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Finished [Oll's End] Oll’s End My Old Friend Part II


Roleplay Artist
This RP is Part 2 continuation of Finished - [Wapelin Woods-Oll's End] Oll’s End My Old Friend Part 1

Rp Goal: Secure a base of operation in The Realm of Death, AKA Oll's End for the new coven faction.

We are aiming for 2 Day posting rounds.

Location: ???, Oll’s End

Time: ???

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy Karcen Karcen RavenSong RavenSong Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy

Iberis Odhir

Iberis was a tad occupied by the strange figure with the stick before them, who was a possible threat. Even if normally she’d probably be more receptive to enjoying Kalina’s and Scylla’s interactions that were ongoing, something about this figure felt..different, more dangerous than she had been anticipating, overall it just gave her bad vibes.

Hopefully they’d be able to talk their way through.


Meanwhile Vistele chuckled at Kalina’s idiot comment about Hasufer,

“You say that, but do you know how intoxicating it can be to gain power from someone when you come from nothing? Even if you don’t consider him strong by your standards..he was a deal stronger than many in the surface realm, granting many people who had nothing something..”

However she smiled when Kalina said she could come up with something to call her, she responded, “Very well Lady Chivernu~” She’d say almost with a teasing, tone with an edge of suggestion, before giggling.

Iberis did feel reassured that Kalina was being so supportive of her, in trying to get Viokii to stick around, she was a friend after all.

“Excellent Lady Chivernu, I’m looking forward to see where you and your friend’s leadership takes us~”

Vistele lit up when Kalina came over and assessed her, commenting on how she was pretty, allowing her to touch her.

“No Illusions, I promise, all genuine, and thank you~ I’m pleased you find my form appealing.”

“Oh wow, you are pretty!” Iberis announced cheerily looking to Vistele. As pretty as Vistele looked, Iberis knew full well how even people who looked like allies could turn on you, this was a cult, taking people at face values could get you hurt, so even if she put on a friendly demeanor in the back of Iberis’s mind..she already made this mistake once, genuine trust would have to be earned from her.


Svok looked to Scylla and shrugged before nodding,

“If you really wanna see my face that’s fine with me, I’m not really hiding anything special.” He’d snicker, removing his mask and cowl, underneath revealing the face of a young man in his prime, one which looked determined.

Iberis hugged Kalina back, “O-Oh you are? Thanks..Kali, I appreciate you..” She’d reply honestly.

Iberis then nodded a more determined serious expression on her face “Right we need to secure this area.”

She listened to the translation, “Oh great..that doesn’t sound..very good..” She’d comment when Kali gave her the translation.

Vistele seemed pleased even so, “if you could handle Lord Hasufer this skeleton should be a cake walk, don’t worry Iberis.”

Vistele smiled at Kalina when she reaffirmed favorite status.

Iberis nodded at Kalina’s idea to strike if talking didn't work.

“I think that is our best bet..while I’d love to descalate this if we have to defeat him through force then..so be it, the realm will be more secure without someone irrational going around waving a dangerous stick around if that’s true.”

While Kalina was speaking to him, Iberis looked to Liu and nodded,

Then Kalina chimed in, Iberis wasn’t entirely sure how she was feeling on the matter, but it sounded like she agreed with Liu ultimately, even if Iberis knew there was probably part of Scylla, like Kalina who wouldn’t mind just blowing the threat away from them.

“...I understand your concern, and you may be right Liu, after what Scylla said too…I think we should try to have a rational conversation with..I’m assuming him?”

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The raspy permeating voice then kicked up in response,

“#Do you take my warnings and purpose as a joke? What do you mean you want to play games here? Why are you all here?! Why are there so many living..impurities..I do not understand this! I must protect my Sultan and country!#”

“#Who is this Iberis?! Why should they rule instead of my Sultan! Justify your answer!#”
While Kalina’s high grade social skill didn’t outright seduce him it seemed, at the very least it seemed strong enough to break through some of his delusion to open the opportunity to have a proper discussion with him.

Iberis looked confused by the dialogue still not understanding, that was until she sort of heard a certain someone speak to her, Auldlich to more exact, from within her head.

Her eyes widened.

“Hey..everyone I think this guy..he’s He’s convinced that he’s in Ryke right now..I think, Auldlich just told me that..he’s someone that he might be someone that he used to know, someone who served the first Sultan of Ryke in his court..but Auldlich doesn’t seem to remember exactly who..we need to show him proof or something, clear his mind..does anyone have a way to..do that? I’d rather not put him down if he’s just delusional..and it’s not his fault.”

“Could someone..try to tell him in a tactful way what happened?”
Iberis inquired.

However suddenly the skeleton figure looked alarmed, “#What is this?! Who goes there!? I sense a devout presence! Show yourself!#”

A strange light began to ripple sort of like a beacon not far away from the building as it looked like a figure was materializing.

“Looks like we might have another front to deal with..” Svok cracked his knuckles and looked toward the materialization that was taking place.

Scylla would cross her arms, leaning her weight to a side for a bit as she thought of what words to say with a bit of annoyance. For some odd reason this.. Vistele was stealing the show. "Oh yes, very pretty. Like an angel." She repeated after Iberis, a bit of bitterness in her voice. "We are clearly the most beautiful here Iberis. And besides she's.. she's.." she fought to not be too harsh. "..just a.. little thing. Isn't she Svok?" She turned to look at her own acolyte. "Sv-"

It seemed however, that Svok would reveal his true identity. Much to Scyllas surprise, her mouth went agape but for an instant. "O-oh.." she stuttered. "..hm.. yes, nothing special indeed." The witch replied sarcastically, but for all of her speaking down on the fascinatingly beautiful cultists she hid her attraction. She hoped that being the master, wouldn't become a slave to their charms. Besides, this wasn't the time or place for such frivolous conversation. They were in fact in the presence of a guardian to an artifact. And from its mighty presence, it must be quite the boon.

After the translation, (should Kalina translate), she decided to leave it mostly up to Iberis. But the witch did have a few things to say, "Please, no more joking with him babe." She called out to Kalina. "I get it, we can just make him go POOF! in an instant, but.. seeing as were likely not in good terms with another realm, perhaps we shouldn't make that two." Scylla giggled nervously. " she hummed for a bit after the guardian said his part. "Temper, temper." She muttered then turned to Iberis with a nod. "Agreed. Let's mention where he is and the truth about the sultan." Maybe she was playing too nice. But when Scylla heard a vortex portal open she was glad that it didn't happen while they were all locked in battle.

"Svok on guard. We might have a bit of action after all." She said confidently as she took a few steps back behind Svok. "Please don't get yourself killed." The witch requested. Although the cultists were merely pawns they would represent the first round of magical servants among the ranks.
Kalina Chivernu


Languages: {Sylvan} | Common | #Abyssal#
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Fei Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy | Scylla RavenSong RavenSong | Karcen Karcen Femboy Femboy

She'd listen to Hydrangea's long explanation on the stick-wielder. “Feel free to try talking to him all you want. Though even if he doesn't like me, that doesn't mean I can't get him to listen. I've got my ways~ ” She'd say the latter with a mischievous chuckle. “Although, by all means, gentleman first.” She'd allow him to do the first bit of talking.

The vampire's intuition tingled as Scylla suddenly commanded Svok to also show himself. Did she smell a hint of jealousy? It wouldn't be long before that would turn into open hostility. That certainly wouldn't do. She figured she could pull a fun trick though, as she'd lean in to whisper to Scylla. “What's mine is yours love. She's not stealing the show, she's a present for the both of us~ So if yours is pleasing on the eyes as well, will we share him too?” She'd whisper with a bit of charm in her voice.

“Yeah, yeah, I got it, I got it. I'm holding off.” She'd add, after she was told to tone it down on the skeleton-slaying tendencies. She'd have to let the madman skeleton ramble on for a bit more, it seemed. Then again, perhaps it might be fun to do this diplomatically after all? Perhaps the others were onto something.

Meanwhile, Vistele was certainly scoring point after point with the vampire. “Honestly speaking, not exactly. I came from nothing, sort-off, but I had to earn my power myself. I guess that did end up way more satisfying.” She thought it through a bit. “Perhaps I can teach you a thing or two, to show you why.” Taking on a apprentice might be fun. “Although you should tell me how he did so, as it sounds like it might be fun to do the same, just a whole lot better. As soon as we got a good base going in here.” Filling it up with loyal followers might be a Goal dream come true to her.

She chuckled when Vistele addressed her as Lady Chivernu. “Oh my~ It seems you've got good intuition darling.” She was certainly pleased with that option. She'd also nod at the next bit. The bit about illusions and her being all genuine, confirmed by her touch, was even better. “You truly were wasted on Hasufer.” It was a good thing she'd be the one in charge now, as she was already thinking of how to make the most of this girl. It seemed even Iberis thought she was pretty, after all.

Upon Svok's reveal, she'd whistle. “I'm not sure if it's to my own likes, but I'm sure many girl and the occasional guy would beg to differ that you'd be nothing special” She'd chuckle, turning to Scylla. “Seems like you picked a good one, no?” She figured Scylla might be more into such a 'hunk' type of a guy.

As for Iberis hugging her back, her heart melted a little all over again. “By the demons you're adorable.” She uttered, as she'd quickly rub her hand through Ibby's hair a bit. “Now I'm even more eager to make you the queen of this realm.”

“#Oh no, sir, of course not. We were merely a bit confused! We'll be right back at you after a strategic meeting!#” She'd reply to the skeleton. With some [Roguish Charm] (mostly deception) in her voice. Afterwards, she'd translate as needed.

She'd listen to Iberis next. Show him proof or something... “Huh... ” That's when she recalled something. “Hey Scylla, what if you show him your Almanac of the Dead? That should teach him some things about what's really going on, no?” She didn't know a lot about the book, but it felt like a solid guess.

There was a more drastic measure. “I guess I could try Sever his Fate altogether? That might make him snap back to reality.” She sighed. “Nah, the book might be the safer option. I'd say have Hydrangea of Viokii calm him down enough for Scylla to show it to him.”

It seemed like they wouldn't get to the book part, whoever, as something started to appear. “Wild...” She mumbled, hand on her rapier, just in case.

Roguish Charm – Seduction B, Deception B, Persuasion B, Disguise B, Energised B – Character uses their words, disguises and charms to get things done. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown

[Fate Severer] - With the actions of Kalina's quick thinking and bravery, she has been able to change the future for a better one with a Undead Seer's words. This title can be used for Kalina to change the outcome of an event if she is capable of action. (Can only be used once a RP.)
Did Hasufer collect only hot people as followers?

Liu looked away from the cultists behind him and back to the matter at hand, noticing immediately that this demented fellow's tone changed a bit. He cast his unreadable gaze at Kalina. Even through this thing's mortuary haze Kalina's words reached it. He held that gaze for a little while longer and cocked his head toward Iberis' information.

"On second thought,"
he gestured loosely toward Kalina, his hand never reaching above his waist, "I believe you would be an asset in the conversatino if Viokii and I can persuade him to continue--" against the grey-green sky a pillar of light began to waver in the distance. When the object of their stress showed confusion and maybe fear, Liu's back began to hurt.

Mumbling 'ever more danger,' he stepped a little bit in front of Iberis once more and waited. Could it be Hasufer? On the bright side, perhaps this vice-sultan (emhir?) could become the enemy of their enemy. Gently, he notified those around them, "if this newcomer is looking for a fight, I would have no misgivings in assisting Iberis with some mobility while she operates her magic."


A [3/5]

Stats Skills
Strength D (14) Precision A (35) Intelligence A (35) Vitality C (21) Speed - A (35)
  • Regeneration F (7)
  • Navigation D (21)
  • Visual Arts A (42)
  • Darkvision F (racial) (7)
  • Poison Resistance F (racial) (7)
  • Undying(Resilient F) - A general immunity to drowning, starving, dehydration and sleep deprivation--(racial) (7)
  • Fast B (28)
  • Special Movement F (7) - Bone pile: disassemble into a pile of bones and move as such.
  • Magic F (7)
  • [Area Knowledge(Underbelly)]
  • [Alternate Identity E]

Mentions: Iberis TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Scylla RavenSong RavenSong | Viokii Femboy Femboy | Kalina Elvario Elvario

Point Booster: Attentive Student (E)
Equipped Titles: Construct, Otherworlder, Servile, All-Purpose Intelligence, VeeVee, Demon Slayer, Wanted [Demon Cultists]
Character Sheet
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy Elvario Elvario RavenSong RavenSong

Considering past circumstances, and the fact they weren't exactly taking a trip in a friendly neighbourhood, Viokii didn't feel any immediate thoughts to trust Vistele or Svok anytime soon. It wasn't like they had arrived with them, so there wasn't any telling if it was some sort of trick native to the realm or a devised plan via spiteful demons and cultists. She could perhaps work on trying to run some investigation to check for illusionary or transformation effects, but the danger of the stick-wielding stranger was likely a much more problematic threat at the moment.

Though, she had twitched her ears to Kalina and Liu's shared opinion that her and Liu could likely calm him down or keep him talking after Iberis had shared on some potential information. Though Liu could likely do it, there was one questionable feat that at the current time she could not perform.
"I must inform you once more that I have not had the time to translate the languages of this universe, and am unable to communicate with them unless he is still capable of speaking or understanding the Common tongue. That being said, it'd likely be possible assuming User Hydrangea is capable of doing so. Even if he perhaps does not possess all the answers, I can provide him conversational answers to attempt to translate them" Viokii considered as she would also notice the beacon of light. Whilst she had a lot of learning to do about the Second Continent and all of its' realms, some sort of holy beacon of light felt like it probably wasn't natural in some realm of the dead. Either way, Viokii unsheathed her sniper rifle in preparation for whatever may have arrived. It did give her a thought after all.

"I feel like the arrival location of this unknown presence is not an accident, perhaps they are here after this target location for important or potentially dangerous reasons. Understanding their motives, or denying an opposition against our current staff-wielding opposition, may help better calm down the situation or get on better terms. I also considered the possibility of some of the warding sigils having involvement in the confusion, that they may be providing the illusion to him. None of my algorithmic analysis can be considered completely correct, but perhaps he was purposefully trapped here, obscuring his world-view may be to prevent him from performing some sort of task he was attempting to do" Viokii considered, bringing the scope of her sniper to her eye before contemplating for a mere moment and briefly turning her attention to the sigils. If he was from origins that old, how long had he been there? From the sounds of it, he must've been there even before the Sultan had passed. Politics had a lot of drama, it was even harder to say for weird fantasy worlds.

"If one can translate or communicate it, it may be a good idea to ask questions about how long he has been at this very location, or the simpler things he has been doing. Perhaps it might make casual conversation that will calm him, but there is an off-chance that through conversating about his own recent actions, he can be convinced to come to his own realisation of his false reality" Viokii considered, turning her attention to the mysterious figure from the beam of light. Hopefully it'd shed some light on the situation, metaphorically speaking.

1. Try to better analyse the situation and assist with coming up with a plan.
Viokii is Talking - Business (F), Leadership (F), Investigation (F), Energized (F) - Viokii is always trying to learn and get progressive communication and interactions done. Hopefully they go better and she learns a thing or two - Grade Fe - 0 Post Cooldown
2. On the off-chance of encountering an armoured/robed/obscured stranger, to be able to identify their appearance with Supersense (X-Ray Vision)(E) + Energized (E).​
Katja Galinka
languages: common, Latin

That the entrance to this not evil monster sanctuary was a runes circle in the forest with a book in the center was oddly more mundane than she expected. she had half expected it to be some glowing portal in a half forgotten dungeon because well, monsters were hunted so it felt like they needed a more secret way of getting in. Still perhaps things not being monster looking had played well to the hiding of this area. Kalina had gone ahead and told Katja to wait a bit to head in. Katja assumed that was to explain things to the others given she was just a plain human and not at all near evil. She was not even wearing her old outfit, which she had ended up keeping as Kalina seemed to like her in it, but it was nice to not be seen instantly as something she wasn't. It was similar but nothing like the monsters as she respected nuns and thus didn't like accidently impersonating one even if people seemed to think it fit her. Katja waited awhile then entered the circle and opened the book entering the pocket dimension.

when katja appeared it seemed that no one was aware that someone new was coming even if Kalina was right there even she seemed ready for battle. Had she forgotten about Katja waiting outside. Well that was one way to treat your lover if instead of worry about them you were ready to attack what may have attacked them. Katja looked about looking over the people here mostly looked rather normal though there was a couple of skeletons and a robot? A robot with.... assets that made Katja seems small, Katja guessed it was good her spine was likely metal.

" Did you forget i was outside Kalina you said you would explain things" Katja said zeroing in one the half vampire as the one at fault but not really blaming her. " Well minor mistakes aside it is nice to meet you all I am Katja Galinka , Kalina invited me to your coven " She said as friendly as could be one could almost see the halo of kindness around her.
Location: ???, Oll’s End

Time: ???

Mentions: Elvario Elvario RavenSong RavenSong Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy Karcen Karcen Femboy Femboy

Iberis Odhir

Iberis blushed a bit when Scylla told her they were the most beautiful there. “You..really think I’m pretty?” She’d ask innocently enough.


Svok looked over at Scylla and smirked.

“Tch, yeah don’t worry she doesn’t have anything on your beauty madam.” He’d give her a wink, assuming a combat ready stance, sounding and looking quite confident overall.

Iberis nodded when Scylla reiterated they probably shouldn't be threatening the guy if they were trying to talk some sense into him.

Svok looked to her and gave a thumbs up, “Like I plan on getting killed, just cause I gotta admit you’re all strong doesn’t mean I don’t have my own abilities to show off..”

Iberis looked back to Scylla and nodded, ‘uh, right, let’s hope whatever is appearing isn’t an enemy and..try to get the truth out to this..court member.”


“I don’t know how much you know about demons my lady, but some of them have the most strange abilities, some of them knowing how to make contracts with mortals giving them great powers in exchange for loyalty, but now that he’s been killed it’s hardly enforceable unless he were to rise back from the grave, but I’m assuming that my compatriots were being honest in spreading what type of retaliation will meet them if they do not comply with your warning..”

“Of course this was not the only way the demon secured loyalty, being so old he had acquired a large amount of wealth and powerful magical items to bestow upon his followers for being devout, something to earn their loyalty further…there were many methods, Regardless, I look forward to seeing and assisting in this base of operation being established~” She’d add with a smile.

“Thank you for the compliment..I appreciate it Lady Chivernu, I do believe that I’ll find greater use along side you and your allies~”

Svok looked to Kalina and grinned. “Glad to hear you think so, cause even if you think I’m easy on the eyes, I won’t be easy on our enemies..”

Iberis was a bit surprised to hear Kalina call her that again as it’d been awhile but she lit up some, feeling her feel her sort of semi sheep hair,

“A queen? That’s a thought..I don’t think it’s going to shape up to being a democracy anyway..Not when you have to rule a place like this..” She’d add with a nod.

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“#Very well, but I’m waiting!#”

It seemed Kalina’s ability placated the skeleton for the time being, plus it’s attention was split on whoever the new comer was.

“Oh yeah the book!” Iberis exclaimed excitedly as the thought came to her. “Great idea Kali! Okay yeah, let’s have them try to have him chill out and then you can show him the book Scylla, if he’s anything like the others we’ve met it might jog his memory!”

“Keeping fate severing for a last resort…sounds like a good idea to me, it’s a..valuable ability which we may want to keep in the pocket until we secure the building successfully..”

“Thanks for the possible assist Liu, if thinks get ugly it’d be appreciated, means I could just focus on casting and hitting my targets instead of worrying about where I need to move if you have that much handled..”

Iberis also listened to Viokii

“I think he can understand other languages.? Just for some reason he’s only speaking abyssal or ignoring others?..right then lets get someone who can speak Abyssal translating for you Viokii then, I think you’ll be an asset in this conversation with your comprehensive social abilities.”

She then listened to the analysis, Her eyes lighting up “I hadn’t considered that Viokii!”

“What if the wards are contributing to his current status? What if he didn’t put those wards there at all like you’re saying but someone else did, I agree we need to find out how long he’s been there, as presumably he’d been guarding the same spot..based on the translations I heard at least..you’re really good at thinking about possibilities Viokii! Thanks for the assistance, I really appreciate it.” She’d say with a soft smile toward the construct.

"I'd try appraising the wards right now to see if I Could learn some more to confirm or deny your thoughts but I don't want to upset him if he can tell that I'm trying to use magic.., maybe after he's calmed down some."

“I say with this upcoming dialogue attempt we try some of what Viokii’s saying, let’s ask how long, why is he there, and where he’s guarding, if he says things that aren’t remotely related to this area but old Ryke we’ll have a good idea if he’s under an illusion or not, and if he was trying to do something before getting stuck here or not, all of this information might help us explain to him what’s been going on..and get his mind free.”

Viokii’s ability was effective in helping to plan.

Her follow up ability observing the figure who was revealing would reveal a humanoid youthful woman, giving off a typical heat signature for a human being, showing normal skeleton with the x-ray vision.

The figure who appeared in the showing of light was none other than Katja Galinka making a cinematic entrance.

“Katja?..Is this true Kalina? You invited her to join the coven?” She’d ask, “If you trust her..then I’m inclined to do so too..Viokii do you know her too then?”

“I’m Iberis Odhir Katja, nice to meet you! Since you’re here and want to join, can you speak Abyssal or do you have a way of translating it? We’re trying to get our robed friend here to see the fact that he isn’t back in Ryke but he’s in Oll’s End.”
She’d give Katja the quick rundown of what was going on.

“#WHO Is this?!#” The skeleton called out pointing his staff over to Katja.
Kalina Chivernu

Languages: {Sylvan} | Common | #Abyssal#
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Fei Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy | Scylla RavenSong RavenSong | Karcen Karcen Femboy Femboy

“Hmmm?” She was a tad surprised to hear Liu change his mind. “Sure?” She replied, not sure what brought that on, but he wasn't exactly wrong. “I still think showing him Scylla's book would suffice.”

She chuckled at what Hydrangea said next. “I can attest, he's pretty good at private transport.” He'd managed to carry her out of trouble back in the Underbelly as well, after all.

“Right.” She'd reply on Viokii mentioning she didn't speak Abyssal. “I can teach you later, if you want, but for now relying on a translator would probably be the best.”

Kalina thought a bit about what Vistele said. “Well, I'm not sure how much of approach I like, but getting wealthy and sharing it with those smart enough to follow me sure sounds fun~” That was a bit she could get into. “Yeah, I got faith this'll be good.” She'd nod.

As for Iberis, she'd chuckle. “Indeed. Sounds like you're already got the way of thinking needed for the job~” She'd honestly not even mind making Ibby queen of this realm. Mostly as she knew she'd secure herself and all the lovely folk she'd pick up along the way an amazing hang-out spot in turn.

As for the last resort, she agreed. “Yeah, if possible, I'd rather not use it altogether. It doesn't bring up the best memories, but as a last resort, it could become crucial.” She'd admit.

The topic of wards between Viokii and Iberis went a bit above her head, so she'd just nod. If they needed her to destroy some things, they'd tell her sooner or later regardless.

Luckily enough, the one that ended up popping up was a familiar face. One of those lovely folk she'd picked up. “Katja!” She'd call out, a tad surprised. “With how it took, I honestly didn't think you'd still be able to make it.” She replied to her forgetting. Fuck the timeline. “Although I'm glad you did!”

She turned to Iberis. “Yep, it's true! She pretty much ended up saving my half-a-life a bit ago, so I owe her one.” She'd turn to Scylla next. “Right, I also wanted badly to introduce her to you! I did say I'd share any good ones, no? I can confirm. She's among the best~” She'd state to Scylla with a wink. Hopefully that wouldn't get awkward.

“Anyhow, Katja, these are Iberis, the future queen of this realm, currently in charge of our endeavours here, the cuddliest witch and utterly adorable. That's Viokii, the most fun construct I've ever met, you should ask her to treat and address you in a certain manner and she'll have her protocols ready for it, it's great. She's also pretty warm. Then that's Hydrangea. Pretty fast and clever. These are Vistele and Svok, some of the cultists that were after us that we managed to convince to change over and join the clearly superior side. Clearly they're also the most handsome and the prettiest one by far, other than being clever enough to figure out whom to serve.”

She'd grab Katja's hand in one, then Scylla's hand with her other, to pull the two closer. “Then this is my love, Scylla. An utmost amazing witch, great fun to be around, someone that can really help lift your spirits, really talented, intoxicating sweet-tasting and someone I'd share everything with. So I'm really hoping you'll get along~” There was almost a plea in that last bit.

With that out of the way, she recalled the skeleton was still around. “#Ah, don't mind her. She's just a lover of mine~ Come to think of it. Did you ever have one? Aren't you lonely here? How long and why have you even been here, guarding this thing?#” She felt pretty happy about that transition. Pretty smooth, no? At the very least, there was some serious [Roguish Charm] involved.

Roguish Charm – Seduction B, Deception B, Persuasion B, Disguise B, Energised B – Character uses their words, disguises and charms to get things done. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown

"Huh?" Scylla replied a bit at the response she didn't expect from Iberis. Then holding up the witches chin she continued. "Yes, I find you absolutely gorgeous. You know what? How about you and me have a tea date sometime? Maybe you can tell me everything there is to know about you?" Then gently letting her go, "It's not an optional date either, so you can't get out of it."

Shortly after turning back around to speak with the others Svok decided to chime in on the flirtatious happenings. "I-i.. d-don't allow such kind of talk.. i'm.." she couldn't help but blush, but she did everything she could to remain composed. Especially after a suggestive wink. "..I'm not flattered. Not one bit, so.. mind your tongue." Scylla could feel her half demonic heart about to burst through her chest and give him a kiss. But before things couldn't get worse, they did, as Kalina chimed in. To which Scylla giggled with a tone of being nervous, and anxious. "Teheheh! Yep! Definitely a g- no.. not a good one. We both desire power over everything, such things are merely distractions."

Fiends help me, I feel.. something.. for this servant! I hate him. I hate him. He must die lest I fall for his handsome face! She thought to herself behind her failing facade. It was now she wished she had split personality again, Velvet her other half would have never allowed such debaucherous behavior.


As both Svok and Scylla stood ready to strike at whatever was behind the portal they were quite surprised to see what, or more like who appeared before them. "Who.. is that?" Scylla wondered. "Huh?" She tilted her head a bit with confusion when mentioning Katja. "I.. see." She muttered before going on a long introduction to everyone in the group. Scylla followed close behind Katja however, looking her up and down. Occasionally appearing right next to her face, her stern blue orbs looking at this new lady. "Hm." She hummed in thought. It was here she went up to Svok, then whispering to him, "What do you think about this girl?" Scylla would listen intently before she felt a familiar touch. "Oh?" She gasped softly, being slowly pulled towards Kalina and the one Katja. After telling the long list of compliments, Scylla couldnt help but chuckle. "I have my moments though, I can be downright bad." Another chuckle before looking across for Kalina at Katja. "Hello there!" The witch greeted charmingly. "My name is Scylla, Scylla Bancroft. I experiment with spells of elemental nature, but recently have found myself dabbling in mystic arts of a more.. infernal nature. I'm also royalty of a hellish place but.. maybe we'll talk about that later? You're.. kinda cute."

Turning to Iberis and Kalina about the Almanac of the Dead the witch thought for a bit. "Book.. what book?" Then her eyes lit up a bit. "Oh! THAT book." She giggled. "I think I lost it." She shrugged. But then started to look through her bag. "Wait. Maybe not.." she'd mumble all sorts of alchemical words and crude vialed ingredients until finally. "Ah ha!" She exclaimed. "Here it is!" It appeared the book was repaired. "I sort of took it upon myself to fix it up a bit. I got tired of picking up pages all day long. Anyway, while you all figure out how to speak with him, I'll go ahead." Then looking at the lich, she'd approach him with the book in her hands. "I'm not sure if you can understand me, but this is the Almanac of the Dead. Although I might not understand you, this book, crafted within this plane certainly will." Without another word Scylla opened the pages to the book and set it down on the ground before the lich taking a few steps back. The books pages flipped back and forth as if a gusty wind was blowing them to and fro, but there wasn't even a breeze.

Walking back to Svok, she muttered. "Hmph. I sure hope something good comes of this. I'm getting impatient with this insolent corpse. Be ready, there's no telling what he will see. If it totally destroys his ability to reason due to ill news he might make the first strike due to.. well.. emotions."
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Point Booster: Attentive Student (E)
Equipped Titles: Construct, Otherworlder, Servile, All-Purpose Intelligence, VeeVee, Demon Slayer, Wanted [Demon Cultists]
Character Sheet
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy Elvario Elvario RavenSong RavenSong Karcen Karcen

Giving her attention to Iberis mentioning that there was an off-chance he could understand languages outside of Abyssal, it only made the construct consider the logical implications behind doing so. Since his status was questionable, perhaps he didn't actually know that he knew the Abyssal tongue or that he was speaking it.
"If they are so convinced they are from Ryke, then it is a mystery why they would not speak Common or Terran as their preferred language. It still takes thought and active input to actively speak in a specific language, and they should likely be speaking the former if they were only experiencing illusionary reality. Whether it be by the wards, cranium damage, or an inflicted curse, I'd suppose the facts likely point to either a mind-control type infliction or, what may seem more likely, a 'slumber-like' stasis where the mind of the individual isn't entirely conscious at the moment. If these are true, then if getting them to come to their own realisation doesn't work, we will have to find a way to forcefully wake them" Viokii considered over the matter, there were usually a ton of different considerations or possibilities one could draw from even the most minor details of surroundings or a scenario. Though for now, her ears twitched at Kalina's offer to teach her Abyssal.

"It would be appreciated at a later time, although I'd still find it possible to understand the native languages on my own if there isn't the time" the construct nodded, keeping an eye on who their mystery arrival was. Though, when it had come to be Katja whom her and Kalina had apparently met before. She briefly hesitated in thought, thinking on something as she heard Iberis.
"No, I have not yet met them" Viokii briefly answered. Viokii was cautious of illusionary practices just prior, but now she was beginning to question just possibly how much could be real or fake. She hadn't much, in fact any, prep time at all to specifically researching the realm of the dead that they were in, that she was rather concerned the possibilities of how common certain magical practices were. She hadn't even figured if Svok or Vistele were trustable yet, and now another had suddenly appeared to join them? With certain individuals like the skeletons they encountered prior, and the staff-wielding one they had encountered now, it felt like some of her companions were willing to engage in combat for a first choice before it was logically decided to try and talk it out even though they were untrustworthy... but now why did it feel like that anyone with a suit of skin on their bones was instantly a-ok?

Scylla and Kalina did go off on their own for a little while earlier, who was to say that they're not here right now? Maybe none of anything here is real, maybe it was only her experiencing an illusionary simulation the moment she got teleported into this realm.
Whilst the construct was busy having essentially a mental breakdown with the stimulation overload that was going on in her processing algorithms, she came back to awareness once Kalina had spoken her name in introduction. Giving an incredibly distrusting stare in the direction of the vampiric woman, Viokii was still comtemplating who or what was real only to be met with the overly organic-being behaviour they they were doing, of course that's what they'd be doing during a time like this. Then again, if it wasn't for that kind of behaviour... or more rather, Viokii was constructed with a female exterior, Viokii's consciousness would probably be scrapped or melted into nothing in the depths of the Underbelly by now having not been given assistance. Whether anything is real or not, it'd probably be best to stay on alert and pay attention for now whilst playing along.

"Greetings, I am Viokii, an AI servitude construct, though it does not feel the time and place for introductions... or organic being behavioural distractions for that matter. While our situation is untrustworthy, such contact and intimacy is not convenient for the scenario" she'd remind the three, considering it was kind of actions that caused failure in sentient organic beings at such crucial times. Some people just really didn't know how to focus. Turning to Liu, she spoke to him.

"User Liu, may I ask of you to translate some questions upon my part? It would prove useful to ask him such details for 'have you seen anyone else arrive or depart, specifically in places such as this' since it's not obvious how his illusion works or where or how he is viewing us. Perhaps he knows of anyone else who has passed by. Other good questions could be 'how is your day going, may I ask what you are doing today?' or 'What have you been up to the last few days' for other answers. He seems convinced he holds power, perhaps you could convince him to display or use it at a location such as the wards to see if he would do it. Maybe he doesn't know the wards are there, asking him to display his power and break his own wards would be easier than convincing him to try and leave them" Viokii suggested to Fei Liu, since he'd likely not be distracted as much like the others... assuming that he did speak Abyssal, though since he understood the Staff-wielder earlier it felt like it was possible.

Well, assuming this was the real Fei Liu and he wasn't some illusion. Viokii still wasn't convinced if anything was real right now.

1. Try to cooperate with Hydrangea/Fei Liu to help progress the situation. Viokii is Talking - Business (F), Leadership (F), Investigation (F), Energized (F) - Viokii is always trying to learn and get progressive communication and interactions done. Hopefully they go better and she learns a thing or two - Grade Fe - 0 Post Cooldown​
Liu bowed just a little to Viokii's request and patted their shoulder twice. He let out a vestigial sigh when this unknown figure proved familiar. He wished silently they would let him live the following down.

Stepping forward quickly so as to waste no more time, he shouted, "#this servant begs your forgiveness!" and he bowed.

Continuing, he relayed, "#we know not where we have come. Can you tell us where my lord and her retinue have arrived to? Have you seen any others travel through? This person," he gestures to their newcomer "has returned to us from a diversion. Could your grace find mercy to enlighten us to your titles and tasks so we may properly grant you honor?#"

With that he prostrated and placed his forehead to the ground. Quietly to Viokii he added, "I will ask about the wards in a moment."
Location: ???, Oll’s End

Time: ???

Mentions: Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy Femboy Femboy RavenSong RavenSong Elvario Elvario Karcen Karcen

Iberis Odhir

Iberis smiled, “Course he is, he’s been a great help since he joined up with me.” She’d add positively about the skeleton to Kalina.

“It’d be really helpful if you could teach me later too, given the types of denizens I’ll be..socializing with, that way Fei doesn’t have to work overtime on translating all the time..really anyone helping with that would be appreciated.”


“I mean I didn’t necessarily take you for one whose fond of demons..but your company of choice suggests otherwise.. Not that I mind my lady, after all as you’re aware I’ve had my fair share of dealings with demons.”

She’d giggle a bit with her playful tone.

“I’m certain you’ll come to find you have you own methods then, take what seems fun from his..and adapt, you certainly strike me as that kind of person.”

“Ah, you really think so? Thanks Kali!” Iberis replied with a smile, feeling reassured.

Before nodding more seriously at the fate severer comment.

Iberis’ eyes lit up once more when Viokii extrapolated more information and explained.

“Another possibility which I probably wouldn’t have considered if you weren’t here Viokii, that’s brilliant! And it sounds like based on what you’re saying there might be a really good chance that he isn’t fully conscious, maybe his mind is thinking that he’s in Ryke and it’s what he’s seeing but the rest of him is conforming to whatever influence he’s under currently…awake but yet mentally not awake at the same time…”

“Do you have any suggestions for how to break through that kind of manipulation quickly and efficiently? I guess we’ll try the book method first but if we can just get him into a less aggravated state I’ll try appraising those wards..and see if we can’t work through it to counter if it’s true that they’re causing this in part…”

Iberis nodded when Viokii said she had not met the new comer. “Right..I mean I tend to trust Kalina on who she thinks is good..but between you and me..” She’d lean into the construct and speak more softly,

“Keep an eye on those cultists…just because they’re kind and pretty doesn’t mean that they have our best interests in mind..” Iberis being considerably less Naive than she used to be after the betrayal of Renee certainly came in handy at times.

Iberis then turned back to Kalina, “oh that right? Well thanks a lot then Katja! Anyone whose helped Kalina that profoundly definitely has my thanks!”

She smiled a bit at the run down of the group to the not nun, and nodded along, however her eyes went to the staff skeleton, trying to see what he was doing or not doing.


Svok flexed a bit with a confident smirk after being introduced while keeping his eyes forward.

Screenshot 2024-11-06 033540-1-1.png
The court staff skeleton looked back to Kalina, “#But I Sense she worships a god not of Ryke!"

However her follow up question seemed to catch the skeleton completely off guard, “#What is the meaning of this question? If you must know I had a wife! I am not lonely I have a whole nation to serve and court to collaborate with, If you haven't noticed I am a very important person!#”

The skeleton sounded sort of indignant at these questions.

“#I have been overseeing the safety and sanctity of the Taaj Temple since my post here!#"

For anyone who knew anything about the church’s presence in the capital, they’d know what that the Taaj temple no longer existed and had since been upgraded into the Taaj Undecim Temple many year ago.

“#And you still haven’t justified why you believe this “iberis” is befitting to rule! Instead of my great leader! Those kind of words can get a hand removed if you aren’t careful! You’re lucky i can tell that you aren’t from around here!#”

Surprisingly the Skeleton seemed a bit more rational and ‘themselves’ perhaps as time went on with the use of the abilities. Kalina’s very high grade social ability was also continuing to put in the work with the court skeleton.

Iberis then heard Viokii ask if Liu could ask all the questions she was. “Yeah all of those sound like good questions.”

Meanwhile Svok had been enjoying the flusteredness which he had caused Scylla, “Right of course, apologies..” Though he didn’t sound very apologetic at all, instead chuckling some suggestively.

At the appearance, Svok looked confused, standing by and listening to Scylla, looking at the not nut combat ready, until he relaxed a bit, looking back to the Skeleton while listening to them.

When Scylla asked him what he thought he’d respond honestly and quietly, “Kinda cute I guess, but I think pile of bones up there is saying he senses she’s devout to some other god or something if that's true don't know if she's on the market."

Iberis nodded, seeing the book, “Yeah that book!”

By the time Scylla got back and talked to Svok,

Svok chuckled again a bit, “Yeah all this lack of my fist connecting with things is getting kinda tiring..we’d already be in there claiming the base if this guy wasn’t still here..hope that all this talking ends up being worth something.”

After Scylla explained and laid the book out, the skeleton recoiled, “#How did you get that book?! Auldlich was studying that book! Did you take it? Or perhaps you were one of his students..but he didn’t tell me he was taking on more people…#” When the pages moved the one holding the staff calmed down a bit,

“#So you are studying it with him..you should have told me that first girl, but quick hide it away..no one must learn of what we know..#” He spoke more seriously, looking around seriously as if they were really nearby the temple in public.

The skeleton then turned to Liu,

“#What lord do you speak of, the sultan? He is in his palace nearby! He was here only days ago! I have seen plenty come here for prayer in the last couple of weeks! Of all different races! That is part of what makes Ryke so amazing..so different.#”

“#Tch, none of you are from around here then! Are you? If you don’t know who I am? I am your Reverend Saag Badir One of the Court Archbishops of the Church of Ryke!” There are few in Ryke who do not know who I am, are you even from this great nation?!#”

"#You can show me respect by paying tribute to the temple! and honoring the gods!#"
He'd gesture his staff down toward the very building that Iberis had been trying to get into, this might provide an opportunity for someone to finally walk through if they had the map which Liu had made.

While Iberis listened confused as to what was being said even, suddenly she felt a chill come over her spine..much like that last time that her ‘curse Affinity F’ had been triggered…everything started to feel colder, in fact for everyone in the group They’d feel an unnatural chill reach their core, with the exception of Liu and Viokii.

For Kalina and Scylla it would be a familiar chill. The very same one felt when they had been with Renee and encountered those shadowy beasties.

“Hey..do you think we could hurry up and get to the part about the wards so we can hopefully get into the building? I think somethings coming toward us, that light beacon..maybe wasn’t the most ideal entrance for staying discreet..the sooner we get the done the better." Iberis said a bit nervous sounding.

“Looks like we might be getting a fight soon with all this talking…I had a bad feeling it wasn’t a great idea to be out in the open here for so long..we might need to get ready to fight..”

Iberis gestured with her staff in the distance, a dark strange..smoggy cloud like mass starting to appear in the far distance from them.
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Katja Galinka
languages: common, Latin

Katja really had not clue what was going on outside of kalina introducing her fully to scyilla who Kayja was a little confused on. Studying the infernal? Royalty of a hellish place? Who in their right mind wanted to study hell outside of how best to avoid it. The idea it was organized was also a bit odd as while some beilived it eternal others said it was transitory. Katja was with the latter which had become the dominant belief in her world. Though that was mostly after the labyrinth emerged and hel was brought to earth. Still he'll was a place of punishment and reformation to cleanse one of darkness through sadly painful methods.

The machine Voikii also stood out because of one word A.I., that was not something dhe expected. Looking more at the voluptuous machine and fully realized she looked out of place. She looked like the pre labyrinth depictions of future robots. Artifical Intelligence has been some goal before the end and they had never managed it. Katja would expect any thing like her to be a golem made in some fantastical human style not like a computer. Was she from another world like Katja herself?

Still she had to agree now was not the time for flirting or anything with the staff weilding skeleton saying something. The language was apprently abyssal and Katja had zero clue about it. Still the skeleton brought back unpleasant memories that had lead to better ones.

" The only other language I speak is Latin and I doubt he wants to hear any hymns " katja said not sure why but the skeleton focused on her and she felt something from it, but whatever it was, was fleeting as a stark cold fell over her. " Also this might sound strange but is that skeleton a priest? I encountered one not long ago and I am getting similar feelings. " katjas asked trying to figure out what she had wandered into.
Kalina Chivernu

Languages: {Sylvan} | Common | #Abyssal#
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Fei Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy | Scylla RavenSong RavenSong | Karcen Karcen Femboy Femboy

When Scylla started to nervously giggle, Kalina's inner [monster] couldn't help making use of the opportunity. “We can take some breaks later... Be sure to reserve me a front-row seat if you're going to bring him into a break though... In fact, I'd like to take my front-row seat... Right. About. Here.” She'd state, as she'd push her finger onto Scylla's lips. Scylla could figure out what that did or didn't imply on her own. That said, she was right on one thing. “Though for now, you are correct. Enough with falling for the distractions.”

Well, it seemed like the introduction between Katja and Scylla didn't immediately set them all on fire. That was a win for sure. “Isn't she?” She'd back up the idea of Katja being cute. As for Scylla's book, she had a desire to facepalm hard upon hearing it might be lost. Luckily enough, things didn't turn out to actually be that level of bad.

“Great~ Sounds like I'll be giving you both Abyssal language lessons soon~” She chuckled. “Here's an easy one.” She continued. “#Wow, you look hot.#” She stated. “That's how you greet someone when you want to become friends with them~” She stated, not wanting to let this opportunity go to wast.

Vistele made her wonder. “Hmm... I can be fond of almost everyone. More easily so if they're pleasant or the eyes or into donating some good food to me~” She'd give a suggestive wink at the latter bit. In case Vistele wanted to butter up even more later. “Making friends does end up more fun than making enemies or leaving lots of corpses, most of the time.” The last bit was probably just her traumatically lonely existence before this speaking. Which was probably also why she was so easily distracted by folk being nice or flirty... or easy to tease. Then again she was a [Charismatic Rogue] for a reason.

“Seems the Skeleton is worried about who you worship.” She'd translate for Katja. “#Seems so, but worry not, it shouldn't be an issue.#” She'd add, being honest yet making sure to keep the Skeleton chill. Or trying to do so, at least.

“Seems he had a wife and claims to be very important. Overseeing the safety and sanctity of the Taaj Temple.” Taaj Temple? “#That does sound really noble and cool!#” She'd reply with some more [Roguish Charm], glad to have gotten him to talk a lot. “Seems like he might've been a priest or bishop, yeah.” She'd answer Katja.

“#Eh, it'll hurt a bit, but a single hand will grow back in no-time~#” She couldn't help replying to the thread of having her hand removed. “#Don't worry though, my companions and I are working on making sure how to explain it all to you!#” She'd add.

“Oh, wow, Scylla, Iberis, he knows the book and he knows Auldlich!” She was surprised at that. “#Yeah, we met Auldlich! Althoguh if anyone is his student it's Iberis.#” She'd turn to Iberis. “Seems like he was on good enough terms with Auldlich, maybe you can show him what he grafted onto you as proof?” She'd suggest.

The next bits confused her, so she left it for Liu to make sense of them and translate them. Then there was this awful feeling... “Ugh...” She groaned. Annoyed. She shivered. “As I don't get cold enough already without this stuff...” She disliked the cold. It didn't exactly bring back up the fondest of memories either.

“I'm sorry love, I'm afraid I'm rather lost on the wards.” She had to admit to Iberis, as she'd assumed someone else was taking care of that and hadn't paid any attention to it. As for a fight appearing, she'd nod. “If needed, I'll hold off whatever it is to buy all of you some time. I feel like I've just about perfected my skills after that last battle. More so than ever, at least.” She'd flash a confident enough smile as she'd head a bit further towards whatever was coming at them, so that it'd reach her before it'd get to any of the others.

Roguish Charm – Seduction B, Deception B, Persuasion B, Disguise B, Energised B – Character uses their words, disguises and charms to get things done. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown
Raising his head and hands, he proclaimed, "#magnanimity abounds in you great archdeacon, favored of the gods!#" He paused for a moment and gave himself some time to think.

"Er..." he turned back to Iberis, "as she says, this is an Archbishop of the church of Ryke. He bids us pay respect in the temple. I believe Kalina is getting through. I will keep flattering him and see if he may let us through. If he does not compromise, I will help guide you through these glyphs with Viokii."

He turned back to the archbishop, "#your holiness, great... lion of mercy, your vast knowledge does not betray yo- thee! I-- this low servant life-bound to my lady Iberis returning home through a great span of time to this bastion of sapience, favored by the gods --#" he turned and saw the dark cloud, hurrying his groveling, "#Indeed she learns from the peerless sage Auldlich. Please lift your unbeatable defense so we can discuss the situation and sacrifice to the gods.#"


Point Booster: Attentive Student (E)
Equipped Titles: Construct, Otherworlder, Servile, All-Purpose Intelligence, VeeVee, Demon Slayer, Wanted [Demon Cultists]
Character Sheet
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Elvario Elvario Karcen Karcen RavenSong RavenSong Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy

Although Liu's commitment wasn't asked of, it was a generous and supportive act to perform in order to better the success of the task at hand. Giving him a small nod in response to his patience for working on the matter, she softly answered him in a quiet voice in return.
"I am thankful for your efforts, User Liu" the construct would briefly comment, her ears twitching as she heard the first given teachings of Abyssal via Kalina. Giving the vampire a quick glance, the robot commented on it.

"Untranslated sentences and definitions for a general sphere of meaning are not very convenient for understanding new languages. Attempted Charades would prove more reliable and effective. I have calculated this." Viokii mentioned, not sure if now was the time to be taking undefined and unproven teachings from someone more enthralled with the men and women around them rather than the Realm of Death around them.

Trying to focus on how to break such a manipulation she conceived, she lightly tapped her chin.
"According to given research and knowledge, it would prove very difficult to create an indefinite curse as such. It would most likely be caused by an external source, such as objects causing it. These may be the wards or other nearby item, or even something upon his person that is cursed such as his clothes or staff. If he is directly cursed himself, we would need likely a counterspell to counteract it. Unless we can rid of whatever is cursing him, the only obvious 'counterspell' we may have in our possession might be if he could be convinced to cast one upon himself. There is a possibility that healing capabilities may function in the same manner, though that would depend on the affliction methodology of the curse's mana-based being... on that thought... " Viokii explained, taking a look at the skeletal stranger for a moment in thought.

"If I had to take an algorithmically-produced hypothesis, there are two separate ward types as I and User Liu had noticed prior. I'd believe one type is the protective wards that keep things out, and him in. The other type must be the reality simulation. I'd guess that what is directly cursing him is something that, albeit all of my knowledge may be incorrect, he would be convinced is necessary in order to keep him from indirectly freeing himself from his curse. There is a likelihood that his staff in itself is causing him this curse, and that not simply taking it but breaking it would be the best cause of action... as for a full plan... " Viokii tried to contemplate, only for her attention to be taken by what Iberis had gestured to with her staff. The dark sight looming in the distance could only convince the bot that they were heavily time constrained... which honestly made the bot question how Katja entered the Realm of the Dead without the Book of the Dead, but evident proof for everything being fake later, something had to be done soon.

As Liu was continuing his self-detriment for the sake of the mission, Viokii tried to process some course of action here. She tried to run possibilities quickly through her mind to see if anything stuck as a plausible idea, although with such a lack of definitive answers, the construct was truly gambling with fate. Viokii muttered aloud softly as she tried to rush through thoughts.

"- External opposition, large-scale presence, unknown -"
"- Curse application aura or focused undefined, past identity -"
"- Structural integrity visibly higher, interior quality undetermined -"
"- Mind control possibility; lower percentile. -"
"- Improvisation algorithm; remodel scenario; repurpose props- "

Viokii looked to the wards, before to the others.
"It is up to those who are willing to listen, but I have a conceptualised plan. Liu, warn him of an approaching evil force that we have arrived to quickly deal with and deny it before it causes catastrophic damage to his fellow people and land. We need to let him know we are planning to enter his territory, and for an important reason. Scylla, Iberis, Katja, Vistele, Svok, there are warding sigils around the perimeter of this location in a checkerboard pattern creating a barrier bubble that will destroy anything that passes through it. Svok, Vistele, and Katja, watch your step and eliminate as minimal of these sigils as possible with the least amount of tampering necessary. Trying to disconnect or alter their configuration to disrupt their functionality is preferred, we are going to reconstruct them once we breach. Important reminder to test the barrier with rocks or thrown objects as to not obliterate yourself or allies in the process. Iberis, Scylla, please make haste to study and appraise the sigils, I'd assume you both possess the talent and capability of doing so. Once we have successfully breached, I'd ask of you two to be able to reconstruct and reactivate the sigils deactivated by the other three" Viokii instructed as she looked to Liu and Kalina.

"Kalina, I need you at a suitable distance between our location and our approaching matter, you need not single-handedly defeat it but serve as distraction and hinderance. Liu, I need you on standby to make sure everyone is within the barrier before it is reactivated. If we are ready to close it, I would ask you attempt to assist in retrieving Kalina here, for you are the fastest member we possess"

"If we must need a fall-back, we will hold the line here. We shall attempt to convince the staff-wielder to assist us in defending from the foe. Scylla, Iberis, if the barrier is prepared to be reactivated, I encourage use of any long-ranged magic attacks in order to slow the target's approach whilst Kalina and/or Liu returns. I will assist with sigil deactivation and reactivation, and serve as replacement if she needs to be returned prematurely. I believe this plan is efficiently capable. If we get cursed from reactivating the barrier whilst inside, the curse explanation is too long, but worst-case scenario would involve Kalina and Scylla indirectly killing all opposition and destroying the curse for everyone" Viokii eventually finished, looking to Kalina.

"If you need to return or it is too dangerous, I will risk your place. I am not as capable as you in combat, but my sentient conscience and 'life' is worth naught compared to the mortal life I was constructed to serve. If I must suffer, deteriorate or encounter a fatal occurrence, you will all have enough time to understand and solve the situation, and should succeed without me. If we do not figure out a functioning barrier now, this desired base location will remain unsafe and unprotected" Viokii answered, hoping that people could get her long-winded instructions. People usually didn't, or didn't listen, but hopefully someone like Iberis could get them paying attention if they didn't understand.

"My plan however, is MERELY A SUGGESTION in support to the situation, and nobody has to participate if unwanting. If anyone else has any other ideas, you are free to suggest" Viokii emphasised, not wanting to force anyone to do anything they didn't want to, but someone had to suggest something.

1. To plan and give orders.
Viokii is Talking - Business (F), Leadership (F), Investigation (F), Energized (F) - Viokii is always trying to learn and get progressive communication and interactions done. Hopefully they go better and she learns a thing or two - Grade Fe - 0 Post Cooldown
2. Spawn Mini Units to investigate the sigils in deactivation and reconstruction later (5 Minibits, possessing Appraisal (F) and Domestic Arts (F). Command Unit - Minions (F)(Minibots), Steady Hands (F), Leadership (F), Energized (F) - Viokii spawns (or continues to maintain the existence of) up to five 'Minibots' (Character-controlled) that follow and perform simple commands. The minions destroy once the Post Duration ends (lasts 1 Post without Spell Duration), unless used in succession. - Grade Fe - 0 Post Cooldown
3. Calculate on the Warding Sigils to study them. Calculate - Appraisal (E), Business (F), Leadership (F), Investigation (F), Energized (E) - Visually identify and look over someone or something to identify skills, uses and important details about someone or something - Grade Ee - 0 Post Cooldown​

Upon hearing Kalinas translation the witch nodded. "Well that's just delightful." Rolling her eyes a bit before recovering her book. She did notice the lich a bit uncomfortable however she could only speculate.

Placing the book in her bag she suddenly felt a presence. A dreadful feeling. It was familiar, it almost reminded her of when she used to be with Renee. She'd suddenly pull her wand out. "Svok. On guard." Being magic sensitive she could sense in which direction the feeling was coming from and pointed her wand in such direction. Addressing the rest of the group she bitterly and worriedly spoke, "Whatever it is we must do we best get on with it." This presence was powerful, it would certainly take everything her and Kalina had.

She'd listen to Viokiis plan, she seemed to be one of the few not distracted by certain 'happenings' not that she herself wasn't. This dread, the chill in her bones made her uneasy. She found herself once again, as many times before being in this realm, think of Renee.

She would do as Viokii suggested, "Alright Veevee.. this might just work." She'd appraise the sigils and generally do as they were suggesting. [Appraisal B] She would be careful to not lose focus on the looming threat however and stayed behind Svok and the others. She wasn't exactly as capable of taking wounds as good as others.
Location: ???, Oll’s End

Time: ???

Mentions: RavenSong RavenSong Femboy Femboy Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy Karcen Karcen Elvario Elvario

Iberis Odhir

“Latin…?” Iberis spoke softly to herself when she heard Katja knew how to speak latin. Latin? What was that language? She hadn’t heard of it before. She asked a good question too, was it a priest? Iberis still didn’t have translations.

“Thanks Kali, I’ll try to remember that.” She spoke softly, giving a soft smile still focused on the skeleton staff holder.


“Is that right? Sounds like a good trait to have as a leader with you level of power, you can afford too.”

“I would like to think making friends instead of leaving piles of bodies behind is nicer too, but I’m afraid I haven’t really found the opportunity to take the more..peaceful routes in life.”

She didn’t elaborate what had happened but the suggestion wasn’t too pleasant at a surface level.

Thankfully Iberis got the run down from Kalina indirectly, it was a priest or Bishop.

Screenshot 2024-11-06 033540-1-1.png

“#I know that The Sultan tolerates other religions..but, I do not feel the most easy..and to take your word…# They seem placated at least for the time being thanks to Kalina’s high ability grade.

“A wife? I wonder where..oh..maybe she didn’t come here.” Iberis thought and realized sounding a bit sad.

“#Cool?..you find my job cool?#” What a strange word to use..how is it cold?#”

“#Very well I’ll listen to you all for a proper explaination then then..but this is highly unorthodox!#”
The skeleton announced.

“He does?! I wonder why Auldlich didn’t say he knows exactly who he is, maybe he doesn't remember him? I would have thought with some of Auldlich’s memories I would have recognized him too..”

“Right I’ll try doing that!”
Iberis nodded to Kalina.

Unfortunately Iberis knew at this point what coldness Kalina was referencing.

However Iberis nodded at the wards bit, “No biggie, I think there's enough of us here who do to have that part in the bag...”

“Uh, Okay, just..I know you’re strong but don’t get hurt okay?”
Iberis said to Kalina, before seeing her go off fully.

“Gotcha Liu..let’s hope this works.”

“#...I appreciate the respect but I am no king,, this temple is for everyone I am but it’s protector and keeper, why would I deny you worship if that is what you wish?..Ah so this Iberis one is a student of Auldlich..I’m putting things together now..Is this why one of you said she should rule? I know that Auldlich has vast expectations..and goals but..#” The skeleton trailed off.

“#My undefeatable defense? You should be able to walk through..#”

With the skeleton seemingly not entirely understanding what Liu was getting at perhaps becau he was unable to see what they could, Iberis listened up to Viokii and nodded, before looking to Scylla.

“Alright! You heard her, we’re going to operate efficiently, lets use Viokii’s plan!”

“Barrier breachers, pick up rocks!”
She’d gesture to the ground, “Test when needed to make sure you don’t get blown away like Viokii said!” She’d gesture to Katja, Vistele, and Svok.

She’d then look to Scylla, “You and me let’s get appraising and see if we can’t figure out how these things are supposed to work!”


“Don’t worry I’m on guard.” He responded to Scylla.

“Sounds like we’re going with the constructs plan then huh? Sound good to me!” Svok proclaimed confidently after getting the greenlight from Scylla as he picked up rocks and started to throw some of them to test the nearby barrier environment.

Vistele looked like she had been conflicted to either going with Kalina to assist or to stay back and help with breaching the barrier, but eventually she’d also pick up rocks and get to work.


After they identified where the first set of barrier squares are, Vistele began to focus, as she started speaking in Abyssal tongues and suddenly very small bits of ice began to pop up around where she had detected a sigil was and interact with the symbol, like she was trying to deactivate it through precise magical interference.

Svok let out a bit of a grumble, as he also got to work attempting to do the same thing seeing what Vistele was doing except he was highly focused on the square diagonal to hers moving small flames and ice about the surface, it looked like both of them had glowing eyes and that they could now somehow see the sigil they were interacting with.

“This isn't usually my style but..looks like it’s our best bet,

“Hey lady! Why don’t you get over here and start working on the next one closest to us, we’ll be able to start working on a proper breakthrough path that way!” He’d call over to Katja.

“I think if we play our cards right we might be able to set off a chain reaction..to make a clearing." Svok added.

Iberis made her way over to Scylla and began to appraise as well, speaking softly and moving her staff around.

She’d use a combination of Appraisal B, Academia B, Arcana B as well as Alchemy B, to see what she could gain from this studying, trying to work through the strands.

Both Iberis and Scylla could see that it was in fact a strand system of magical symbols but the patterns were still strange to them ,neither being as familiar with the almost circuitry way the lieu lines interacted with one another, but they did both gather that the sigils were actually part of some sort of curse magic.

Iberis’ curse affinity flaring up, and making the sight more familiar to her.

Meanwhile Viokii’s investigation yielded fruit also, she and her Mini units were MUCH more familiar with the circuitry pattern that the curser had chosen, almost like combining machinery with magic, this evidence would suggest that perhaps they were familiar with magitech, whoever was responsible that was.

Viokii would quickly see patterns that correspond with more mundane wiring, and her Mini units would relay bits of more information which they were able to gather given their much smaller stature and close proximity. They’d be able to provide her valuable information which if shared should allow the group as a whole to work on clearing a path faster than they had been able too.

“Hey Viokii I think you’re right these sigils are related to the curse, I can tell with my appraisal..but the way it’s hooked up is really funky..not like anything I’ve seen before..”

“You getting anything out of this Scylla?”

“Just so we’re on the same page this is what I’m seeing..”

Iberis used her Arcane Affinity E to draw up a larger diagram of the sigils showing the patterns more clearly of each square so that the group could see it as a whole, much easier.

Vistele and Svok are helping to disable sigils with the least amount of interruption as possible.

Iberis and Scylla can tell that the wards are in fact part of curse magic but the way they are set up look foreign due to the lieu lines being wired more like magitech would be. However both have great visuals on the schematics of the sigils.

Viokii and her smoll units can recognize patterns which are similar to wiring, and have gained information that if shared with the breach team, in tandem with Iberis’ ‘map’ will allow them to pick up the pace on temporarily disabling sigils and creating a path for the group.

Meanwhile the skeleton still waited expectantly for someone to talk to him, looking confused.
Unfortunately for Kalina As she approached she’d feel colder..until suddenly the large dark mass began to materialize into a hooded figure wielding two large blades of darkness which appeared to radiate them, not far behind a whole pack of Eight shadowy ‘wolves’ descended much like the ones that had gone after them when they were with Renee. Further more they were at least in the [Large] size class.
Eight Shadow Wolves

Snarling and growling, and howling filled the area, sending more chilling sensations throughout anyone who heard their otherworldly calls.

Inquisitor Faldor
Screenshot 2025-01-06 at 3.39.33 PM.png

“#So the one who helped kill my lord approaches? You must have a death wish blood drinker.#”

“#If you truly thought that true followers of Lord Hasufer would bend to your whim just because you’re strong that idea is completely, laughable, true believers of Lord Hasufer follow him until their death.#"

"#As a result you have the privilege of being slaughtered personally, by yours truly, inquisitor Faldor.#”

“# After killing you and your witch friends, I’ll be sure to liquidate those who have shown themselves to be unloyal. It’s just righteous business as far as I”m concerned, so if you could just lay down and allow yourself to die,..you’d save us both some time.#”

“#I can assure you your body won’t be put to waste, I’ll use all of that potential within you in the resurrection ritual..so have no fears, you won’t be forgotten your name will be inscribed on our history books..as part of such a monumental event..#"

The figure spoke very matter of fact, his voice incredibly cold, and indifferent despite what he was saying.

How he got control of the wolves was anyone’s guess but it wasn’t looking like a very good situation to say the least.
Kalina Chivernu

Languages: {Sylvan} | Common | #Abyssal#
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Fei Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy | Scylla RavenSong RavenSong | Karcen Karcen Femboy Femboy

Kalina had to suppress a chuckle upon hearing Hydrangea pander to the pope-dude. That was oddly amusing. That said, it might actually work, so she'd gladly leave him to it.

Viokii was being a bit of a spoilsport, sadly enough. “Of course, of course.” She'd nod, probably going to teach Viokii more seriously at a later point. Perhaps she could figure out some fun things to do to reward herself with? That was a point for later, however, as the construct started rambling and rambling and...

When her name was mentioned, the bit was clear at least. “Yep, that was my plan~ Although if I can defeat it, I definitely will~” It'd be more fun that way and it wouldn't come back to pester them later in that case. She felt bad for the others, who seemed to have been given far more complex roles, but that wasn't her problem~!

“Hopefully you will now~” She'd reply to Vistele with a smile. She wasn't one to drag up bad pasts, rather wanting to focus on a nicer future.

The skelebro made her actually wonder for a bit. “#Cool... yes... Huh. I wonder where I picked up that word... Well, it's a good thing! Pretty fancy and awesome and the like!#” She'd explain.

Ugh. Why was Iberis so utterly adorable. She'd quickly hug her. “Don't worry, even if I get hurt, I'll heal up on no-time. Especially now that I've got some nice folk helping me stay well-fed. It'll be a breeze~” She'd promise Iberis. With that said, she got ready to head out.

“I'll be back soon, my loves~ Just make sure you're ready in case I'll have gotten thirsty~” She'd wink to... well, Scylla, Katja, Iberis, Vistele... So everyone other than Hydrangea, Svok and Viokii at this rate. Her [Deception B] excellently hiding the fact that she was, in fact, just a little bit... perhaps a fair bit, nervous.

As she headed out, she started to feel colder. “Tssk.” She didn't like the cold. She cracked her shoulders a bit, spotting the wolves and the hooded figure among them. They brought back some really bad memories that she tried to push back. Yet... [Sister's Shattering] Well, she felt like she could yet again see her in the corners or her eyes.

She chuckled [Deception B] at the words spoken to her. “#Someone as awesome and strong looking as you served that pathetic ice cube?#” She asked, throwing in some [Roguish Charm] while at it. Buying time should be her first priority. “#You should thank me for setting you free, in that case.#”

“#Demons have inquisitors?#” Even as she was trying to buy time and suppress any fear she might have, that stood out enough to try asking about and buying time with. “#I always thought it was the clergy that sent inquisitors to go kill demons and their followers.#”

She scoffed at the remark of liquidating the others. “#You were wasting them. They were cute and handsome as it gets and you had them put on a cloak to hide it? Total waste.#” That was another truth-time-buying combo she got handed to her.

“#Shouldn't you just take Hasufer's place instead? You seem a lot more suited to be on top than that one ever was.#” She'd try again with some [Roguish Charm], both to buy time and because she actually believed this one to be true. At least in part.

[Sister's Shattering] - With the death of her sister on Kalina's hands, the trauma remains. She will sometimes see random appearances of her sister that she can interact with. This vision of Renee can offer aid to Kalina if she is in a rut. Although it may appear like she is crazy. The aid offered may or may not actually be helpful.

Roguish Charm – Seduction B, Deception B, Persuasion B, Disguise B, Energised B – Character uses their words, disguises and charms to get things done. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown


Point Booster: Attentive Student (E)
Equipped Titles: Construct, Otherworlder, Servile, All-Purpose Intelligence, VeeVee, Demon Slayer, Wanted [Demon Cultists]
Character Sheet

Viokii kneeled and took a closer inspection at the sigils with her minibots, trying to decipher what she could out of it to a pretty decent degree of success. Their functionality appeared to be visibly like wiring, which was more convenient than she had been expecting. Though it did also make the construct consider if it had a power source, and where it came from. There was the possibility the sigils merely made a relay loop that cycled power through it, but that would still most likely have a secondary bi-product that would diminish the barrier's strength and have ran out by now. Either the sigil ring was processing energy that formed an infinite looping relay, or it had to be actively powered by something else... the former felt impossible, there was surely no way someone had discovered an infinite source of power and used it for a single containment cell.

But that wasn't so important for now, but would have to be figured out later. Keeping her minibots active to work on dealing with deactivating sigils for the moment, she'd stand up and turn her attention to Iberis who had prepared a visual demonstration of the sigil's construction. Giving a look at the drawn visual, she'd point out the important information she had gathered.

"These sigils are visibly constructed like standard-issue insulated copper wiring, in a way I would guess they work as simply as drawing energy within an input section and relaying it to another through an output, with the major integrity providing to the stability of the barrier itself... " she'd consider, gesturing to the parts on the given imagery by Iberis where she believed where and what to be, doing her best to explain how she saw the funcionality of its' 'wiring'.

"If we take care to disconnect certain parts, or move sigils out of place as to disconnect them from the relay, a big enough disconnect of multiple sigils in a row will likely prove a too unstable and large disconnection for the energy relay to loop. From my consideration however, we run the risk of getting it to function once we reconnect it, though there must be a local source that will automatically feed it power once it is reconnected and functional again. If that isn't the case and, somehow in some highly unexpected capability the loop runs on an infinite looping power source, we'll have to insert mana into the sigil flow itself in hopes that it'll start it again" Viokii considered over it, looking back to her minibots.

"Hopefully you can understand the alignment of their method as I've explained, and we can move the sigils from their placement. I'm highly predicting the sigils must be comprised of, or connected to, a power source that'll reactivate it once the sigils are successfully reconstructed and reconnected" the robot would mention, going back to work on the plan of getting them offline so they could get past, and reactivate them on the other side.

1. Spawn Mini Units to work on the sigils in deactivation and reconstruction later (5 Minibits, possessing Appraisal (F) and Domestic Arts (F). Command Unit - Minions (F)(Minibots), Steady Hands (F), Leadership (F), Energized (F) - Viokii spawns (or continues to maintain the existence of) up to five 'Minibots' (Character-controlled) that follow and perform simple commands. The minions destroy once the Post Duration ends (lasts 1 Post without Spell Duration), unless used in succession. - Grade Fe - 0 Post Cooldown​
"I see..." Liu muttered in response to the Archbishop's obliviousness. At least he didn't rain magic down upon them. He relayed to the group, "it appears this is ours to solve; the Archbishop does not seem to interface with these sigils. Or else, I myself am able to walk through unharmed. I do not wish to try your luck, Iberis."

Viokii's analysis of the sigils astounded Liu. A bit of jealously sparked in him, he had not been focused on increasing his magical ability or knowledge and for that he could not blame anyone other than himself. It was a sense of trepidation that held him back. For that hesitance he did not even know how he could move those sigils without setting them off. This interloper and his wolves are coming for him, regardless of his misgivings.

"I agree. How do we move these sigils?" he asked. He stood and picked up fistfulls of gravel. He positioned himself infront of the column of sigils right in front of the door and begin tossing rocks down the line. Seeing the sigils made understanding the location of those visible to only Viokii far easier; he had an existing figure to which the invisible ones are adjacent. He began by tossing as many fistfulls as he could at the sigils in a straight line down the row that was already started. Now was not the time for health and safety.


1. Throw gravel!
2. Throw gravel!!
3. Throw gravel!!!


Stats Skills
Strength D (14) Precision A (35) Intelligence A (35) Vitality C (21) Speed - A (35)
  • Regeneration F (7)
  • Navigation D (21)
  • Visual Arts A (42)
  • Darkvision F (racial) (7)
  • Poison Resistance F (racial) (7)
  • Undying(Resilient F) - A general immunity to drowning, starving, dehydration and sleep deprivation--(racial) (7)
  • Fast B (28)
  • Special Movement F (7) - Bone pile: disassemble into a pile of bones and move as such.
  • Magic F (7)
  • [Area Knowledge(Underbelly)]
  • [Alternate Identity E]

Mentions: Iberis TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Scylla RavenSong RavenSong | Viokii Femboy Femboy | Kalina Elvario Elvario
Katja Galinka
languages: common, Latin

A lot was happening commands from the robot, the skeleton speaking in a language she couldn't understand, and that darn cult was back and after Kalina. She did wonder just how many reasurces this cult had to have to have operaticesseemingly following one person everywhere. They must have lots to even get into the book seemingly by sone other means. Didn't that mean this place wouldn't be safe if the cult could just appear? This was far more chaotic than the battle aginst the other religious skeleton. Well she had to do something jalina was fighting the dark hounds and cult.

" The Lord iis my light and my salvation " Katja spoke creating a new version of her old [ protection ] she mixed [magic E] [barrier E] Magic duration f] [magic range f] and [light affinity f ] this should in her mind create a barrier in the form of a shining suit of atmor made of light on kalina to hopefully protect her.

With all the help she could give given Katja reached down and followed the other skeletons actions of throwing gravel to try to disable wards. She did wonder if there was sonething religious about these runes a trick to them. She would use [ relgion f ] to check if she knew anything about the god of the temple or any rituals they might need to observe.

1. Cast a barrier on kalina using [magic E] [barrier E] Magic duration f] [magic range f] and [light affinity f ] in the form of armor of light

2. Check with relgion F if she knows anything that might help.

3. Throw gravel

In spite of the progress they were making, Scylla couldn't help but continue to express herself uneasily. Looking back over her shoulder constantly as she did as she had to do. Yet suddenly, random visions would flash before her eyes.
Renees voice echoing in her mind, Scylla you have failed me! All I ever wanted was to make us POWERFUL!! You are pathetic. Just look at you. Worthless. Useless.

Although no one could hear the voice other than Scylla, the witch seemed to be talking to herself. "W-why? All I ever did was search for power.. not just for me.. but for us. You, me, your sister, Iberis. Please stop yelling at me."

Then she'd have moments of clarity after Viokii spoke, "Aha! That makes perfect sense! So these sigils were taken out of harmony and misalign with their energy force to keep it dormant, like a lock. But now we must figure out the combination." She observed the map for a few moments, "This is very much out of my scope of understanding I'm afraid.. VeeVee any way you can figure out, with your magnificent brain stuff the most likely combination? I'm uhm.." she looked over to the wolves that manifested along with some sort of agent of Hasufer. "Oh lovely beautiful suffering.. it's.. it's.." she stuttered for a bit. "..we can't defeat him, he's.. not supposed to be real but he is.." Scylla giggled nervously, "..our best chance is to get this figured out get out of here."

She suddenly eyed the staff however, "Because if we don't, and Kalina isn't able to hold them off I will be forced to do the unthinkable." She then turned to Iberis. "And don't you make the mistake of believing I won't do it. I'll take that staff and use it against those.. things. Eek! Don't let them get me!"

Renee would explode in her mind, suddenly crying out. "Stop it! I can't focus with you yelling so much! Brr.. I'm so cold. I.." suddenly feeling sad, "I'm so.. lonely." Scylla whimpered but continued to eye the staff.
Location: ???, Oll’s End

Time: ???

Mentions: RavenSong RavenSong Karcen Karcen Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario


Vistele flashed Kalina a warm smile at her comment.

Screenshot 2024-11-06 033540-1-1-1.png

The staff skeleton still looked somewhat confused but Kalina’s explanation caused him to slowly nod.

“#can’t say I’ve heard anyone call me those things before either..#” His mood sounded somewhat elevated.

Iberis looked a bit better at hearing Kalina say that, her concerned expression turning more into a soft smile, before Kalina took off, She let out a small sigh of relief when all was said and done, probably having giggled a bit when Kalina made the thirsty comment.


“ Hah, They don’t know what they’re messing with when we got someone as strong as her and you my lady.” Svok complimented both Kalina and Scylla’s power once more.

The Confrontation:

Inquisitor Faldor?
Screenshot 2025-01-06 at 3-1.39.33 PM.png

“#Yes that’s right, say your last pathetic words begging for mercy won’t do any-#” the inquisitor had started saying until they paused.

The light barrier which Katja casted appeared as holy set of light armor which cut through the darkness of Oll’s end, contrasting with the wasteland of darkness.

The inquisitor tilted his head when Kalina spoke about them being awesome and strong. Looking equally confused when she said he should thank her for freeing him.

“?Suburashi!!?” The inquisitor finally exclaimed excitedly by the point Kalina was saying that he should just take lord Hasufer’s place instead. His words were in some strange language, before the one became a lot less serious and more excited a giddy tone and gestures taking hold.

“#D-do you really mean it? I’ve never had a girl tell me she thought I was the leadertype…tch typical Svok, stealing all the ladies attention, man he just hogs the spotlight, come on can’t there be any light for Haru once and awhile?! And you can cast light magic too!? That’s so cool! You’re totally like that half vampire from that platformer I really liked playing..#

Unaware that it had been Katja who casted the barriers.

“#Now Vistele on the other hand, I’ve been waiting for an excuse to go on a mission with her privately but as her superior it’s really hard you know! She’s so cute with those horns… she’s a total idol type…but you thought I was cool too right? You had to have if you think I’m suited to be leader of an as cool group of this! Who else is gonna put down the evil goddess if it isn’t our lord and his army!#

The wolves seemed to be more passive at this point when the inquisitor was going off giddily, before he pulled down his hood probably revealing a face which really hadn’t matched the voice at all.
'Inquisitor Faldor'
Screenshot 2025-01-12 at 11.08.22 AM.png

“”# I might not be as as cool as Svok but I’m still pretty cool right? And about that blood drinking thing, honestly I think vampires are cool too! I was just trying to fit in my role you know, and yeah, I’m not the only inquisitor, you’re right it is kinda strange when you put it that way, don’t normally churches have those titled people? Well boss man made the rules there but now he’s gone…#”

“#If a total babe like you really thinks I could be leader..that’d be a lot cooler than serving a dead guy who wasn’t very nice..#”

Unfortunately as ‘inquisitor’ Faldor was considering his options, a very intense rumbling began to spread throughout throughout the ground not all that far away, causing even ‘Inquisitor’ Faldor to look back a somewhat panicked look falling upon his visage, even the wolves appeared to cower.

“#Oh No..I think after all the deserting going on they sent a…arch..elemental..tier twelve…damn..that’s bad that’s really really bad…that means several people as strong as me or even possibly stronger got together and summoned the..thing..you’re as strong as they said you are right?#” He’d look to Kalina looking visibly panicked.

“#Damn it!..if i knew you’d be so charming I might have sealed the backdoor they made to this realm…too late till this thing falls now.. I think I’ve been compromised..they’ll kill me too if they heard me talking to you like that!#”

A large powerful bluish demonic looking symbol appeared, at an even larger size than the wolves would occupy, and an unholy bluish light began to erupt from the ground of Oll’s end, Not all that far away from the barrier in the grand scheme of things, when suddenly a [Huge] Crystalline hand gripped onto the surface of the ground, and another [Huge] hand gripped the other side of the growing immense chasm. Not only that the air became frigid around the area, and the shadow wolves began to howl.

12th Tier Arch Ice Elemental
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Once the creature hoisted itself up halfway it’s visage gazed over the area, just half of its body exposed and it towered above everything else, and then suddenly it raised it’s right hand out and a large amount of frigid blue energy began to gather rapidly, like a concentrated localized severe hailstorm right in it’s palm.
Barrier Squad Puzzle Solving:

Iberis Odhir

Iberis looked over to Viokii when she spoke about the diagram which Iberis had made a projection of.

“Copper wiring?...” Iberis tilted her head a bit confused.

At the very least she got the gist of the next part, “Okay so they move magical energy through a power system basically..kinda like what I heard about magitech?”

The next part Viokii spoke about caused Iberis’ eyes to light up some in excitement.

“You really think we can destabilize the whole system by moving enough parts of the sigils?”

“Ooof, okay, yeah let’s hope that your prediction is correct then, that sounds a lot safer than having to gamble on whether it’ll start up again by introducing magical energy again..”

“Hope the rest of you got all that too!”

Those who were academically minded enough to understand Viokii would find themselves having a much easier time sorting through the sigils now and disconnecting them from the system.

“Ugh really? He must really be cursed then..” Iberis exclaimed upon hearing what Liu had to say, “its cool we’ll get through this Vi’s explanation is really helping me out, looks like it’s helping Svok and Vistele too!” She said with a determined expression now.

“Oh Liu, you just kinda gotta..use magical energy to..move parts? It’s like sort of like doing surgery…but with magical energy I guess is a good way of putting it, can you use magic at all? If you can get even a bit going and shape it you could probably try to interrupt some of them too, but to be honest with you on rocks it’s helpful too.”

Vistele nodded, “Right you are.”

Svok scoffed, “Tch, yeah so the construct helped me a little bit.. I woulda been fine without her too..”

Despite this both of them had sped up the process a good deal, and the areas they were working on looked less stabilized, the same became true for Iberis, flickering in sections now taking place, which also spread to where Viokii and her mini bots were working too, the flickering became more intense like some of them were deactivating and then reactivating due to insufficient magical energy flows.

When Liu and Katja got to throwing gravel they’d expose not only a few more areas of sigils which would be helpful to disrupt but some of their gravel hit something else entirely..it appeared to be a headstone sized black and purple cylinder crystal which came into view where the gravel had hit, parts of it being exposed, furthermore it looked like some of the lines from the sigils they could see were taking in energy from the cylinder crystalline structure.

Katja’s religion skill would tell her that the Court Archbishop had been talking about the Ryke Church pantheon, and that the pillar which they had uncovered looked like it might be a style of offering altar to Meldaron,with the skull engravings seen on it and the horned animal skull head placed atop it. Meldaron being the god of death and transitions in the Ryke church’s faith.

Iberis heard Scylla out and listened to her.. This wasn’t good..she was clearly hearing someone, did she mean Renee.

“Scylla snap out of it! We gotta get this done quick..”

However she felt a bit relieved even if Scylla didnt’ say she understood fully with the next bit she heard, “You might not have gotten her explanation entirely but you get the basic premise! So you know what to do I think!” Iberis nodded.

“Don’t even think about that! Cause we’re gonna solve this and get to safety okay!” Iberis said looking more serious toward Scylla now, “I’m not gonna let him hurt Kalina..or you or anyone else whose become our friend here!”

“I’m much stronger now..I can do so much more..and I won’t let it happen! So don’t even think about having to use that staff Scylla..”

However just as it looked like the group was making real headway.. The violent shaking of the ground reached them, causing everyone to feel like it was harder to stand than it had been before, causing Iberis to stumble a bit and hold onto her staff..she spun around and saw the large twelve tier elemental..being start to rise out of the ground and she was shocked,

“What’s..going on?! Even the wolves look scared!” Upon seeing the energy gather Iberis became very concerned herself.

Arch Ice Element Tier 12 Offensive (Both groups):

“#GET DOWN AND OUT!#” ‘Inquisitor’ Faldor called out to Kalina as suddenly a rain of large ice spikes came flying down diagonally, from the sky the creature was leveraging some kind of magical attack that made use of [Indirect].

The very large elemental then raised it’s other hand then and a large blue sigil appeared near the floor of the barrier group, before it vanished and a sizable blue icey meteorite like projectile came flying down diagonally from the sky from it’s direction as it brought it’s hand down, heading for right smack in the middle of the barrier group.

“Everyone who can counter! Focus on stopping that! Those of you who can’t keep working on the barrier! We'll stop it here and now!” Iberis called out spinning around as she started to wave her staff around, and chant, despite the concerned look on her face, she doubled down with determination, she was going to keep good on her word and keep everyone safe..She was assuming those who couldn't do much would be safer staying there so they'd be under whatever area of protection that could be mustered.

Hazard Summary:

Tier 12 Arch Ice Elemental is about 360 ft away from Kalina and Inqusitor Faldor


X1 C Grade Giant multi Icicle attack heading down from the sky toward Kalina

X1 D Grade Giant multi icicle attack heading down from sky toward Kalina

Barrier group:

X1 ? High Grade Ice meteor attack heading down from sky toward the center of the group, all are within impact range.

Iberis actions:
1. Use Magic E + Arcane Affinity F + Range F + Energized F to continue to interact with getting the barrier opened.
2. Prepare to help counter attack elemental with unspecified magic.

Vibe music for elemental appearing:

Kalina Chivernu

Languages: {Sylvan} | Common | #Abyssal#
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Fei Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy | Scylla RavenSong RavenSong | Karcen Karcen Femboy Femboy

Kalina was a tad surprised when Katja made her 'glow in the dark' and she would've probably just destroyed it the moment she was out of sight in order to stealth off when needed, yet her opponent had already acknowledge it existing and she didn't want to suddenly alter her past actions. That and apparently he thought it was cool? How odd.

Her pathetic words begging for mercy? She didn't recall doing that. The next bits surely confused the daylight out of her. That dude was way easier to talk out of fighting than she expected. It sort-off... really ruined his cool image, but far was she from saying that. “#Eh, Svok's handsome enough, but it's mostly my girlfriend that seems interested in him.#” Seeing how she was buying time, this was an ideal topic to use.

“#Oh yeah, I can see why. Vistele's rather adorable indeed, I think I'll get along with her swimmingly from now on~ Perhaps I could even show you just how well I'll get along with her later~#” She had to agree on that one and didn't want to miss the chance to throw out some shady side-comment at that. The guy had taste, at the very least. “#Oh yeah, for sure, that cloak and dual wielding really suits you. It's cool.#” She'd nod, as at least those two things she could honestly compliment.

“#Evil goddess? That sounds interesting.#” She was really hoping he didn't mean Scylla by that name. “#Hmmm. If you use the cloak and swords, you're definitely cooler than Svok. Though I'll admit that chatting like this makes you seem more of a nice guy.#” She'd reply, very scientific and honest.

It was rather odd by called a 'total babe' by him, but she'd chuckle at it regardless. “#Well, now you're getting it.#” She'd nod. She honestly hadn't expected this one to be able to be talked down without a fight, yet here they were. How fun. She was doing her latest pacifist girlfriend proud already.

Just as she was getting to relax, however, it seemed things were going wrong again. “#Arch elemental tier twelve..? Huh...#” She laughed [Deception B] at his remark. If she'd been slightly nervous about defeating him, how the hell was she not going to be nervous about defeating something stronger than him? She wasn't going to let him know that, however, as she'd keep up the deception. “#Well, I guess we're in this together then~ Don't worry, I go this! Just... I don't handle the cold well. If I freeze in the process, please do hand me over to my girlfriends so they can warm me up~#” She figured she'd end it off with a joke. After how she'd been living, she could die with those being her famous last words.

She shivered as the ice giant got closer. Not due to fear, that she could suppress, but due to how bloody cold it was. “#Well... fuck...#” She mumbled, seeing how big and strong that thing was gonna be.

The two blasts of icicles raining down towards her from the sky. (At C and D grade, would mean D and E targets at most, would mean 35 targets at most, so one C-grade targets counter.) A quick gloss in the sky confirmed that she should be able to use some of her newly learned trickery to shatter all those icicles from hitting her in one good swoop. She'd also be able to strike at the enemy himself. “#I've got this.#”

Her counter-attack seemed to be a single stab straight into the air. [Precision Strike B]. Yet as she did so, multiple stabs appeared all around her as well (Weapon Precision – Targets C + Indirect + technique core Range C) as they were aimed for shattering the icicles with brutal force. Some of those would end up heading for the main enemy directly (35 to counter all icicles, the remaining 15 aimed at the enemy) as they carried a plethora of horrible things to be hit with.

– Martial Mastery (Precisions Strikes) C [Weapon Precision – Spell Duration C, Targets C], Martial Ethos (Precisions Strikes) B [Initiative - Attack], Fighting Style [Specialized] (Precision Strikes) B, Accurate B, Area B, Blight [Piercing] B, Contagion [Vampiric Infection] B, Continuing [Vampiric Infection] B, Deflect B (Action 1), Drain [Strength] B (Action 1), Enervation [Strength] B (Action 1), Penetrating B, Range C, Selective B, Energised B – Mastery C-grade add-ons: Blind Fighter, Blind Ranged Fighting, Breaker, Contact, Flexible, Homing, Hot Shot, Incurable, Indirect, Vorpal. - An attack going all out. - Grade Be – 3 Actions - 3 Post Cooldown

Action 1,2,3 – Precision Strike B
Be – 0/3

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