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Fandom One Piece: The New World


One Thousand Club
It was a cloudless day as the crew of the Mediae Umbra sailed haphazardly through the surprisingly calm oceans. They had just emerged into the New World a week ago.

The crew of the Umbra formed only a few months ago on the paradise side of the Grandline. They made a name for themselves with their captain being considered part of the Nova Generation of pirates. That doesn't mean any of them were slacking in the way of strength each one being hundred thousand or more.

On the Umbra's crows nest one of them was playing a soft melody on an ocarina. As he played it he slowly and gracefully walked onto the poles holding the sails up.

In the distance a storm was brewing as an island was coming into view.
All sorts of fish swim in the ocean. Big fish. Little fish. Blue fish. Green fish and even fish men if you look hard enough. Which is exactly what you would see today as Muemyr swims in the depths below. It was relaxing. He could be down there hours and be happy. One of the fun parts of being fish-man. But eventually he'd need to board the ship. So he did just that. He made his way up the boat and on the deck, and sat down. "Nice clear skies. It's really not my kinda weather but its nice. This is nice.". Muemyr let out a yawn. He sat there leaning against the rain with his legs crossed and his arms behind is head taking in the breeze.
“Clear? Oh, good, anything but the rain.

A bolt of silk, fresh from port, rolled out partially on the deck. Several pins -- small, shiny, crystal ones, outlined the silouhette of one's measurements, breadth and neckline and a good amount for the hem. It was a nice place to hide things, the hemming, after all.

Leigh Saparri was making themselves a new dress.
It had been a while since they'd cut a new outfit -- granted, their room in the ship was nearly all outfits -- but it had still been a while for the new stuff. Better that they do these thing, anyways. Sewing gave Leigh a breath that shopping for costumes never did.

“People say it makes them feel alive — ‘the clouds are a sinner’s sea’ — but being lively doesn’t make things good.”

They stuck a finger inside their mouth, swabbing the cheek briefly, before pulling out a long string of quickly-hardening saliva. It cracked, sharpened, grew into a long needle, and then their thumb touched the tongue to smooth over its surface. Again, the needle grows, but formed. The second hand strokes it, molds the shaping crystal to a single surface, slowly fashions a loop soon to be a handle and widens the flat until it resembles a blade with a pin in it.
They do so again, this time creating a hole in the surface of the tool. The two are held up to the sun, ensured to be dry, and then locked together.


The archaeologist glanced over to their navigator for a moment, snapping the new device open and shut a few times to ensure an even slice.

“The two things to break rocks apart in nature are rain freezing and roots growing. Both are living, and anything but nice if it only exists to split things. I’d be just as happy if seeds started falling from the sky the same way.”
Deafening wins whisked through his ears. Elias, in his full Thunderbird form was soaring through the sky, the blue color of his feathers blending him into the wondrous blue scape above. His eye tilted down, his entire head turning with it as he soared through the air, witnessing the small speck in the ocean that was his ship. While he was one of the more recent additions to this crew, that didn't stop him from quickly taking the rank of captain. He had to admit, being the captain of such an odd and interesting crew, brought a smile to his face.

It wasn't long before he noticed his friend Leigh, the first friend he had made on this journey, freaking out and going into a panic about something he just knew wasn't that big of a deal. This is been a habit of his old friend, one that he found entirely vexing. How could one live their life in such fear when there was so much to see? It didn't make any sense to him.

From his body sparked a spider web of lightning. Even in the bright Sun The flash was very intense. The sound of thunder echoing through the Open sky as he transformed back into his human self and began to Free Fall. A smile on his face as his milky eyes stayed open. Seeing the world's electrical pulses as he fell. Every bioelectric transaction that happened in the natural world was completely open to him. He could even see the swarms of fish around the boat. He made a mental note to catch a few for September to cook later. For now, he listens to the wind, closing his eyes for both a brief moment to enjoy this palpable freedom that he can experience. It might not seem like much, but this was something that seemed so far beyond his reach not so long ago. The wind screeching past his ears, the feeling of falling at a faster and faster rate. Adrenaline coursing through his veins as he continued his descent. Finally, mere feet from the boat, he twisted his body mid air, landing perfectly on his feet in a squatting position just behind Leigh. The force of his landing sending a ripple in the water around the boat. It was a wonder how anybody could land from that kind of height and not be killed. Truly a testament to the ability that he had.

The 6'11” man Rose to his feet, grabbing Leigh by the collar of their outfit. With almost no effort he lifted his friend, smiling as the other just dangled in his grip.

"Leigh, old friend, why on earth would you be panicking right now?" The captain asked with a jovial tone to his voice

"The skies are clear and there is an island ahead. Not to mention we got September new spices at the last port, so her next meal should be delicious. There's no need to be like this."

The captain chuckled a little bit, tossing his friend in the air and catching them as though they were a princess. His soft white eyes looking at his friend with a large, goofy smile that was pretty much his signature "Just stop and enjoy the moment. Okay?"
Xander watched his crew from his spot on the sails. Was it a wise idea to sit about ten feet above the deck on a pole of wood that wasn't designed for people to be on? Most definitely not but he liked it up here and no one usually bothered him. Besides if he broke something his hidden stash of berries should be more than enough to replace it.

He looked at his Ocarina and started his second song of the day something that Mary would play on a quite night.

Halfway through the song he stopped as he felt something touch his shoulder. Looking up he could see heavy flakes of snow dropping down. He stood up making sure he was balanced as he started to the crows nest continuing the song.

The song
September could be found sitting calmly at the raised stern of the ship, knelt upright on a thick cotton sheet and cushion below her knees. She seemed to give little mind to the storm on the horizon, instead her gaze more focused on a steaming cup held between her hands, taking small sips as the wind picked up.

The oceans song was picking up in its tempo, the distant storm adding a new voice to the concert of ship and sea. Taking another more sip, the black of her nails would dance across her hand in a wave before smoothly returning once more with increasing speed, a somewhat meditative training she had taken too.

As her crew mates began to make their voices heard, she would raise her head slightly to regard each in turn.

"Leigh-San, Perspective is important. Without the storm the green grass would not grow in its wind or fall. Rocks that break are those which stand rigid, while those that flow along the course remain" she gives a short pause with a tilt of her head musing of something "Though you say only two break rocks? You name the Ice and Earth, but neglect the Wind and Wave"

She gives a soft smile and nod towards Elias as he gave his own input "It is the ingredients that chose their dish, the new ones will make interesting choices true. We also have new teas to enjoy" Stopping to take another small sip of her cup "The heat of both should calm and comfort you for the verses to come. But take heart that when they do, the dawn will break again and bless us with another day"
The island came into view it had three distinct mountains one white as snow, one brown as a tree, and the last pink. Xander felt the snow hit it and melt quickly leaving a sticky residue. Against his judgment he stuck his tongue out and tasted one of the snow flakes. His eyes widened in surprise. "Vanilla." He muttered.

Four people spoke amongst themselves unaware that they were being watched. "The King's guard is down now's the time to strike." One of them said. "It's time for that tyrant to fall." The other three nodded. "Time to..." The man stopped talking as his eyes turned white. He caughed up blood as he fell to the ground. His three friends looked in horror as a penguin jumped onto his back.

It tilted it's head as it looked at them as if saying "what are you going to do about it?." The threw of them looked at each other and ran away.
Ripples in the water, but ripples in the air, too — the silks rippled and displaced half their pins, and Leigh simply sighed. That was frustration, too — preference, not a lack of level-headedness.
Their ruffled collar complains as Elias lifts them up, legs still locked in a crossed position, manhandled and perfectly stoic to it. They turn the scissors upside-down and hold them bladefirst, so as not to cut anything when—
Yes, he was throwing them again.

Panic was most definitely the wrong word. Leigh wouldn't panic if they'd lost a finger, or a leg, and so why would they ever consider being afraid of the rain? They lived on a boat, surrounded completely with the ocean, and didn't bat an eye. Elias' words were lost on them, and thankfully that placidity kept them loose and limber as they fell back into his arms.

“Maddick, I’m calm.The skies are fine, I’m not distressed. I can enjoy a life without endorsing it. September picked the spices herself — or the spices picked her --" a glance to the chef, "just as I found the cloth and Florence took new boards for the ship. You chose very little," they condescend, more certain than venomous. "If you trust us to do that, trust me not to panic."
Thankfully, the captain wasn't sweating -- Leigh's calculation was that they wouldn't crystallize him from the fall's exertion, so they did nothing to protest him on the physicality of the act. He treated Leigh like one would a weapon -- roughly but with care. It was one of the best ways to be, in their eyes.

They paw at his yukata slightly, checking for scorch marks from the lightning.
"That’s weathering. Different. Wind and waves just wash off the exterior — the rock still remains. But if you split the mountain… well, you’d have two mountains."
Leigh’s gaze shifts to September — the one holding them was blind anyways, and so the act of watching him back mattered less as a gesture — and gave her a small tilt of the head. "And the ice, and the root — those are rigid, too. What makes one a force of nature and the other a stubborn fool? Nothing drives a wedge between strength and resilience — they are the same."

A large snowflake drifts to touch Leigh’s shoulder, and they brush it off with the scissors. Not water yet, not to the skin. Good.
"Hmph. Rain is the best kind of weather. Waves crashing, and a constant flow of water pouring from the sky. Not as enjoyable as being underwater but not bad. Certainly gives the potential to make fights more lively" Muemyr cleared his throat before sitting there silently listening to the others. Occasionally glancing up at the clouds to see the weather.

Feeling a bit restless, he got up. At the very least, he could look around the ship. The chances of seeing land was not gonna happen, but stranger things have happened. Though in this case he knew that was just blind optimism. This was not his first time traveling in the waters the crew now sailed on. looking up, perhaps he'd get a higher view, if only to humor his curiosity.
Watching as the snowflakes continued to fall, September would tilt her head slightly as they turned the deep green liquid in her hands cloudy and lighter. Raising it to her nose, she gave it a deep sniff before taking another small sip and casting a glance back to the island itself. She does not reply to Leight straight away, letting their words settle for a few moments.

"The cloth is grateful for you regardless. As for the elements," she puts the small cup now empty down to turn her full attention to her crewmate.

"The answer to your question would change based on definition and perspective. As for trust...it is the absence of thought and consideration, abandoning the task of deeper understanding. I always found doubt and concern to be kinder. But again, that is a matter of perspective"
Elias smiled at the interactions between all of his crewmates. It was kind of relieving in a way. They were all having such fun, even if they didn't get along all the time. It was something fun for them to do in between islands. However, upon seeing the snow he set his friend down and looked around. He took in the moment before holding his tongue out and taking a snowflake. Upon tasting vanilla, the captain would look incredibly confused. However, he did make a promise to September. So, he played clueless to it before looking over the ship.

His vision was something incredibly unique. Everything in this world that was living had bioelectricity. His devil fruit allowed him to see this electricity. It was interesting to watch the way the electricity flowed through the body. It was also something that he never took for granted. When you spent most of your life blind, any kind of sight is amazing. He took one step onto the railing of the ship before twirling electricity in his fingers a bit before it formed into something of a spear. With one throw a bolts of lightning crashed next to the ship. The giant flash of light nearly blinding the rest of the crew. With a smile on his face he watched his fish floated to the top. He made sure to only use enough power to kill them. He didn't want to pre-cook them. He looked over to September "Take whatever fish we need. I think I'm going to go check out the island."

With one swift spreading motion of his arms, beautiful plumage erupted from him. His arms taking the form of his Thunderbird wings. Was a massive gust of wind and a huge flap of his wings the captain was off. He soared through the sky towards the island, keeping an eye out for any bioelectricity on the beach.
...hm. Did they have a parasol? Leigh would certainly need one, if all the weather was snow -- they couldn't go littering crystals everywhere. There was more silk than just this one bolt -- perhaps they'd fashion an umbrella with the scraps. Parasol and matching dress...

"...that's true enough," Leigh conceded. "One can use the rain. Life can be good... I can fight with vigor, too -- it just shouldn't be a divider." They allow themselves down, grace presenting in the flow of their shawl as two sandals strike the deck.

They move between Elias and the fabric, shielding it from the worst of the wind, but still it manages to knock the rest of the pins from the outfit. There's a sigh... but no matter. Leigh bunches the cloth and moves closer to the stern, setting up once more to smooth it over the deck and now in a place less likely to be touched by winds -- Thunderbird-caused or otherwise.
Leigh looks up to September, regarding her. "Language is subjective, but it makes the world. The vague isn't useful, and neither its kindness nor its independence would be either. Trust and knowledge are useful, and not exclusive -- one needs certainties to do anything."

They keep their mind's eye on Maddick, drawing slightly on their Haki reserves -- no matter how much Leigh trusted him and his strength, they were sure there were troubles the captain wouldn't be able to pull himself from, either.
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The penguin looked up at the sound of thunder and saw a bird. Mythic maybe? He should report this to the king. He started to slide away as fast as he could.

After a little bit of time the Meidea Umbra docked in the Creme Island Ports.

Xander leaned on the crow's nest as he waited for something to happen.
Septembers eyes followed her Captain as he flew off towards the island with a small sigh and finally got to her feet and walked over to the kitchen to work. It did seem like the Island would be eventful and so a full meal would only be right.

"Subjective words born from unaligned perspectives and being heard but harkened to. That and the common misuse of words without thoughts to precision or consideration of that" She raises a hand to her mouth while letting out a small giggle "Though the prospect of needing certainties is quite novel. One would think that only lead to idleness. The only true certainty is uncertainty, after all, no? Particularly amongst these waters." she tilts her head slightly with a soft smile to Leigh as they pass them.

She moved around the kitchen cooking in a manner that could only be described as ritualistic, whispering her words to each ingredient as worked with the usual fluid grace and immersed within the process while the others dealt with the docking.

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