Old RP Stuff(mainly for VeiledPariah)

Ok, so... I made a small change to my previous post. As Bar now has something done, I'll try and get a post up describing the next step taken in the process of the battle. Also, I killed 1 dog... hope that's ok? O.o
Devorantem Et Sanguinem" The Devourer of blood " aka D
D watched as one of his classmates was killed by a female humanoid corrupted by Drima. This was quite exciting. While it was unfortunate one of them died he did not feel sorrow. He looked at the lifeless corps, that fell to the ground. He watched as blood flowed out of the body. That was good he could use it in battle later. For know it would be best to deal with the minions first before confronting the female humanoid. Seeing that four of the Drima dogs had bin defeated. That was good lesser numbers to deal with. He cut his wrist, while collecting the blood already released from his body earlier. They formed a crimson blade, as blood from his wrist flowed out creating 2 more blades the length of a short sword. He aimed them at three Drima dogs heading towards him. Ones targeted they flew through the air with great speed. Each one found there mark, as the Drima leaped towards him. He dodged them with ease, while snapping his fingers. The blood swords embedded in the Drima dogs heads exploded inside into balls of spikes.

There twitching bodies layed on the ground before him. He wanted to feed on their blood, but he knew the dangers of such things. He slowly walked away his blood swords dissolving back into liquid form. The blood flowed into a ball above his head small streams flowed around the circle like rings. A blood long sword formed in his hand. The wound from earlier did not heal, but was held in a freshly cut state. While blood did not come out it could be clearly seen waiting to emerge from the cut. He looked towards his classmates. He sighed before focusing his eyes on them. There journey was just beginning, and already was a fierce battle. He smiled wickedly ' The fun is just beginning Drima i look forward to watching your blood flow on the battle field! ' he thought to himself. He noticed the girl from earlier in the auditorium struggling with a Drima. She was also in shock how unfortunate, things like that in battle could cost your life. With inhuman speed he dashed towards her.
VeiledPariah VeiledPariah , BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
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April - 17yrs
April's eyes narrowed and she made one fast motion with two fingers. A water blade came out of nowhere and decapitated the Drima. The water shield fell and blood splatter all over her, "I hate these things...." She said wiping some blood from her face, "Yeah but we still have to deal with her..." Silvana said pointing to the head honcho.

Kiba - 19yrs - Pet: Feral
Kiba glanced over to April he thought she was struggling but that thought only lasted for a few seconds. He watched as her eyes narrowed and then the creature dropped. The movements of the water had been so fast it had almost been invisible. "Damn for such a sweet girl, she can be scary...." He turned once again and watched Bar rip a Drima in half, he smirked slightly.

Yuki - 18yrs
Once they got closer she jumped down, she glanced over seeing Kelli in a shocked state. Sasha seemed to be trying to talk sense into her but it wasn't working. "Stupid woman...." She rushed over swinging her blade in front of Kelli right as a Drima went to attack her. "You two are so useless!!!!"

Kelli - 18yrs - Pet: Sasha
Kelli seemed to snap out of her state, whether it was because of Yuki's words. Or if it was because a sword was just swung inches from her face was anyone's guess. "Look who's talking." Her body morphed slightly and sharp claws formed, the Drima swiped at her once more and she clawed him back. She watched as Yuki turned away to deal with the next target leaving her to fend for herself.​
Lisse Erriba
Lisse could feel her heart stop as their first Drima appeared. This was her - she had killed her group before they had barely left. She could feel panic rising in her chest, and she found it hard to breathe. Her trembling hand clutched her staff as the battle began, the Drima canines charging forward with an unbridled fury. She couldn't seem to get herself to move, her wide eyes simply staring as her group began to fight.

The elf was startled from her frightened thoughts as one of the dogs approached, teeth bared and growling. The stench of blood wafted up from it, and Lisse flattened herself against the tree. Wick, who had been sitting in the branches above, suddenly wheeled through the air, a screech leaving his feathery throat as he attacked the Drima, talons outstretched and raking across its back. The Drima reared in angry pain and swiped at Wick, who barely managed to dodge. Seeing her companion risk himself in such a way was enough to get Lisse moving. Her staff flashed out, striking the Drima on the side of its face. It let out a strangled sort of whimper, but was quick to lash out once more. Lisse held out her staff defensively, catching the Drima's front paws as it pounced and knocked her to her back. She pushed with all her might, the Drima's hungry jaws dripping saliva all over her face as it writhed in an effort to get closer. But Lisse made a sudden burst of strength, pushing the Drima over and dropping her staff in the same instant, pulling her sword from its sheath and making a stab at its now vulnerable belly. The Drima, while not seriously wounded, ran off with a whimper, leaving Lisse. The elf had now gained some courage, but she still shook. She twirled her sword deftly, trying to regain some sort of composure.

Tau Uivis
Tau sped toward the gate with Yuki on his back, his heart thumping wildly. As they neared the scene, Yuki jumped down, leaving the centaur to stare at their new foe. It was intimidating, to be sure, but the group's first real obstacle would be that of defeating the horde of angry Drima dogs. While not carrying a weapon, Tau was quick to find a space in which his hooves could deal serious damage. He lashed out toward any Drima that dared near him, landing several kicks but not actually felling any of the beasts. It was frustrating, but he could do nothing about it for now.

The feeling of claws raked against his back, and he reared in sudden pain, letting out a scream. A Drima had leapt onto his back, claws digging into his tough flesh and growling wildly. Tau thrashed about, bucking as much as he could to shake the beast off. It eventually fell to the ground with a heavy thud, but Tau could feel rivulets of blood matting the hair across his back. His face twisted in agony as he retreated to the back of the group, his chest heaving as he struggled to breathe deeper.

Psyche Anadra
The smell of blood was overpowering to Psyche, and her vision began to blur slightly because of it. Michael was dead, and Drima beasts began to attack the group, causing the vampire to take out her bow and notch an arrow. She scrambled atop a large boulder, using this vantage point to injure Drima near the edges. She missed several shots, narrowing her eyes in frustration as the Drima ran about, but managed to hit one or two on their sides. She realized, however, that this clearly wasn't enough. She spotted one of her fellow travelers that was trapped in a sticky situation, and leapt from her perch in order to help. Not wanting to risk missing a shot, she took one of the arrows from her quiver and held it in her hand, a determined look crossing her face.

"Stay down!" Psyche yelled to Nyle, who had fallen. A Drima was behind him, preparing to pounce, but she made her move first, digging the arrow into the beast's skull. She held out a hand to help the boy up, her eyes searching the battlefield. "You have something to fight with, right?"
Samdragonx Samdragonx
I'm going to start an argument where there wasn't any...

There's not enough wolves for everyone to kill.
We need more blood!! xD
The female Drima stood her ground watching the fighting take place around her. Her eyes snapped to the blood demon as he sped towards her a simple wave of her hand caused light to refract around her forming a shimmering wall.
Her attention turned to the remainder of her opponents. Behind her Reis crawled over to Michaels corpse placing his head in her lap as she cradled his lifeless body. Her eyes only looking on as Bar attempted to protect her before being knocked away.
The Humanoid drima brought her hands together as light began to ripple around her body making the air in the immediate area glass like.
With a smile she extended her arms as the mirror shards exploded out around her heading in all directions.
Reis curled over Michael as some shards came across her cutting up her back and hoodie....

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
Lord Anubis Lord Anubis
boo. boo.
Samdragonx Samdragonx
scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
April - 17yrs
April shook her head as she watched Reis try to protect Micheal's lifeless body. "Silvana send Tenti to her she needs to snap out of her shocked state!" "But April that will...." "I don't care! I already had plans to give you more blood...I won't let these creatures defile Micheal's body any further...." She pulled out a her dagger cutting into her palm and holding her hand out to Silvana, "As you wish..." The woman took April's hand taking the blood that was dripping from her palm. "Tenti...you have been summoned you know your purpose." A long watery dragon appeared nodding to April before heading to Reis. He circled the to in a protective water barrier against anymore cuts, "Lady my master is paying with her life to help you...please snap out of your shocked state so I can take this boys body to the Headmaster of the school. This boys body will come to no harm....I promise you that now please come to you senses!" The dragon growled at the woman.

April felt a small wave a dizziness but it wouldn't effect her greatly. Her eyes turned to the female Drima. "You'll pay for killing my friend!!!" She sheathed her dagger and faced the woman with her katana.

Kiba - 19yrs - Pet: Feral
Kiba's eyes widened in shock as a watery dragon came out of thin air. He shook his head his eyes landing on the humanoid drima. "Time to take this thing down!!!." Feral quickly padded next to Kiba, "I'm with you on that!" He growled.

Yuki - 18yrs
Yuki watched the main Drima for a few seconds blue flower petals swirled around her in anger. The Drima was quick but if she could be faster by just a few seconds perhaps she could slow this creature down. After all this Drima didn't know what their powers held, that was their only advantage. She rushed the female as she focused on D, a double attack would possibly give her the small chance she needed. Just one fatal touch with her hand and that would slow the Drima female at least a bit. That's all they needed, she swing her blade in front of her feeling it seem to cut through something. Then something sliced into her cheek, was it air? No it was glass shards created by the foul beast. A small flicker of worry found it's way into her but she quickly shook it away.

Kelli - 18yrs - Pet: Sasha
Kelli ripped the dogs throat out and watched as Yuki moved in along with D. "They aren't even thinking of planning a team attack how stupid." She was shoved forward by Sasha, "Well maybe you should help...she did just save your life." Kelli crossed her arms, "Like I'd ever admit to that...come on before they screw it up!" Sasha shook her head slightly but followed Kelli anyways.​

VeiledPariah VeiledPariah Lord Anubis Lord Anubis
April - 17yrs
April shook her head as she watched Reis try to protect Micheal's lifeless body. "Silvana send Tenti to her she needs to snap out of her shocked state!" "But April that will...." "I don't care! I already had plans to give you more blood...I won't let these creatures defile Micheal's body any further...." She pulled out a her dagger cutting into her palm and holding her hand out to Silvana, "As you wish..." The woman took April's hand taking the blood that was dripping from her palm. "Tenti...you have been summoned you know your purpose." A long watery dragon appeared nodding to April before heading to Reis. He circled the to in a protective water barrier against anymore cuts, "Lady my master is paying with her life to help you...please snap out of your shocked state so I can take this boys body to the Headmaster of the school. This boys body will come to no harm....I promise you that now please come to you senses!" The dragon growled at the woman.

April felt a small wave a dizziness but it wouldn't effect her greatly. Her eyes turned to the female Drima. "You'll pay for killing my friend!!!" She sheathed her dagger and faced the woman with her katana.

Kiba - 19yrs - Pet: Feral
Kiba's eyes widened in shock as a watery dragon came out of thin air. He shook his head his eyes landing on the humanoid drima. "Time to take this thing down!!!." Feral quickly padded next to Kiba, "I'm with you on that!" He growled.

Yuki - 18yrs
Yuki watched the main Drima for a few seconds blue flower petals swirled around her in anger. The Drima was quick but if she could be faster by just a few seconds perhaps she could slow this creature down. After all this Drima didn't know what their powers held, that was their only advantage. She rushed the female as she focused on D, a double attack would possibly give her the small chance she needed. Just one fatal touch with her hand and that would slow the Drima female at least a bit. That's all they needed, she swing her blade in front of her feeling it seem to cut through something. Then something sliced into her cheek, was it air? No it was glass shards created by the foul beast. A small flicker of worry found it's way into her but she quickly shook it away.

Kelli - 18yrs - Pet: Sasha
Kelli ripped the dogs throat out and watched as Yuki moved in along with D. "They aren't even thinking of planning a team attack how stupid." She was shoved forward by Sasha, "Well maybe you should help...she did just save your life." Kelli crossed her arms, "Like I'd ever admit to that...come on before they screw it up!" Sasha shook her head slightly but followed Kelli anyways.​

VeiledPariah VeiledPariah Lord Anubis Lord Anubis
Devorantem Et Sanguinem" The Devourer of blood " aka D
D was making his way towards the female humanoid Drima, when one of his female class mates followed up beside him. There eyes made contact for a second before they parted. Perhaps she wanted to do a joint attack. That would be effective at least to gauge the enemies attack/defensive power. He noticed the girl he recognized as Yuki slashing at the light barrier created by the Drima. It seemed to work till she was cut by a glass like shard. Hmm it could not be ordinary glass shards. The blood ball above him stretched out to Yuki forming a blood like armor over her body. She would feel a warm sensation invoking a sense of battle frenzy for the untrained mind. That is in the way of blood magic. Next D used the remaining blood to create several arrow objects. He sent volley after volley in the same area in front of the Drima. Hopefully this would create a opening to the Drima itself. He hoped this opportunity would not go to waist. He allowed more blood do seep from his wrist creating the same blood armor around his body. His eyes glowed a crimson red looking towards the Drima not removing his eyes focus. He did however use his six sense to keep aware of his surroundings.
Love the post Lord Anubis Lord Anubis lol sending a poisonous girl into battle frenzy...risky but awesome

I'll get responses up tomorrow... hopefully then I won't have a killer migraine. Night guys.
Love the post Lord Anubis Lord Anubis lol sending a poisonous girl into battle frenzy...risky but awesome

I'll get responses up tomorrow... hopefully then I won't have a killer migraine. Night guys.
Its a side effect of the armor unless your like d who has had training it will incite battle frenzy lol. Also ya quite the gamble i look forward to the post! :)
Yuki - 18yrs
Yuki felt warmth cover her body, she was confused glancing over to D. But that last for a second before her body jerked forward. Her mind cleared and her vision narrowed, she wanted to kill the creature before. That was the only thing that now held her mind, her body throbbed to run her sword through the female drima. A smirk crossed her face at the thought of bathing in the Drima's blood. A small part of her wanted to fight against whatever was happening. Every fiber in her wanted blood, if was like she could taste it and it thrilled her. Blue flower petals circled around her and began to turn a dark red color. She swung her sword as she was inches away from the Drima.

April - 17yrs
April watched in amazement as Yuki's flowers petals changed and tripled. She smiled a bit and headed in. "Silvana purifying armour...." "As you wish." April was soon covered in a thin crystal clear water, it seemed to shine like a rainbow under the sun. She dodged what petals she could before swinging her katana towards the left side of the female's ribcage.
Lord Anubis Lord Anubis VeiledPariah VeiledPariah

Kelli - 18yrs - Pet: Sasha
Kelli froze as a large swarm of now dark red petal circled around Yuki after something else had covered her body. "I-i...don't think we should get any closer actually..." Sasha for once actually agreed with Kelli, something was off with Yuki. Never once had she seen those deadly flower petals turn crimson. Sasha backed away slowly, she was rather terrified by those crimson petals.​

Kiba - 19yrs - Pet: Feral
Kiba jerked back as the few blue petals of Yuki's flowers turned red and seemed to triple. "I think we should set this one out...those look deadly." Feral frowned, "Whatever is happening is because of D's blood..." He huffed not liking the fact he was missing out on a battle, but there were plenty more to come.

(I was hoping for someone else to respond! XD )​
Reis stay crouched over Michaels body as the dragon enveloped them in its protection its words reaching her as she struggled to catch her bearings...her chest heaving as she hyperventilated.

Her stomach twisted into knots and her body was shaking. How could he be gone...just like that without a second thought...she would never see his smile...feel his warm touch...hear his calming words ever again..it was all lost to the embrace of death. The girl tried to reply as she clutched her friends body tighter tears falling against his now cold skin. All she could manage was a nod as her body went limp the last thing she managed to do was to take hold of his necklace his pass to freedom that he now could never have.
"Thank..you...please...take care...of him"

With that she stood her hair falling over her face hiding her now seething rage. She wrapped the chain around her own bracelet and clasped it to its adjoining end. Her gaze now fell on the monster that her sister had become as she took one last look at the man she had grown to love before walking toward the Drima and leaving the dragon to take him home..

Shards of light built up around the girl with each step as she closed the distance burning so brightly it could potentially blind those who dared look directly at it.

"I...I will...I will meet you...there" she choked out before thrusting both her arms forward as she screamed letting out all her emotions in a single strike the rainbow like particulates careening toward the beast before her the jagged edges like knives poised for fatal strikes.
BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
The drima turned towards her opponents Yuki, April, the demon and the remaining students. Her back to her sister who seemed to have lost all will to fight. She moved to dodge both females strikes from their swords but suddenly pain found her as projectiles riddled her back lurching her forward into the sword strikes Yuki's hitting its mark against her right shoulder and April's lodging into the space between her third and fourth intercostal spaces between her ribs.
The petals of the young woman taking thier effect paralyzing her but not killing the drima instantly as blood poured from her injuries and mouth. Still the grotesque smile never left her eyes as she began to laugh through uncontrollable coughing blood spraying from her mouth into the open air.
The drima was pinned and her dogs either defeated or now fleeing in fear as their alpha was about to fall.
The only thing that remained was the killing blow.

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
boo. boo.
Samdragonx Samdragonx
scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
Lord Anubis Lord Anubis
Sythaeryn-18 Yrs-Male|Pet: Admiral
Sythaeryn watched the battle between the rest of his classmates and the dogs. Yuki attacked with swords, Reia seemed to have lost it and attacked with something that was blinding as the elf made the mistake of watching the pretty rainbow seemingly fly...soar...arc towards the drima. The elf stepped backwards, rubbing at his eyes as the drima dogs ran off in fear, the left not bothering to pursue them. Placing a hand on the branch wrapped around him still, he slowly unwrapped it before sending it underground, the earth shaking as he moved it through the earth before it erupted through the earth underneath the drima, the elf breathing hard at the use of his power, a twist of his hand caused the branch to twist together into a sharp point and burrow into the drima's back.
Yuki - 18yrs
Yuki wanted nothing more than to chop the woman Drima's head off. Every fiber of her body seemed to pulse with excitement at it. Only one thing seemed to calm her "Reis...you should finish her." Yuki's heart slammed against her ribs as she wanted nothing more than to do the job herself.

April - 17yrs
April jumped back taking her katana with her, she nodded to Tenti the water dragon seemed to heal Michael's broke body before floating off to the Academy. The clear armor fell from Apirl as she panted. "April I don't think you should form that contract right off the bat after all...." Silvana moved towards her to remove the seal she had placed but was stopped. "Silvana I...will be okay." Silvana nodded with a small frown, "It was a pleasure once you make it to Elevim summon me there. I would gladly serve you anytime." April nodded, "Thank you Silvana for everything." Silvana nodded once again before vanishing.

Kelli - 18yrs - Pet: Sasha
Kelli watched the beast woman fall, but laughed like a mad man. "I hope that never happens to me... Sasha promise if I go turning you'll kill me first." Sasha glanced at Kelli, "I won't ever have to worry about that."

Kiba - 19yrs - Pet: Feral
Kiba jerked back as the few blue petals of Yuki's flowers turned red and seemed to triple. "I think we should set this one out...those look deadly." Feral frowned, "Whatever is happening is because of D's blood..." He huffed not liking the fact he was missing out on a battle, but there were plenty more to come.

VeiledPariah VeiledPariah
Hi guys. I might have offed the drima with Sythaeryn as I sent a branch through the drima's back.

Also, Veil's going to be gone for 18 days so won't be here.
Hi guys. I might have offed the drima with Sythaeryn as I sent a branch through the drima's back.

Also, Veil's going to be gone for 18 days so won't be here.
Oh I thought that was through a Drima dog, and VeiledPariah gone this weekend I thought it was next....

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