
Akaru shot a large blast of energy into the middle of a large cloud of smoke, as soon as it entered the smoke it was sent right back, hitting him in the face. Akaru fell down to the ground at an alarmingly fast rate, the cloud of smoke chased after him, and just before attacking the creature stopped. It looked up at the sky and fled. Akaru slowly opened his eyes and got to his feet. Now Akaru isn't a human being, he's a parasitic species from a distant world. His skin was composed of rubber, pure, red, rubber. He was the height of a full grown human man with a purple marking on his chest. His head was the size of a mini van tire, with two swirls for eyes with purple markings around those. Akaru was lacking in a nose and ears, where his ears should be were two red horns, made out of rubber like his skin. His arms, legs, and hands were quite humanoid in appearance, his feet though looked like Arabian shoes, missing toes and curled up at the top. Akaru staggered around a bit and blinked, surveying the area he was now in. "OKAY, WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON"
Deliah was walking along, listening to her iPod. Overhead, she saw a huge cloud of smoke and decided to go back home. Without warning, she saw a huge blast of energy bounce against it. "What the heck?" When she started to back away, she heard someone yell.

"Oh my god, what the hell is that?!" Deliah had never seen anything like the creature before. "Holy crap, is this some sort of alien apocalypse?" she reached for her phone and started to dial 911.

((note: my character is sort of a country bumpkin))
Akaru rubbed the back of his head, "Lordy, I wonder where that I'm uncultured went?" Akaru coughed out some of his acid stomach fluids. "I think it's safe to say I lost that fight, well at least I didn't turn all black and weird this time." Akaru hit the purple symbol on his stomach and he glowed a bright blue, five seconds later his skin changed from a white to a bright red and all of his wounds were healed. "Now, where have I landed myself?" Akaru turned his head and saw a life form across from him. "Their power isn't all that high, yeah, no threat. Wait, seeing aliens isn't normal for Earthlings, is it?" Akaru paused, "Ah, well, better pretend like I'm dead" and with that Akaru put his legs and arms to his side and fell right onto the ground.

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