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Multiple Settings one of the plots is a psychological-jrpg action nightmare and the other is rwby


herrscher of fortune
Roleplay Availability
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Howdy, pardner. Call me Mollisol. I've come back to RPN like chicken cordon bleu comes back to Arby's - unpredictably, after a long absence, and with a ton of zest. I hope our time is as delicious. Come by my fire, see if we get along, and maybe you and me and our OCs will ride off into the roleplay sunset.

What should you know about me? And what am I hoping for from you?
  1. I only want to RP with people who are 20 or older. I'm 28 myself!
  2. I like writing friendly rivals, reconciliation, slow burn BFFs, family, mentors, and other platonic relationships. If our characters have chemistry, I'll play M/F couples, but romantic pairs are not what drives me to RP.
  3. I love big casts, and prefer to play two mains myself. Don't be scared to drop a ton of characters on me.
  4. "What's your writing level?" "How long are your posts?" I will mirror your length and detail level, but if I were to run wild, I'd run 2-6 paragraphs per focal character in the scene. In every post, I try to move "what's onscreen" forward, while also offering a peek into my character's head and some hooks in the surrounding area where appropriate.
  5. "What kinds of characters do you usually write?" Disaster trainwreck women and disaster trainwreck girls. Some of them even know they have problems. Some of them would do better if they had a proper rival or challenge, and others just need a hug.
Here are my plots.

  • If you haven't seen this AU, go watch it right now. It's cute as hell.

    If you like it: I want to RP a team of OC first-years in this AU's version of Beacon Academy. Start with the Emerald Forest, enjoy school life, go toe to toe with Roman Torchwick and the cronies of the day. Maybe establish a rivalry with Team OPAL or get mentored by members of RWBY or JNPR.

    Here are a few of my character concepts; I'm not sure which ones I want to use. Tell me your faves and tell me about your characters!!!

    • Scheele Vollerei, a wicked and tricky witch with a flying shotgun-broomstick (you could call it a... boomstick). She loves hard bargains and moral dilemmas, and her mindset is "ask for forgiveness, never permission." Many students suspect that she manipulated a faculty member into loosening the uniform policy, though most don't mind the freedom to wear a sweater or hoodie over their blazer or lengthen their skirt. Scheele's semblance is "Signature Spellcraft" - if she signs her name on a small object, she can move it telekinetically, and hear what's going on around it, which really comes in handy for spying and theft. She's sure to clash with more orderly, rule-abiding students, but she'll burn that bridge when she gets to it! Scheele would really like to make some new friends though. Flying is easy, shooting is easy, a-favor-for-a-favor is easy... but if you do it too much and you do it alone, it gets boring. And lonely. The best Huntsman Academy in the world must have some challenges in store for this mischievous mage.
    • Icterine Hippolais, bird faunus who invented her own religion leads the Flourishing Frontier spiritual movement, which advocates for faunus to "benevolently shepherd humans to a new age where everyone lives harmoniously with nature", which she expects to tame negative emotions and mitigate the threat of Grimm. She's mostly serene, but will happily dish out violence to the White Fang and hateful humans alike. Her weapon is a shepherd's crook with retractable blades, and her semblance is more for support than anything. That works out fine for Icterine, who is used to solving problems alongside her followers (she has a congregation at least two dozen strong in Vale, and more in Vacuo and Menagerie). She came to Beacon because she heard there were disgruntled former members of the White Fang there - administration thought it'd be easier to monitor her and her ideology this way, and welcomed her application. Icterine hopes to meet new people, and to convert Blake and Ilia, but is worried about the extent of their transgressions against humans and how forgivable they are. Anyway, there's a 100% chance that Adam wants her dead.
    • Huoshan Mu Chen, smart, sarcastic, loves to spend the night reading in the library, loves breaking bad people's auras and listening to them scream as she breaks their fingers. By all measures, Huoshan should've been a villain, but she figured she could orchestrate more destruction as a licensed Huntress fighting for a good cause. Of course she'd never say it out loud. She wraps her dark side up in (genuine) curiosity, passion for history and medicine, excellent cooking skills, and open-minded sense of fun. She's no pushover in combat either - she employs dust woven into her clothing, jewelry, and nail polish, as well as brutally precise martial arts. Long-range fights give her a little trouble, but where's the thrill if you can't get in close? Her semblance, "Rearrange", somewhat helps with this - she can switch the locations of two willing combatants in her sight with a glyph, a dance, and some concentration. She can swap her own location with a teammate's to get herself close enough to gouge at an enemy's weak points, and get her teammate out of danger. Huoshan is not a complete monster. Possibly. She has strange protective feelings about some of her teammates. Could a friend in need unearth good intentions in her - or push her to do something beyond redemption?

Adios! Hope to hear from ya!
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I'm still looking!


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