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Active [On the Border of the See and Widersia, as Far South of Clockhaven as the River Goes] - The Phantasmagoria Opens


The King of Swing
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Good tidings, ladies, gentlemen, and constructs of all ages - and welcome!

Red Haven is a living, breathing cityscape of terror and wonder.

Some visit to win extravagant fortunes at the casinos and gambling houses.

Others come to escape debts and join one of the dangerous gangs.

A few are brought here against their will, never to be seen or heard from ever again.

But most arrive in the busy harbors looking for a chance at another life!

Beautiful music, delicious food, the lifeblood of Red Haven has always been the common folk!

Which makes it all the more tragic when senseless deaths start piling up.

You've been selected from one of the local guilds to help with finding not one - but two - missing persons.

Alice and Lydia Morton were just a couple of young women touring Red Haven.

If anything terrible happened to them, it would surely be a devastating blow to the city's image...

(And to their grieving mother and father, of course)

So hop to it! Find clues, dodge trouble, and make a name for yourselves in the City Under the Scarlet Moon!

Or fail, and feed the monsters lurking just under the surface.


(This will eventually become part of a series of stories designed to build upon the mythology of Red Haven meant for 3 to 4 players each. Whether they're interconnected or not is entirely dependent on the players themselves, because Red Haven is practically a character itself and constantly evolves along with the players.

Posts will not be held to a time standard. 1-2 months per RP is... normal! So don't worry. Reply at your leisure.

I'll post whenever I'm able to.)

Detective Roger North sat on the bench overlooking the larger bay area of his hometown. On one side of the river, to the west, was the See. Fae inhabited it in soaring high-rise apartments with various businesses focused on magic, selling magic, or otherwise monopolizing their otherworldly talents. To the east, was Widersia. While more technologically advanced, responsible for the subways, trollies, trains, boats and whatever else was clamoring around... Roger felt a distinct disconnect from what people otherwise enjoyed about Clockhaven. Black smoke churned out from factories. There was always the rumbling of heavy wheels, steam engines, or something else hulking and unnatural.

He inhaled from his cigarette. Sometimes the river ran red. People sometimes confused it for reflecting the light of the seasonal Scarlet Moon. But no, Roger knew better.

He knew that the city had an underbelly that never scabbed over. The gutters swallowed the blood left over from the sins on the surface. The streets were choked with it. That's why he swore to at least mitigate it somehow. The Peacekeeping Department was uselessly swamped, forever in a bureaucratic hellhole of paperwork and documentation. The guilds provided a quicker route for results... but they were more unpredictable. People were often driven by cold hard cash, and his section in the RHPD was coming up dry. He had to do something. There were two innocent girls missing who didn't even belong here.

He exhaled. Whoever answered the confidential ads would turn up soon. He made it explicitly clear what time and where. All he had to do was wait. It's all he could do at this point.

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Lialeth Vianno

The trip to the city of Red Haven had certainly been an experience. Never had she expected that there would be so many people suffering on a single vessel, whether it be financial troubles, health issues or even emotional baggage too heavy for someone to bear alone. Although from the looks of things, the health issues were mainly a concern for the sailors, who seemed to be suffering greatly as a result of their dental health.

It was an exhausting trip for sure, trying to help in whatever ways she could, which were quite limited out in the sea with next to nothing to her name. Mainly just helping with cleaning and in the small "dining hall", if one could even call it such. Although she had wanted to help more, there were simply too many times when the sailors asked her to not interfere. The one form of help they were more than willing to accept, were her jewelries. No one could possibly reject financial help, especially no one on this ship. So she ended up with nothing more than her clothes, which really only consisted of the blue thin layered summer dress she wore.

As she got closer and closer to the city, she had realized that God truly was looking out for her. Being reborn alone should have been an obvious enough reason for that, but now being in a city like this? A city which felt foul even from a distance. She had heard a bit about it on her way here, but actually seeing it? Feeling it? She knew that she had to not simply help the missing girls, but to also help the city in on itself, lest it had already become a place of such deep corruption that none could ever hope to save it. But it mattered not, she would have to try anyway.

Stepping out of the ship and saying her goodbyes to the sailors marked a new future for her, a new road to walk on and a strong reaffirmation of what she saw from the ship. Truly, this city was a den of corruption. No matter where she looked, it felt like every person here was as broken as a dropped cup. You could certainly pick up the pieces and glue them together, but all it would be is a temporary solution, which could fail at any moment. Although, such a reality was slapping her in the face, she knew that for now at least, what she had to focus on the most would be the missing girls.

So she got on her way to the designated location. Walking through the town, she truly started to wonder how this place came to be as it is. As hard as it was, she ignored the people and even the questionable buildings and businesses around her, after all, the girls were the priority right now.

Once she made it to the location, she took notice of a peculiar man sitting on a bench and with just a look understood that he was most likely the one who asked for assistance on this matter, as unlike the rest of the folk in the city she had seen thus far, she saw some hope in his eyes, someone similar to her in a way. Someone who would be willing to help for the sake of helping, hence she made her way over to him and would greet him in her usual, slightly overbearing voice: "Hello, good sir! Is it safe to assume you are the one, who required assistance with finding the kidnapped girls?"
Decimus Valerius


Titles: [Human - Mundane], [Native], [Military Cadet F] - Widersia - Color #a13a3a
Language Keys: "..." - Common ; "[...]" - Terran

Mephisto Mephisto IanThe170 IanThe170

Decimus was reviewing the paperwork from the last operation his was in. Not wanting to leave anything out of his memory, the pen quickly slid across the paperwork, leaving a precise and clear recounting of what had happened during it, all written in Terran. And, just as he had finished it, his signature being deftly written at the very bottom of the report, he laid back on his chair, removing his glasses and pressing both thumb and index against the bridge of his nose.

After a long, exasperated sigh, he pushed his chair backward, getting up and, with heavy steps, begin to walk through the shared office of the Widersian Army’s Headquarters. As he walked through the corridors, his attention was caught by the bulletin board affixed against the wall. Approaching it, his ashen-colored eyes began scanning through the contents of it. One particular document, which was pinned against it, made his eyes stop wandering and focus entirely on it.

The document, a police report, told about two girls which had disappeared, Alice and Lydia Morton, in the city of Red Haven. “[Domestic problems…]” The old man muttered under his breath, blowing out smoke from the corner of his mouth, the chamber of his smoking pipe burning brightly. Thanks to the temporary cease-fire between the East Empire and The See, the border of Widersia with both countries has been particularly quiet. And, with the quietness of the foreign affairs, certainly would be no problem if a member of the Widersian Army lent a hand to the public security forces.

Clearing the possibility of assistance with Officer Surius, his current commanding officer, Decimus was quick to begin to trip towards Red Haven, taking the subway from Clockhaven to it. It was probably odd for military personnel to be seen taking public transportation, even more one that was accompanied by five, battle-ready constructs. However, the old veteran cared little about the curious stares of others, after all, he was an agent of the Widersian Crown.

Eventually, the subway arrived at its destination, the announcement being made through its internal speakers, along with a sharp beep which reached Decimus ears. Raising a single eyebrow, the old man uncrossed his arms and got up from his seat, exiting the transport. His steps were followed by the clanking of the constructs behind him, each motion that they made produced a characteristic metallic rasping.

The cadet would walk through those streets with narrowed eyes, his war-forged senses tugging that the whole city wasn’t exactly right. Something certainly felt amiss, like an undercurrent right beneath its façade. For whatever reason, that tugged his memory towards the East Empire’s degeneration, a mix of luxury and sickening lavishness in certain areas, while so many were thrown in the meat-grinder of the war.

Yet, Decimus was quickly to school those thoughts to be back of his head, his sole objective to find the two girls deserving of his attention. Reaching the location and time as specified in the document which had been provided by the Adventurer’s Guild, he could already see another that probably would also join in the investigation. “[Greetings. Were you the one who is procuring help to find the missing girls?]” Decimus asked, making a point to speak using Terran, eyes shifting slightly to the blue-haired Fae, before taking a long drag of his smoking pipe, blowing the gray smoke towards the skies.
Roger North

detective for the Red Haven Peacekeeping Department
Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 193 pounds
Languages: Common (spoken as "..."); Terran (spoken as "[...]"); Fae (spoken as "{...}")
Text Colors: #59788E


The detective greeted the first arrival with a raised hand, standing up so he could properly meet her. His left knee sent a sharp spike of pain up his leg but he shook it off with a grimace. He gave her a weak smile, his ice-blue eyes darkened with lack of sleep. He had an unshaven face and thick, unkempt silver hair. Even the long coat he wore had seen better days, given the bullet holes and mended slash-marks scattered across its surface.

"Yes ma'am," he replied politely in Common. "You must be Lialeth,"

He reached into his pocket and was about to read over her file when another voice caught his attention. Roger straightened his posture, giving the veteran knight the respect he deserved with a bow. He noticed the automata populating the allotted gathering area and silently thought to himself that they needed to move to somewhere larger, but this would have to do. He instinctively replied in Terran, having been born and raised in a kaleidoscopic world of languages.

"[Yes sir. It's a honor to have someone of your distinction here, Lord Decimus, Please forgive me if I slip into Common for simplicity's sake,]"

Roger gestured for them to sit so he could inform them of the situation at hand. He handed them identical photographs of the two girls. They were twins, one with black hair and the other a radiant blond. Their purple eyes were an important detail of note, and so were their outfits. Lydia, the blond young woman, wore a traditionally morose ensemble indicative of her favorite traveling bard acts: the Skeleton Crew. Alice, on the other hand, was more bright and cheerful with her color palette. She seemed to like fantastical beasts, judging by the fake unicorn horn she wore on her head under the shadow of the festival banner while she hugged her sister.

"This was the last picture they had together before the disappearance. According to their parents, they were visiting Red Haven for the Night Parade this week. It was supposed to be a quick visit, but..." he paused.

"I'm sure you both know things don't always go as planned,"

He looked at both of them, wanting all of this to blow over as smoothly as possible.

"The Night Parade is in three days. You can start with the person who filed the report to begin with, that being the hotel manager for the Ivory Keys resort on Charnel Street. If there's anything else you have questions about, I'm all ears,"
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Lialeth Vianno

The man before Lialeth seemed like a strange combination of well-kept, but also rough around the edges, which was a small contrast to most of the people she had seen around this town in the short period of time in which she was here. Although, based on tears and holes in his clothes, she could surmise he lived a rather dangerous life. Although, as he tried to stand up to greet her, she noticed that he was in pain and would attempt to stop him. "Oh, please don't, you needn't stand up just to greet me..! And yes, I would be Lialeth Vianno." She did say it rather loudly, or a voice that most would consider somewhat loud, despite it being entirely normal for her, so no doubt, the adorned military man, who arrived, but a moment later could hear it.

The military man that had appeared certainly had an "air" to him, she thought to herself, realizing she may be out of her depth here, if a military man as embellished as he would offer his assistance. But no matter, surely enough her help would be needed, if it was only the 3 of them attempting to find the girls. At the same time, however, it also raised a question in her mind, whether or not this meant that there would be a platoon of soldiers ready to move at a moments notice, as it certainly did seem plausible enough, given the severity of a crime like this.

She was slightly taken aback by him using a language she was not particularly familiar with. So when he gazed over at her, she immediately got slightly worried and said: "
H-Hello..!" and took a small bow imitating the detective. Whilst she would have liked to have done a more proper introduction, she was unsure if he understood common, so for now she felt it would be best to use a simple greeting, as to not potentially confuse the man.

After being prompted too, she would proceed to sit down and would quietly listen to his explanation, whilst looking over the photograph. After his explanation had concluded, she wondered if she should ask the detective to explain the situation again, but in the language they both spoke earlier, but decided against, considering that the military man may have already a good grasp on the situation and perhaps the explanation was meant specifically for her. So instead, she did not shy away from asking a question to the detective. "
If I may ask then, where was this picture taken exactly and at around what time? And I don't suppose you may know if they were here entirely on their own or if they had a local acquaintance or anything like that?"
Decimus Valerius


Titles: [Human - Mundane], [Native], [Military Cadet F] - Widersia - Color #a13a3a
Language Keys: "..." - Common ; "[...]" - Terran

Mephisto Mephisto IanThe170 IanThe170

“[The honor is all mine, Officer North. There’s no need to address me as ‘Lord’; we are both agents of the Widersian Crown and Country.]”
Decimus spoke with a relaxed smile, though his eyes retained a sharp edge, already focused on the task ahead. Before sitting down, his ashen gaze found the blue-haired Fae once more.

Lialeth Vianno. The name, foreign to his lips, echoed the long-standing conflict in his heart. His eyes flickered with appraisal as he glanced her way, his instincts - honed by years of fighting her kind - rising in him before he could push them down. He had fought against her people for what felt like a lifetime, the old prejudice gnawing at the corners of his mind, even after his defection to Widersia. Old habits die hard... he thought, forcing the tension out of his body.

Still, the old veteran kept his tone steady. “Ms. Vianno. A pleasure to be working with you,” he offered, a small nod following the words. Whether or not she noticed the brief pause in his voice remained to be seen.

Meanwhile, the constructs stood rigid, their exhausts quietly hissing as plumes of steam curled into the air. The soft, blue glow of their visors reflected in the polished steam-rifles they wielded, casting an almost ethereal light against them.

Decimus reached for one of the photographs, his gloved fingers brushing over the paper’s cool surface. Two young women stared back at him: Lydia with her golden locks and purple eyes, and Alice with black hair and the same vivid gaze. Their starkly different attire caught his attention, and a soft hum escaped his lips as he absorbed the details.

After North concluded his explanation, Decimus considered his questions. Yet before he could speak, Lialeth voiced several sharp inquiries of her own. A small grin tugged at the corner of his mouth. Sharp one, that Fae. Perhaps working with her wouldn’t be so bad after all.
Roger North

detective for the Red Haven Peacekeeping Department
Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 193 pounds
Languages: Common (spoken as "..."); Terran (spoken as "[...]"); Fae (spoken as "{...}")
Text Colors: #59788E

| IanThe170 IanThe170 | Maxxob Maxxob |

Detective North nodded at Lialeth's question, both understanding the importance of having as much information as possible while also appreciating how she honed in on that trait. He placed one hand in its adjacent pocket, pointing north with the other.

"According to witnesses, they were at the fairgrounds attending one of the festivals. Red Haven has a celebration for something practically every day. To coincide with the Night Parade, there is also a week-long Twilight Carnival until the actual event itself,"

He ruffled around in his coat for another piece of paper. Upon finding it, he unfolded the contents and flipped it over for them to read. It was a poster for the Twilight Carnival he mentioned, with the times and location emblazoned under a delightfully macabre network of illustrated attractions to enjoy and demonic caricatures meant to invoke a unique mix of uncertainty and amusement.

"If the name is any indicator, the gates open right at 1800..." he considered that Lialeth might not be familiar with military time. "Six o'clock in the evening," he smiled faintly at her in a somewhat apologetic manner.

"The festivities last until dawn, but in the case of the Night Parade the entirety of the festival grounds will uproot and march through the streets. That means we lose out on any chance we have of investigating their last known location within three days,"

He gave them the poster to look over closely. They wouldn't see much besides what their initial glances would have already gleaned - except maybe a recurring character: a mascot of sorts. It was a black stag, with a cartoonish animal skull for a face attached to a pair of small antlers - presumably for the ease of marketing.

"As far as anyone with them, no one knows. According to their parents, the girls were told explicitly to not trust any strangers or interact with anyone other than qualified personnel. But..." he shrugged, leaning against the stonework keeping one of the trees rooted to the small park area they were talking in.

He sighed. He was very tired.

"With visiting a city like this, you almost have to just stay in your hotel room,"
Lialeth Vianno
View attachment 1189534

Lialeth was glad to know that there wouldn't be any issues of language barriers or the like, however, that came with a different, potentially much more damaging realization. It was a look she had seen plenty through her current life and one which was even present in her scattered memories. Prejudice. Whilst she hoped that she could lessen it or perhaps even help overcome such a thing, as naïve as she was, she knew it was not something that could simply be helped with or mended easily. Although, she had rarely interacted with military personnel, there was a gnawing feeling at the back of her mind, as though she had seen the effects of war on people before, especially when it comes to those who they've been fighting against.

As it stood, the only thing she could do was be as friendly as she could: "No, the pleasure is all mine..!" However, as much as she tried, there was a slight lack of the usual overbearingness in her voice.

Whilst she was happy that the detective had acknowledged her inquisitiveness, she was a lot less happy to find out the specific details, as the details kept piling up. The girls could've been in any number of places and since festivals and the like were commonplace, the background of the photograph seemed to not do much good for them, as she understood that most likely differentiating any background details may be impossible, due to the commonplace of festivities here, not to mention, the festivities effectively moving around town. Although, they did obtain some reference for time, it was still too wide to actually be of any use as it stood right now, so she decided to inquire further: "Were there any festivities in particular where the Skeleton Crew were involved? Or perhaps any that would've fit the themes of unicorns or the likes? That could help us narrow down the location of where they were last seen, given they attended any events like that... Or at least give us insight in what groups of people may have seen them last."

It may have been seen as slightly grasping at straws, but they did have to obtain and use any information they could.

It seemed the latter details were quite peculiar. She felt as though, if they managed to get slightly more information there, it could help a lot. "I assume you have talked to the family of the girls directly then? Was the family of some Nobility? Because, if so, that would certainly increase the number of motives for this crime. As it may just as easily have went from a relatively unplanned kidnapping to a properly thought out one. And do you have any information about the qualified personnel?"

As dire as the situation was, she started feeling quite awkward at bombarding the detective with her questions, seeing how tired he was, but decided not to comment for now.
Decimus Valerius


Titles: [Human - Mundane], [Native], [Military Cadet F] - Widersia - Color #a13a3a
Language Keys: "..." - Common ; "[...]" - Terran

Mephisto Mephisto IanThe170 IanThe170

Decimus remained silent upon hearing officer North expand on the information he had, answering Lialeth’s questions. Gathering his thoughts, he understood that there were two important events: the Night Parade, which will take place within three days and the week-long Twilight Carnival, the latter serving as a building up to the former.

Behind his glasses, the old veteran’s eyes narrowed upon analyzing the poster for the Twilight Carnival, eyes quickly scanning its contents, paying attention to a particular character present on it: a cartoonish skull of a black stag. He could only assume to that being an important link to all sorts of events which could be related to the investigation.

“It could be interesting to investigate this Twilight Carnival after speaking to the manager of the hotel they were at.” Decimus said, blowing gray smoke from his mouth. “Staff there could have some pointers to where they went, possibly could have seen them.” With the limit of three days before all evidence was lost, it was imperative for them to investigate if the building event held any sort of evidence to where the girls ended up or who took them.

And, with Lialeth asking further questions, thus expanding the information they might have, Decimus opted to remain silent once again, gauging what sort of answers they would get.
Roger North

detective for the Red Haven Peacekeeping Department
Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 193 pounds
Languages: Common (spoken as "..."); Terran (spoken as "[...]"); Fae (spoken as "{...}")
Text Colors: #59788E

| IanThe170 IanThe170 | Maxxob Maxxob |

Detective North really admired the two, and appreciated their help more than they could possibly realize. He felt a warm smile wash over his face as Lialeth asked her questions, almost like he was back at the academy teaching a new recruit on how to do proper procedure and investigative work. He interlocked his hands naturally into a scholar's cradle and nodded along with her words, thinking back to everything he could possibly tell the two.

“The Skeleton Crew does have a series of shows at the Twilight Carnival as part of the week-long celebration. Their times to perform are 11 at night to 3 in the morning. They're also participating in the Night Parade. As far as the unicorn accessories Alice is wearing, there are numerous games with prizes like that. Witnesses seem to agree that the Morton girls favored the Dragon's Hoard mini-golf course and the Ink Blots’ Musical Menagerie,”

He wouldn't go into detail about the contents of those games unless they asked, because he didn't see it as important if they were trying to solve the case.

“The Morton Family isn't of any high notoriety, they're just a quiet family that's missing their children very much. In Red Haven criminals don't need a lot of motivation. Most gangs around here don't appreciate visitors regardless, but usually keep to themselves to avoid trouble - unless the girls were somehow trespassing. It might just be a single person wanting some measure of infamy, and that's what worries me. I don't want this to drag on too long, otherwise we will miss out on an important window of opportunity - and if it closes, that means more senseless loss of life,”

He felt a hand instinctively claw its way to his facial hair, which he massaged and tugged in a habitual pondering fidget. He was obviously very worried about it all. Perhaps he blamed himself for not being an effective enough investigator these days. Age and the sheer weight of responsibility slowed him down immensely. He was a shell of his former self. If only he was just twenty years younger...

But he shoved those feelings aside and started listing names for them to pursue.

“As far as the people that we know had limited contact with the girls, there's Mr. Limestone - the manager of the Ivory Keys resort on Charnel Street. He's a bit rough around the edges and barely holds himself together on the best of days,”

“Dresden Geiger is the ticket-master at the Twilight Carnival's game district, so he'd be a good one to ask if anyone suspicious was around them - but he's already attested to it being a busy week, so his memory might be a little fuzzy,”

“Bongo the Clown is another witness. He saw the Morton girls on the front row during his performances throughout the week,”

“Same goes for Killer Carl. He runs the Ink Blots’ Musical Menagerie game. He claims that they spent a lot of time there,”

"But if I were you, I'd keep an eye open for anything strange. Even completely normal people can be suspicious,"

He tapped his nasal bone knowingly at Lialeth, giving her an old callsign from the academy. "When in doubt, follow your nose... follow your instincts,"

Detective North stood with a slight creak of pain in his knee again. "I'm sorry I couldn't get you here sooner. The RHPD pulled resources away from the case at the last minute. We're starting to see more guild activity this time of year anyway. Is there anything else I can help you with?"
Lialeth Vianno

Lialeth did her best to absorb all the information that the detective could provide. Trying to figure out who and what could be the most suspicious, but as it stood now, nothing really stood out to her. She certainly hoped to obtain an interview with the Skeleton crew in particular, considering the fact that the festivities moved around and the time at which they performed, they definitely could have been abducted during one of their performances. Of course that was just one possibility, but one which she would certainly look into, as currently they lacked enough information to draw any actual conclusions. Although there was one answer she could find out immediately.

Would you happen to know if the Skeletal Crew also move around throughout the night? During the time of their performance? Because that is a rather long period of time that they perform in. And if so, do the festivities move around in any set patterns or is it just people wandering however they please?"

The suspect list was also quite suspect. It sent her into a slight trance, if you will. Lialeth had a hard time not jumping on a man called a killer on the first opportunity, however, even if he was a killer, there was no guarantee he was a serial one, or at least she hoped so currently. Something that must be investigated.

Still, considering he spent a lot of time with them and if even the detective knows about it, it would be an extremely bad move on his part. But that may in on itself be his plan. A red-herring. If he spent a lot of time with them in a public place, we wouldn't suspect him, due to it being too obvious if it was him. Truly, this killer of ours must be investigated with utmost urgency.

The detective reassuring her that she should follow her instincts was the only thing she still needed to hear.

Ultimately, it was indeed time to move, unless the military man had any questions to ask, but it appeared he also wanted to move. The hotel staff would need to be a priority, as much as she wanted to investigate the killer. The staff would most likely hold at least some details in regards to their last known whereabouts or perhaps they could even find something of note in their hotel room.
Decimus Valerius


Titles: [Human - Mundane], [Native], [Military Cadet F] - Widersia - Color #a13a3a
Language Keys: "..." - Common ; "[...]" - Terran

Mephisto Mephisto IanThe170 IanThe170

The new information that was given was absorbed, word for word, by the old veteran. The pair certainly had some information to go about: The Skeleton Crew, some attractions at the Twilight Carnival and also a few other names, including one in particular. "Killer Carl? Well, well, well... that is one peculiar name." Decimus remarked, a curious grin tugging at the corner of his lips. For the moment, however, they were looking for kidnappers, rather than murderers.

The elderly man shot a glance towards the armed constructs, all which remained stoically standing still. Not a single word had been uttered by them, steam hissing every so often from their exhaust pipes.

There was one thing that caught the cadet's attention. When officer North said that 'RHPD pulled the resources from the investigation in the last minute', he couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. That sentence was just a tad peculiar, but he decided not to ask about it. After all, it could have been a slip of tongue. "We will be sure to not let any stone unturned during this investigation. Whatever happened with the girls, we will know." The old veteran said, as a matter of fact, eager to see how his war-tested skills would fare in a civilian setting.
Roger North

detective for the Red Haven Peacekeeping Department

Height: 6' 0"

Weight: 193 pounds

Languages: Common (spoken as "..."); Terran (spoken as "[...]"); Fae (spoken as "{...}")

Text Colors: #59788E

| IanThe170 IanThe170 | Maxxob Maxxob |​

Detective North was just about out of relevant information. He started talking from experience since he had been witness to the Night Parade for most of his life, but other than that he wasn't sure how much longer he could provide them with clues.

He put his hands into his pockets, mentally organizing the various notes he had within them. He honestly didn't have much left to tell at this point in time.

“The Twilight Carnival features a fixed stage in the middle of the festival. That's where the headlining acts play. The backstage area is under the main platform. Nothing moves around in a major way until the Night Parade, and its path hasn't changed for decades. It always starts on Carver Street, then follows Main Street all the way to Broadway. Finally it curves around Horseshoe Boulevard back to Carver Street. The whole process lasts a few hours since the parade itself is slow to begin with and the numerous performances have just multiplied over the years,”

He found his corncob pipe and bit the well-chewed end of it. He tried to focus on what else they'd need, but unless it came in the form of other questions he was stumped. Instead, he removed two coins from his pocket and gave one to both Lialeth and Decimus.

“Those are transponder coins, inconspicuous enough to sneak into most areas without detection. Flip them while saying the name of the person you want to contact and it'll patch you through with a small two-way communication spell,”

He held up one of his own.

“I'll be looking for information as often as I can, but if you have any other questions call me on your coins. It's been a pleasure meeting the two of you. Best of luck,”

He shook hands with both of them and departed with a limp up the stairs. He disappeared into the belly of an unmarked steam car before driving away.

The wider metropolitan area of Red Haven opened up before the makeshift field agents. The smell of an abundance of unique foods and drinks wafted through the air as breakfast menus shifted to lunchtime. Upon agreeing that the closest and perhaps most convenient source of information was the aforementioned Ivory Keys, you headed there without delay… but the entire city blocks filled with kitchens were making it difficult to ignore the spectacle of delicious, savory delights.

Perhaps later?

The doors to the Ivory Keys resort on Charnel Street opened automatically, spinning on hydraulic pistons powering a curiously musical wheel. The warm tones of piano notes drifted along the cool air. Upon approaching the counter, you are greeted with… nobody.

Despite the lavish interior, you failed to notice anyone upon first glance. There were numerous decorations, however - presumably for the Night Parade. It was a festive and spooky affair, with cobwebs and spiders hanging in the corners and art from local artists proudly displaying the morose and macabre. Skeletons sat in the waiting room. Whether they were real or not was up for debate. You heard something move in the room behind the counter. Whatever it was… it felt absolutely monstrous.

The service bell was tempting. The candy bowl adjacent to it was even more so, with freshly made sugary treats wrapped and ready. Chocolates seemed to be a favorite of the establishment, especially the ones shaped like the very same cartoon stag Decimus noticed on the Twilight Carnival poster.
Decimus Valerius


Titles: [Human - Mundane], [Native], [Military Cadet F] - Widersia - Color #a13a3a
Language Keys: "..." - Common ; "[...]" - Terran

Mephisto Mephisto IanThe170 IanThe170

Decimus accepted the curious transponder coin, intrigued by the ingenuity behind it - a clever way to stay connected with Officer North, and perhaps each other, if things went awry. “Crafty…” he murmured, slipping the coin into a pouch on his belt. “Good luck gathering intel on your end.” Decimus shook the officer’s hand, watching him leave for a brief moment before turning to Lialeth. “Time for us to begin our investigation, Ms. Vianno.” His words were crisp, his steps purposeful as he moved forward, the steady thump of his mechanoid troops following behind him.

The scent of food drifted through the air, and for a moment, the old veteran couldn’t help but be drawn to it. Rich and savory, it teased his senses, stirring the hunger he’d been ignoring. Perhaps, after interrogating the manager of the Ivory Keys, there would be time for a meal. Red Haven’s culinary offerings were hard to pass up, but first - business.

Inside the hotel, his ashen eyes wandered, taking in the sheer lavishness of the place. Warm music from a piano filled the air, adding to the opulence. Everything painted a picture of wealth, far removed from the rough barracks and battlegrounds Decimus had grown accustomed to. If the missing twins had stayed here, their family must have been swimming in coin. Wealthy, no doubt. That could explain a few things…

But something felt wrong. The absence of anyone at the front desk caught his attention first, and then came the sound - a low, guttural noise from the room behind the counter, monstrous. The old veteran stiffened, instincts honed through years of warfare springing to life. Something felt off…

“Get ready! Form a firing line - cover all exits!” The command cut through the soft music like a blade. The mechanical troops moved instantly, their rifles raised, photoreceptors glowing blue as they shifted into formation. Steam hissed from their exhausts, filling the air with a faint mist, as their weapons aimed at potential threats, their blank faces betraying no hesitation.

Decimus’ grip tightened around his pistol as his eyes scanned the room once more. The decorations were a garish display, likely meant to mirror the grandeur of the Twilight Carnival and the Night Parade. But he wasn’t here for spectacle. He let out a deep breath, a plume of smoke curling from the corner of his mouth as he strode toward the counter, his pistol raised and ready.

“You may want to get behind the constructs, Ms. Vianno,” he said, not unkindly, but with the cool detachment of someone who had seen too many battlefields. Without waiting for a response, he brought the butt of his pistol down on the service bell, its sharp ding echoing unnervingly in the silence.
Lialeth Vianno

Lialeth was certainly happy that the military man had also come to the same conclusion as she had seemingly. Killer Carl was definitely growing more suspect by the minute if even a seemingly accomplished military officer was suspicious of him, perhaps he had even heard of him. He would definitely be a man they would have to investigate as soon as possible, there was not much other choice, all things considered.

The information the detective provided was certainly useful, knowing that the festival movement proceeded in a set pattern definitely would help later on, or at least Lialeth hoped so as to not make her question waste time. Still, she was not particularly knowledgeable of the city, it's streets and landscape to draw any conclusions as it stood right now. "
Thank you, I feel as though that might be very important knowledge later on, well, as I hope most of the things you have told us will be...!"

When the detective game the coins to flip for communications, she got slightly worried, but hoped that the military man would end up investigating alongside her, rather than separately, as Lialeth did not know how to flip a coin... She could certainly try to toss it with the intention of giving it a bit of spin, but flipping it properly? That most certainly may be beyond her capabilities. She's never flipped one even once. Of course, there were various reason for that throughout her life/lives, however, it was still a fact that she simply had not done it before, but she still made sure to say: "
Thank you for the coin and information!" upon receiving one. And that marked the end of their interaction with the detective, for now at least.

Lialeth did not really shake the detectives hand, unsure if this was one of those "secretive" things that the military man and the detective did by themselves, however, she would give her farewells to the detective as well. "Yes, good luck and have a nice day!" And so the investigation led by Lialeth and the military man had begun. "Indeed." Although Lialeth was trying her best to be at least a little more reserved around him.

As they were making their way to the hotel Lialeth was forced to realize, the smell of food around was quite something, especially considering her being on a rather scrappy ship on her way here. And even then, her extremely frugal lifestyle before this did not help in making her mind be slightly swayed by the smell of delicious smell all around... Although, this was also the point in time when she realized the machines hanging around them, not having payed much attention to them up to this point, assuming they were simply part of the city. Despite being worried slightly, seeing that the military man had not taken notice of them in particular, certainly gave Lialeth some relief.

Once they finally made it to the hotel, however, the situation... It had escalated, far faster and higher than she had ever imagined. The machine uprising had begun, but by the command of a single man. Terror had struck Lialeth's heart, not just for her own safety, or more like not at all, but more towards the safety of just about anyone currently in the hotel, staff or otherwise. As mechanical as the troops may have been, every single one of them may have been a sentient construct. Almost as if recalling some past experiences, Lialeth, despite being shaken up the situation, would move in front of the counter, the moment her focus to the situation returned by the military mans' comment for her to stand back.

Finally snapped out of her shocked state, by the sudden events, she would yell out: "V-violence should never be the answer...!!!" and rush to the counter. Despite being on the verge of crying, with tears already forming, she simply stood in front of the counter with her arms extended with her usual smile on her face, slightly wondering if this is how it all ends, but also hoping that her actions would perhaps save even a single life in the process.
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Mr. Limestone

hotel manager for the Ivory Keys on Charnel Street

Height: 13' 5"

Weight: 1088 pounds

Languages: Common (spoken as "..."); Fae (spoken as "{...}")

Text Colors: #61de2a, #7f3e98

| IanThe170 IanThe170 | Maxxob Maxxob |

The horrible rumbling of something massive heading their way became two voices arguing against each other, one hoarse and one calm. But when Decimus rang the bell - they stopped. Grumbling overtook the apparent disagreement. A pair of enormous hands reached out from the depths of the back office. To call them anything but massive would be a vast understatement. They could grasp hold of a full grown man each and squeeze them until the blood jettisoned from their eye sockets. The strength behind the stapled and stitched-together skin was as palpable as the air the two guild recruits breathed. It continued and continued, this monolith of muscle and terror, until two distinct features became apparent.

Other than the size of the creature, it wore a fine suit and seemed very well-mannered. He was also split straight down the middle as far as coloration and tones. On the left was purplish flesh, while the right was possessed of ghoulish green.

"Good morning," the left side mumbled graciously. Only that side of the mouth moved as well.

The entirety of the being seemed to have been spliced together from two different - similarly sized - monstrosities.

"And welcome to the Ivory Keys," the left side continued. "I am Mr. Stone,"

"And I am Mr. Lime," the right side snickered and snarled, occupying a very controlled mastery of his hemisphere of flesh and bone and personality.

"Together we are Mr. Limestone. How may we be of service?"

Their unison did not bring their shared mouth into cohesion, rather they still operated very independently of each other while their lips were still pursed tightly at the centermost point. The details of their shared suit were not immediately off-putting. Mr. Stone wore a pocket watch on his side while Mr. Lime possessed a monocle. What became immediately apparent was that Mr. Lime was slightly hunched and generally unpleasant to observe and look at. His posture was only the beginning, as he was also gnarled and sinewy like peeled muscle tendons. He seemed incredibly strong... and jittery.

Mr. Stone was far more composed, but that was perhaps what was most concerning about him. He didn't find this strange in the slightest. Had they always been like this? Pictures from various holidays of years past lined the wall behind him. He tilted his head at the automata prepared for a fight and gave a disapproving expression.

"My good sir, no weapons are to be addressed to fire upon any staff or fellow guests... at least not while I am present,"

"Go ahead and shoot! We can use your guts as streamers!"
Lialeth Vianno

Lialeth, due to the intensity of the situation that unfolded, more or less, the moment she had stepped into the hotel, had not even taken notice of the noises or grumbles behind the counter, until... Until it was far too late. She suddenly heard a rather clear greeting behind her and turn her head slightly around, whilst still trying to remain facing the military man and the mechanical soldiers. "G-good morning...!" Although, she may have had tears budding in her eyes, Lialeth hoped that the seemingly quite well dressed giant of a man would not think she was crying because of him.

The first few words spoken had certainly worked well in calming Lialeth down, since it seemed like there would be no need for violence, but alas.. It was short lived, as Mr. Lime was seemingly ready to use their innards for decorative purposes. Honestly, at this point, Lialeth was confused as to what she should do. Mr. Stone seemed to not want any violence to transpire here either, but even minor comments like this could lead to unimaginable consequences. She would have liked to think that it was in her own experience, but could not actually recall having any such experiences, merely a gut feeling.

Whilst she had considered entering her gaseous state and having the two... three men inhale her smoke, she had some second thoughts after seeing how excited Mr. Lime seemed to be at the prospect of decorating the lounge, as well as, considering what experiences the military man may have had on the battlefield, whether it be obtaining a taste for blood or just having dealt with chemical weapons, so she held off it, hoping to not make the situation worse, instead opting to continue trying to resolve the situation with words. "
My name is Liealeth Vianno and we are here in regards to the missing girls and hoped you could offer some assistance Mr. Stoneli- Mr. Listo-, Mr. Limestone, Sir..!" This was about all she could muster up in this tense situation.

Lialeth did in fact mispronounce her own name, in something of a voice crack.
Decimus Valerius


Titles: [Human - Mundane], [Native], [Military Cadet F] - Widersia - Color #a13a3a
Language Keys: "..." - Common ; "[...]" - Terran

Mephisto Mephisto IanThe170 IanThe170

Decimus’ weathered features tightened as he watched the Fae disregard his clear instructions, darting to the front of the counter—the very spot he wanted her furthest from. ‘Foolish girl! What in the blazes is she thinking?’ he thought, the words a silent reprimand echoing in his mind. Her outstretched arms and quivering, yet stubbornly hopeful smile spoke of a naive idealism, preaching that ‘violence should not be the answer.’ The irony was not lost on him, coming from a Fae—a people whose history was as bloodstained as his own.

But soon, the source of the monstrous sounds emerged, lumbering into the hall. A grotesque, gargantuan figure, stitched together from disparate parts, the abomination’s hideous visage twisted Decimus' expression into one of mild disgust. Still, he didn’t flinch; he’d seen plenty of horrors in his time—creatures of the same unnatural ilk as the monstrosity now standing before him. The only real difference? This one could talk.

As the conjoined entity introduced itself, with Mr. Lime and Mr. Stone playing their unsettling duet, Decimus maintained his silence, his pistol leveled at its core. His mechanical troops mirrored his posture, their steam-rifles trained and unwavering. But when Mr. Lime's twisted mouth issued a thinly veiled threat, suggesting that his and the Fae girl’s entrails might soon decorate the room, Decimus’ eyebrow twitched. His voice, flat and unyielding, cut through the room like a blade. “Did you just threaten a member of the Widersian Military?”

Decimus' patience was as solid and enduring as his years of service had made him. Under different circumstances, such a brazen comment would warrant the abomination’s immediate detainment—if not worse. But he knew better than to let rage derail the investigation. They needed answers about the missing twins, and if that meant tolerating this grotesque creature’s presence a while longer, so be it. Besides, having his new partner riddled with bullets because of her rashness wouldn’t help the case either.

“Stand down.”
His command was calm, yet carried the weight of authority that brooked no argument. Instantly, the mechanoid troops lowered their steam-rifles, their visors dimming slightly as they eased their stance. Decimus followed suit, holstering his pistol with a measured motion. “Decimus Valerius, 2nd Infantry Division,” he said, officially introducing himself to the abomination and, incidentally, to Lialeth as well.

“If you can answer a few questions about the twins who disappeared, we would greatly appreciate it. To start, when did you first notice they were missing?” he inquired, the tone of his voice brisk but professional. His mind raced, recalling the details of the police report he’d reviewed earlier. Time was slipping away, and he was determined not to waste a second.
Mr. Limestone

hotel manager for the Ivory Keys on Charnel Street

Height: 13' 5"

Weight: 1088 pounds

Languages: Common (spoken as "..."); Fae (spoken as "{...}")

Text Colors: #61de2a, #7f3e98

| IanThe170 IanThe170 | Maxxob Maxxob |

"My sincerest apologies to both of you, Ms. Lialeth and respected Sir Valerius. Allow me to rectify this insulting behavior," Mr. Stone replied to both of them, bowing his head and giving Mr. Lime a rough poke to the eye he possessed.

"ARGH!" the right side of the body groaned in pain, covering his face.

"Mr. Lime is not my better half,"

The right side of Mr. Limestone clenched his sinewy fist, grumbling something along the lines of "Why I oughta..." before dismissing the aggression. Almost like a switch flipped in his head, Mr. Lime's lips curled into a heinous smile he reserved purely for customer service.

"Ah yes," Mr. Stone rubbed his chin in thought. "The... Morton girls, correct?"

"Yes, Mr. Stone, they were here," Mr. Lime fished under the desk for some kind of book. He brought up a tome only someone of his stature could embrace without dropping or failing entirely. The density of it would have crushed Lialeth or Decimus and all their tiny, fragile humanoid bones! He set it down on the countertop and Mr. Stone watched as his right side sorted through the names.

"Earlier this week... checked in before the first business day... and never checked out," Mr. Lime's enormous finger followed what he was reading.

Mr. Stone grunted in reply.

"This establishment was founded on the cornerstones of expediency, benevolence, and routine," Mr. Stone gestured towards a golden plaque behind him. He remembered that he had to actually physically move slightly to the right in order for the two to actually see it, which he did.

"Welcome to the Ivory Keys
On the cusp of the endless sea
We have served devils and divinity
And shall also serve you eternally
We shall never deny a request
But remember our sacred behest
That although our job is to respect
Mutual feelings are what we expect
Though we may be odd and strange
Do not let that ruin your day
Instead put your mind at ease
And stay as long as you please"

"As far as when they disappeared, that is more mysterious than the actual even itself," Mr. Stone leaned forward, bringing Mr. Lime with him.

"Of course, we have various security measures to ensure the safety of our guests. Crystal balls," he pointed towards the ceiling, vaguely identifying the shapes in the corners. "We had them installed so hallway surveillance could be made simpler than ever before,"

"Can't be too careful in a city like this," Mr. Lime interjected ominously.

"The one pointed down the hallway with the room the Morton girls were staying at... caught something... strange," Mr. Limestone seemed to coalesce together now, bringing an unprecedented weight to the situation. With both of them speaking simultaneously to give brevity to their combined personality, it seemed... eerie that both of them were intrigued by the topic as well as their following question.

"Would you like to look at the recordings?"
Lialeth Vianno
View attachment 1190714

Lialeth was certainly on edge, the longer the situation kept going, and the military man's response to the threat of becoming hotel décor did not help. Not to mention, the clear look of disgust that painted over his face, upon seeing Mr. Limestone. To some extent, she pondered just what would end up happening with the rest of the investigation. She had an inkling of an idea of what to expect in this city, but she certainly did not think that the trigger-happy nature of the people here would be this high.

In fact, her urge to meet the killer was slowly decreasing as the time passed. If, seemingly, somewhat respectable people of this town, were ready to kill each other on a moments notice, just what would someone have to do to obtain a name such as "Killer".
I will... think about that later... Or hopefully as little as possible, even once we meet our prime suspect...

Despite the situation, it seemed one good thing came of it thus far, she finally learnt of the military mans' name. Decimus thankfully was ready to stand down, along with his troops. She was happy to know he'd prioritized the girls over senseless bloodshed.

Mr. Limestone, or rather Mr. Stone, seemed quite apologetic about the whole situation, so Lialeth would interject:
"I-It is quite alright, as long as we're all on the same pag-" Before she could even finish, she was shocked up Mr. Stone poking his own, or rather Mr. Limes' eye. "Are you alright, Mr. Lime!?" She was genuinely concerned, as it wasn't a swat on the face or anything, but just a rough poke into the eye. Although, it seemed as though no real damage was done, by the way Mr. Lime managed to put up his best smile up for them.

As Mr. Limestone brought out the book, Lialeth was even more happy the conflict had not escalated. If Decimus had decided to engage in combat, she would never again be able to say that the pen is mightier than the sword, as the book would clearly triumph over both, in a rather brutal fashion, no less. In fact, her whole image of books would most likely be ruined for all eternity...

Lialeth had certainly wanted to comment on the golden plaque behind him, as there were a few lines of particular notice in her eyes, but she would hold off for now, as there was something of much greater concern for her currently. The mention of the crystal balls, as well as, Mr. Limestones' comment on the time of disappearance was of much greater interest currently.

Of course, please, show them to us, if you could."
Decimus Valerius


Titles: [Human - Mundane], [Native], [Military Cadet F] - Widersia - Color #a13a3a
Language Keys: "..." - Common ; "[...]" - Terran

Mephisto Mephisto IanThe170 IanThe170

With the spirits calming down, even being accompanied by a disciplinary poking in the eye from Mr. Stone against his conjoined neighbor, Mr. Lime, Decimus appeared to be more at ease. "It is alright. Sometimes, our blood runs hotter than it should." Those words were Decimus' way of accepting and making peace, relaxing a bit further, while the mechanoids remained stoic as always.

As the gigantic volume was produced from under the counter, the old veteran had no idea of how massively heavy it was, until it placed against the counter. If things had gone south, it would have been likely impossible for both him and Lialeth to uncover the contents of the book, assuming they were still up and kicking.

And, as Mr. Limestone read through its pages, a bit snips of new information were revealed. "I see, so the twins checked in the beginning of the week, but never checked out. For how long had they booked their rooms?" Knowing that they were there to attend the Night Parade, it was important information to double-check. One would never know where they could find something amiss.

Decimus' ashen eyes scanned, rather quickly, the golden plaque which was revealed. Parsing through the sentences written, there were some that caught his attention. However, even a more interesting piece of possible evidence had been presented.
"Crystal balls..." Murmuring for a moment, his gloved hand was brought to gently scratch his beard as the old veteran fell pensive. "... yes, let's see the recordings."
Mr. Limestone

hotel manager for the Ivory Keys on Charnel Street

Height: 13' 5"

Weight: 1088 pounds

Languages: Common (spoken as "..."); Fae (spoken as "{...}")

Text Colors: #61de2a, #7f3e98

| IanThe170 IanThe170 | Maxxob Maxxob |

The hulking manager of the Ivory Keys seemed to be more collected than before and cleared his throat. He placed the book behind the desk where it belonged and folded his fingers together, standing up with a slight groan as the interconnected halves to his body worked in splendid unison.

"Mr. Lime is fine, I assure you," both sides to his mouth spoke at once, the pursed center acting as a strange focal point for the speech pattern and causing a bit of a growling or grumbling sensation in the sound.

"As far as the footage,"

He motioned for them to join him in the back room. With a flick of his massive finger, he flung open the barricade that the counter provided. It swung open like a hatch, flipping over onto the main body of the counter itself. How he accomplished getting back there at all, however - due to the comical difference in size between himself and seemingly the only entrance - was up for debate. Perhaps he climbed over?

But none of that mattered in the moment, as he would lead them into the main office area. Much like Mr. Limestone himself, it was divided fully into two distinct color palettes and organizational philosophies. The green side - obviously Mr. Lime's - was bedecked with animal hides and hunting arrangements, as well as various collections of antique weapons dating back to centuries past. None of them seemed functional. Most curious of all were several jars filled with gurgling, bubbling substances of unnatural pigmentation.

Mr. Stone's purple half had a much stronger theme of readiness and paperwork. He actually had visible desk space and filing cabinets lined with labels from A to ZZZZZ... and even some numerical codes as well as names in other languages.

There, in the center of both, was the main terminal for the crystal balls scattered throughout the hotel. It seemed that Mr. Limestone's halves agreed that they should share custody of the main reflective orb, and so he approached in accordingly.

"Be aware... it happens in the blink of an eye," Mr. Limestone placed his massive hands on the device, completely enveloping it.

By the time he managed to locate the exact moment in time, he paused it and moved away. Only then did he poke the gleaming surface in order to play the recording.

The Morton Girls were in plain view. They seemed to be ready to head out for shopping or continue playing at the Twilight Carnival. Alice visibly brushed her black hair out of her eyes as she walked further down the hallway. Lydia had her Skeleton Crew shirt on while she was locking their door, making sure three times that it was - in fact - secured. Alice had a red scarf to go along with her brighter clothes. She was excited to go somewhere. Lydia turned around to join her in leaving the hotel... and...

"Poof," Mr. Limestone gestured with his hands. "Gone. No broken feed, no interference,"

Business along the hallway continued as usual. No signs of commotion happened until Mr. Limestone himself appeared in the video feed. At that point, the manager shut it off.

"They were only supposed to be here for a week. That is how long the booking was - and they seemed so excited to see the Night Parade," he sighed forlornly.
Lialeth Vianno
Thankfully, it seems like the conflict was finally coming to an end. It seemed Mr. Limestone poking his own eye was the way to calm Decimus down. Lialeth was still worried about Mr. Lime's eye, but Mr. Limestone reassured her that all was good. Perhaps it was due to two people inhabiting a single body, but Lialeth had a tough time figuring out if what they said was true or not, so she simply relented. Perhaps this was a common gesture and practiced skill around these parts. From what little she had seen in the town already, it would not surprise her.

As they went into the back room, her eyes were immediately drawn to the strange flasks and containers. The hunting gear, weapons and cabinets overflowing with paperwork were certainly a sight to behold, but she had no interest in such things herself, which made it all the more curious for her. Although she really wanted to check them out, there were more important matters to be dealt with. She would still sneak a peak every once in a while.

Unfortunately, her peeks and glances had to be stopped short, when Mr. Limestone signaled them to observe the recording of the events. And so the events unfolded, until they simply didn't. It happening in the blink of an eye wasn't an understatement. It really did just go poof. This was to some extent, just plain terrifying. Whilst Lialeth did wonder about some things, they were questions she'd have to ask Decimus, rather than Mr. Limestone, so she decided she'd ask them later when they left the hotel.

One question did pop into her mind, however. "Uhm, did you happen to look over all of the available crystal ball recordings of the specific time frame? And do you have any outside of building? If something like teleportation was used, they most likely would not have been able to teleport them very far, I imagine, unless they were someone quite well-versed in magic... Teleporting yourself alone is rather difficult for the most part, as far as I am aware, let alone other people... Not to mention they most likely would have had to come to this place beforehand to do so."
Decimus Valerius


Titles: [Human - Mundane], [Native], [Military Cadet F] - Widersia - Color #a13a3a
Language Keys: "..." - Common ; "[...]" - Terran

Mephisto Mephisto IanThe170 IanThe170

As soon as the manager motioned both him and Lialeth to follow him, Decimus made a quick hand gesture to the mechanoids which followed him, swirling his index twice in the air before pointing towards the floor. The signal was for them to hold their position, instead of following the elderly man into the back room. As much as the place would certainly need to be big enough to house someone as Mr. Limestone, the cadet had decided to not make it too crowded with the presence of the constructs.

And, on their part, the mechanical soldiers obeyed the command, standing silently in the lobby of the hotel, hissing with steam softly, every so often, as they remained in stand-by. Still, their faint, azure photoreceptors still scanned the area, ready to catch anything amiss that could happen during their de-facto officer’s absence.

Inside the shared office or Mr. Lime and Mr. Stone, Decimus’ ashen eyes darted around the place, being naturally pulled, ironically, towards Mr. Lime’s side. His gaze shifted from each of the trophy and weapon with deliberate slowness, as if trying to commit each detail to memory with silent intensity. However, his attention shifted towards what they were in there to investigate: the recording produced by the crystal ball.

Crossing his arms over his chest, he pondered after seeing the footage with both girls, nothing appeared to be amiss compared to the photographs shown my officer North: their attires fitting the way they had been presented. “I see. A single week of booking, matching perfectly with the Night Parade.” Decimus uttered, nodding his head a few times. Everything checked out so far.

“You have the right idea about Teleportation.” The old man said to Lialeth, nodding. “Unless it was done by some master in this magical field, it would vary from 100ft to 1000ft usually. But we can’t discard something else as well.” Decimus had seen those with incredible speeds, moving in a blur barely caught by his still young eyes. That could also have been what happened. The Fae asked a pretty particular question, the information about the other crystal balls. Maybe, in one of them, they would be able to catch something interesting.

“It would be good to investigate their room as well. Any small detail could be a clue could point out to what might have happened.”
Mr. Limestone

hotel manager for the Ivory Keys on Charnel Street

Height: 13' 5"

Weight: 1088 pounds

Languages: Common (spoken as "..."); Fae (spoken as "{...}")

Text Colors: #61de2a, #7f3e98

| IanThe170 IanThe170 | Maxxob Maxxob |

Almost as if on cue, Mr. Limestone once again split from his collected personality. The professional purple proprietor of the hotel adjusted his tie. He stood away from the crystal ball, keeping a hand on it while scrolling through what looked like different endpoints for the omniscient vision using his thumb.

"Well," Mr. Stone cleared his half of the throat. "Yes. I did. That is why I investigated personally. No other orb captured anything out of the ordinary,"

He stopped on the crystal balls oriented along the perimeter of the property. He would show them as they asked, every instance taken from that specific time period. Mr. Lime's hand infiltrated the desk of his better half and moved some items around to find... a piece of candy! Specifically, he wanted one of those cartoon stag heads captured in chocolate. He greedily tore the wrapper apart and bit into the delicacy, grunting happily against the mouthful of creamy milk chocolate and smooth peanut butter. It even collapsed against his crooked teeth with a satisfying crunch - almost like small bones if they were made of sugar and filled with... more sugar.

"The footage hasn't been tampered with from what I can tell. No one else has access to the main terminal other than myself and Mr. Lime,"

The ghoulish half of the hotel manager wheezed with a hushed laugh, snickering as he pilfered more candy from right under Mr. Stone's granite facial features. This earned him a hefty blow from the left side of their body, Mr. Stone having clenched his fist with an absurd amount of power behind the motion. Mr. Lime howled in pain and rubbed the back of his head, snarling and cursing under his breath.

"While I cannot allow you to extend your investigation to the rooms of other guests, I can accept the terms of searching the room the Morton girls were staying at... as well as the adjacent hallway, which was - in fact - the last time they were even seen, crystal ball or not,"

The horrid, green creature making up the giant's right side sneered at the two. He pointed an enormous, gnarled finger at them, cackling as he did so.

"You'd better be careful! Don't want to slip and fall... it's a long way down here in Red Haven!"

Mr. Stone pummeled him once more, sending him reeling away - or as best as their status as a conjoined abomination could allow.

He bowed his head apologetically, not wanting to say anything due to the volatile nature of Mr. Lime combined with the fact that if he did verbalize how sorry he was... they'd be here all day and night.

"Their room number was 348. Third floor, fourth hallway on the right, all the way down,"

He nudged Mr. Lime, who reached into his pocket and surrendered the room key. It was an ancient chunk of metal, masterfully crafted into an ornate and beautiful instrument. If they forgot the room number, it was inscribed on the face of the key itself. When either of them took the key, he would gesture towards the main lobby. Across from the desk, beyond the large gathering area and seated between entrances for a theater on the left and a gourmet restaurant on the right, was a large elevator decorated in solid gold and silver trappings. Evidence of rare woods were also incorporated in the design, as evidenced by the vibrant bone-white of the paneling.

In fact... much of the architecture was either crimson red or ivory white. Pillars painted in curling patterns of musical notation seemed almost hieroglyphical. Webs of black steel formed delicate barricades around the perimeter of the larger part of the lobby. It was as extravagant as it was... mildly concerning. With the faint echo of music crackling into static every once in a while, the ever-present murmuring of never-near voices clawed into every ear. The manager just seemed to be accustomed to it.

"I'll be trying to find anything unusual on the terminal feed,"

And with that, Mr. Stone, Mr. Lime, and even their combined personality of Mr. Limestone would not answer any further questions, such was their concentration on finding anything even remotely substantial throughout the immense backlog of footage.

The two investigators, for all intents and purposes, were well and truly on their own.
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