One piece: The new era


The offspring of all things
Offspring submitted a new role play. @Offspring, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

Read more about this role play...

(please don't make a super powerful character think straw hats at the start of the series to now)




Appearance: (prefer anime appearance but it can be what you wan)


Race:(Human, fishman, other)

personality:(doesn't have to be more than a sentence)

Role:(what do you bring to the crew?)

Devil fruit/skill: (what can you do?)

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Name: Louisa Everhill

Age: 17




Gender: Female

Race: Human

personality: Smart-eleck, rebellious, quick-thinking, acts without reason.

Role: Spy

Devil fruit/skill: Telekinesis and Invisibility.

Background(opt): Unknown.
Name: "Shiv"

Age: 17

Height: 4'5"


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/uploadfromtaptalk1400514056483.jpg.b2472128c531a4c1923e24d95aee1172.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18590" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/uploadfromtaptalk1400514056483.jpg.b2472128c531a4c1923e24d95aee1172.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Only with much, much darker skin.

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Personality: Rebellious, and a prankster.

Role: Crewman

Devil fruit/skill: Illusion fruit.



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Name: Igneous Cross

Age: 18

height: 6'9"




Race: Human

personality: Calm under most circumstances, enjoy a good fight but want jump into one without a reason, Friendly he is good at making friends and gives them his trust and forgiveness if needed, Responsible he is willing to take responsibility for his and other peoples actions.

Role: Captain

Devil fruit/skill: He is an all out boxer and his feet are just as swift as his hands or even swifter he is capable enough to take out many marines(fodder) with ease due to his many .

Background(opt): When Igneous was young he was not wishing to be a pirate nor did he find them cool. This was due to his brother being a pirate and being killed within a months time along with most of his crew who were a bunch of air headed kids wanting to be cool. This did not mean he liked the marines any better all they did was send thousands of men to there grave as his mother put it. He has only found the urge to become a pirate yesterday when his parents talked about his brother dream to be someone and how no one in there family were ever anyone and never would be unless he did something about it.His parents agreed with the son his mom and dad wanted there son to become pirate king but never could force his brother or him into such a dangerous occupation. So Igneous has headed out into the streets and docked his brothers old boat and searches for his crew mates. 
We could start now if you guys wanted and I could use some ideas on how to start this. should we already know each other or should we just bump into each other, really could use some help not use to making an RP.
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In my opinion, we should bump into each other. One of us could do a post for the setting, like, the aftermath of/during a raid, then go from there.
I'm not sure I follow you but if you have this thought out please make the post but you don't have to I should have thought ahead.
Name: Twitch



Gender: Male

Race: Human

personality:Easy-going with a tendency to laziness in work. Overbearingly enthusiastic when he is interested. Very interested in weapons.

Role: Navigator

Devil fruit/skill: Thought Steal fruit. He can't actually steal thoughts but can learn ideas and skills from people by remaining in contact with them, this can be used for everything from learning a new skill to finding someones secrets. The contact can be with any part of the body but it is easiest (and thus fastest) with the hands or head, it is also alot easier if the other person is willing. He has learnt many skills this way but has never managed to use this skill on a person of great skill in what he took from them aside from a famous navigator hailing from his home town.

(Note: I realised this may seem overpowered to some people so I want to point out that knowledge does not imply skill, except theoretical skills such as maths where knowledge is skill. So if he took the knowledge of an expert swordsman, he would know how to use a sword but the swordsman would best him with ease, although having the knowledge of an expert swordsman would make him better than alot of people with swords, at least the ones who hadn't used one much.)
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Hey, it's been a while since I've done this, but here:

Name: Valir Nayr

Age: 19

but without the gloves, and usually has sleeves rolled up to his elbows.

Height: 6' 0"

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Personality: Outgoing, cheerful, and a little mischievous, but reserved when he knows that he’s in trouble. He can be sarcastic but not overly so. He is usually fairly cocky. Valir is not a big fan of the navy. He has a bit of a wild side (read: uncontrolled) when confronted or fighting, but he doesn't kill people if he can help it (keyword: if).

Role: Amateur shipwright (if someone who wants to be the full shipwright shows up, they’re free to take the position) and musician

Devil fruit/skill: No devil fruit, acrobatics/parkour, pickpocketing/ slight of hand, basic repair and shipbuilding knowledge, and swordplay (very freestyle, think Mugen from Samurai Champloo).

Background: (I’ll probably reveal as we go on.)
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Update: I added in height to the bio so that we can get a better stand point of each character please add it in.
Name: Keke

Age: 17




Race:2/3 Kuja and 1/3 Fishman

personality:Keke is a very flirtatious person who uses her curvaceous body to calm her male patients,or she can usually scare all of her patients into submission. She really does not like treating women since they are always harder to calm down,but she will gladly help a woman through the birth process.In a fight Keke will try to psych her opponent out or even flirt with them to lower their defenses.

Role:Doctor and First-Mate

Devil fruit/skill: Since Keke is of Fishman and Kuja descendant she is naturally immensely strong and resilient.Keke is also very flexible and has a fair amount of skill in parkour and extensive training in fishman karate.The Kuja Tribe have a natural affinity for Haki allowing for Keke to learn to use some of it,but her real skills lie in the medical field.Keke is a phenomenal doctor and spot symptoms easily,sometimes she can see it before you can feel it.She has studied poisons and medicines for many years,so she can actually create medicine from poison and vice versa.Keke always carries a few syringes with her just in case she needs them for anything,some have medicine/poison in them and others do not.
:D That made me laugh harder than I have in a while, thanks Jailbird :D

(Postibg with Tapatalk so I can't OoC comment?

Tablet RPing is weird
Name: Luka ruvan

Age: 20

Height: 5'5


Race: human

Role: cook and can be a first mate

Personality: over protective, calm, hard to anger, like to tick off enemies ((can change in the rp))

Devil fruit/ skills: can do hand to hand combat. Pick locks and is very agile. Devil fruit power is shadow manipulation. She can create various weapons objects and animal of it.

Bio: Luka had a hard childhood. She came from an island where no onenknew about devil fruits powers. So when se found the fruit the at 5 she ate it without a second thought. When she got her powers she lost control of it and everyone became scared of her and tried to attack her or avoid her. Her parent were the only people ahebcould have trusted.bit had been like that for 5 years. Until when she was 10 pirates came and pillaged her land. Her parent were killed and she was captured. When they stopped at louge town she was somehow able to pick the locks and escape into the town. There she was found a raised by a cook from a famous restaurant in the town. He took care of her and taught her how to cook. the restaurant practically became her new home and she smiled and had fun. She kept her powers a secret so she doesn't get rejected again.

name: Pbtenchi

species: human

age: 18

height: 6'4

devil fruit: logia mist-mist fruit, he can turn into and control mist, this mist condenses into water on objects but him, but if heavy amounts form it can be dangerous to him, he can also control the mists temperature from steam to very cold clouds

story: he was a murderer before he was born, killing his twin and mother in birth, his farther abandoned him after going into a fit of depression, he was then taken in by the assassin Red Rum. He was raised and taught as an assassin, but found he didn't like killing, on his first mission on his own to steal a devil fruit, after completing the mission he stupidly forgot it was a devil fruit and ate it in front of the client, this did not go down well. one day the city was paraded by the marines, after hearing that a famous assassin was there from a mysterious client. red rum was killed, but not before he told Pbtenchi to run and get off the island, so Pbtenchi fled praying for red rums safety, but did not leave the island in case red rum could come to. In front of his very eyes, red rum was shot dead in the docks by one of the 7 warlords of the sea

personality: lacks common sense, smart but lacks common sense, he tends to be a thrill seeker, which is odd as he is also lazy

goal/dream: to avenge red rum

appearance: blond hair, 3d glasses that no one has seen him without, he wears a raven feather shroud and black high heels

crew position: captain/assassin

weapon: knives, a sword, a pistol he keeps conceived up is sleeve with a string mechanism, and anything he can get his hands on

crew: black feather pirates

~*~Temperance Folly~*~

( Human - 21 years young - ...male... )

Devil Fruit

Currently not available

story in a nutshell

Born in quite the wealthy and political family but was shunned after immediately falling for a pirate- he learned many things while with her, including discovering he had excellent aim with handguns. However that love was only futile and they had to part their ways. After being shunned and completely disowned by his family, Temperance decided to find his own kind of life. Having connections due to his wealthy political family blood, he was able to become head of a merchant corporation- sailing far and wide to deliver is goods and make his own kind of living. Sure that's fun but without much of a purpose, what's the point? Plus the seas only remind him of his fleeting pirate beauty...


Flamboyant. happy-go-lucky and ...giddy. He can really come off as quite the fruitcake without intending to. He admires men that are manly because they have something that he lacks- that sheer manliness. (You'll see)


To find some type of purpose and love in this cruel reality.


Crew Role





Currently not in one

Name: Argus Xeno

Age: 42



Gender: male

Race: human

personality: cruel, malicious, treacherous, and very intelligent

Role: captain

Devil fruit/skill: gravi-gravi no mi, he has the power to control gravity, he can do anything from lift you up, to forming a black hole

Background(opt): he came from a noble family and from a young age he was trained in politics. but the young Argus had plans of his own, he killed his parents and stole their wealth and used it to buy a devilfruit, he then stole a ship and headed out to the grandline, where he promptly became a warlord. 
true, hadn't thought about that...<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/villian.jpg.8c644f2e5f9b5fd6d2284e376c50d707.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19111" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/villian.jpg.8c644f2e5f9b5fd6d2284e376c50d707.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name (first, last) Senji, Crow



Appearance: Senji is a tall, muscular man with a medium-dark tan. Senji has short black hair in spikes to the back. Senji has the letters DSMK tattooed above his right eye, in memory of his former team-mates. Senji also has two rings with serrated blades built in them to slice open his forearms; he wears these on his thumbs he also has a eye patch from when he lost his eye.




personality Senji seems to thoroughly enjoy violence but despite his wild and battle-hungry attitude, he does have a sense of honor and respects strength and determination. Senji is also against the idea of needless killing.

In an ironic twist, Senji becomes flustered and embarrassed when a woman acts immodest and all of those instances they can sometimes make him fall to the floor.

Senji also seems to love cooking almost as much as he loves fighting but with him always wearing his two rings so they maybe blood in the food which he normally eats himself.

Role:Swordsman/fighter, Devil fruit user or Cook.

Devil fruit/skill: Chi Chi no Mi (Blood Blood no Mi) it is a Paramecia type devil fruit that allows the user to manipulate blood but Senji only uses it to make weapons appear like scythes out of his skin made out of hardened blood a weakness to this is that he can pass out due to lack of blood and that he can only manipulate loose blood (blood on the floor or above the skin e.g. a cut) or his own blood, very high durability and high pain tolerance

Background(opt): Senji worked as a Navy officer he and his colleagues Shind?, Momoi, Kan and his vice admiral Domon were assigned to Dawn Islands, in order to restore the peace. At that time, Senji already had his devil fruit and used it to defeat the pirates causing chaos. During one of the chases, Senji corners a pirate and starts assaulting him with his devil fruit. Seeing the pirate as nothing more than trash, Senji intends to kill him but is stopped by Domon . Back in the navy warship , Senji gets into an argument with his colleagues that someone told the man he was being followed by the police. The blame is pinned on Senji due to his past of working with street thugs, so he starts a brawl to protect his honor which just ends up with him being kicked out of the navy.
Name: Aeris

Age: 20

height 64

Gender: female

Personality: she is void of emotion, but very sympathetic, she has a love of small animals and is always trying to smuggle them.


Role: mechanic

Fighting style: she is a cyborg and uses the many weapons concealed in her body to decimated the foe

Weapons: cannon in the left arm, a spiked ball and chain, blades in her heel that are like ice skates, the feathers in the wings are very thin blades, and she will slowly upgrade herself over time through out the rp.

Devil fruit: glint-glint fruit. can create lenses and see through anything, can read minds in colours.

background: she came from a prison island, no crime was just born there, she was treated like a prisoner and tortured extensively, red rum who was on a job took her in, the cyborg modifications where installed on the island for human weapon testing. she left red rums home before pb, in search of meaning in the world 
so @Offspring spring ,you still haven't said if argus or aeris are approved or not... 
Yeah, its a real devil fruit, and not actually to op ability, and the mind reading is in colour, she can only see the nature of the thought. 
your faith is not mistrusted captain!
Name: Keith Whenzer "KW"






personality:Although this man fears old age,he is actually very mature,when he isn't drunk.Drunk most of the time Keith is the perverted idiot you see at the bar,but unlike most men he is very intouch with his feminine side,particularly the side they hates old age and wrinkles.He knows he is a very handsome man and will not take anything short of that,he will go so far as to complement someone else by complementing himself.Keith once told a woman that she looked like she was him as a 40 year old woman.Now this man isn't shamed to admit is affection for anyone,whether it be man,woman,monkey,tree,dragon,or devil,but one thing is for sure he will never love someone more than himself.

Role: High ranking member of a Bouny Hunter organization, Boundless Chasers

Devil fruit/skill: Keith has mastered many martial arts,including but not limited to, Rokushiki,Life Return,Drunken Fist,and his very own style,Chain Gain.Keith is an accomplished assassin,going so far as to actually kill one of the most famous assassins in history,with the help of marines of course.Once part of the marines,Keith has developed phenomenal strength and tactician abilities.Keith has been known for his speed & agility,among marines and pirates alike;he can create after images and even change direction mid-attack during these after images.He does know Kenbunshoku and Busoshoku Haki

Weapons: Chain Blades,Chains,Shorts sword,daggers,and knives.All made from Seastone.

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Name: Giraffe

Age: 38

height: 6'4


Gender: male


personality: he is an elite bounty hunter whom believes power is everything, if he deems a colleague to weak he kills them.

Role: bounty hunter

Devil fruit/skill: twist twist fruit, anything he touches he can twist, so far as making spires arise from the ground or breaking a persons arm.


Name: Crocodile

Age: 28

height: 6'6


Gender: male


personality: cocky, he believes in his power, but doesn't show it and trys to seem cool and composed, until you aggravate him.

Role: bounty hunter

Devil fruit/skill: acid-acid fruit, he pretends its a perimecia that lets him melt what he touches, but really its a logia


Name: Panda

Age: 32

height: 8'4


Gender: male


personality: lazy and bitter , he likes to sleep and when people wake him up he gets angry

Role: bounty hunter / kidnapper

Devil fruit/skill: sleep-sleep fruit, he can create a sound that if heard puts the hearer to sleep for 3 days, however this power has a hidden face, if the user is put to sleep, they become an incredible sleep fighter.


Name: panther

Age: 22

height: 5'6




personality: she's not very intelligent and loves being complemented and hates being insulted, she shes the world in black and white, e.g either good or bad.

Role: bounty hunter

Devil fruit/skill: dress-dress fruit, she has the power to wrap things around her to use as a clothing, she can not be harmed by her cloths, e.g she can wear fire, and not be buned but deliver flaming attacks, she can speed up by wearing air.


Name: Owl

Age: 28

height: 6'4

Appearance: after a close encounter he recived damage which made it so he cant focus both his eyes on one place, he wears shades to hide this

Gender: male

Race: human

personality: hes a bit wacky,

Role: bounty hunter/ kidnapper

Devil fruit/skill: pocket pocket fruit, if he holds a cloth like substence, he can tie it into a pocket bag of sorts, anyhing can be fit into it, and what does is shrunken until its released from the pocket. he also knows martial arts


sorry, they are pretty much exact copies as anime villains @_@ 
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Name: Miss All Soul's Day

Age: 34

height: 5'6"


Gender: Female

Race: Human

personality: Very short and concise, she only cares about her goals.

Devil fruit/skill: No devil fruit, but possesses the scepter of Taph. (Will explain this in the RP)

Background(opt): She joined Baroque Works shortly before Crocodile's defeat. After learning of a great power under the Great Taph Temple, she recruited kidnappers to achieve her goals. 
Name: Daren Walorn

Age: 41

height: 7'8"

but wearing a tattered cowboy hat

Gender: Male

Race: Human

personality: Daren is gruff and likes causing pain. He listens only to his bosses (Namely, Miss All Soul's Day)

Devil fruit/skill: Zoan type Gorilla.

Background: Daren has always been a bad guy. Once he found his devil fruit, he used his muscle to greater lengths and began kidnapping people. This is what attracted Miss All Soul's Day's attention 
Name: Mr. Goldenmane (Formerly Mr. 6)

Age: 31

height: 6'2"


Gender: Male

Race: Human


Devil fruit/skill: Mythical Zoan model classic chimera

Background: A Baroque Works Agent under Crocodile until his defeat, Mr. Goldenmane obtained a devil fruit after the death of Mrs. Mother's Day. He is currently teamed up with Miss All Soul's Day 
Name: Ferrun Kaidek

Age: 47

height: 5'9"


Gender: Male

Race: Human

personality: Ferrun is ruthless, requiring all people to obey the laws he is dictated if they apply to them.

Devil fruit/skill: No devil fruit, just very skilled at fighting, especially using a whip.

Background: Not known. He was recruited by Daren for Miss All Soul's Day's plans.
Name: Umaki Sarahuma

Age: 16

Height: 5’ 6”



Gender: Female

Race: Human

Personality: Umaki is a cheery, bright young girl with a strong Kansai accent. She wears a whistle around her neck and two bracelets on her left wrist that she always checks for some reason.

Role: Lookout / Fisherman

Devil Fruit/Skill: Sense-Sense Fruit (Paramecia Type) - allows her to utilize her five senses to a much greater (or lesser, if she wishes) extent than a normal person. This ability improves her senses a little bit all the time, and upon activation she can improve a single sense to much beyond her normal capacity for a short amount of time. This ability can only improve one sense at a time. Umaki also has a special power that she rarely uses due to the massive toll it takes on both her mind and body. This ability allows her to utilize all of her senses to their maximum extent at the same time, but even more dreadful is her ability to speed up the rate at which her brain thinks during this time. It seems to her that the world around her is moving in slow motion during this time. It only lasts a few moments, and afterwards Umaki almost always collapses from the cost of using this ability. Umaki’s other specialty is fishing. She is also very good with thrown weapons such as harpoons, spears, or javelins. She can use rope quite well, and has a few other handy skills up her sleeve.

Background: Umaki was born into a family of fishermen. When she was two, her mother left her father for some unknown reason, and Umaki’s father was left to raise her himself. Umaki never quite forgave her mother for that. Her father was often busy with work, but as she grew older, Umaki went on his fishing trips with him more and more. At age seven, Umaki’s mother returned to their hometown to tell Umaki that she had joined the marines, though she would not say why. Umaki begged and begged her to stay, but her mother coldly refused. Devastated by this, Umaki decided that day she would become a pirate and sail the high seas as revenge on her mother. When a Devil’s Fruit came into possession of a wealthy merchant of the town, she knew she had to act quickly. She crept into his house the same night and stole the fruit, consuming it immediately. Since then, she’s been unable to swim. She’s concealed the fact that she’s eaten a Devil’s Fruit up until now to avoid trouble. Not even her father knows, since the normal effects of the fruit are easy to hide. Now, at age 16, Umaki is ready to start off on her journey at last. She prepared in secret for this day, and set out to find a crew to join. Now, a few islands away from her home island, she’s ready to start looking.
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