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On the lookout for 1x1s.


New Member
So, I'm looking for a good old-fashioned roleplay. Something entertaining at worst; something of all-nighter material at best. I have a few ideas, but first I'll lay down the ground rules.

.:The Spiel:.

  • Don't leave me to do all the work. I want to nurture our plot together, not bend over backwards trying to do everything all by my lonesome. You reap only what you sow.
  • Please don't leave me hanging. I understand that you have a personal life and I'm not asking for a play-by-play of your whole schedule, but do tell in advance if you're going on a vacation or something, if possible.
  • I like romance, and I like to include it in my roleplays, just not as the focal point. It gets boring when the only thing going on is the big rom with no other plot devices to fall back on. I have never been successful in that approach.
  • I have no problem with LGBTQ+ content, and as part of the LGBTQ+ community, I appreciate and enjoy it immensely. If there's something you'd like to do with that, then let's.
  • I'm fine with R-rated RPs, but if you please, let's not go about killing off characters at the drop of a hat. As a functioning team, we need to to discuss this stuff beforehand.
  • This goes without saying, but no god-modding or power-playing.
  • Feel free to come to me with your ideas! It takes two to tango, and I want to hear what you have to say.

I apologize if I sound too mean or demanding. I'm actually very friendly, I promise. (:

Now, on to the part you're really interested in!


Superheroes and Supervillains

This kind of roleplay has always been my personal favorite. I love the dynamics, the flexibility, although I dislike when black-and-white becomes the new gray. Yes, heroes are generally good and villains are generally bad, but let's try to make every character complex in their own way. We ought to have a gray area.

Revenge Flick

Probably something like Oldboy or Kill Bill. I love these because of the moral ambiguity conflict and the raw humanity. Every character has the ability to be crucially relevant! Plus, the storylines are awfully fun to map out, and I find that it's oftentimes very easy to keep a beautiful connection between past, present, and future.


Captivity roleplays regrettably tend to call for less action than the above ideas, yet I love them all the same. Ironically, there are a great deal of places you can go with a character who is trapped or jailed. The psychological undertones can be amazing, and when mixed with a bit of horror, sometimes these are simply divine.


Fantasy is my go-to, because I just thoroughly enjoy it no matter what. I just do, and it doesn't matter whether it's typical high school werewolves or Grimm's fairytale plots. I'm content to like most anything as far as these go, so I'd love to help if you have any fantasy cravings.

Should any of those ideas appeal to you, then we can get plotting!

Thank you for your time.

08/03/2014 update - I am not looking for new RPs anymore at the moment, as I now have as many as I can handle.

10/23/2014 update - I'm open again for one or two more RPs. First come, first served.

10/25/2014 update - Closed. Thank you to all who responded!
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A young, budding superhuman has taken to a darker route in life, being a petty criminal and frequent drug user. Knowing little about their own talents and little on how to control it, they're frequently subject to causing more damage where they don't mean to. However, in a mixup with a small-time crime boss, the young "hero" catches the eye of [a superhero, military recruiter, superhero recruiter, whatever] and is taken under their wing in order for the youngster to control their power and to be for the betterment of society.
Is something I have posted up in my own search thread I've been interested in. While I wanted it to be M/F(cis or trans is perfectly fine) I can do M/M, F/F, etc. While I was wanting to be the character spoken of, I'm not adverse to giving it up and going for the other character mentioned and building on them. Would you be interested? If not, that's fine with me ^^. Sorry if it comes off as simple; I try to keep my summaries mostly vague in an attempt to keep it open for possibilities. It's not set in any particular fandom, either.
Wow okay I think you're my soul mate. I love the psychological horror genre but everyone thinks I'm creepy. Anyway, I'd be up for the jailed rp.
A shame you're not looking for partners anymore. I find your standards splendid, and your 'captivity' idea got my creativity fully engaged. Let me know if you're ever on the hunt for another one.
eisforenigma said:
A shame you're not looking for partners anymore. I find your standards splendid, and your 'captivity' idea got my creativity fully engaged. Let me know if you're ever on the hunt for another one.
Of course. (:
I'm searching again! I got such great partners the first time. Love y'all.
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What sort of lines do you take your captivity based roleplays on?I love that you see them the same way I do.It's too fun to develop a character in situations like that.If we included any romance,though,it would have to be MxF.I hope you would be fine with that.
Mobius said:
What sort of lines do you take your captivity based roleplays on?I love that you see them the same way I do.It's too fun to develop a character in situations like that.If we included any romance,though,it would have to be MxF.I hope you would be fine with that.
I'm glad we're on the same page as far as captivity roleplays go, and I am fine with M/F. However, I don't believe I know what you mean by lines.
Mobius said:
I guess I could have used plots xD .I was tired,haha.
Oh, I see! I do have an idea plot-wise, and I'd love to share it with you if you PM me. I'd just hate to clutter up the thread.

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