oh. hi.


New Member

Call me Comeaux. I am feeling a bit jarred right now: there is some nervous tension in my hands because the fan behind me is giving me an odd chill and I'm quite unsure of how well I'm going to be received here.

Oh yeah - interests. I've been exploring a lot of Lovecraft recently, and I'm continuing to open up to the sword and sorcery genre (something not that unusual for somebody who has spent the last 3 months procrastinating on an

Advanced Dungeons and Dragons

campaign). There's been a bit of a hunger for something that carries the same attitude as Takami's

Battle Royale

or Ellis'

American Psycho

that I still haven't satisfied yet (recommendations are


welcome, by-the-way).

I've been role-playing online since around 2007: started on GameFAQs, made some pretty cool friends that I've managed to keep along the years. Over time the writing certainly improved. I then moved on to individual forums (remember InvisionFree and zetaBoards? Sheesh, what a relic) until the time came where I branched off to different places like MSPARP and that Omegle place which could drive any seasoned role-player absolutely livid.

I might seem like a snob now and then - yeah, yeah, "

You aren't being one NOW??"

; forgive me and (most importantly)

tell me

when I am being one. I want both of us to have a good time - and I'd like to think that for all of us, having people who write thoughtfully and appropriately is a big part of why role-playing is an enjoyable hobby.

This community thus far seems pretty cool (though that damned Cynic of mine may doubt it), and I am very excited to construct some brilliant writing and form relationships with you all. I'll see you folks when I see you next.

Before I forget: feel free to ask me any questions about myself; my experiences; or my interests; I'd love to get to know the community a bit more personally.
Welcome! It's always great to meet a new face here. I'm sure you'll find something that will fill your hunger here.

I wasn't aware GameFAQs had a roleplaying forum. I only checked the boards for answers of the games I was playing.

What is your preference of games, if I may ask?
octopotamus said:
Welcome! It's always great to meet a new face here. I'm sure you'll find something that will fill your hunger here.
I wasn't aware GameFAQs had a roleplaying forum. I only checked the boards for answers of the games I was playing.

What is your preference of games, if I may ask?
Pleasure to meet you, octopotamus!

GameFAQs, from my memory, had a sizable community of roleplayers on one of it's Social Boards; thankfully, my histrionic antics over on their


Roleplaying Board got me isolated to a sparing few threads on the long-dead Super Mario RPG board. Thank


that's over and done with ...

As for

vidya gaems

, I've tended to dip into a multitude of genres; I'm a fan of the

Metal Gear

series today, but I can never forget the 633 hours I had spent in

Team Fortress 2

or the massive blocks of time I'd poke into shoveling through Virtual Console platformers

Kid Icarus


Dynamite Headdy

(which should have warranted psychological examination for signs of masochistic tendencies). From experience, however, I tend to find story-driven games that can touch a diverse palette of emotions a welcome addition to my collection! Speaking of which, I really need to get on top of playing those

Ace Attorney

games ...
comeaux said:
I really need to get on top of playing those Ace Attorney games ...
Heck yes you do! Those games are my favorites!

Welcome to RPN :D I dig your frenchie name.

I also welcome snobs near and far. I think it's mostly a defense mechanism for quality -- you want to get better, and that tends to ooze out the tongue and bother people with the demands placed on them that you place on yourself. Mebe. Maybe you're just a controlling jerkface. We'll find out, I'm sure ;)

I hope you enjoy your stay here! Do let me know if you're in need of any direction or help. What kind of RPs are you looking for, specifically? I'll make sure to keep an eye out for you!

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