Old Friends


Lonely Stoner
As you can see, I have taken it upon myself to create the characters already... For the most part. My reasoning for this is simply because I had a semi-plot in my mind that I wanted to use but it required somewhat set backgrounds in order to make sense. I know a lot of people don't really like to play characters that are already formed but honestly it isn't as bad as one might think. You still have the ability to change them slightly because of the time that has passed and add to their background if you'd like, you still can play them as you would a character you made on your own, and you can still enjoy it just as much. I tried to make the characters diverse but due to my plot idea they're all pretty damaged. Basically all you have to do now is copy and paste the ONE character you wish to play's bio and that's really all. Once the role play starts, everyone will already be arriving in Maui and from there they will all meet at the Fairmont Hotel there and carry out our stay. Most likely, some form of event will occur that is going to stop everyone from leaving for awhile (we can discuss this event in the OOC because I'm drawing a blank as to what this could be). I decided against putting rules up since I'm designating this an Advanced role play hoping that those of you who join know the site rules already and have a good concept of what is and isn't acceptable in general terms. My only big rule is that I don't want to see sad little paragraphs for characters.. I'd much rather see detailed posts. So, basically, don't give the rest of us four sentences to work with when we're giving you much more. Otherwise, have fun and get creative!

Female Roles


| Name: Olivia Forester | Age: 24 | FC: Amber Heard | Roleplayer: oOBubblesOo |

Traits: + Sweet, Compassionate, Honest; - Stubborn, Indecisive, Emotional

Background: Olivia was raised in a single parent home with no siblings. She doesn't talk much about her history with anyone besides her best friend, Lydia. Having grown up in North Carolina, she had known most of the others for quite some time before high school. Olivia was in a committed relationship with Jesse for four years; throughout their entire high school career. Their relationship was off and on and very rocky considering Jesse's issues. During their senior year, Olivia told Jesse she was pregnant and though they were happy, at first, things went wrong. After a huge fight the day after graduation, Olivia made the decision to have an abortion. It had taken everything in her power to force herself to do so and she immediately regretted it. Ever since then, she has avoided seeing Jesse and has a very hard time emotionally. She has slowly become somewhat unstable and has refused to get into any other relationships since Jesse. Olivia still loves Jesse with her all and, though she tries to hide it, she would do anything to have him back in her life. Olivia still currently lives in Raleigh, North Carolina.


| Name: Lydia Connell | Age: 24 | FC: Holland Roden | Roleplayer: LittleWolfie |

Traits: + Intelligent, Open-Minded, Caring; - Sarcastic, Insecure, Needy

Background: Lydia was raised by both her mother and father with two siblings in the same household. Lydia and Olivia had been best friends since elementary school and she considered her to be the closest of them group. However, throughout Olivia and Jesse's relationship, Lydia felt she was put on the back burner and began spending more time with Lola and Amara on her own. The three grew much closer over time despite their conflicting personalities. Lydia received exemplary grades all through her schooling career but she found herself time and time again putting her needs on hold for her family and friends. Just before graduation, Lydia's parents divorced and moved apart. Lydia managed to keep her grades up but slowly started to become more detached from her friends at the time. After graduation, Lydia moved to Princeton, New Jersey to live with her mother and continue her education at Princeton University.


| Name: Lola Marx | Age: 25 | FC: Ashley Benson | Roleplayer: Allina Auburn |

Traits: + Adventurous, Quick-Witted, Sociable; - Promiscuous, Rude, Impulsive

Background: Lola was raised by her mother and stepfather until the age of ten. At ten years old, Lola exposed to her teacher that her stepfather had been sexually abusing her. At first, nobody believed her, including her mother. Two years later, she expressed this once more to her counselor and after doing a thorough investigation they discovered the truth. Her stepfather has since been sent to prison, her mother still refusing to believe the situation and quickly moving closer to the facility he was being held in once Lola was taken by social services. During her high school years, Lola began acting out of pure hurt and became sexually active very early. Most people at school simply considered her a slag but her friends knew the truth and they tried to do all they could to help her see past her history and quit forcing herself to act out this way. Lola's closest friend of the group, Amara, helped her the most and without her Lola would not have made it through graduation without being expelled or possibly even worse. Lola kept in touch the least with everyone because she felt ashamed that she had not taken their advice and now continues to do more drugs and practice other unsafe behaviors. She now lives in Rochester, Minnesota.


| Name: Amara Reed | Age: 25 | FC: Shay Mitchell | Roleplayer: LifeNovel |

Traits: + Independent, Decisive, Confident; - Blunt, Stubborn, Impatient

Background: Amara grew up with two younger brothers and her mother. From her childhood through high school, she did only average in school but was usually treated quite kindly by everyone. Her mother was a travel agent who found more time for that and men then her children so she was rarely around, leaving Amara to care for her brothers alone. She started working at the age of fourteen, getting paid under the table in order to help take care of needs not being met by her mother. Living this sort of lifestyle, Amara had learned to be very self-sufficient and she refuses to let people treat her to anything or pay for anything that she is responsible for. Through high school, Amara became closest with Lola, which surprised them both honestly. Amara graduated with only an average GPA which threw her ideas of better schooling out the window. Still having to care for her siblings, she remained in Raleigh for four years after graduation. Only then was she able to move to Santa Cruz, California as she had always wished.

Male Roles


| Name: Jason Alexander | Age: 25 | FC: Dean Geyer | Roleplayer: MerCelia |

Traits: + Flirtatious, Amusing, Cunning; - Indiscreet, Perverse, Vain

Background: Jason was born in Johannesburg, South Africa but moved to the States at the start of high school. Jason's parents stayed behind to continued their lives while he resided in Raleigh, living with his uncle. Jason had always been big into sports and was considered one of the better athletes in their high school. Not many issues seemed to arise aside from his frequent sleeping around and inability to keep his grades above a C. Despite his low average, they football coach intended to keep him on the team but forced him into tutoring because Jason needed a scholarship of some kind to not only go to college but stay in the U.S. By his senior year, he had made a lot of friends but considered only a few to be his real ones. Jason's tutor and best friend was Carson, though, the group didn't know about the first part initially. At the end of his senior year, Jason still continued some of his bad habits with sleeping around but managed to earn himself a scholarship to Duke University in North Carolina where he stayed until this past year when he moved to Santa Barbara, California.


| Name: Dustin Moore | Age: 24 | FC: Nick Jonas | Roleplayer: Aidan- |

Traits: + Outgoing, Creative, Easygoing; - Unreliable, Lazy, Careless

Background: Dustin was raised by his father and step-mother, having only one sibling; his older sister. Dustin had always been a lazy child who sat around and played video games daily, doing little to nothing aside from that. His older sister received impressive grades in school while Dustin slacked off. His stepmother supported him as best as she could but his father always shot him down, encouraging him to do better in the worst way possible. In high school, Dustin still continued to slack off and was almost held back due to missing so many days of school and a ridiculous amount of tardies. However, he did get slightly better with this his senior year but still refused to make any more effort than really necessary. Graduating at the bottom of his class, Dustin was basically disowned by his father and now he only speaks to his sister and stepmother. Not really even thinking about college, Dustin decided to move to Greenville, South Carolina where he decided to take up some classes at an art institute and actually earned himself some form of a degree.


| Name: Jesse Rowan | Age: 25 | FC: Paul Wesly | Roleplayer: Flipperdoo2003 |

Traits: + Charming, Protective, Empathetic; - Hotheaded, Self-Destructive, Compulsive

Background: Jesse was raised by his grandmother from the age of six after his mother passed away due to cancer and his father nearly drank himself to death, causing Jesse to be taken from his care. Jesse has always had a hard time dealing without his parents ever being around and he slowly became more troubled. His father's habits began to seep into his own and Jesse began drinking away his pain at the age of sixteen. Jesse only had one younger sister but she was taken into foster-care at four and he only saw her three times before they cut off all contact. Throughout high school, Jesse developed severe anger issues primarily due to his drinking and severe depression. The only time he seemed to be better was with Olivia. Three years into their relationship, their friends began to notice his anger issues more as well as the marks he left on Olivia. Jesse convinced himself he could get better and he had for awhile before something set him off once more and he hit Olivia while she was pregnant with his child. This being the last straw for her, Jesse was left practically alone and utterly broken. He has resented himself since this day and checked himself into rehab a year after graduation. Though he still struggles with his anger, he refrains from drinking at all costs. Jesse now lives in Arlington, Virginia.


| Name: Carson Oliver | Age: 24 | FC: Grant Gustin | Roleplayer: Ninja God |

Traits: + Romantic, Kind, Honest; - Awkward, Timid, Self-Deprecating

Background: Carson grew up in a wealthy household with very distant parents. Being an only child, he was given the luxury of being spoiled but he hated it. Carson had always longed for a better relationship with his parents but he sadly never received it and he rarely hears from them today aside from on holidays or his birthday. Carson spent his high school career being pushed around by people left and right and being taken advantage of the most. He hated everything about school aside from the actual education itself and his friends. Carson relied a lot on himself and rarely on the others but he still enjoyed their support from time to time. He was always one to pretend everything was okay though he felt like crap almost everyday. Carson graduated high school with honors and moved in a hurry to Cambridge, Massachusetts to go to Harvard.​
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| Name: Lola Marx | Age: 25 | FC: Ashley Benson | Status: Open | Roleplayer: |

Traits: + Adventurous, Quick-Witted, Sociable; - Promiscuous, Rude, Impulsive

Background: Lola was raised by her mother and stepfather until the age of ten. At ten years old, Lola exposed to her teacher that her stepfather had been sexually abusing her. At first, nobody believed her, including her mother. Two years later, she expressed this once more to her counselor and after doing a thorough investigation they discovered the truth. Her stepfather has since been sent to prison, her mother still refusing to believe the situation and quickly moving closer to the facility he was being held in once Lola was taken by social services. During her high school years, Lola began acting out of pure hurt and became sexually active very early. Most people at school simply considered her a slag but her friends knew the truth and they tried to do all they could to help her see past her history and quit forcing herself to act out this way. Lola's closest friend of the group, Amara, helped her the most and without her Lola would not have made it through graduation without being expelled or possibly even worse. Lola kept in touch the least with everyone because she felt ashamed that she had not taken their advice and now continues to do more drugs and practice other unsafe behaviors. She now lives in Rochester, Minnesota


| Name: Jesse Rowan | Age: 25 | FC: Paul Wesly | Roleplayer: |

Traits: + Charming, Protective, Empathetic; - Hotheaded, Self-Destructive, Compulsive

Background: Jesse was raised by his grandmother from the age of six after his mother passed away due to cancer and his father nearly drank himself to death, causing Jesse to be taken from his care. Jesse has always had a hard time dealing without his parents ever being around and he slowly became more troubled. His father's habits began to seep into his own and Jesse began drinking away his pain at the age of sixteen. Jesse only had one younger sister but she was taken into foster-care at four and he only saw her three times before they cut off all contact. Throughout high school, Jesse developed severe anger issues primarily due to his drinking and severe depression. The only time he seemed to be better was with Olivia. Three years into their relationship, their friends began to notice his anger issues more as well as the marks he left on Olivia. Jesse convinced himself he could get better and he had for awhile before something set him off once more and he hit Olivia while she was pregnant with his child. This being the last straw for her, Jesse was left practically alone and utterly broken. He has resented himself since this day and checked himself into rehab a year after graduation. Though he still struggles with his anger, he refrains from drinking at all costs. Jesse now lives in Arlington, Virginia.​
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| Name: Lydia Connell | Age: 24 | FC: Holland Roden | Status: Open | Roleplayer: |

Traits: + Intelligent, Open-Minded, Caring; - Sarcastic, Insecure, Needy

Background: Lydia was raised by both her mother and father with two siblings in the same household. Lydia and Olivia had been best friends since elementary school and she considered her to be the closest of them group. However, throughout Olivia and Jesse's relationship, Lydia felt she was put on the back burner and began spending more time with Lola and Amara on her own. The three grew much closer over time despite their conflicting personalities. Lydia received exemplary grades all through her schooling career but she found herself time and time again putting her needs on hold for her family and friends. Just before graduation, Lydia's parents divorced and moved apart. Lydia managed to keep her grades up but slowly started to become more detached from her friends at the time. After graduation, Lydia moved to Princeton, New Jersey to live with her mother and continue her education at Princeton University.​

| Name: Carson Oliver | Age: 24 | FC: Grant Gustin | Roleplayer: |

Traits: + Romantic, Kind, Honest; - Awkward, Timid, Self-Deprecating

Background: Carson grew up in a wealthy household with very distant parents. Being an only child, he was given the luxury of being spoiled but he hated it. Carson had always longed for a better relationship with his parents but he sadly never received it and he rarely hears from them today aside from on holidays or his birthday. Carson spent his high school career being pushed around by people left and right and being taken advantage of the most. He hated everything about school aside from the actual education itself and his friends. Carson relied a lot on himself and rarely on the others but he still enjoyed their support from time to time. He was always one to pretend everything was okay though he felt like crap almost everyday. Carson graduated high school with honors and moved in a hurry to Cambridge, Massachusetts to go to Harvard.
| Name: Amara Reed | Age: 25 | FC: Shay Mitchell | Roleplayer: |

Traits: + Independent, Decisive, Confident; - Blunt, Stubborn, Impatient

Background: Amara grew up with two younger brothers and her mother. From her childhood through high school, she did only average in school but was usually treated quite kindly by everyone. Her mother was a travel agent who found more time for that and men then her children so she was rarely around, leaving Amara to care for her brothers alone. She started working at the age of fourteen, getting paid under the table in order to help take care of needs not being met by her mother. Living this sort of lifestyle, Amara had learned to be very self-sufficient and she refuses to let people treat her to anything or pay for anything that she is responsible for. Through high school, Amara became closest with Lola, which surprised them both honestly. Amara graduated with only an average GPA which threw her ideas of better schooling out the window. Still having to care for her siblings, she remained in Raleigh for four years after graduation. Only then was she able to move to Santa Cruz, California as she had always wished.
| Name: Jason Alexander | Age: 25 | FC: Dean Geyer | Roleplayer: |

Traits: + Flirtatious, Amusing, Cunning; - Indiscreet, Perverse, Vain

Background: Jason was born in Johannesburg, South Africa but moved to the States at the start of high school. Jason's parents stayed behind to continued their lives while he resided in Raleigh, living with his uncle. Jason had always been big into sports and was considered one of the better athletes in their high school. Not many issues seemed to arise aside from his frequent sleeping around and inability to keep his grades above a C. Despite his low average, they football coach intended to keep him on the team but forced him into tutoring because Jason needed a scholarship of some kind to not only go to college but stay in the U.S. By his senior year, he had made a lot of friends but considered only a few to be his real ones. Jason's tutor and best friend was Carson, though, the group didn't know about the first part initially. At the end of his senior year, Jason still continued some of his bad habits with sleeping around but managed to earn himself a scholarship to Duke University in North Carolina where he stayed until this past year when he moved to Santa Barbara, California.
| Name: Dustin Moore | Age: 24 | FC: Nick Jonas | Roleplayer: |

Traits: + Outgoing, Creative, Easygoing; - Unreliable, Lazy, Careless

Background: Dustin was raised by his father and step-mother, having only one sibling; his older sister. Dustin had always been a lazy child who sat around and played video games daily, doing little to nothing aside from that. His older sister received impressive grades in school while Dustin slacked off. His stepmother supported him as best as she could but his father always shot him down, encouraging him to do better in the worst way possible. In high school, Dustin still continued to slack off and was almost held back due to missing so many days of school and a ridiculous amount of tardies. However, he did get slightly better with this his senior year but still refused to make any more effort than really necessary. Graduating at the bottom of his class, Dustin was basically disowned by his father and now he only speaks to his sister and stepmother. Not really even thinking about college, Dustin decided to move to Greenville, South Carolina where he decided to take up some classes at an art institute and actually earned himself some form of a degree.

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