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Nation Building Ogigia in Flames


Suffers from Selective Memory

Lack of spoon-feeding ahead. I have no intentions of building a metric fuckton of lore and such. Quite the contrary. I want a detailed nation building fantasy experience. I think the best way to do that is a collaborative effort. Rather than me give you the world I am going to give you the base. And then we, you and you and you and you and you, and yes you I didn’t forget you.. Are going to create this world together, it’s history and everything. And then some evil asshole is gonna fuck it all up :)

Evil Rises...

...In the world of Ogigia a darkness blooms on the horizon, threatening existence itself, a black hand blotting out all good and light extends it’s reach further outwards, looking north towards the lands of light...

The kingdoms there bicker and war amongst themselves, unaware and unprepared for the impending conquest. It will hit them, hard, and soon. Only unity can save them, and unity is what they have always lacked...
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