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Multiple Settings Old West/Old South/Post Civil War Outlaws?

Hello! I'm a multi-para/novella writer currently located in the SW USA, and am hoping to find interested partners for stories centered around the life and times of Jesse James. Mostly, I'm inspired by both historical events and media like the Brad Pitt film, The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford. So, basically my version of Jesse is a blend of historical and fictional/AU/creative liberties, which isn't so hard to do considering the facts of his life even in his own time were debated or embellished. I can go back and forth in time during his life (younger Jesse during the Civil War or right after, when he meets his wife, rides with various outlaws, etc), or, much to my preference (but not required, depending on what we brainstorm together, as plotting is LOVE), later in his life, when his paranoia is worsening and his options for gang members are rapidly dwindling.

There are so many characters possible for this setting! Besides his fellow outlaws, Jesse could come into contact with anyone who might be in the south and midwest during that time (the historical Jesse lived from 1847-1882). Family (like his brother, Frank) and various cousins...anyone with farmhouses, cabins, etc to house outlaws on the run, law enforcement, regular folks for when Jesse was under one of his many assumed identities...lots of possibilities. Some storylines, I play my AU Jesse as currently married to his historical cousin and wife (or an AU version of her), Zerelda ("Zee"). They had a nine-year courtship beginning with when she nursed him through a second life threatening chest wound, so lots of potential there for story explorations. Other times, I can write that his wife is deceased and his children are being looked after by relatives he sees now and again, and he may have other love interests. Either way, I'm always open to considering players who might like to write for Zee or other women he's pursuing, but there must be chemistry (IC and writing styles).

Moreso than the obvious action, this would be for mature, darker themes, a dark western if you will, with emphasis on psychological exploration of the characters in relations to the times. I'm not looking for fluffy bunnies or tiny paragraph posts. I'm seeking writers who get really caught up in the stories.

If anyone's interested in old west/southern western/Civil War/wild west outlaw stories, hit me up!
I seem to be having additional problems with forum posts and conversation messages, but I AM trying to get back to people. Thank you for your interest as I work this all out!

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