council member

[ Village ; ]


[ Personality ; ] Sozui takes advantage of opportunities, instead only taking action when he deems it as an absolute necessity. As a result, he usually excuses himself for any of his actions with his age. One of the man's favorite pass times is to flirt with young girls barely past their adolescence, using the fact that most will just take him for a doting old man to his advantage. His favorite phrase to throw out is, "I'm retired," though it is not entirely true, as he is a very influential elder in the Mist Village, even if he does not take his position very seriously.

Sozui acts in a relatively insane manner, having a tendency to repeat himself as well as being unconditionally cheerful. Nothing fazes the man, instead remaining apathetic in the face of death. He has no issues with violence, rather showing a sadistic nature, wearing the same grin when torturing someone, as he likes to do with anyone who manages to drag him into a fight. He is famously stubborn, having grown up with the village's harsh ways, giving the man something of a propensity towards violence. However, if things do not go his way, he will just as easily be able to adapt.

[Fighting Style ; ] Sozui avoids confrontations for as long as possible, but has no qualms with engaging in combat. His old age is a hindrance, as his stamina is limited, and he cannot fight for too long, particularly with respect to skilled opponents. However, over his years, he has developed enough skills to become quite a threat. In particular, Sozui has the rare trait of being born with two kekkei genkais. Becoming quite proficient in wielding both boil and lava release, he is also very skilled in the basic elements that make up either kekkei genkai, mastering advanced jutsus in water, fire, and earth release in addition to. Sozui is the first man to derive the use of sulfur from his lava release, and the jutsu he invented are entirely unique to him. Manipulating the sulfur, he has both found ways to utilize the substance in offensive ways, as well as evasive and torturous methods. Needless to say, his skill in ninjutsu is phenomenal.

He is only competent at best with his taijutsu, and the man never worked to develop any genjutsu. In addition, the only things he carries with himself anymore is his cane, leaving him without weapons, though he is by no means incapable of using one. As mentioned before, Sozui is sadistic. Anyone who gets in a fight with him is almost guaranteed to be left with a number of scars, particularly using his boil release to erode away at skin with the Skilled Mist Technique. He has a surplus amount of chakra at his disposal. However, as with anyone born with two kekkei genkais, his control over it is poor, and the man cannot even walk on water. When using jutsu, he wastes a lot of chakra, further reducing his stamina.
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