Olympus High School


Care Bears... prepare to stare!

Mods~ Nico & @ForgottenBlood





Olympian Parents: (Two Greek Gods)




Classes: (Three of these)

Clique: (Typical High School Cliques)



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Appearance: Average height, build of a runner, curly golden blonde hair with dark roots. She is tanned, and has light freckles over the bridge of her nose and under her dark green eyes which look like algae. She usually wears a white tank top, with high rise jean shorts that are frayed, a green flannel tied around her waist, with some brown combat boots.

Name: Juno Pluie-Furtado

Age: 15

Gender: Female.

Olympian Parents: (Two Greek Gods) Demeter and Poseidon.

Domain(s): Goddess of the bayou and its animals.

Powers: Underwater breathing, healing plants, animal communication, water, earth, and wind manipulation. Her powers aren't used often.

Personality: Juno is usually a calm, collected person, and a friendly person. She gets protective over people she is close to. Despite that, she is very rebellious and isn't afraid to pull a prank or two. She loves to have fun and isn't afraid to get down and dirty. When it comes up to fighting, she's a total badass, and has awesome one-liners. Overall, she's a nice person.

Classes: (Three of these) History, physical education, and literature (English).

Clique: (Typical High School Cliques) The Rebels. (Troublemakers.)

Likes: Animals, nature, parties, fun, and hanging out with friends.

Dislikes: People who trash nature, poachers, boring things/people, and those who try to anger her.
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Appearance is quite odd to most of the people that see him, though he is not ugly, due to his mother's beauty, but his father's impurities. His face, for example, is long and oval-like, and his chestnut eyes droop down at the ends.

His nose is large and unique in shape and his skin is pale and clear, not a pimple nor spot on his skin.

Belasko's obsidian colored hair, however, covers one eye; an eye that has a large scar over it. It is the only thing that is "normal", in his case, about him. He continuously wears baggy and handed down clothes,

for he never dresses formal unless needed.

Name: Belasko (Anhel) 'Vanne

Age: 16.

Gender: Male.

Olympian Parents: Hephaestus and Aphrodite.

Domain (s) : God of Impurities.

Powers: His powers are creating or fixing items and objects rather quickly with

little or no thinking. He also understands things rapidly. For examples,

he may use this "power" in classes to memorize charts or

with experiments he must do in science.

Personality: Since he is different, he brings

it down on himself alot, and because of this he is depressed.

Belasko is very quiet, and when he speaks, his

voice goes up and down in tones. He

warms up to people who make him

smile easily, but gaining his full trust is more difficult.

Classes: Biology/Science/Chemistry, History, Math, and English/Literature.

Clique: If he was in a group that is in other

highschools, he would be the.. "nerd"/outsider type of boy..

Likes: Being Challenged, Being Tested, and being happy.

Dislikes: Thunder, the sky/clouds, "Jocks".

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*Picture note: His eyes are purple and next to him his his pet cat Moko

?I'm gonna sleep now, don't mind me~?


? ? Name: Haruka

? ? Age: 17

? ? Gender: Male

? ? Olympian Parents: Hypnos and Hecate

? ? Domain(s): God of Cats and Magical Dreams

? ? Powers:

?The power to talk to cats and they follow his orders

?The power to put people to sleep and walk in dreams

?The ability to shift into a cat or take a dream like form

? ? Personality:

Haruka is always sleepy often falling asleep out of the blue. He's lazy and is always seen eating a sugary snack. He claims the sugar keeps him awake and alert but his genes keep him from staying awake anyways. He's sweet and friendly and is always wearing a dorky smile. He often has arguments with his cat which some people find amusing. He loves to crack jokes and make people smile. He wears a dreamy expression when wondering around. Cats flock to him and call him 'Master' or 'Lord' which he doesn't like all too much.

? ? Classes: Creative Writing, History, Environmental Science

? ? Clique: 'Jocks' or 'Dreamers'

? ? Likes:

? Sleep

? Food

? Cats

? Dreams

? Pillows and Stuffed Animals

? Candy

? ? Dislikes:

? Being woken up

? Nasty Food

? Animal Abusers

? Lumpy Pillows

? Sugar Free Food

? Loud Noises

~Sweet ? Dreamer~

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Five foot four inches weighing one hundred and twenty pounds. Fiery red hair with brown undertones that falls just past her shoulders (cut like a person with mental problems did it), pale ivory skin with no freckles or beauty marks, rosy pink lips and golden hazel eyes. dresses in casual clothing, tight pants, loose tops and boots. her hair is usually down unless otherwise stated.

Nikola Rosary Archer

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Olympian Parents: Hades and Nyx

Domain(s): Goddess of dawn and madness.

Powers: has very little power, she's known to cause insanity in mortals, and she can (from her father) harness the powers of fire.

Personality: loud, obnoxious, and fun. Typical mosh pit visitor. she loves to announce her opinions and really doesn't care who she offends. once she befriends you she will protect you with everything in her power and will cut down anyone who seems to threaten you. she's not necessarily mean, just outspoken. she can be a clutz and it takes her a bit to warm up to new environments.

Classes: Art, History, Chemistry

Clique: Outcasts, music junkies.


  • Music

  • Fire

  • chaos

  • people with a sense of humor.


serious people

people who believe they are better than others



Peony is a very petite, she's only 5 feet tall and 100 pounds. She has long black hair that has a purplish tint too it, she usually has it up in a messy bun. Her eyes are dark green and her skin is as pale as snow, besides the gentle pink blush on her cheeks. She's generally wearing skinny jeans with a floral type shirt or any type of dress.

Name: Peony

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Olympian Parents: Ares & Aphrodite

Domain(s): Goddess of Lust and Fear

Powers: Has the ability to place your create your greatest fear(s) in front of you and use them against you. She can also cure your fear of something, for a small price. She can also cause people to fall in 'lust' with one another and also make you act upon any moments of lust you might have.

Personality: Peony is generally seen as mean and a troublemaker, but if you can get close to her, she can be very sweet and gentle. She has a short temper and sometimes it gets the best of her, she's learning how to control it (slowly). She doesn't have a problem with causing a little trouble here or there. She is very reserved, she tries to keep her emotions away from everyone, even herself.

Classes: History, Creative Writing, English

Clique: Rebels, Troublemakers

Likes: Learning about wars, making people act upon lust, star gazing, reading, drinking tea, causing trouble when she gets bored.

Dislikes: People trying to get to know her feelings, talking about her feelings, boring people, heat, math.

Looks:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/tAG_92244.jpeg.1dd52e332e3660605904e309b8cb8ef6.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15366" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/tAG_92244.jpeg.1dd52e332e3660605904e309b8cb8ef6.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Rosia May Firefly



Olympian Parents: Demeter and Ares

Domain(s): God of Roses,Gardens, and Firefly's

Powers: ^The ability to summon common garden plants

^Some of the plants are over sized and can use them as weapons

Personality:Shes shy around others and does not liked to be spoken to or touched, shes easy to anger,She likes to remain solitary and can usually be found in mortals gardens.She likes to stay in the back of the class.Her passion is mainly to be an artist if she was a mortal or a musician, it takes time to get to know her and let her fully trust you,as they get to know her she'll speak more often and will be more outgoing.

Classes: Art,Floral Design,P.E

Clique: Outsiders

Likes: Roses, Fireflies, The Sun, swimming, gardening, music, and art.

Dislikes:Fire, Sweets, Pollution, People that care for her well being, and caterpillars.



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Name: Bayatha Foster [bay or Baya]

Age: 17 years old

Gender: Female

Olympian Parents: Nyx and Apollo

Domain(s): The night as well as light

Powers: [[WIP]]

Personality: Bayatha... is a mystery to many people and its hard to figure out how she feels and what she's thinking when she has 2 different personalities. Sometimes she's even a mystery to herself. Her main personality would be a smiling girl who enjoys hanging out with people, she's bright and isn't scared to speak her mind. Both personalities are hard to get emotionally close to so it isn't easy to be someone that Baya actually calls a friend. Her second personality (only comes out when she's angry) is dark and the most mysterious of the two, when confronted with an enemy she shows no mercy and is always ready to deal with the consequences of her actions later. Even though she has two different personalities, both sides understand each other and share the same feelings and memories. Loyalty is something that Baya holds close to her and will only give it to a selective few, probably no more then the fingers on her hand. Of course if Baya likes you and holds you close to her then you'll be able to see the sides she never shows: smiles, laughs and even jokes. She tends to enjoy hugging and holding onto someone she cares about and will act like a child.

Classes: English, History, Art

Clique: The Rebels, troublemakers

Likes: The dark, Moon, the light, Sun, being with friends yet being alone, cake

Dislikes: Being told what to do, being restricted (tied), Lies, those who bully the weak

Name: Demesne, daughter of Artemis (was never given a last name.) Also known as just Dem or Demi.

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Olympian Parents: Artemis's sweat (the famed fable of when the hunter saw Artemis bathe, she killed him in revenge but because he rvirtue was soiled because he saw her naked a child sprang from the sweat she washed off.)

Domain(s): Protectress of bachelorettes, animals, and children. Also, blue moons.

Powers: Can protect anyone in her domain by creating a magical blue force field around them. Can do it to herself if needed as well. During a blue moon, she inherits the full powers of her mother. Spoiler alert: that's about once a week in Olympus because of the stratosphere and various astrological influences.

Personality: Dem is a sweet girl. She likes people and is quite extroverted. However, she is very naive and not the brightest bulb in the bunch bookwise. She has a surplus of common sense, however, something many people lack. She enjoys being the center of attention, however, sometimes she has a hard time deciphering when people are laughing with her versus at her. Luckily, this often works in her favor, as she is happy believing people like her rather than suspecting people were laughing at her for being unintelligent.

Classes: English, History, Astrology and You, and Remedial. (Remedial is an extra class for students at risk of failing.)

Clique: Preppy, party girls

Likes: Nice people, the night, helping people

Dislikes: People hurting people, hunting (ironic huh?), people with loose morals
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Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.b4d0a45e456b8bbb981eab8fc09bbe56.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15516" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.b4d0a45e456b8bbb981eab8fc09bbe56.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name:Chet Lennard Ian



Olympian Parents: (Two Greek Gods) Hades and Nyx

Domain(s):The god of fear... Sooo FEAR ME

Powers:The power of fear. If he knows your fear he could change himself, the environment into your fear. Or he can make you think about your fear. The best part is that only the person that he's trying to scare is the only one who would see.

Personality:He's quiet,antisocial, he has a prankish side to him, he's very smart

Classes:Psychology,History, and English

Likes:Scaring people


The dark

Prefers peace and quiet

The occasional conversation with someone

He loves to listen to heavy metal

Dislikes:Loud people

The light

Obnoxious people

The unusually annoying people



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Name: Aphrodite

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Parents: The ocean

Domain(S): Godess of love and beauty

Bio: Aphrodite is the goddess of love and beauty and is known for selecting a handful of greek mortals to help with relationship issues. She is also known for being one of the most beautiful girls in all of Greece, and she knows it a tad too well.

Personality: She is perky and caring, sympathetic and sometimes vain. But loves helping others and often puts their needs before her own.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/gif.gif.459d9bf734fba1775c01e3a86dba779a.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15840" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/gif.gif.459d9bf734fba1775c01e3a86dba779a.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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