The Sun Family [Magistrates of the Warring States]


Crimson Cool Sage
Like any great nation, the Jin Imperium has a number of lieutenant families which have faithfully served them for generations. One such loyal clan is the Sun Family, a military clan that is said to be able to trace its lineage back before even the legendary Dragon Emperor of myth. Such a noble pedigree would be worth it by itself, but the Sun family also carries with it the distinction of a golden standard on the battlefield, an honor that has led it to being held in high esteem by the Imperial Household and even nations far and wide.

Masters of warfare, many tactics and weapons have been attributed to this family, whose descendants have loyally served the Empire using their military acumen to expand the Jin influence even to the frontier lands to the south and the west. However, the current situation of the family remains in flux. The current head of the family Sun Liu, is still loyal to His Majesty, but feels he owes nothing to one such as the Crown Empress, who wields power without thought or consideration of her actions; an ideology which rankles the old man.

To this end, Sun Liu and his five sons, have decided to maintain the lands they hold through their own personal funds. However, with trade being cut off, many important resources, such as iron, saltpeter, and the like, necessary for warfare and maintenance of life in the Empire, have been cut off by the Empress' cordoning of Sun Lands. Thus, the Sun have begun to invade their southern neighbors in the Frontier, either to secure these resources or gain access to trade routes to trade for them.

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