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One on One


New Member

Despite the prefix everything in the list is fine with me aside from Fandom. That kinda stuff just isn't my thing. Anyway, without further ado.

I am in my twenties, female, and absolutely adore RP. I'm backed by 10 or so years of experience. I'm looking for something one on one only. I'm really friendly and easy to talk to!

What I'm looking For

Horror genre based concepts/settings. I have very few if any restrictions, however prefer it not be the center of attention. Gory, gritty content is amazing and I encourage it. Serial killers, contract killers, murder in general, torture, all of that is fine by me. With that said, it would be best if someone also enjoyed this sort of stuff with RP. It also doesn't have to be the center of attention, but I would love to implement those elements. It doesn't have to be your character, NPC's are fine. I really enjoy characters being able to live seemingly normal lives too. I'm not too picky over the setting, but I lean more towards post-apocalyptic, and if that doesn't work for someone else I have no problem going modern, which can have some fantasy to it, if preferred.

I don't mind including fantasy concepts in general either. I usually RP humans but I'm fine with anthro's too, if that's more your cup of tea. Magic is perfectly fine by me so long as it's not overboard(Such as a level 1000 mage that just took out an entire army with one fireball... lol.)

I really enjoy building enriched worlds so our characters can really be engaged. So, I'm up for just about anything even if the above comes off strict. Not intended to be at all! I'm extremely flexible and would love to hear ideas, or combine ideas, and overall work together with world building and developing characters.

I usually do M/M, but M/F and F/F are fine too.

Long term only


- Preferably literate and not have a problem with posts being long, at minimum 2-3 paragraphs, at maximum 5-10+. You must be able to post anywhere from 2-5 paragraphs, although this isn't all of the time. We all get writers block or simply don't have the time, but if nine times out of ten it's less than that I just don't see how it'd work out. Detail is the best thing ever.

- Be willing to put forth as much effort as I will, that includes making decisions concerning the world our characters are in and plotting until we're both satisfied.

- Not have too many restrictions. I don't mind avoiding certain things if it's really something you just can't RP, we can fade to black, but if gore and such isn't your thing, I don't really think it will work out.

- Be able to handle my dry sense of humor and overall friendly personality. I like to chat OOC a lot.


Hopefully this didn't come off too terrible. I'm just trying to be straightforward so there is no confusion. I enjoy RP as it is relaxing. There are no requirements for how much you should post in one day, or even post within a week. I'm really laid back and not going to poke and pry. Give me a shout if this interests you! Again, the above isn't the only thing I'm after, it's just what's come to mind in the moment.

I have that 24 hour restriction so I can't PM anyone.

Posting here is also fine.

Thank you for your time!
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Hello~! I am happy to join you in a 1x1, And I absoulout love gory settings and apocalyptic.

But note this, I do have school so I wont be on in the next seven hours or so, sorry!

But I can always be contacted over skype ; dani.daisy.luvsyer ( Sorry for the akward name _
Hey! I'd be interested in RPing with you, I don't personally have any ideas, but I'm fine with just about whatever and if you have ideas I can add to them and definitely work with them. I don't mind reading gore and stuff, but I've never written it before, so maybe not a straight up slasher film style RP to start with anyway? Shoot me a message or request :)

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