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Fandom One piece: tales of the supernovas


Flowiest D

The Flowiest Fool. Chaser of Lyublyu.
Wealth, fame, power. The man who acquired everything in this world, Gold Roger. The final words said at his execution sent people to the seas... “my wealth and treasure? You can have it. I left it all in that place” The pirate kings words inspired many to take to the seas. Chasing their dreams into the grand line, this tale however starts in the south blue...

The blue seas waved and crashed upon the coasts of broken rock island.
Raggah ‘detonation’ Dohan, the captain of the Big Bang Pirates was literally combustible about said dream. “We’ll blaze a trail all the way through the Grand line! People will hear our cheers and fear our strength!”
Ayoh Ceeks couldn’t help but laugh “all we did is defeat this dirty pirate crew, no need to blow up yet.” Would probably get more Beli as bounty hunters... sure they got some treasure, some supplies... but all these losers were carrying is bananas...

The Big Bang pirates had just finished raiding a enemy ship, Bang ship hooked onto the enemy ship as the winners of the previous battle took as they pleased.
the enemy captain of said ship was tied up by one of Ayoh’s rope-rang making noise about how big a mistake these fools had made.Monkey-ish in appearance covered in bruises and cuts
“NO ONE STEALS FROM DA KONG FAMILY, YOO HEAR ME!?”His eyes watering and his voice brash as most ignored him.
“make sure we take the guns to” “Ceeks! Stop that noise will you”

Captain kong was a feared man. Not only a devastating martial artist, but a pirate with a devil fruit power... Raggah’s face lit up with some cruelty as he picked up the shouting man.

“are all these bananas for the manky monkey?” Raggah couldn’t help but chuckle a tiny bit at his own joke.
“THE FEAST IS FOR THE GIANT GORILLA CAPTAIN KONG” the beaten man still shouted spit landing on captain Dohan
“Ima eat it infront of the fool for having such dirty subordinates...” Raggah threw the rope rang off his victim as a strong arm put him in a headlock, Raggah dragged him to the edge of the ship as he jumped onto the sand looking to plant a monkey man into the ground
a loud explosion sounded off, it was even heard in broken rocks villages in the mountains.A burnt black pair of legs stuck out of the sand as Raggah stood laughing.
Ayoh sighed as he hopped back over to the Bang ship. Looking to the crew members with the smile he always had. “say we will be here for a day or two, who wants some money to go into town? Who wants to watch the ship?”
the fodder of the ship sounded off as they either continued working around the ship or headed toward the vice captain for orders.It was a good day, sun shined and the seas looked downright gorgeous... even if you had eaten a devil fruit.

“I miss swimming” Raggah told the burnt corpse next to him as he looked at the waves.

( Zerohex Zerohex T The Huntsmans Hunter KnightOfNight KnightOfNight Freshet Freshet Zeed Zeed Gravitational Force Gravitational Force decide where you are at, note that timeskips May happen to get all the crew together quickly if need be, instead of one person playing by themselves waiting for the crew to arrive at their island)
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"Grab him, he's only one man!" yelled the bank manager as one of his guards lunged for the Pirate (who else would have a skull and crossed bones on his cape?), only to slide onto his face as the man leaped over him and planted his foot in his rear.

The man had made his entrance by somehow separating the entire wall outside the vault to separate into bricks and mortar before causing the vault door to fall to pieces. By the time the guards had reached him he'd turned the mortgage papers in the bank into a sculpture of a prison before lighting it on fire.

The guards had rushed him, but were finding him far too much to handle.

Ducking under a blade, the man (Ezra Arwekoolyet) grinned. "Well, if you're determined to make this show a slapstick comedy I'm happy to oblige."
He pulled the chain from his body and cracked it like a whip. "Gestalt Barrage!" The chain links separated and shot out at his attackers. The first knocked out a guard about to fire his pistol at him, the second knocked a guard's sword so that he impaled his pants through the wall, and the rest of them all hit the remaining three guards right in the unmentionables, sending them to the ground clutching their family jewels.

Ezra took a bow as the bank manager and general public (who'd gathered when they heard the noise) gaped in astonishment.

"Thank you one and all for enjoying 'Double Nothing,' the latest in a line of works I've performed. That man-" Ezra pointed at the bank manager "-no longer has any records of your debts to him. The slate is wiped clean. That's the first nothing. As for the second-" Ezra punches a stack of cash inside the vault. All the cash in the vault explodes outward, most of it settling in the open sack Ezra holds in front of him. "Well that should be self explanatory now. Show's over, folks!"

And with that Ezra dashes away, the townsfolk too busy gawping or scrabbling for money to chase after him. Ezra laughs all the way to the beach where he stashed a rowboat. When he arrives he sees that other Pirates (even if he mainly works on land Ezra counts himself as one) were already there. Oh well, time to see what was going on.

Ezra approached the beach, sack of cash slung over his shoulder.
For Kira today was just another day, she had woke up earlier and had been practicing all day something she had done for a few years now. Even without her master's watchful eye Kira never went a day without training she always felt the need to keep in shape for the one hopeful day when a pirate crew would ride through town and prove worthy enough to have Kira join them and despite a few crews coming to the town all of them disappointed in the end. Taking her blindfold off her arm and tying it around her eyes, she glanced upwards as the breeze of the ocean ran through her hair. She lived a very short distance away from one of the beaches of the Broken Rock Island something she thoroughly enjoys as it meant most ships that came into the Island was picked up by her senses. While she doesn't strictly work the town provided for her in return for protection while the Marines did a lot they couldn't be everywhere at once so for the town she was the backup. While she didn't live close to any of the towns she had a knack for arriving just in time.

Inhaling the smell of the ocean filled her nose and she smiled, she felt that today a change of scenery would be a nice alternative to her usual training grounds...not like she could see it but her current house how too much around it for her to fully concentrate and she often found herself distracted. Leaving her houses grounds she began using her Katana as a cane of sorts gently tapping the sheath along the floor. She slowly began making her way to the beach and quickly arrived. Once again letting the ocean smell filled her nose she moved to a more quite placed located near the beaches one where currently no one was located out-of-the-way before she resumed her training.

She listened as the ocean waves hit the rocks before receding back to its original place. Placing her katana back onto her waist before drawing it out of its sheath, then drawing her wakizashi out of its sheath she began doing a practicing technique more known to martial artists or Pugilists as Shadowboxing. Shadowboxing was a simple technique where one imagined an opponent and began to practice against them, Kira's go to 'partner' for this type of training was her father or at least what she remembers about him. She imagined him doing a downward slash to which she blocked with her Katana and attacking his stomach with her Wakizashi, twisting her body at the same time to put some force behind it, it was obvious that he would move his body backwards and step back the size of the Wakizashi not being long enough to cut him. However, that was all part of her plan, as her imaginary foe stepped back she continued using the momentum of her body twisting as she twisted her legs and took an extremely fast step forward and crouched down slightly. Keeping the momentum going she placed one of her hands sideways her Katana following suit, while her Wakizashi went into a defensive form placed above her head her crouched position would make for a prime downward strike. Her body twisted 360 degrees rapidly and extending her katana she made contact twice ending with her Wakizashi at her imaginary foes throat as he fell. She continued this training winning some and losing some in her mind.

It didn't take long for Kira to get lost in her own mind but luckily she wasn't absent-minded enough to harm anyone that might pass nearby. It was then that something brought her fully back to her senses a loud sound that sounded very similar to an explosion, it didn't come from the closest town that was for sure after all the noise came from the ocean. Kira removed her blindfold while it was obvious if someone stared her in the eyes that she was blind she didn't like wearing the blindfold unless she going to get serious or during training. Kira began focusing on the ocean, using her limited Observation Haki to try to see what happened her 'eyes' locked onto what seemed a ship or at least a group of people floating in the air giving her the impression of a ship.

Kira placed her weapons back into their sheaths and wiping the sweat from her brow as she waited for the crew to dock the boat and disembark. As the crew disembarked or at least some of them did Kira positioned herself in front of them, placing her hands behind her looking rather professional. "Welcome to Broken Rock Island I have two questions for you before I will let you pass." Kira watched the aura of the crew at the slightest aggressive action she would arm herself being outnumbered was a problem but she had a job todo. "My names Kira Kai and I am a protector of sorts around here, the first question is what is your purpose on this Island?" Kira gave the group a chance to answer before continuing to ask her second question. "That loud sound before what was it?" As Kira finished talking she hadn't noticed the other person that had arrived behind her.

Flowiest D Flowiest D Gravitational Force Gravitational Force
(@ Anyone else that's on the crew not sure yet.)
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Raggah had joined his men as they walked up the beach toward what they assumed was a path to town, seeing a woman with weapons some of the men looked antsy. The pirates stood behind their captain. “Ay a welcome is nice indeed”
then the woman who introduced herself as Kira asked a question,

“you have no need to worry Kira, we just need to supply before taking off... you’ll have no trouble from us i’d Say” the captainspoke as the pirates walked past the two to find a town.

Raggah Dohan looked at the woman and couldn’t help but notice the sword, he also couldn’t tell she was blind. The smarter of the crew chuckled a bit as the walked past but the captain stood proudly as if to broadcast his awesome might.
The second question made he and the crew walking away chuckle,
“That was captain Dohan of the Big Bang Pirates!” A large man incapable of speaking softly had shouted as the crew proceeded.

Ayoh Ceeks had guessed he should be keeping the captain out of trouble by the time he jumped off the ship to hear boulders announcement as the BB pirates.
Approaching next to Raggah cutting off the captains answer.
“Yep that was me, see we..”
“that’s right, no need to worry we just had a altercation, a small problem, we won’t be making any more loud bangs will we captain?”
Ayoh spoke putting his arm around Raggah and putting him in a bit of a headlock. “right?”
“Ay get off I was just gonna say we won a battle ya tosser”
captain Dohan quickly getting Ayoh off him and pushing him aside
“ya have my word I won’t go explode unless it’s life or death swordwoman... I’m captain Dohan. And I ain’t here to bother your town” his smile wide as he proceeded to follow the men into town.

Ayoh stayed behind to ask a question with more curious emphasis “hey I’m ceeks, do the gryphons still fly about near the mountains here?”
T The Huntsmans Hunter

Raggah could see another man looking on from a bit of a distance, approaching with a bag slung over his back. The captain couldn’t help but tense up a tad when noticing eyes upon him. So what my hair looks a bit pink, it’s red!
He and his men walked up with no care in the world to a town where a riot was happening, the mayor was on the den den Mushi requesting help from his brother in the marines, that a devil fruit user was running wild in town...
“That’s right commodore Simon! A Pirate destroyed bank!! He surely has his crew waiting to escape or attack at any moment you must get here!”

Gravitational Force Gravitational Force

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