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Multiple Settings On The Run - [literate, superpower-based, LBGTQ+ friendly]


Lightning Rod
Hello, and thanks for taking a look! Hope your day's/night's going well. :D
They've always been different. Maybe their government-funded, laboratory grown super-kids. Maybe they've always had visions, felt at home in the starlight, by the sea - maybe they've spoken to trees, stones, the wind since before they could talk to people. For whatever reason, they're different, and they're on the run. From who? The government? A cult? Their parents? We decide! Superheroes on the run, but not necessarily superheroes. I've wanted to roleplay something about superpowers for a while that is happy to leave things fairly vague. We'll have some primary reason why our characters have superpowers, why they're on the run, etc, but we'll focus mostly on them as people developing into adults and travelling! I really want to roleplay going places, dealing with all the general misfortune that comes with that, dangerous wildlife, thirst, exhaustion, getting lost, their pursuers, the works. I'll leave it at that since it's meant to be hyper-vague. Bring me ideas! If you want us running from the government, open with that, and we'll go from there. I'm open to all of the above, just need someone to put some crosses in some boxes, suggest characters, relationships and whatever else comes to mind.

What I'm Looking For

- Well written, passionate writing. I like to feel that your invested in the writing, not only because it makes me feel that this is worth doing, but it helps me to know that you're enjoying what we're writing. Roleplaying is never meant to be a chore. If writing about dreams, fantasies and aspirations ever becomes a chore, then someone is doing something wrong.

- Following on from the above, don't be shy to tell me you want to change something, or you disagree with some idea I've suggested. Be bold, engage, don't let the roleplay become a drag! I won't bite. :P

- If it does become an inescapably dragg-y affair, that's okay! Just talk to me, let me know you're gonna drop the roleplay, and all will be well. Not that it won't be if you don't but I'd prefer it if we talked about it at least a little. If I can do something to make the roleplay more enjoyable for you, I'll do it!

- The ability to reply regularly, whatever that means to you. Once a day? Great! More than once a day? Also great! Once a week? Still great! So long as I know when it's coming I won't mind in the slightest how long you need.

- OOC chatter is great! Talk to me about life, about why you're roleplaying right now, about your hobbies, your job - I like hearing about other people.

What I'll Try To Provide / About Me

- All of the above! I'll try to come up with ideas, try to engage, talk to you about life, the roleplay, and everything in between! My posts will vary in length pretty wildly, but they'll always be as high quality as I can make them.

- I'm a 20-year old, so I'd feel more comfortable roleplaying with people around my age. If you're younger, don't be immediately put off! So long as you're mature emotionally, that's all that matters to me.

- Get in contact via PM'ing!

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