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One on One w/ Lucyfer

Prince Daymien

It was a rather warm day, nothing out of the ordinary, but beautiful nonetheless. There had been an odd stillness about after the tragedy that was his father's death struck the nation. It wasn't much of a surprise, but most definitely devastating. Without much luck, Daymien had tried his best to keep everything in order, deal with his father's duties and what not, but today was a day for relaxation. A day for him.

With a sigh, the young prince sat in an upholstered chair in the empty dining hall. He clanked his nails absentmindedly against the ornately carved arm of his chair and frowned gently at the wall opposite him.

His mind whirred, everything was moving so fast. After Sebastian's death, his mother hadn't made any move to fix the rocky relationship they had, and he doubted she ever would. The woman was- odd, to put it lightly. It wasn't that he despised her, no, but he definitely did not enjoy her presence. Princess Celeste, on the other hand, was an entirely different story.

Their sibling bond was strong, he liked to think. If he ever was in a situation where his life would ensure that she kept hers, he would freely give it up in a heartbeat. What with his father being gone, she was the only really family he had left. At least, that's how he viewed it.

Lord Cristopher Richards

For the rest of the kingdom, the times at hand were difficult at best. For Lord Richards, things were finally looking up. It was a perfect day to visit his beloved queen, he decided as he mounted the beautiful bay steed that snorted in the courtyard. His hands gripped the reins tightly and he clicked his tongue loudly to get the beast moving.

Its large hooves clanked noisily against the cobblestone as he exited the gates of his estate. Luckily, it wouldn't take too terribly long to reach his lover. Besides, the ride was a pretty one which he did not mind at all.


As Cristopher approached the stables, a stable hand hopped toward him, immediately recognizing him. Quickly, the lord slid out of the saddle and handed the large horse over to the boy. Without another thought, he quickly strolled toward the building, a smile splayed on his lips.

While the king was still in reign, his secret affairs with Rowena were dangerous at best. If any one of Sebastian's allies had heard of the scandalous dealings Lord Richards had with his wife, he would have been executed, no doubt. The thought sent a shiver down his spine as he entered the building. With purpose, he made his way up toward the queen's chambers, hoping she would be in residence at this time.


The servant girl sat atop a stump while wringing out some of her lord's clothes into a wash basin. Her life hadn't been the easiest, that was for sure, but out of all of the job's she had fulfilled, whether by force or choice, this was her favorite. Not only was he fair and just, but she genuinely enjoyed working for and with him.

A bird flitted about on a branch above her head, whistling a tune for others around to hear. For some reason, this caused a gentle smile to spread across Genevieve's lips. Nature was wonderful, amazing, beautiful, the list was endless. She personally preferred to work outside, as the fresh air and scenic surroundings calmed her thoughts and fears.

(Definitely not my best writing. For some odd reason, my inspiration would just not come. Granted, I am very tired so I will be heading to sleep soon. I apologize for it's lack of quality and length, but at least it's something. So sorry! I hope it gives you something to go off of, at least. I promise the next piece will be far better.)
The princess Celeste Delacroix was not inside on that beautiful day, but outside in the gardens. She could not stand to be within the palace walls for another second. It was too quiet inside. The laughter that usually filled them was gone, and all were in black. Despite the heat, even Celeste wore black. The funeral was gone, but she still felt the ache of absence in her chest.

Rowena had even been seen in black, when she was seen. She so rarely left her chambers. Celeste knew she was writing letters to her brothers, though she knew not the contents. ‘Will she remarry?’ It seemed to be all the servants whispered about, that Rowena would remarry, but it seemed like a terribly insensitive thing to discuss.

Distractedly, she brushed a hand back through her brunette locks. She looked more like her father than her mother. Daymien had inherited the black hair of their mother, and that was enough to make him resemble her more. They both had their father’s blue eyes, though Daymien’s shone as brightly as Sebastian’s. ‘I should see him.’

The thought came as she crossed her arms over her chest and looked out upon the white roses. Her brother Daymien had been so busy, taking over. It was always going to be that way, but neither had anticipated it would happen so quickly.

She reached a hand out for the white rose then, careful not to prick herself on the thorns. She decided that first she would visit her mother and leave her with the flower in a vase, before going to see Daymien. Perhaps today she would be in a mood to actually talk. Celeste hoped as she turned back towards the castle, lifted her skirts up a bit, and walked hastily back towards the castle.

The knight, Leon Mayer, smiled at her and followed a couple of steps behind. He had gone out when she had, to make sure nothing happened while she was out. Though the grounds of the castle were often safe, he could take no chances during this time of weakness. He would have followed Daymien out as well, but last he knew, Daymien was safely within the castle.

Leon did not speak, except to ask, “Your Highness?”

She paused so she could turn to face him fully, rather than just look over her shoulder at him. He always appreciated that, and he met her blue eyes with his brown ones. “May I be excused to see how your brother fares?”

“Of course,” she answered, “I will be joining him soon. I am not sure where you will find him, but…,” she trailed off a bit as she saw something akin to a wicked smile grace Leon’s lips, “well, I suppose you are good at finding people.”

Even like this, Leon had a ridiculous good sense of smell. “Thank you, Your Highness,” he inclined his head then, and left the princess to go and locate the prince.


The letters from her brothers were all around Queen Rowena. Reginald, Randolph, and Rueben had all written her back with promises of armies and coin to secure her rule, and it brought a smile to her lips. It almost brought a laugh to her tongue, but she had sense enough not to laugh.

The Queen had sense enough to wear black, though she was not in mourning. Rowena had detested Sebastian with every fiber of her being, and she had come to hate the children she had with him—Daymien and Celeste. She had named neither. Sebastian took control of everything he considered his, and so those two had become his, and not hers.

‘But that will change.’ She thought as she set the letters aside. She would burn them soon, but she was expecting Cris today, and she wanted him to see the good news. She wanted him to know that all would go smoothly, and he would find himself king—when it was appropriate, of course. There was a mourning period she had to pretend to uphold, after all.

She would uphold it as well as she upheld her marriage vows.

Soon enough, Rowena heard those familiar steps, and she rose from her chair and all but ran to the door to greet her beloved. She opened the door for him before he could knock, and greeted him with a smile, “My king,” for she had come to call him that, so he knew his place in her heart. With Sebastian gone, she was bolder in using the phrase, “I have good news for us,” she would give him room to enter.


Birds chirped outside. Idly, the gray-eyed man glanced towards his window, though he could not see out of it. Iron shutters protected him from the rays of sun outside. He had not so much as glimpsed it in centuries, had not seen a song bird in just as long, though he often heard them outside.

He did not need to sleep, after all. He was dead. ‘Sleep is for the dead.’ He remembered an old saying, and it no longer amused him.

His household moved around him, knowing that he did not like to be disturbed much during the daylight hours. He used those times to catch up on the news of the world, of his kingdom, and of his hold.

The candles around him cast all the light he needed to see by. Once, candles had bothered him, too. Now, he did not fear fire so much, though it could harm him just as much as the sun could. The papers before him rarely contained exciting news. Now and then, a letter from Morgan arrived. Those were usually more interesting than the norm, especially as he had not seen her in a century or two. Arguments over taxes were the norm.

Every now and then, there was something interesting. This had been one of those times. King Sebastian had died, which now made Daymien king. ‘Which means I must prepare to travel to the capital.’ He brushed his long nails back through his hair, the platinum strands allowed to fall loose over his black robe. ‘I think it has been a decade or so,’ Varian Villeneuve tried to visit the capital at least once a decade, and always when a new king was made. It was good to remind the new king that he existed, after all.

The prince stood from his seat and scowled. Every responsibility his father had now rested on his shoulders. It was a lot to take in, especially so unexpectedly. He wasn't even quite sure where to begin. A few other men had reached out to help him, but most seemed to be power hungry lords. He wasn't much interested in speaking with them.

Speaking of, a one Cristopher had been visiting quite frequently lately. He wasn't sure why, but it wasn't entirely suspicious. Perhaps his mother needed help sorting some things out as well.

With a sigh, Daymien turned to exit the dining hall. He needed to speak with his mother, come to think of it. As he began walking down the corridor, footsteps echoed down the hall.

Frowning, he called out "Hello? Who is it?" Assuming it was most likely a maid or servant, but you could never be too careful. Perhaps someone had come looking for him.


The lord's lips curled into a toothy grin as the lovely Rowena opened the door. With a smile on her face, he couldn't help but feel elated at her presence. He bowed, a formal gesture, but it was fit for someone of her status. "My Queen," he replied.

As she stepped aside, he entered and turned, eyes filled with happiness and a glint of mischief, "what is this good news you speak of?" He inquired and he moved to take her hand.

At first, Sebastian's death warranted many concerns for the lovers. Cristopher wasn't sure what plans she had in mind exactly on how to deal with everything. He had known previously of her hatred for her late husband and their offspring, but wasn't entirely sure how she would go about disposing of them.


After completing her task, Gen stood and began pinning the wet clothes on a line to dry. Before long, she was headed back inside.

Lord Velleneuve typically wished to be alone most of the day, so the girl moved about trying to find other chores to complete. Here and there, she straightened a few pieces of furniture and dusted off some shelves and windowsills.

She moved to the kitchen to clean up some dish-ware and stray things lying about. She tried to keep the place rather tidy, so there wasn't an awful lot to do.

With a shrug, the girl began making her way toward her chambers, whistling a soft tune as she went. Things were much happier here than where she previously had worked, so it wasn't unusual to see a smile on Genevieve's lips as she moved about the estate.
Brown-eyed Leon lifted his hands in a gesture of peace and surrender. A gentle smile rested on his lips for his liege as he answered, “It is just me, Your Grace,” he spoke with the formality due the prince, even if it felt like he had watched the lad grow up.

There was a new weight on Daymien’s shoulders now, one that Leon could not truly lift. Daymien knew where the Mayer lords fell, and Leon intended to stay in service to Daymien, even if he also hoped to move into a less…violent position. An advisor of war, perhaps, or other things. He had not yet broached the topic with Daymien, for it was far too early for that.

“Your sister has gone to see your mother,” he informed Daymien, “So I have come to find and check on you. Is there anything I can do, Your Grace?” His arms lowered back to his side then, as he observed the posture of the king and tried to get a read on his emotions.


The way to Rowena’s room was well known to the princess, though she had not walked it nearly as many times as she’d walked the path to her father’s room. She held the rose close as she made her way down those silent halls.

Or at least, they should have been silent.

She heard a door close, and muffled conversation, just as she turned the corner to the hallway. Celeste paused, hesitated on the threshold of going forward. ‘You have a guest?’ One lord, Cristopher, had been frequent in his visits to her mother. He had been a favorite of the queen before. Celeste had noticed this even before.

The hesitation fell to the wayside as curiosity got the better of the young princess. She stepped lightly as the male voice became familiar with each step closer. ‘Cristopher.’ Somehow, she wasn’t surprised.

What was surprising were the words she heard from her own mother, as she leaned against the wall near the door. Celeste lost feeing in her fingers as anxiety caused her blood to run cold, but she noticed the flower slipping before it could so much as disturb the dust on the floor. She gripped it tighter, not noticing the thorn that buried itself into the flesh of her middle finger and drew blood.



Rowena’s eyes shared in Cristopher’s mischief. Her steps took her back to the desk, “Look,” she said as she swept her the letters into her hand, and offered them to Cristopher.

Even though he would see, she did not have the patience to let him read them all before she spoke the news herself, “My brothers have written back to me. They’ve promised to secure my own position,” a smile flitted to her lips, and she added, “The only problem is the children, but,” with the hand that hadn’t held the letters, she offered it a dismissive wave, as if it were a non-issue, “the end of that will be seen to.”

She had a poison that would easily make Celeste and Daymien vanish from her life. It would be suspicious to give it to them now, but they would soon feast foreigners. She could poison their food then, and the other country would be blamed for it. It’d be a reason for a quick war, which would secure her place—no time for arguments. Then her kingdom would gain land, as would her brother’s.

Divide and conquer. “We’ll soon be hosting the kingdom of Derby, after all. Then…,” she let her trailing thoughts say it all.

Then, all would be well. At long last.


Really, Lord Villeneuve could do with a smaller host so far as housework was concerned, but that wasn’t all the servants were paid for. They were paid for their blood, and Varian had learned quickly that feasting from one human too often would kill them. He knew by midday that the work was done as he heard the restless movements of some trying to keep busy.

New ones, no doubt, that didn’t fully understand their presence was enough, like his guards. His guards tended to learn that fairly quickly, though. Usually after the first hunter came by, and they realized how useless Varian was in the day. He was paranoid of windows being flung open.

He preferred to leave fights in the day to his guards.

At night, he had no need of his guards. He still kept a few around.

A whistling tune drew his attention, and a lazy smile drew upon his lips. That tune was Genevieve, for that tune was not of Graeve. He rose from his chair, the black silk robe tumbling to his knees as he walked to the door. He never dressed properly till night, either. He was lazy in the day, in only pants and that robe. He opened the door and called out, “What song is that, Genevieve?” though he did not see her where he stood, he knew she couldn’t be far. The scent of her blood was still in the air.

The young prince, now king, glanced up surprised as Leon spoke. A slight, relieved smile curled the ends of his lips. The knight had always been very loyal to his father and the family in general, and his company was very much appreciated.

His brow raised as his new companion mentioned Celeste visiting their mother. He would wait until her sister was done visiting then, he decided. He doubted Rowena would wish for both of them at once.

He was snapped from his thoughts once more, and raised his eyes to Leon. "Oh, well... Perhaps accompany me to find my dear sister then?" He proposed as he turned to continue on down the corridor. He was sure to catch up to her at some point. He could just walk the longer way to his mother's chambers.


Lord Cristopher accepted the letters and began skimming them as the Queen spoke. His smile grew as his eyes flicked over each letter and her words were like music to his ears.

Everything was running smoothly, and would work out exactly as they had expected. The heir would be killed, along with his sister, and there would be nothing stopping them from coming to power. The war was inevitable, and would be won in their favor.

Cristopher moved toward the Queen once more, eyes searching hers. "And soon, all of this will be ours. No husbands, children, no one to worry about. You will finally be happy, my dear." He spoke softly.


The girl stopped as she heard Lord Velleneuve speak. She froze a moment before gathering her words. "It is a tune that I recollect from childhood. I'm assuming my mother must of sung it to me when I was little, but I don't remember anything more," she responded, her accent not as heavy as it was when she first arrived in the kingdom.

She allowed a soft smile to play on her lips as she politely folded her hands and peered up at Varian. "Is there anything you'd like me to specifically?" She asked him.

She wasn't the only help he had, but she felt as if she needed to perform better than all of them simply because of her differences. He was a fair master, and rescued her from a life of horror.

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