On The Sea

Character's Name: Captain Jones

Age: 39

Appearance: Short black hair, small dark eyes. A black beard that covers his cheeks. A long coat, leather, his sword strapped to his hip. He usually wear long pants, heavy material to prevent the ocean spray from seeping in. His shirts are heavy cotton to stay warm.

height: 5'8"

hair: Black

eyes: dark brown

skin: sallow and tanned from the sun on the open sea

Personality: Gruff, short tempered. Deals with disobedience with the end of his sword and the plank. He is good at commanding and his crew love him but he is just as much a greedy pirate scoundrel as the rest of them. He likes to make deals with common folk to keep his life entertaining, but he always makes them pay a heavy price.

Bio: Jones was once a good sailor, a uniform in the royal navy, but upon the mutiny of a captain during his service, he was pushed into becoming captain of the rogue vessel and came to love the pirate life as he captained the dishonored crew. Jones has never knce looked back from his life of piracy. But one day, whilst he was combing the seas to ambush an unexpecting merchant vessel, he was visited by the arch Angle Gabriel. Gabriel told Jones that, should Jones win a fight between himself and the angel, Gabriel would give him immortality. But if Jones lost, he would be forced to take on, not only the angel's powers, but also all the responsibilities of being an Arch Angel. Jones agreed, greedy to find a cur for his mortality, and inevitably lost to the Arch Angle' superior swordsmanship. The responsibilities Jones was given were to sail the seven seas for all eternity, searching for and destroying the monsters that climbed out of hell. From that day on, Jones was forced to do the job the Arch Angel had given him.



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