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Fandom One Piece: The New Generation


Cook of the Thousand Sunny
3 months have passed since the ringing of the Ox bell when Monkey D. Luffy infiltrated Marineford to send the message to his crew to meet in 2 years, although nobody besides a select few individuals and the Strawhat crew realised the true intentions behind Captian Luffy's actions that day. Many took it as a act of war. Others took at as the beginning of a new era for pirates and a call to arms for them.

Since that day, many Marines have been organising plans to take down any pirates who dared sailed the grand line, making it incredibly difficult to have any success sailing the grand line, although a select few crews have decided to show their faces and make a name for themselves there since. Pirates from all over the 4 seas and the grand line have tried to make a name for themselves in the world of pirates and most have ended up in Davy Jones locker due to the Marines swift actions. Marines have established their main base on the island where marine base G1 was once located, and have become even more dangerous than before. But even so Word has gathered of a couple captains looking for pirate crews willing to take on the grand line in Loguetown on the Polestar islands.

A quick run down of the role play and some rules:

This role play is one I've been wanting to do for a while, one that covers the time between when Luffy rang the Ox bell to when he reunited with his pirate crew. The role play will start in Lougetown no matter the heritage of your character. Depending on how many players sign up for this I may allow for more than one pirate crew. This Roleplay will take a little bit of a darker twist of the one piece series, when the marine will be on higher alert than ever before making it a rough time for pirates, but while maintaining some of the comedy and fun of the series.

More tabs will be posted with more information such as a setting and location tab, which will contain a little paragraph on each location the crews visit. I expect this to be a medium length role play, around 7 arcs, the first being a slight introduction arc, and the rest being a little longer.

It is time for a new age of pirates. A time where pirates can roam free and discover new adventures around every corner.

General Rules

1) Obey the official RP Nation Guidelines:


2) Moderators are GOD. Our word is final, and we may introduce or change rules as the RP progresses. Further, it is to the moderator’s discretion as to whether any character sheet is accepted or denied.

3) Up to a maximum of three characters per player. This does not include enemies or NPCs you may wish to create.

4) No One Liners! You must write at least 7 FULL SENTENCES per post. THis is not a simple roleplay, it is meant to be detailed. If there's a lot of detail then describe it; don’t just write a bland statement because you’re lazy. If you have no inspiration, just don't post. Collaborative posts are encouraged.

5) Keep posts in relative sections (Say anything out-of-character in the OOC thread, leave only your characters text in the roleplay thread).

6) To make your writing clear, stick to the Third-Person Limited perspective unless the context calls for something different (Such as dialogue).

7) Have a good grasp of the English language. If your posts are consistently short and incoherent (many misspellings or grammatical errors), you may not be someone we’d like to roleplay with.

8) Be commited to roleplaying and improving. If you are a person who doesn't add any detail and writes bland posts, then unless you’re willing to visibly improve you may also not be someone we’d like to play with.

9) If you're absent for more than 2 weeks then we'll assume you dropped. Please let a moderator know if you'll be gone longer and want to rejoin.

10) Respect fellow roleplayers. Do NOT harass or bully them, we have a ZERO TOLERANCE policy on that. If there's a problem with your writing or your behavior, you will be contacted.

11) If you have a conflict or problem with someone, resolve it between you and the other party privately. If that isn't possible, contact a moderator.

12) Additionally if you have any issues or questions with character signups, writing, or whatever, contact a moderator or ask your fellow players for support. Also reference existing resources and rules when you can.

15) If you read these rules, Name your favourite character from the One Piece Series ( post in Misc. section under "why do you want to be a Pirate?")

16) Have Fun!

In character Rules:

1) Romance with another player’s character is fine as long as the other party agrees. You may conduct romance between your own characters at your will.​

2) You may not write explicit sexual scenes, or pretty much anything that’s past first base. However, innuendo and fade-to-black scenes are a-ok.

3) Profanity, gore, and more is at your discretion; write as much as you want in as much detail as you want. Moderate yourself however you wish, but remember that not everyone likes excessive violence and may choose to not interact with you if you do write that.

4) No Bunnying, Godmodding, Mary Sues/Gary Stues (Flawless or perfect characters that lack definite weaknesses)

5) Do not be unreasonable. Use Common Sense when writing, and if a character dies or is injured that's up to their creator. However, don't be obnoxious and power your character to ridiculous or godly heights; that's neither fun to play nor fun to play with.

6) Stick to the general lore and knowledge of One Peice-- that means no coping a canon devil fruit power or stuff like that(If you


want to break or add to the lore, ask a moderator beforehand). If it doesn't conflict, feel free to be creative with your character's background, Abilities, etc. Devil Fruit Powers are allowed, but we


be moderating their count on a first-come, first-serve basis as Devil fruits are fairly scarce (You may make up your own devil fruit power, Just message myself when doing so and I'll let you know if it's acceptable or not)​

7) There may be some situations where you will have to roll dice to decide the outcome of certain situations. Not everything will always go your way and sometimes the outcome that you want will be very slim, that's just how it works in the real world and that's how it will work here. So to determine the out come of these situations when I or another moderator requires for you to do a dice roll do it in your previous IC post before posting your next post. Dice rolls may only be required for certain people who are in the general area.

Failure to follow any of the rules in this thread will result in a warning from the moderators in this thread. You have three strikes, which means after three warnings your out. Depending on the magnitude of the problem you may be instantaneously temporarily banned or completely banned from this thread.

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