Once Upon A Time


Junior Member
grapedrank submitted a new role play. @Infinities Lover

4. Esther Tellman (Sheherazade) played by @Infinities Lover

2. Samuel Deleon (Hansel) played by @CraZyAj-4evah

5. Noel Potter (The White Rabbit) played by @Kattz


My Character:

Name: Melanie Raine

Age: 24

What Fairy Tale character were you?: Maleficent

Personality in Fairy Tale: Maleficent, the Mistress of All Evil, is a title that she has come to earn in her years in the Enchanted Forest. Some say she was a fairy gone bad, or was a woman who lost her love. Others say she was just born evil. No one knows for certain, and Maleficent always enjoyed the air of mystery it gave her. Her powers were unmatched by all save the Evil Queen herself and only the strongest of light magic was able to fend her off. She is an envious woman and wants what she cannot have, she is unmerciful and power-hungry with a temper and maliciousness that makes her feared by many. Her dark magic is strong and she is manipulative, cunning, clever, and temperamental. Cold and icy as well, many believe she is a woman beyond redemption.

Personality in Storybrooke: Melanie is the person people call upon when the city's budget is cut short and they need to cut programs and jobs, for she will do what needs to be done without remorse. She runs the town like a well-oiled machine from her position in the local government of Storybrooke and rarely leaves her office which she often dubs "her fortress of solitude." Fortress of solitude indeed, as Melanie is often working alone and doing the jobs of many citizens combined in order to keep busy. Her coworkers respect her and her audacious work habits, although they know little about her as a person, she doesn't speak much but is amusingly and humorously snarky when she is in a conversation. She is mysterious to many, very cunning and resourceful and tries to keep balance in town. She's a bitter person, often seen with a puzzled frown or sneer on her face. Or with a furrowed brow as she works. She's not one to judge others, oftentimes claiming "Me of all people has no right to judge the actions of another." Although she's not sure why she believes that so firmly, this belief she has can make coworkers seek out her company and vent to her knowing she will listen and not judge or scorn them. She doesn't have much of a social life however. When her coworkers around her are getting together at the bar, she often stays behind claiming that she has a lot of work to do as she generally assumes she's not invited to such events and would rather just stay behind than deal with the awkwardness of being in a situation she is not wanted.

Fairytale Biography: There are many stories dealing with Maleficent's origins, no one is really sure though where she came from or what her real name was and no one was ever close enough to her to find out as she was not exactly someone to get close to. She is most known for cursing the Princess Aurora into an eternal sleep and was defeated by Prince Phillip in her dragon form. The rest of her story? Well it's a bit of a mystery still. Maleficent was not the one who cast the curse that sent them all to the world without magic, however. The curse requires one to sacrifice the thing they love most, and what Maleficent loves most is something she can't have, so when the curse came upon the lands, she was a victim to it about as much as any other person in the realms. When the curse came upon the realm, she was living in isolation from society in the enchanted forests. Seeing as she herself has the power to transform into a magical creature, she always has a certain level of understanding with the creatures that live in the realm - magical and not.

Storybrooke Biography: Melanie is the city manager of Storybrooke, had been for as long as she can remember. She's a little too young and not quite powerful enough to become mayor or city council, although she had always dreamed of furthering her political career, but never really got around to running for office, although she isn't quite sure what's holding her back. She likes her life in Storybrooke, even if she is living it alone. No family, friends, or lovers to speak of aside from some companionable coworkers, but she's content and enjoys the work she does for the community, enjoys the way her decisions can change how the town is run. She has a small apartment just across from Granny's Diner and just down the road from the town hall, so she is almost always within reach of her job. Sometimes she is envious of the joy and merriment of those around her, but she tends to brush the feelings aside in order to focus on more important issues - like helping to run Storybrooke and furthering her political career. Just wait until she gets her memories back and gets her hands on the one who cast the curse, however.


Fairytale Look:



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Rosalyn Davis//20//Female

Fairytale Character:


Storybrooke Personality:

Rosalyn has a kind heart, and is always open to helping others. She's quite the social butterfly, but doesn't

particularly strive to be the center of attention amongst others. She has a great sense of humor, and is

willing to listen and learn from other people. Rosalyn can be very energetic, as well as adventurous.

Fairytale Personality:

Back at the Enchanted Forest (in her case ocean
:) , Ariel was incredibly ambitious and adventurous. She

had a curious eye whenever she went people-watching, and because of this was fascinated with the idea of

traveling and exploring new lands. She was known for having a lovely voice, and other than her bright red hair

that was one thing she was often identified by.

Fairytale Biography:

Ariel's story is one many know and love. She was born in the ocean as a mermaid princess to King Triton

along with her six other sisters. She grew up spectating humans on the shore, and had always yearned

to have legs of her own to walk on. She was given the chance to do this when she stumbled upon a sea

witch that gave her a sea glass bracelet that gave her the ability to transform her mermaid tail into legs.

Longing to travel the world, Ariel ran away from home so that she live out her dreams on land, and

maybe even find true love while she was at it..

Storybrooke Biography:

Rosalyn works two jobs off and on throughout the week. She is a waitress at Granny's Diner,

and a lifeguard at Storybrooke's local swimming facilities. You can most likely find her at the

docks or by the shoreline sitting on a rock and listening to the waves when she isn't working. She enjoys her job

at the café because it gives her the opportunity to socialize even while she works, but her personal preference

is to go for a run on the docks or along the shore. The
bracelet that was given to her by the sea witch is still worn

by her, but changed during the curse to look more modern and less conspicuous.

Fairytale Appearance:


Storybrooke Appearance:



~Rosalyn has a small
seashell tattoo on her left ankle~

~She also has a
wave tattoo on her left wrist~

~I read the rules and might add more to the character later on~

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Clara Reynolds // 22 // Female

What Fairy Tale character were you?

Snow White

Fairy Take Personality

Snow was always kind and cared about others. She always worked hard for what she believed in, and never took the easy way out. Knowing about working hard and sacrifices, she always tries to help her friends and any stranger she may meet. She was always extremely loyal, and one of the strongest believers in the fact that there's someone perfect out there for everyone.

Fairytale Biography

When Snow was young her mother had passed, and later found she was getting a Step Mother. At first she wasn't sure what to think, but her kind nature led her to give the woman a chance. Life in the castle was different, and the girl wasn't fully sure how to think of it. When her father grew ill, she was devastated. She still wasn't sure what to think of her Step Mother, and her only real parent was leaving her alone. After he died, he life changed drastically, and at the age of 16 she was tossed out of her home, and she's been living in the woods ever since. She's been working to help and keep others safe from harm.

Storybrooke Personality

Clara kept most of her personality when the curse sent everyone to the Land without Magic. The only real change is that she isn't as optimistic. While she does try to help everyone she can and is loyal, the urge to help is not as strong as it used to be. Living alone in an apartment, she understands the hardships of life, and tries to keep a smile on her face, even if she wants to break down. Clara tends to joke around and keep everyone happy, never wanting to see a frown on anyone's face. It's part of why she's good with children.

Storybrooke Biography

When the curse hit, Clara found herself living in a two bedroom apartment. She worked as a teacher in the nearby school and helping out at the hospital or animal shelter whenever she had the time. Clara enjoys animals and has been looking into seeing if she could buy a small dog to stay with her at her apartment. She loves the fresh air, and often finds time to walk through the woods, enjoying the silence and peace they offer her.


Fairy Tale




~My male character should be posted later~

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[QUOTE="Infinities Lover]

Clara Reynolds // 22 // Female

What Fairy Tale character were you?

Snow White

Fairy Take Personality

Snow was always kind and cared about others. She always worked hard for what she believed in, and never took the easy way out. Knowing about working hard and sacrifices, she always tries to help her friends and any stranger she may meet. She was always extremely loyal, and one of the strongest believers in the fact that there's someone perfect out there for everyone.

Fairytale Biography

When the 'Evil Queen' cast her out of the palace, it was really all a misunderstanding. Snow had accidentally stumbled into a room when she was younger, and it held the Queen casting a spell. As Snow was at such a young age, she became frightened, causing the spell to backfire, placing a curse on the people of the Castle. The curse caused everyone to think she was Evil, when she really wasn't. Because of the treatment towards her, and Snow's fear of going near her, she truly become evil and bitter, blaming the young girl for ruining her life. Once Snow's father had passed, the Queen quickly threw her out at the age of 16, where she lived in the woods, hiding and working to earn her throne back.

Storybrooke Personality

Clara kept most of her personality when the curse sent everyone to the Land without Magic. The only real change is that she isn't as optimistic. While she does try to help everyone she can and is loyal, the urge to help is not as strong as it used to be. Living alone in an apartment, she understands the hardships of life, and tries to keep a smile on her face, even if she wants to break down. Clara tends to joke around and keep everyone happy, never wanting to see a frown on anyone's face. It's part of why she's good with children.

Storybrooke Biography

When the curse hit, Clara found herself living in a two bedroom apartment. She worked as a teacher in the nearby school and helping out at the hospital or animal shelter whenever she had the time. Clara enjoys animals and has been looking into seeing if she could buy a small dog to stay with her at her apartment. She loves the fresh air, and often finds time to walk through the woods, enjoying the silence and peace they offer her.


Fairy Tale




~My male character should be posted later~

~~I took creative license with the Evil Queen, hope it's okay~~

This is a great profile however I am going to ask that you remove the Evil Queen's story from your biography. Not that I don't love your interpretation of her, it's great, actually really like it! but another user might want to play her and they might have a different idea or interpretation on how to write The Evil Queen than the one you listed. It is a sweet story though and is accepted! :)

Matt Chrysler // 23 // Male

What Fairy Tale character were you?

the Mad Hatter

Fairy Tale Personality

Hatter was a fairly crazy man, always making magic hats. He would tell jokes, and not make complete sense. He used to be a very sane and intelligent man, but now he only has moments of sanity, following work orders and wandering the lands. When met, many would shy away, wondering what had happened to make someone this insane, though some would stay, finding his behavior fascinating and humor inducing.

Fairy Tale Biography

Long before the Hatter
became the Mad Hatter, he was a very sane and intelligent man. He was a travelling merchant, selling hats and few other types of clothing articles. It was on one of his stops in a village that he met a woman who would become his wife and mother of his daughter. They were married quickly, and she started to travel with him until they found a perfect spot in the woods to make their home. By this time, his wife was ready to give birth to a baby girl. For a few years they lived happily, until they were attacked by mercenaries passing through. His wife was raped and both his daughter and wife were killed. The event drove him into his madness, leaving him to wander the lands again, making hats and no sense.

Storybrooke Personality

Matt is a very intelligent man who enjoys helping others. He almost always has a smile and an ear open for others to talk to. He's a very cheerful, optimistic, and loyal person. He cherishes the things he cares about and protects any and all he can. He hates disrespect and others being treated less than they are.

Storybrooke Biography

When the curse hit, Matt found himself as the new Sheriff of Storybrooke, living in a one bedroom apartment. Because of his past in the Enchanted Forest, his experiences and feelings landed him a job that could allow him to protect those dear to him. He helps out at the animal shelter, and is always willing to spare some time for any other town residents who need help. Because of his willingness to help, many are friends with him, and are happy with him as Sheriff.


Fairy Tale




~Here's my male, hope he's okay~


Name: Samuel Deleon

Age: 20

What Fairy Tale character were you?: Hansel

Personality in Fairy Tale: Hansel was a calm and intelligent boy, skilled at making plans even when in the face of incredible odds. When it came to his sister he was rather protective, especially after the witch fiasco. He cared for her deeply and was rarely seen apart from her. However, he had limited interaction with anyone outside of his father and Hansel, so he tended to be quiet around strangers.

Fairytale Biography: Hansel and his younger sister Gretel were born to a poor couple in a house near the forest. One day the financial stress was becoming so great that their father was unsure of how they would be able to feed the children. His wife decided to lead the children deep into the forest and left them there, intending for them to die from starvation or wild animals. The lost children eventually found their way to a gingerbread house, where a witch gave the starving kids everything they wanted to eat. It was only when they tried to leave did they realize that they were prisoners and that she was going to eat them. Eventually they managed to escape, pushed the witch into the oven, and stole the witch’s jewels. They managed to find their way back home to a relieved father; the wife had died from a wild animal attack several days previous. He grew up in comfort, although he still enjoyed helping his father work.

Storybrooke Personality: Shy by nature, Samuel is usually gentle and quiet. While he is not very talkative he is friendly and offers to do various odd jobs for people in town, typically of the physical sort such as mowing. He likes to keep himself busy and due to this his own yard and house is immaculate. When in a crowded or noisy place he can become nervous and gets flustered easily. However, when push comes to shove, he is able to think clearly in a crisis and his resourcefulness is nothing to scoff at. Opening up to anyone is difficult for him, so he tends to keep his problems to himself. He is an observant person and can pick up small details that others tend to miss. He also prefers to avoid sweet foods, although he’s not quite sure why.

Storybrooke Biography: Samuel works at the local museum and loves to inspect artifacts and jewels for their value. However, he is no stranger to physical work and likes to do odd jobs on the side. While he does enjoy Storybrooke, sometimes he’ll feel a pang of loneliness when coming home to an empty house.

Fairytale Apperance (Hansel left, Gretel right):


Storybrooke Appearance:


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Name: Thaddeus Aurelie (pronounced: Our-Lee)

Age: 28

What Fairy Tale character were you?: The Pied Piper

Storybrooke Personality: Sullen and quiet. A man of many secrets, including some that are not his own. Thaddeus keeps mostly to himself, except during work and even then, he is only as communicable and personable as absolutely necessary. He uses music as a means of escaping.

Enchanted Forest Personality: Once a boisterous, excited man, Thaddeus was destroyed by his sister’s death and the circumstances leading up to it. With no one to care for, Thaddeus withdrew, unable to cope. Following the incident in Hamelin, when things went from bad to worse, he pulled into himself further, becoming reclusive and bitter.

Fairytale Biography: Thaddeus spent his days traveling from town to town, ridding the residents of vermin infestations, using a magical flute his great, great grandfather crafted from the limb of a mystical tree. Unbeknownst to most he encountered, the Piper worked entirely to afford medicine and doctors for his ailing sister, of whom he was the soul caretaker. When Thaddeus took a job in a distant village, he was tricked into performing, but never paid for his work. Upon arriving home, empty handed, he discovered his sister had fallen ill and passed away. Broken hearted at her loss and furious that the double crossing village denied him the chance to be with his sister in her last moments, the Piper visited a witch, who offered him a spell to enchant his flute - a spell she claimed would give him his revenge.

The Piper returned to the village and played his flute, but instead of luring rats... the music began to lure the village children. Unable to stop the magic before it was too late, Thaddeus watched in horror as one by one the children leapt into a canal, just as the rats were known to do, under his command. He was able to rescue most of the children, but one boy who was unable to swim drowned, and Thaddeus was left with the blame.

Despondent, he fled to the forest, where he became a fugitive, an outlaw, wearing a hooded cloak to disguise himself.

Storybrooke Biography: In Storybrooke, Thaddeus retains no memories of his former life in the Enchanted Forest, but for a haunting sadness that seems to linger around him. He works as a mechanic and in his spare time plays guitar at the White Rabbit bar. His connections are few and far between, but he’s liked well enough around town, having been known to offer free repairs to those in need, who can’t afford it.

Appearance: Longer hair, hanging in loose curls surround a chiseled face of strong, elegant bones and a pair of deep, sad eyes, slightly small in their sockets and slanted with a sleepy sort of look. He is well built, but lean, with long arms and legs and large, powerful hands. More often than not, he possesses to some degree, facial hair.

Enchanted Forest Appearance:

Storybrooke Apperance:
Name: Ren Sapito (Sapito means "little frog" in Spanish and Italian)

Age: 24

What Fairy Tale character were you?: Frog Prince

Personality: Ren has two distinct personality. One is his princely persona while the other is his all-around-awkwardness. The princely persona comes out only when he is in the forest and with his costume or around friends (which he has a handful of). The awkwardness is when he is in public or with new people. His two personality developed early in his "childhood".

(Optional) Personality in Fairy Tale: The fairy tale version, he is regal (even in frog form), stubborn, composed and truthful.

Fairytale Biography:
In the tale, a spoiled princess reluctantly befriends the Frog Prince after accidentally dropping her ball down a pond. She promises to show hospitality when he retrieves her ball. He shows up the day after and is refused by the princess in letting him in. The king orders her to let him in and she does it reluctantly. When it was time for bed, he asks the princess for a kiss. The princess was so disgusted that she threw him at a wall. When he hit the wall, he magically transforms into a handsome prince .

Storybrooke Biography:
Ren has a disorder ever since his "childhood". (He filled his blank memories of Fairy tale with growing up in Storybrooke, did that make sense?) His social anxiety disorder isolated him and he confided in a dark wig and a Venetian mask his late mother and father gave him. With that on he would go to the forest and be another part of himself. He works as an insurance underwriter but really wants to be a botanist; sadly his social anxiety disorder gets in the way of getting his dream job. Another thing he desires yet can never see it happen is to have a wife who will see him for him and can get rid of his cursed disorder.

Appearance (Can use actual image, anime, or description):

Princely appearance (both in Storybrooke and Fairytale):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/froggy.jpg.f6eefa6a78a098fc15d4c1674480d2a7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20347" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/froggy.jpg.f6eefa6a78a098fc15d4c1674480d2a7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Frog" appearance in Storybrooke:

Ren wears a Venetian mask of a frog and a dark green wig. His clothes are consist of many shades of plain green and grey cargo pants and boots matted with mud.

Frog appearence (only in Fairytale):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/croak.jpg.5fe6f95ce7e27c235ae5194dea7e06fa.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20356" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/croak.jpg.5fe6f95ce7e27c235ae5194dea7e06fa.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Erica Donnel

Age: 29 (or so she appears)

What Fairy Tale character were you?: The Evil Queen

Personality in Fairy Tale:
Evil, villainous, vile, cruel. All of these are some of the many words associated with the Evil Queen. She loves power, craves it constantly and there is never enough. She is vengeful and will unleash her wrath upon any who so much as think of going against her. She shows no mercy and will kill without a second thought. She is sadistic and enjoys manipulating, torturing, and being cruel to those below her.

Personality in Storybrooke:
Erica Donnel has been mayor of Storybrooke for as long as anyone can remember. She is unkind and manipulative, threatening political officials and others in order to get her way. Many of those that work for her try to avoid her as she is incredibly intimidating. Seeing as she is no longer in the Enchanted Forest but retains all of her memories, Erica is much the same as she is as the Evil Queen, however she keeps her ruthlessness buried under a cold, indifferent mask.

Fairytale Biography:
The Evil Queen is most known for poisoning an apple and feeding it to a certain princess. When she was a young woman, ages ago, she sacrificed all that she loved in order to gain power, leading her to become the wicked being she is now. She uses magic to keep herself looking young, however she is much older than she appears. Due to her many years, her magic is powerful and hard to defeat. She conquered and married her way through the nobility until one day, she herself sat at throne by the side of the King himself and ruled over the Enchanted Forest. However, the King "passed away" soon after and the Evil Queen was left as the sole ruler of the kingdom. Despite having the ultimate power, it was not enough. The Evil Queen wanted more power seeing as her subjects despised her, planned her demise when they thought she would never find out. She executed all conspirators of course, but the unrest in the kingdom was something she could not tamp down. Therefore, she concocted the curse. For no one could conspire against her if they never realized anything was wrong, yes? So she cast the curse, sacrificing her crown as the thing she loved most and erased everyone's memories sans her own when they arrived to Storybrooke.

Storybrooke Biography: Erica has run unopposed as mayor for several years running now. Time has been frozen in Storybrooke for years now, however she ensures that everyone's memories remain altered and blank. She has been enjoying her life so far, and has been taking a sick sort of amusement from seeing everyone go about their day cluelessly. She loves the feeling of being the only one with magic in a magic-less world, and intends to keep it that way.

Fairytale Appearance:


Storybrooke Appearance:
Name: Esther Tellman

Age: 22

What Fairy Tale character were you?: Scheherazade

Personality: Willful and determined, Esther is a walking fireball. Because of her persuasive nature, there's very little she wants that she doesn't get, but there's also very little she wants that she doesn't already have. Despite her strong will and occasional bull-headedness, she has a good heart and powerful desire to help those in need. Her personality changed very little in crossing over from the Enchanted Forest.

Fairytale Biography: In a battle between kingdoms, Scheherazade, along with the other young women from her village, were taken by a king as conquest for his son. The prince, accustomed to having his way grew quickly bored with his new potential harem and began having the girls executed as a nightly ritual.

Knowing her time would soon come, Schey divised a plan and when she was called to king began to tell him a story. Enraptured by the thrilling tale, the prince listened all night as she spoke, and when the sun dawned that morning and he was called to his duties, he insisted Schey be brought back that evening to continue the story...

And continue she did... for well over a thousand night, Schey told tale after tale, until at long last she exhausted her repetroir and, devastaed, informed the prince she could tell no more.

It turned out she needn't anyhow. Over the span of those many many nights, the prince had fallen in love with her and, upon hearing her fears, promised he would never bring her harm. His only purose in life remained to give her everything she required.

Knowing she could never love the prince in return, Schey dared to ask him the one thing she had longed for since her capture. To be allowed to go home to her family... Initially reluctant, but remember his promise, the prince agreed and Schey was released, but only under the condition that she would return once a year to tell the prince a new story.

And just as Schey began the long journey home, her caravan was swept up in the wicked queen's curse.

Storybrooke Biography: In Storybrooke, Esther works days at the library where she runs a reading program for children. At night, she bartends at the White Rabbit. Baring no memories from her previous life, she still maintains a sense of lonliness and a desperate desire to find her family.

Appearance: Both in the Enchanted Forest and Storybrooke, Esther possesses an exotic beauty, with large, round eyes, a rich honey hue and long dark brown hair.

Enchanted Forest Appearance:


Storybook Appearance:

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Juliet Bell



What Fairy Tale character were you?:

Sleeping Beauty


You could say Juliet is somewhat of a hopeless romantic. She is always singing, and is recognized for a beautiful angelic voice that can melt hearts. She loves animals, and she is known for her kindness to other far and wide. She loves reading and cooking, and to her family is top priority.

(Optional) Personality in Fairy Tale:

((Same as in Storybrooke))

Fairytale Biography:

As the tale goes, Aurora is born to king Stefan and his queen. She was a healthy baby with bright eyes and a bubbly giggle. Her parents were delighted, and the kingdom rejoiced..that is until the evil Maleficent cursed her, that on her sixteenth birthday she would prick the tip of her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel. This was of course after her three fairies, Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather. They each gave her gifts, beauty, song, and the last one, was that the curse could be broken with a kiss. Until that day Aurora was sent to live in a cottage in the woods for safety purposes. When it finally came, she pricked her finger, but Prince Phillip saved her with the kiss.

Storybrooke Biography:

Juliet lives in a penthouse with her good friend Isabelle. She works at a coffee shop down the street and is often seen taking jogs at the local park.

Enchanted Forest appearance:


Stroybrooke appearance:


Juliet has golden waves that are waist length and soft to the touch. Her eyes are electric blue with specks of violet and gold. She is 5'4.

Name: Alicia (Allie) Liddel

Age: 21

What Fairy Tale character were you?: Alice

Personality: Curious, adventurous, and a bit of a child at heart, Alicia loves stories especially ones about far away lands. She often ends up daydreaming about them and can be a bit of a scattered brain as it ends up interrupting whatever she's doing at times. She remembers having something of a bad temper as a child but can't remember what made her lose it. Her impatience, however, hasn't changed as when asked she will almost always say "the waiting makes me curious". When something has peaked her interest almost nothing can keep her away. This, along with her impatience, tends to land her in less than favorable situations. Since she doesn't know much in the way of martial arts, Allie tends to rely on her wits and quick thinking to get out of them.

(Optional) Personality in Fairy Tale: She's very curious, polite, honest, adventurous, well spoken, lovely and respectful, if not given a reason to be otherwise. The only real difference is she is more polite and has a worse temper than in Storybrooke.

Fairytale Biography: Prior to arriving in Wonderland, Alicia used to sit on the bank of a river listening to her sister reading lessons. Her sister often read her stories of fantasies and far away places. Longing to go to such places herself, when the white rabbit appeared in her garden, offering to take her to a place called Wonderland, she immediately said yes. At first, Wonderland seemed like the perfect place for Alice, as it allowed her to indulge in her imaginings as well as her intense curiosity. However, Alice's quick temper and pedantic eagerness to show off her knowledge often proved to be bad qualities in Wonderland, and landed her in many precarious situations.

Storybrooke Biography: Alicia one day found herself quite literally with her nose in a book as she woke up in a library. For some reason she didn't find her sudden surroundings strange and simply surmised that she worked there accidentally fell asleep on the job. Still adventurous as ever, Allie longs to explore the lands outside of Storybrooke. Whenever she tries though, she always finds herself being interrupted or distracted one way or another. She loves to stop by for a hot drink at Granny's Diner and is a near nightly regular at the White Rabbit bar.

Enchanted Forest (Wonderland) Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/alice_by_fukari-d5ama20.jpg.f63493451fb70f07ef4583ae0fa7181d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21395" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/alice_by_fukari-d5ama20.jpg.f63493451fb70f07ef4583ae0fa7181d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Storybrooke Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/e8a04fd6ed9ab8eab397361ec87c10f1.jpg.2f7a942c6016aa4acdbb57b3b0e2031a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21396" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/e8a04fd6ed9ab8eab397361ec87c10f1.jpg.2f7a942c6016aa4acdbb57b3b0e2031a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/downloadfile-1.jpeg.62d4bc0700b6480950c95682eb91df95.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21394" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/downloadfile-1.jpeg.62d4bc0700b6480950c95682eb91df95.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Vampirelovee said:


Juliet Bell



What Fairy Tale character were you?:

Sleeping Beauty


You could say Juliet is somewhat of a hopeless romantic. She is always singing, and is recognized for a beautiful angelic voice that can melt hearts. She loves animals, and she is known for her kindness to other far and wide. She loves reading and cooking, and to her family is top priority.

(Optional) Personality in Fairy Tale:

((Same as in Storybrooke))

Fairytale Biography:

As the tale goes, Aurora is born to king Stefan and his queen. She was a healthy baby with bright eyes and a bubbly giggle. Her parents were delighted, and the kingdom rejoiced..that is until the evil Maleficent cursed her, that on her sixteenth birthday she would prick the tip of her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel. This was of course after her three fairies, Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather. They each gave her gifts, beauty, song, and the last one, was that the curse could be broken with a kiss. Until that day Aurora was sent to live in a cottage in the woods for safety purposes. When it finally came, she pricked her finger, but Prince Phillip saved her with the kiss.

Storybrooke Biography:

Juliet lives in a penthouse with her good friend Isabelle. She works at a coffee shop down the street and is often seen taking jogs at the local park.

Enchanted Forest appearance:


Stroybrooke appearance:


Juliet has golden waves that are waist length and soft to the touch. Her eyes are electric blue with specks of violet and gold. She is 5'4.

Good however you're missing two things. In the personality you listed several qualities, all of them positive, which is good but it'd be nice if you could add in a few weaknesses or negative traits as well to make her more of a well-rounded character. For the second part, it's listed in the rules/regulations tab. I'd check that out and add it to the bottom of your profile
Name: Noel Potter

Age: 23

What Fairy Tale character were you?: The White Rabbit and Peter Rabbit

Personality: Usually quiet and reserved, Noel is one of those people who show their quirky side once they get to know you. He sees himself as Alicia's caretaker as she is almost always getting into some kind of trouble. He's a generally kind hearted person, but won't hesitate to knock you unconscious if you threaten something he holds dear. Noel is usually only serious when it comes to working, so he's been known to crack a joke or two despite his reserved attitude when not on the clock. Speaking of clocks, punctuality means everything thing to Noel and his prized bar comes right after at a close second.

(Optional) Personality in Fairy Tale: Peter Rabbit was always the responsible older brother in a family of a mother and three younger sisters. That strong sense of responsibility eventually lead him to a life committing crimes just to feed them. In all of his heists he made sure his timing was perfect, no unnecessary moves that would cost him precious time and get him sent to jail. His nervous attitude only surfaced as a result of working for the Queen.

Fairytale Biography: Born to a poor rabbit family that lived near a certain royal castle, the members of Peter Rabbit's houshold were almost always hungry. Peter one day couldn't take it anymore and snuck into the royal gardens for food. He managed to steal some, but only escaped by the hair of his cotton tail. Unfortunately, he had left a very important keepsake of his late father's behind in the escape attempt. Later, in an attempt to go back for it and steal more food in the process, Peter returned with his cousin Benjamin. This time he wasn't so lucky as Benjamin was caught and the only way to save him was to give himself up.

Before he was taken to the Queen, he made sure that he saw his cousin escape. Relieved, Peter resigned to his fate expecting to die. The Queen, however, had something else in mind. She was impressed that he had managed to steal and escape from her not only once, but twice if it hadn't been for the other rabbit. She would spare him and his family from her wrath if he worked for her with absolute loyalty. With no choice but to except, he allowed the Queen to turn him into something resembling a human and became known as the Queen's White Rabbit.

He met Alice later on when he saw a sad young girl and decided to befriend her.

Storybrooke Biography: Noel is something of an older brother figure to Alicia as he is always looking out for her and has been for as long as he can remember. He used to run "errands" for the "less than kind" members of Storybrooke's society in the past. Since Ally used to follow him everywhere, Noel knew that his lifestyle would endanger her because of her curious nature, so he made as much dough as he could and gave his job up. When he earned enough money, Noel opened up the White Rabbit Bar. As the manager of the White Rabbit Bar, Noel requires punctuality above all else from himself and his employees. He even carries around an old-fashioned pocket watch wherever he goes, a gift from his late father.

Enchanted Forest (Wonderland) Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/White.Rabbit.600.375832.jpg.9bca5926230f205c0178e658c9423c32.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21581" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/White.Rabbit.600.375832.jpg.9bca5926230f205c0178e658c9423c32.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Storybrooke Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Suited_Up_by_tarnishedhalo.jpg.c8f5c355e88cfd91a7963304f53e04fd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21583" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Suited_Up_by_tarnishedhalo.jpg.c8f5c355e88cfd91a7963304f53e04fd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Ruby Rose

Age: 14

What fairy tale character are you?: Red Riding Hood

Personality: Ruby is shy and a little clumsy but also very smart she is also very innocent and honest. Even though she is shy she has a sunny disposition about her and is always nice to people she meets. Ruby is a curious girl but she is not very brave her biggest fear are wolves and heights. She is also quiet doesn't talk much. She likes to write and read, her favorite genre of books are fantasy, she likes to get lost in a book and read about the adventures the characters have. Her favorite book is Peter Pan she wishes she was more brave and adventurous like him. Even though she comes from a rich family she is very down to earth. She doesn't really have friends she is usually alone and and gets really nervous around boys. But when she does make friends she is very loyal.

Fairytale Bio: Red lived in a little village with her mother. She also had a grandmother she loved very much but lived on the other side of the forest. One day, Red’s mother said to her, “Take this basket of goodies to your grandma’s cottage, but don’t talk to strangers on the way!” Promising not to, Red set off. On her way she met the Big Bad Wolf who asked, “Where are you going, little girl?” “To my grandma’s, Mr. Wolf!” she answered. The Big Bad Wolf then ran to her grandmother’s cottage much before Red, and knocked on the door. When Grandma opened the door, he locked her up in the cupboard. The wicked wolf then wore Grandma’s clothes and lay on her bed, waiting for Red. When Red reached the cottage, she entered and went to Grandma’s bedside. “My! What big eyes you have, Grandma!” she said in surprise. “All the better to see you with, my dear!” replied the wolf. “My! What big ears you have, Grandma!” said Red. “All the better to hear you with, my dear!” said the wolf. “What big teeth you have, Grandma!” said Red. “All the better to eat you with!” growled the wolf pouncing on her. Little Red Riding Hood screamed and the woodcutters in the forest came running to the cottage. They beat the Big Bad Wolf and rescued Grandma from the cupboard. Grandma hugged Red with joy. The Big Bad Wolf ran away never to be seen again. But in the distance she felt like she was being watched by someone else.

Storybrooke Bio: She woke up under a tree with a book laying in her lap. Ruby comes from a very rich family. She's in high school and is a straight a student. She normally seen around at the library or outside reading or writing.

Enchanted Forest Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Red.Riding.Hood.(Character).full.75500.jpg.7dd9ce38322ea6869c13c02597932c0d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21651" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Red.Riding.Hood.(Character).full.75500.jpg.7dd9ce38322ea6869c13c02597932c0d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Storybrooke Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/render__anime_girl_by_killerjeff234-d6qif6v.png.789f7ebeecddd64a7dcd8478fb1f963a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21659" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/render__anime_girl_by_killerjeff234-d6qif6v.png.789f7ebeecddd64a7dcd8478fb1f963a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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