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Fandom Once Upon a Time... [AnimeGenork & Evie Maiden of Apples


  • basil irl 3.png
    Sheraton Chambers
    Location: At Home

    Mood: Tired AF
    Sheraton was, to say the least, perturbed by the sudden influx of thieving happening in such a small town as this. It seemed the poor Elementary school teacher Miss Cassia wasn't the only victim of such a crime, and many counted on the private detective to put an end to this crime spree once and for all. No pressure, of course! But it seemed that with every step he made in progress to the case, he was forced two steps back when the trail ran cold.

    To say this was a difficult case was an understatement, especially since normally this would have been a fairly easy case to solve for him. He stayed up all night with his bloodhound Toby's help in trying to track the scent, and back at home he had a large map of the town with routed marked in red to indicate where Toby and found a promising scent only for it to die down.

    And now, at nine in the morning, Sheraton was lying on the couch asleep and snoring loudly, having passed out an hour ago with a newspaper covering his head while his sleeping dog beside him on the floor curled up.

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