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Fantasy One simple fantasy idea? (Simple? Don't know.)

Kristen Van Leeuwen

Sea climate is garbage...
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

Hi there.​

I've come up with a plot that I developed over a couple of years. I'm here to get help on ideas for my plot.

base plot (Modified to RP):

The main protagonist wakes up in a meadow full of flesh-eating crops. After finding their way out, They fall into life-threatening situations that preserve horrible mysteries.
Along the way, the main protagonist meets someone who will help them find their way out of this planet, only to be stuck in space...

This is just the base plot, creativity is always allowed!

How this RP works:
  • You will be given a few base options that decide the fate of the RP. Some may even lead to death (Note: Also write your side of the story, it will be annoying if I get one-liners for the rest of the RP. Another NOTE: these are just base options, feel free to invent a decision yourself!)
  • This RP is similar to a text-based game (It is basically a text-based game.) You will be given an inventory and some other information along the RP.
  • And further... (your own preferences.)
What I expect from you:
  • An exchange between writing samples. (I do not mind your English, as long as it is flavored with fantasy. Also, please make the writing sample at least 200 words long. You can find my sample in my written work.)
  • Creativity with all your knowledge (It would be awesome to tell stories that are both fascinating and logical.)
  • A valid character whose behavior is clear in the story. I do not allow characters that already exist in stories, you must make one up yourself.
That was it, I hope to hear from you soon!
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I am interested. If you look up my username on the site, you can see some of my previous work in other group RPs. If you like what you see, we can discuss further a character build for this story. I have a few ideas but would want to see what works best for your vision.

Employee Appreciation

Subject: Congratulations on being elected to write the appreciation letter this year.


Considering the exceptional history of achievements and success you have demonstrated on Earth, there is no doubt that you are the ideal candidate to compose the agent appreciation letter this year.

Your unparalleled track record speaks volumes about your ability to effectively convey gratitude and appreciation to our esteemed agents. With your keen understanding of writing and communication, we trust that you will beautifully capture the essence of their dedication, hard work, and unwavering commitment to our organization. Your skillful words will undoubtedly serve as a testament to the remarkable efforts put forth by our agents, fostering a sense of pride and motivation within them.

With utmost confidence in your abilities, we extend our deepest appreciation for accepting this essential responsibility.


Noah, being the diligent worker that he is, decided to waste even more time by meticulously reviewing the email once again before reluctantly returning to the monotonous and tedious process of composing the document.

Subject: TBD

It's truly astonishing and mind-boggling to think that despite humans having inhabited this planet for centuries, they remain completely oblivious to our presence. The incident that forever altered the regulations for intergalactic planetary visitation occurred back in the year 1897 according to Earth's timeline.

What is truly remarkable is that despite this vast expanse of time, we have managed to remain hidden and unnoticed. This feat can be attributed to the unwavering dedication and commitment of our agents stationed strategically across the globe. These agents have tirelessly worked towards ensuring that our existence remains a secret.

Their ceaseless efforts and undying dedication deserve immense appreciation and recognition. It is vital that we express our utmost gratitude by sending a personalized letter of appreciation to each and every one of these extraordinary individuals. Their tireless work and selfless commitment to this cause have played a crucial role in maintaining our secrecy and protecting our mission.

Each agent has worked relentlessly, navigating complex human societies and integrating themselves seamlessly into various cultures. Their ability to blend in and maneuver discreetly is truly commendable. They have gone above and beyond to gather valuable information, assess potential threats, and ensure that our operations remain covert.

Their work goes far beyond what any mere human could comprehend. While humans continue with their day-to-day lives, oblivious to our presence, these agents silently operate in the shadows, dedicated to safeguarding our missions and the delicate balance of intergalactic relations.

In this modern era, where advanced technology and surveillance are prevalent, the challenges our agents face are more significant than ever before. Yet, they stand unfaltering, remaining vigilant and adaptable to the ever-evolving human world.

Without our agents' unwavering dedication, the consequences could be catastrophic. Our existence could be exposed, risking not only our mission but also the harmony and equilibrium of intergalactic relations. It is vital that we express our heartfelt gratitude and recognize the remarkable work they have accomplished.

A letter of appreciation will not only acknowledge their tireless efforts but also serve as a reminder of the invaluable role they play in safeguarding our existence. Through their determination and resilience, they have preserved the centuries-long secret of our presence on this planet.

Noah, feeling exhausted and drained, couldn't help but let out a heavy sigh. He could feel the weight of weariness in his bones as he let out a low toned groan and rubbed both eyes, trying to alleviate the strain. As his vision cleared, he found himself gazing at the sad remnants of his once warm and comforting tea which had now turned cold. The sight of the tea served as the perfect distraction he needed at that moment.

Feeling the need to take a break from his current thoughts, Noah decided to grab the cup and escape to the break room. He hoped that the change in scenery would provide him with some much-needed respite from the pressures of his daily routine. Although he wasn't particularly eager to engage in the tradition of writing a letter of appreciation, Noah reminded himself that it was something the head office greatly valued.

As he made his way to the break room, Noah couldn't help but reflect on how hollow the act of writing a letter of appreciation felt to him. It seemed like a mere formality, lacking the genuine sentiment that he wished he could convey. Nevertheless, he understood the importance of maintaining office traditions and the significance they held to the higher-ups.

Yet, why don't they bother writing this if it's supposedly so important? Is it just because of seniority? He resented being given these meaningless tasks. As he stood in front of the microwave, waiting for his cup of water to heat up, frustration mounted within him. He had been given this tedious task yet again, and he couldn't help but feel tired of being the go-to person for mindless work. Deep down, he resented the fact that his colleagues seemed to conveniently avoid such tasks, leaving him to pick up the slack.

With a sigh, he promised himself that next time they tried to pass this kind of work onto him, he would conveniently fall ill. He would make himself unavailable, forcing them to find another solution. The thought of giving himself a break from these monotonous tasks felt like a small victory amidst the mounting stress.

After the microwave beeped, he grabbed his cup and made his way back to his desk. The familiar sight of his computer screen greeted him, waiting for him to continue the task that he had temporarily abandoned. Though he longed to escape this never-ending cycle, he knew he had no choice but to reluctantly resume writing the letter.

As the dull seconds turned into a seemingly endless hour, he struggled to find some spark of originality in his words. Though he attempted to inject creativity and personality into the piece, it felt like a futile effort. The words on the screen seemed to mock him, reminding him of his trapped state.

Finally, he couldn't help but give in to his growing cynicism. He bitterly titled the email, "Just another year of mindlessly doing our job to avoid getting caught. What do you think?" It felt like a rebellious act, an attempt to voice his frustration in a cheeky way. With a mixture of defiance and resignation, he clicked the send button, releasing his thoughts to Olivia.

Almost immediately, a confirmation flashed on the screen, assuring him that the email had been successfully sent. Simultaneously, his phone emitted a notification chime, reminding him of the digital connections that bound him to this world of work and responsibility.

Upon opening the screen, he was met with a message that said:


Nancy Harris is in need of a medication drop off. Can you handle it? I have this strong feeling that I'm about to strike gold bruh!

Noah sighed and rolled his eyes. He couldn't understand how Mikey managed to get located in Nevada despite his destructive gambling habit. Weighing the options of using the sick card he then thought better of it. It was better than being stuck at the desk for the rest of the afternoon. He replied, "Sure, I'll do it. But just so you know, we're not bros."

With that, Noah left his untouched cup of black tea behind and headed towards the warehouse.

The warehouse was bustling with activity, despite the sluggishness of his own department. However, there seemed to be a growing line at the cage window, where a heated exchange was taking place between a young man and Bella, the gatekeeper. A younger guy shy of six foot that clearly enjoyed his gym time and had a suspiciously curly pompadour hairdo was visibly agitated.

"Seriously, Bell, I have no idea where I left it. I've searched high and low, but I've been on the forklift all day," he pleaded.

Bella cleared her throat, her normally warm almond-shaped eyes now narrowed. "My name is Bell-a,” she tapped at the name tag secured to the right side of her polo.

“According to your employee equipment agreement, any equipment taken out of the designated area must be returned at the end of each shift. If not, both you and a supervisor need to acknowledge the loss by signing this form," the form was already placed between them as she used a single index finger to press it toward the distraught kid.

With a frustrated sigh, the young man angrily slammed his hands on the counter before storming off. He probably knew deep down that appealing for compassion from Bella, the deceivingly small, intimidating figure behind the window, was a lost cause.

Noah observed as two others timidly conducted their business with Bella, he couldn't help but feel relief that he hadn't been next in line. Taking a deep breath, he mustered up a smile.

"Good day, Bella. Another new hire causing trouble?" he asked cautiously.
Wow! My english is no way near you.
But if you still want to cooperate, I can always reach out to you.
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