A Magical Sprite
A man named Shiro Nakami, a astrologist, was on a barge one night as he was studying the starry skies with his telescope. Everything was going smooth and Shiro thought that he was in a bliss when suddenly a storm came out of nowhere and overturned the ship. Shiro thought he was going to die and then everything went blank and when he woke up the next thing he knew he was a on little cabin near the shore of a sea. He was laying on a bed with medical salve on his forehead and chest. Shiro was saved by a mysterious person who turned and the person who saved him turned out to be his childhood friend from the past. The only twist is that, he doesn't remember a single thing after the incident!
Will his childhood friend be able to help him regain his memories of their past ?
Will his childhood friend be able to help him regain his memories of their past ?