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Fandom Oh, the horror! Oh, the cliche! Oh, the...guilty pleasure ^-^;;


New Member
Bleh, I hate writing these things. Well guys, I've cracked and decided to expose everyone to my guilty pleasure in rping:

Modern OC falls into their fandom.

I know, it's been done. Very done. Done to death. But I can't be the only one around here who still likes it, right? Uh...right? <.<;;

The five tenets

-Do not respond exclusively with one liners or single paragraphs. To do so is to invoke the wrath of Sithis will make me leave. I understand that sometimes, especially in dialogue heavy sections, posts won't be very long. But too many short posts and I will lose interest, sorry.
-Do not write without grammar or decent spelling. To do so will make me leave. Ok, I'm far from perfect myself and I understand that some people here don't speak English as their first language, that is ok, but make it readable? I don't feel like I am asking for a lot.
-Do not make me do all the work. To do so will make me leave. I'm alright with taking on more than my fair share...but not taking on everything. If I'm the only one moving the plot forward and end up playing all of the NPCs then I'll get tired and at the very least my post rate will drop.
-Do not poke me for responses all the time. To do so will make me leave. My responses can be very variable. Sometimes I will respond multiple times a day, sometimes just once, sometimes once every few days. Most of the time this is due to outside issues bringing down my mood. When I'm not in the mood, I can't really rp and I'd rather not feel obligated to.
-Do not ghost me and instead tell me you are leaving. To do so will make me leave. Well this one has a good side at least. If you want to go, tell me and I'll let you go without argument. Otherwise I'll end up keeping your rp open in the hopes you'll come back and that's not a good feeling.

If you have read all of these respond first thusly: Sanguine, my sister. And I will let you in ;)

What this will not be

Romance focused:
Romance will be a secondary concern and at the very least semi-realistic. As in they won't fall for your character instantly and no, they can't try to romance the bad guys or anyone who just isn't open for romance. A good example of the latter would be Snape, a man who has his entire character built around being hung up on someone else. He's not interested. Sorry. I mean, I guess you could TRY but he'll turn them down, fair warning.

Overpowered: Our characters will AT MOST fit in with the main characters in terms of strength and skill and they won't start strong. Growth and struggle, mistakes and learning from them are what makes a story interesting and satisfying. If you have everything from the start then there isn't a lot of point in continuing, you're already at endgame.

One-sided: My OC isn't the centre of the universe and I am not the only player. Same goes for you. I want this to be an equal adventure where we both have fun.

Completely unrealistic: If I can't see a logical reason for something to happen then I would strongly prefer it didn't. I won't be horribly nitpicky, the entire IDEA is kind of unrealistic, and I'll accept some amount of wackiness for the purposes of fun but let's be sensible, ok guys? Oh, and use the excuse of "Riiiiiight, because fire breathing dragons/magic wands/laser guns are SOOOO realistic" and I will immediately leave. Sorry, that excuse makes my blood boil. They ARE realistic within the confines of their own fantasy. YOU being able to turn into a dragon is not.

What this will be

OC focused:
I will be using the world and the people in it more like NPCs than main characters I control. I'm not BRILLIANT at controlling canon characters beyond this kind of level. I'll do my best if you want to romance one but the rp is going to be more focused on our OCs than canon characters.

Probably, at least broadly, following the main plot: Whether because our OCs have replaced some main characters or simply because it's easier, I would prefer to stay reasonably close to the main action. It offers a solid start and I always prefer to have a plot at least going on in the background that we can draw on.

Not completely realistic: Let me set a realistic scene: Modern person falls into the world of Skyrim. Modern person finds a dragon. Modern person gets burnt to a crisp by dragon. The end. This doesn't really sound very fun XD Nor does living their life out as a beggar because they have no marketable skills in a medieval setting. Realism can add interest and fun but there is a line between realistic and frustrating/boring. I'll admit I sometimes get a bit too close to that line but I like to think I don't cross it.

EDIT: Both of us playing a modern OC: I've realised that I never specified anywhere that I wanted both of us to play modern OCs that fell into the fandom so that our OCs can have at least one person who understands what they are going through. Now I have ^-^ sorry about that!

Fandoms I want to play in (sorry the list is so short. I'm either not well versed enough in other fandoms or I just don't think it will work very well)
***** Please?
**** Will definitely like to play in this fandom.
*** Will play in this fandom happily.
** Alright. I don't mind.
* Only offering it because I'm desperate for the trope

Fallout 4****
Fallout 3 ***
Mass Effect trilogy***
Mass Effect Andromeda*
Dragon Age***
Persona 5*
Harry Potter**

So, after that long pitch...I really hope I haven't scared everybody off. And that people will actually read it before trying to contact me. I really am more flexible and friendly than this makes me seem but these are kind of my bottom lines. If you don't toe them then we're going to have to talk. Either that or I'll just give up and walk away. People coming to me who clearly haven't read anything or are just ignoring it are the reason I despise making interest checks >.<

For anyone I have scared off but are still reading to the bottom I hope you find what you're looking for and have fun here ^-^ Have a good day.
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