Story Old Bit of Writing


New Member
Jamie was getting too big to carry with ease. Actually he already was. Such was troubling. Less so during the daytime when he could be lead around by Tawnie, Teagan, Jackoby, or even Julian or Tulla for time to time.

But if in the late evening he happened to get too tired before being taken off to bed chances were he would prefer to fall asleep wherever he happened to be sitting than be moved. Such was more troubling. It meant someone had to do their best at picking him up and getting him into a nice warm bed.

The head of the Landry household, Gaige Landry, was typically outside the home at such a times. Actually Gaige was typically outside the home period. Jacqueline Landry wasn’t always home toward the end of the day either and even if she was she was of the thinking that Jamie was fine sleeping just where ever so long as he was inside and decently near a bathroom or someone who could help him get to one in the morning. Teagan had Micah to worry about carrying to bed and settling him down too. Bernard- Teagan’s boyfriend- was frequently not home just the same as Gaige and besides, he wasn’t much for picking up kids, not even Micah. Tawnie was surprisingly strong for a girl her age and deceptively lanky appearance but such only helped her handle Jamie so much.

Thus the task of attempting to haul five year old Jamie into bed often fell on Jackoby’s shoulders. Literally his shoulders. That was the easiest way to get a good grip on the dead weight of the kid if he happened to fall asleep some place. Sling him head and arms back over one shoulder or the other. Much better than trying to hold him on a hip or trying trust him to rouse enough to hold on with his arms around his older brother’s neck.

Since learning the cause behind Jamie’s lack of responsiveness and poor motor skills things were a little easier. Jamie had learned to communicate somewhat through use of gestures and such but he sometimes forgot to ask to be helped to bed or else he asked too soon and who ever he asked got distracted with this or that. Such being the case Jackoby tended to help his youngest brother to bed early if he planned on going out for a long evening. Maybe it was rude to the mostly deaf five year old to cut his days short occasionally but it was either that or risk him catching chills when Tawnie couldn’t manage to get him to bed herself. Well or perhaps Jackoby could just not take long evenings to himself but then that would be unfair to him.

This evening was to be a long one for Jackoby. He needed one. They were not incredibly frequent things. Perhaps once a week at the most. He was going to go out and get some practice with what might as well have been called the Landry family business. Gambling. Sure Gaige made most of his money in ways that were best not discussed but such was more than anything just a means of funding his games. Jacqueline also had a thing for playing with luck. Rumors and jokes would have it that a few of her children were the results of such dances with chance.

Jackoby was aware that his parents were not the best of people. He didn’t much consider that though when he thought of practicing the family craft. What he did consider was simple. Fun. Fun and profit. That was what gambling was. But mostly fun. Jackoby liked fun. Who didn’t? It was a primary reason why he enjoyed caring for his younger siblings. But children’s games were not the same as other sorts of games. They weren’t the same kind of fun. Mischievous joy was one thing yet thrilling rushes were another. And sometimes thrilling rushes were desired more than mischievous joy. Such was why Jackoby made sure Jamie was taken to bed before heading out for the rest of the day, because he desired a long evening with plenty of thrilling rushes.

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