Story On All Fours...

Roose Hurro

Lovable Curmudgeon
Chapter One...

Forests all over the universe are pretty much the same. Flora. Fauna. Trees and wildlife. Perhaps a river passing through. Perhaps a lake? Meadows filled with flowers. Birds, bees and other things. Yes, other things. Because the universe is a vast place, filled not only with forests - and what comes with forests, pretty much everywhere - but filled with certain creatures, bent on travel. And nothing is better to some travelers than hiking in the woods. Which leads to camping in the woods, in some ways better, some ways worse than staying at a local motel. Better, because staying in the woods is freebie. Worse, because... well, to some travelers, there is no worse. Just different.

Yes, different.

So, when a Door that was not a door, opened by turn of a Knob that was not a knob - yes, when this ear-pop sensation opened up a slice of air, the four traveling creatures who emerged from that slice, that ThreshHold, well, different took on a whole new meaning. Because humanity was not the only sentient, sapient species in the universe. Yes, a very reasonable fact to assume. Remember. Universe. Vast place. Many worlds around many suns. Had to happen. Did happen. With mixed results, in some places. Awkwardness in others. Laughter. Tears. Perhaps some cuts and scrapes and bruises. Life is like that, wherever it comes from. Whatever it looks like. However it...


Oh, yes, these four travelers. Almost forgot! A rather unusual foursome. Father. Mother. Daugther. Son. Not unusual? Depends on viewpoint. To a human, for instance, quite unusual, though not unusual in a "What is that thing?" way. Or in a way which would invite the liberal use of a barf-bag, either due to the horrible odor, or to all those wiggly tentacles and green drool. Yes, when traveling, you meet all kinds of "people"...

... and these four "people" were at least bilaterally symetrical. No wiggly tentacles. No green drool. Quite nice smell, a bit like a bakery with spiced bread still warm. Two eyes. Two quite generous ears. Four limbs... a tail, to add a fifth. Four nostrils on end of sleek, muzzled snout, to add a touch of the exotic. Feathered shroudruff on the father, to go with fur and scales. Generous fur-tuft on end of mother's and daughter's tails, a detail missing on father and son. Though all four possessed a sensory "badge" on their foreheads.


"Yes, Hun?"

The father spoke as he lead his family... well, yes, his infant son rode under cover of his shroudruff feathers, presently sound asleep... yes, lead his family into the forest. Lead them with a grin. Him, his mate, his daughter, on all fours. Remember viewpoint?

"You's a'promised!"

grinned even wider, a show of sharp, white, raccoonish teeth. Mother? She rolled her eyes, then halted, and sat back on her haunches. Her mate turned to their daughter and did the same, mindful of sleeping son in his careful movements, clawed hand to muzzle as he cleared his throat. And softly sang...

... "Luuunden's britches faaalling down, faaalling down, faaalling down... Luuunden's britches faaalling down, myyy ferret lady!"

Hun giggled so hard she fell over. Mother watched, eyes turned from daughter to mate with a small yet warm smile.

"My Love, a perfect rendition."

"You think so, Sweetness?" His tail's tip flicked, ears laid back, eyes mock-expectant. "I could sing it again...."

"Yes! Yes!"

A peep sounded from underneath paternal shroudruff. Sweetness moved very close to her Love, swift yet gentle hands slipped under to cup their Very Small One. Their son, now out in dappled forest daylight, blinking, then eyes-wide at this new world. A wiggle, as he tried to look about, his peep-coo-chirp and ruffled fur, yes, seemed an expression of frustration: So much to see! No freedom from maternal hands. Only a few weeks old, still not much bigger than a rat. With all the curiosity of that famous feline. With parents who wouldn't allow him to be killed by such curiosity.

"No, My Love... once is enough for the day." Her tail swept around, its tuft brushing her mate's chest as her arms cradled their tiny child. Who protested for a second or two, until he felt warmth through soft fur, felt the thrum of his mother's Heartstone. Felt and heard her heartbeat. Started falling asleep again.

"Mama, when's is Peeve gonna sings?"

Dada hurked, ruffled mane, chuffed shroudruff against back, then rose back to all fours and continued to lead. Mama stood up on twos, her forelimbs of course presently occupied.

"Honalee, you should not call your brother Peeve."

"And you shouldn't call me Deen until you're old enough to take a mate of your own." Grin over shoulder. "However, feel free to call your mother Thoee soon as you have a boyfriend."

Honalee made an Ick! sound, and covered her face with her tail's tuft, and with both little pawhands. After that display, she bounced after her dada, very girlish laughter ringing in the air, tail up, tuft now a-wave.


A bird. At least, it looked like a bird. Flew like a bird. Even landed on a forest tree's branch, just like a bird would. Head cocked, as if it had heard the sound of girlish laughter. Curious. It made a small chirrip, then a twitter as it hopped along the branch. Blinked. And then did, perhaps, an un-bird thing - followed after the unknown.


Deen knew that voice. Ever since her brother's birth, he'd taken over her place riding under her father's shroudruff. Couldn't blame her for still wanting that place. She was still in the weaning stage. Yet grown so... Deen felt that zing all fathers feel when their child wants but can't have. At least, not like before. But still...

"Aren't you too old for that, yet?"

"No'sers...." Honalee sniffled. Just a little. Gave her Dada that uppies look, ears back, eyes moist. Hands out as she stood up on twos. What's a father to do?

Shroudruff flared, exposing the cream with yellow chevrons patch underneath. Deen's "father" mark. Honalee brightened, hopped up onto her father's back with vigor, a hug and snuggle her reward in return.

Thoee? Still on twos, following her mate. Quiet, because she now nursed Peet, him suckling on her left milk tongue. Her, being a mother. Her turn to nurse. Deen's turn, next. Him, presently being a father to their daughter in another way. Yes, this is what a father does. What parents do, whatever their species. Well... it does tend to be a "mammal" thing. Yet every parent of every sentient, sapient species cares for their young. Normally. Because the universe is vast, and Life... is life.

Ahem! Remember, differences abound.

This forest. This world. Wind-rustled leaves. Scent of undergrowth, of flowers. And earthy things under leaf-litter aroma. Water-scent. Thirsty. Deen's ears flicked. His eyes caught a movement in the trees. A flit of something. A sense that someone was watching, intent. But water called, and water was where he led, no trouble finding the river, a stream, really, from which he could drink, daughter still on back, half asleep in contentment, even knowing it was for just a short time. Taste of fresh-cold water still on his tongue, Deen spent a moment just basking in the sensation of being alive, stream-side breeze through fur, reliving memories of...

... well, memories of him, Thoee. With daughter on back, mate nearby with son, what it felt like, those intimate moments that result in offspring. Seeing their children born. Seeing them grow. Those first moments, newborn in hands, knowing him and her had made new Life. That overwhelming sense of responsibility. Made his whole body tingle. So happy, so filled with Wonder, he could barely stand it.

But there again, the sensation of other eyes watching. His forehead badge, a brief shimmer. Yes, not only forest trees, but wildlife. One particular, avian member of which tweaked his senses. Something... odd. Slivers, not organic in nature. Distortion in the flow of chi. All four nostrils flared.

"Sweetness? I think the natives are restless."

Thoee had finished nursing, held their son Peet close as she crouched by the stream, reached out with her free right hand, and traced a pattern on the water. Which rose up into her grip and formed a sphere, from which she drank.

"I would expect so, My Love. I believe this world is not familiar with visitors. They seem quite advanced, though... perhaps they just like to keep visitors where they can see them."

Yes, perhaps. Some worlds didn't like outsiders just popping up, unanounced. Visas needed presenting, papers needed signing, fingerprints - if such existed - needed to be taken. And the whole mess needed to be processed. Clearance granted! Or not. Yes, some species are very anal retentive. Even some that don't have an a.......

Oh, sorry, TMI.......

Honalee yawned, made a coo-purr baby happiness sound.

"Is a birdy bird?" Her own forehead badge shimmered as she slipped like a greased ferret from her father's back, stretched, then bounced like a tigger in anticipation of all the fun. She loved finding new things to play with. Yes, indeed!

"It would seem so, Hun..." Grin as Thoee approached. Shroudruff rise and spread. Presentation of his father spot, to receive their son again. Yes, she'd carried him inside during gestation, but after birth, now Deen's turn to carry. Just as he'd carried their daughter, before. And would carry any offspring who came after. If they chose to have three. Or more. Two seemed enough, for now.

And now, thirst slaked and offspring settled, this alien family continued through the forest, Thoee now walking on all fours again, like her mate and daugther now, hip brushing hip, shoulder brushing shoulder with her mate. Her male. Warmth, affection... love... radiating from her whole being. Her tail, entwining with his. Honalee making another ick sound as she bounced ahead.

Birdy bird?

Said curious, inquisitive avian lifeform continued to follow, tried harder not to be noticed, but failed. Slivers inside, sending out their signals.


Curiosity kills more than cats, to be honest. But not as many cats as failure, especially when the mouse notices it's being stalked, and the cat starves as a result. Or said mouse leads said cat out onto a roadway, squeaks, said squeak attracts dog, and all three end up roadkill. Sure, it could happen like that. Slivers? Painful, but not usually lethal. And not usually able to send signals. Yes, odd. A bird with slivers. But no pain. Sending signals to.......


Deen lead his family in a roundabout way. They didn't have anyplace specific to go, just a little outing in the woods, away from civilization for a bit, so they could commune with Nature. Yes, capital N. Or capitol N. Either works. Thoee and the kits didn't mind. They didn't even mind the underbrush, the thickets and other tight, narrow spaces forests tend to have when way out in the boonies. Poor Birdy Bird could only catch glimpses. Bits of anatomy here and there. Its masters, desperate for more. Though Birdy Bird had no trouble hearing...

"Are we's a'there yet, Dada?"

Honalee, no longer ahead, bounced beside her father, him now "pinned" between the two females in his life. One, licking his left ear (nibble nibble). The other, asking questions in his right.

"No, not ye..."

Honalee pounced on a bug.

"... not yet."

Difficult keeping track of their avian tail, what with mate being affectionate on one side, energetic daughter being young and full of it on the other. Thoee also found it hard to keep track, but not too hard. Her many skills included multi-tasking. Besides.......


Far away, but not too far, Birdy Bird's masters... well, they didn't exactly sweat, but a few of them were feeling the pressure, enough that they couldn't keep their quills down. A few even licked their bellies, perhaps searching for their belly buttons, so they could crawl in and hide. But those not licking decided to inform their superiors about what was going on, even with little in the way of info. And those superiors decided to send.......


Ahhh, yes!

Deen, with Thoee in cooperative tow, son under shroudruff and daughter following along... yes, Deen meandered his mate and brood to a meadow, grass and flowers and a few scattered saplings. No, not much in the way of cover. But this was fine. An internal sigh, knowing his and his family's little jaunt away from civilization hadn't lasted for even a day, but hey, all part of the adventure! These unexpected twists. Best laid plans of mice and men. Though no mice were involved here, and he wasn't a man. Male, indeed. But not a man. Not even humanoid. But then, not everyone was.





Chapter Two...

Anzifar Terse hadn't expected a call on his day off. But an incident, something out of the ordinary, had occured in Boll Forest, Surkindi province. Not far from Ondo territory. From their south-eastern border. What? Fifty-one years from the war's end, and now this? Pulled from his mate and offspring, not knowing if a war fought and won before his own birth would soon revive. Not knowing if... if he would be one of the first to die. But he swallowed his nervousness, his tremble. Stripped from his casual robes and took on his armor. Held up his weapon. And joined the others like him, instructed to engage transport to Boll Forest, Surkindi province. Not told anything about what he was going to meet.

Or if he would end up just meat.

That thought made his heartrate monitor ting.


Poorva Ents also found herself confronting something she hadn't expected to ever encounter. Something thrilling. A sensor-bird had been tracking what were clearly voices, speaking a language unfamiliar. Or at least what sounded like a language. Handclaws shrouded in protectors, she tapped keys on her board, continued passing her data on to her superiors as she directed that sensor-bird, now in her charge. They'd already sent an investigatory force to Boll Forest. Her job - find more information, keep her bird there, a covert beacon. But so far... so frustrating! Her, one of those feeling the pressure, quills on alert. At least she wasn't like Shish Gellen, so overcome she'd been licking her belly as if about to give birth. Useless. But... Poorva couldn't really blame her. What they.......

....... Ahhhhh!

There! There! Finally, an image!... a clear image! Of.......

She didn't know what. Her quills fell back, no longer threatening to tear her robe. She'd... never seen what she was presently seeing through her sensor-bird's eyes. They were like no animal she'd ever seen. Fascinating! Either a new species or...

... one of the creatures, the big one with the tufted tail, wasn't in her view any more. Only then did she realize her mistake.......

....... Ahhhhh!

Her quills floofed again. She'd been so intent, so fascinated by what she was seeing, she'd failed to realize her sensor-bird had been left clearly visible to these... whatever they.......

....... Ahhhhh!

The sensoria flowing through her interface wasn't pleasant. Pressure. Confusion. Fright. Sight and hearing, jumbled. But then...

... "Hello!"

Poorva's sharp-inhaled breath didn't pass through her interface, thank Ghoz. But her covered claws worked her keyboard in a rush of shocked excitement. Yes, a bit of fear, a slight tremble, but this... these animals were talking! She'd understood...

... "If anybody's on the other end of this thing..." She could see it's mouth move, the one with the feathers covering its... his?... back. Yes, he was speaking "... don't panic. We're sorry if we're unwanted." This creature grinned! "But we swear... we're housebroken, and we don't bite."

Poorva realized her mouth was hanging open. Quickly, eyes bright and voice low, she sent her info onward in a continual feed, from the beginning, then took up recording and sending her own narrative, her own report on this newest reveal. This monumental... yes, though they looked like nothing she'd ever seen, not like her own kind, they were obviously not animals. Which meant...

Yes, ever since she'd been very little, old enough to read, she'd spent many a night reading stories about Other Beings from Other Worlds. Fiction. And now, she was living one of those stories!


Anzifar had a desperate need to pee. His armor, designed to handle such a need, but he hated doing such... doing any bodily function while still dressed. But distracted from his need, signaled their destination was in sight, their transport hover soon and swiftly to land. Be prepared! He'd been prepared for the last hour. Well, not in truth. Because he still knew nothing about what he was being sent to encounter. How could he prepare for the unknown?

Why had he ever chosen to join the Gell, to submit himself to military service? Because his grandfather had been a soldier in the war. His father, also military, to honor grandpa for what he'd done. So yes, he'd also followed in his own father's footsteps. Dug his own trench. His own hole. Smell of sweet earth, soil between his claws. But this. No, a soldier, trained and equiped, but never a warrior. Never in battle, his blessing. Or curse.

What now?

Do his duty. He almost didn't notice his bladder release, only the relief a reminder of what he'd just done. A different kind of duty. But, for some reason, this relief flowed through his whole body. Whatever came, he'd do what had to be done. And hopefully return to his family when it ended. Alive. Not in a body bag.

The second signal came, and he went.


Speculative fiction. Yes, Poorva Ents, a fan-girl. Her reading, inspiration for her career choice. Work with state-of-the-art tech. Interface with a sensor-animal, and play I Spy! This career choice, the most science-fictiony thing she'd found she had the talent for. But now, she'd been contacted by honest to Ghoz aliens! Her! So she poured her heart and soul into her report, hoping, wishing.

She'd always wanted to meet a real alien.

Even more so, she wanted to meet these particular aliens. They'd released her sensor-bird, unharmed. Already in for the penny, she decided to go for the pound. No, she hadn't thought that exact expression, but similar enough, just with different measures. She continued her feed, continued her narrative, hopped her sensor-bird all about, for a good, detailed view. Which wasn't difficult, given these creatures seemed to know what she wanted, posed and moved so her bird could... well, they weren't wearing any clothing, and they certainly weren't shy! The male, most especially. And most remarkable! The male was carrying a very small, very young child... infant... under his remarkable spread of feathers. Feathers blood red with blue tips, Bronze, tan and golden cream fur, with black markings, like claw slashes, on hips and shoulders. Bright emerald eyes. Dark green scales on lower forelimbs, lower legs, and tail's underside.

And now! Now, he held out the infant... male, she could see... held the child out, presented to her bird, wide-eyed and...

... "My Love, we have guests."


Again, her inhale, sudden and sharp. Her, speechless.

What guests?

Surprised, but quite intelligent, it only took Poorva a second or two to realize what that meant.......
Chapter Three...

Yes, NISM. Or just Nism, no need to shout.

A well-traveled species. But, as mentioned before, the universe is vast. And Nism who travel are few. Honeymooning couples, fresh-bonded. Families taking their kids to see the sights. WorldWalking teenagers looking for fun and experience. Universe. So vast. Yes. Not every species in the universe familiar with every other. Some, familiar with none. If only one Nism happens to be visiting, or even living on a world for a time, not every individual being on that world will have met even that one. Or those four present and accounted for here and now. Because, on a world familiar with Others, one... or even four more... is no big thing.

But on this world?

It seemed Thoee and Deen's simple desire to avoid civilization tweaked ThreshHold, the result, their family outing on a world unfamiliar with aliens, except in fiction. A world somehow missed by other travelers. For a very long time, if ever. Well, first time for everything, so the saying goes.

Guests, indeed a polite word for the transport hover, whoshing in over the treetops and dropping nine armed.......

Well, to say there was a moment of surprise on both sides wouldn't be all that accurate a statement. To the nine armed natives, all quite familiar with the history of war with their neighbor, Ondo, to be confronted by a family of four quite obviously not native creatures, well, just imagine how difficult it would be licking a belly-button through an armored battle-suit. So much tension, so much not knowing... not that they knew much now, but they did know, threat or not, it wasn't the Ondonans come to restart the war. So the moment was more one of confusion, training be damned. Coupled with a pure sense of the bizarre. Out of their element would be a good four words to use.

Whereas Thoee and Deen were completely in their element. Just as at ease in this situation as they were in their birthday suits. Thoee? She raised an eyebrow and a gentle, warm smile, her on-haunches poise elegant and controlled. Deen, however, had to work very hard to keep from laughing... these natives were barely three feet high! But they were armed and armored. Not that Nism were bothered by arms or armor, just, well, some beings took pride in their aggression. But these poor souls looked just...

... like someone took a hedgehog, porcupine and badger, and used the best bits to make something new. At least that was the impression, even through the armor these nine wore. Still, nothing to laugh at. Deen certainly didn't want to be shot by one of those weapons - they looked nasty, small as they were. And seemed to be scaring the bird, the way it cheeped and hopped about. Or maybe the bird was just mad. Though Deen did find himself impressed by how quiet the transport hover... hovered. For something that used rotating fan-blades for thrust. Very stealth design. Yes, nothing to laugh at.

Thoee? She couldn't help finding the whole situation adorable. Of course, if triggers were pulled, the whole adorable motif would end, with serious unpleasantness a result. She'd already been shot by a native once, elsewhere in the universe, while pregnant with Peet. That had been seriously unpleasant. Painful.

Oh, sorry... natives, guns, first contact. Got it.

Neither Thoee nor Deen... especially Honalee or Peet... no, neither of these four were First Contact specialists. Thoee, an exo-biologist/doctor. Deen, and exo-geologist/cartographer. Honalee... a toddler. Peet, a sleeping infant.

Yes, Peet slept again under his father's shroudruff, snoozing away the moment his father returned him to that comfy place. Honalee? Despite her young age, well, she'd spent a major chunk of her life traveling with her parents on their second WorldWalk. And she was Nism. Barely two, but able to talk and run and... she'd learned many things. As Nism children are wont to do. Like...

"You's a'wanna play?"

Hmmm... nope, that wasn't it.

Yes, children will be children. Just like parents will be parents, fathers holding on to their daughters tails to keep them out of trouble. But it this case, it broke the ice. And it seemed Birdy Bird was not the only one sending - and receiving - signals. Busy busy busy! To the point Deen sighed, flopped down on his belly in relaxed repose (Peet, recently fed, way too fast asleep again to notice) aaand...

"Hey, Birdy Bird..." The sensor-bird stopped hopping about, turned it's attention towards Deen... "Is there any way you can get these guys to talk to us? I'd really like to know if we're due to be shot, or invited to a barbecue. Preferably us not on the menu." He still had a grip on Honalee's tail, but Honalee had gotten the message, and also flopped down on the grass. Her ears, attentive to her father's words, eyes locked on Birdy Bird. She'd been there when her mother had been shot, so the whole concept was not beyond her comprehension. She knew some people were not friendly.

And, well, what with mate and daughter in repose, Thoee joined them, a graceful settle, hip to hip and shoulder to shoulder with her male. First-born daughter rolled over on her back, all so she could play with her toes. Yes, picture of innocence.

... "It would be wise for us to talk. Over tea, no weapons involved." Thoee gave Birdy Bird one of her small, warm smiles, her eyes seeming to bore past bird to the person behind the bird. "Please, send someone who knows what they're doing."

Because it was obvious the nine present, despite their back and forth, were still quite nervous. In other words, they didn't appear to know what they were doing. Whatever they'd received back from their leaders, obvious they'd never encountered anything like this situation. Not that any of these people had, from the look of things. Even so, it wasn't beyond reason to think somewhere, someone - perhaps - at least had the skills needed to deal with this situation. Or had written a book on the subject of Alien Contact! and so, wouldn't be prone to wetting his or her pants. If these people wore pants. Which was hard to tell with the nine present, what with all that armor in the way. Deen guessed they didn't. Thoee didn't have an opinion on the matter, at least at present, as she, like earlier, kept her present self occupied with licking (nibble nibble) Deen's nearest ear.
Chapter Four...

Anzifar, Paka, Hurrin, Sust, Bant, Tehnal, Fherr, Kekked, Aurrn. Nine highly trained soldiers of the Gell. All male. All... frozen by the need to know what to do, how to handle this Alien Contact situation. Though the aliens, themselves, appeared quite willing to talk. And all nine, with mates and offspring of their own, all amazed these aliens spoke Hektoani with perfect fluency. And yes, waiting for final orders. Not all happy, though. Things had been so rushed, no leadership had been included. Oh, and yes, with mates and offspring of their own, feelings of protection arose in some, while others felt like putting their weapons down, as the female alien had requested, knowing the experience of parenthood and feeling a kinship. Others felt a mix of these extremes. Anzifar, most especially.

Not knowing whether to shoot, or throw a barbecue of welcome. He just didn't know how these strange creatures... what changes they would bring. Most especially, this close to the border, if the Ondonans found out. Trust. Yes, that was it. To trust, he needed to know the unknown. Or at least find out more, quickly. Then get these creatures elsewhere, where they could be tested. In his own mind, better safe than sorry.

In his own mind, other layers to that thought.......


Poorva couldn't believe what she was seeing. Yes, yes! She'd heard - been told - an investigatory force had been dispatched. Surprised she'd been so busy, she'd lost track of time. Surprised that the "force" sent had been armed! Yes, she should have expected that, so close to the Ondonan border. But it had been so long since the war! Ondo, no longer hostile, but Hekto had suffered so much! Ohhhh!

She had to work even harder to keep the churrr of displeasure from her voice...

"Just want to talk, Sur Kurrn! Mother, father... children! Like us!" She'd learned the value of brevity, long ago. Especially when talking with superiors. Yes, she was young. Yes, only a few years as a sensor-animal operator, so much into her learning and work, she had yet to find a mate or bear offspring of her own, but... youth and lack of parenthood experience didn't keep her from knowing these situations were delicate. Needed to be handled with care. NOT with soldiers. NOT with threats of violence.

Sur Kurrn Hettel? Director of Operations? Yes, he knew Poorva Ents, as he knew all those who worked under him. Worked for him. Young. Unmated. Interest in speculative fiction... kept a book of said fiction at her station, hidden in a drawer under her clearance forms. Liked poking at technical subjects. Very bright and organized. Focused, sometimes to a fault. Willing to protect and defend others. Not afraid to risk. To make independent decisions. To care.

Sur Kurrn knew his responsibilities as Director. Kurrn knew his responsibilities as a Hektonai citizen... as a member of his species... as a person. Mez Poorva's plea - yes, all the data she'd provided, sent where it needed to go, but still, he had the right to make a decision, if necessary, to secure the situation. Nine nervous Gell needed Direction.......


Yes, other layers, thoughts troweled over thoughts in Anzifar's mind. Amazement layered over worry layered over fear layered over... half the time, he just couldn't think straight, so much this and so many thats, reasons that seemed reasonable speckled with doubts and wonder. Like Poorva, in his youth, prone to flights of fancy, adventurous and free. But adulthood, for him, had changed things. Like Deen, he'd held his newborn offspring. Felt that zing. But unlike Deen, felt for a different reason. Well, yes, sense of responsibility was there, but so too the knowledge Life could be cruel. His once free childhood spirit now caught in the adult cage of rules. Because rules kept you and your children safe.

These alien creatures he watched. Did they have rules? Would their rules conflict with Kwirrill rules? With the laws of the Hektonai nation? He thought so, with reason. But he watched male with female. Father with offspring.......


"Mez Poorva!" Sur Kurrn spoke with some force, his handclaws tapping his desk as his own quills fluffed. Yes, he tapped to help himself think, to help with decisions. Call it a habit. Though he did not share the room with his employee, just a simple video/audio feed, he could almost smell her determination. He respected that. But he needed to catch her attentions, so he could pass on his decision. Then fill out his own reports, to send to his own superiors, to let them know what had happened, and the decisions he'd made. Yes, he would be responsible. Yes, his superiors would get back to him, let him know if his decisions met with their approval. This was how Kwirrill got things done. How Kurrn got things done.

"Since you initiated first contact, and since they wish to talk... and since we don't have anyone immediately available who knows what they're doing, other than you, I suggest you remain in contact with these... whatever they are." Kurrn stopped tapping his desk, made a soft snort. "I'm sure you can turn enough soil if I let you do as you see fit." He tapped a few controls on his own desk-station comm-moni. "But I don't think it wise to let them have everything, so I will instruct the Gell to pick one to stay guard. To watch your back."


To say Poorva was startled would be an understatement. To say she was not happy with having an armed guard... well, in the way would be three mild words expressing her opinion on the matter. Her quills went down so fast, it felt like she'd pinched herself, all over. Her dream come true! "My back needs no watching, Sur! Yet I will honor your decision." Yes, much as she hated the idea, it made sense. All she had to do was prove her back didn't need watching. That these aliens could be trusted.


Anzifar and his team-mates received their orders - choose one to guard, the rest, stand down. As before, feelings ran from left to right to up to down. But it all came down to all nine playing a Kwirrill version of Rock Paper Scissors... Anzifar surprised when he won guard duty. During all of this, their transport hover landed. After, they were further informed someone would be sent to deal with this incident, and that they all were to follow her instructions.......

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