Story Ofilia


now i know how joan of arc felt
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(Meant to be read in DARK MODE, it has white BBCode)


Ofilia...with an F
Some girls long for thigh gaps and small bellies, and I must have been one of them in another life because my ginormous thigh gaps are a curse and my ribs look like they're trying to escape my skin. As matter of fact, my body is a curse in many ways, and I've of course added my own regretful curses to it as well. I've had Anorexia Nervosa since before I could remember, and it has made growing up in Ohio rather…difficult for many reasons.
My name is Ofilia by the way. Yep, that is not a typo or mistake, O-F-I-L-I-A. My friends call me Fil though. I'm sixteen years old and I feel like I'm sixty, my knees are always cracking and I feel like my midlife crisis is happening just a smidge too early. I live in a house that I share with a few of my friends. There is Alex Patches, the local homeless chic, she is usually drunk off of her redhead ass and never wears pants, which actually sounds like a chill lifestyle if you ask me. Scott Cooper, the only responsible dude in the house, he works at Bobbie's, a small gas-station slash grocery store in our town. Scott is also the tallest amongst us, about seven somethin' I think? Anyways, he has long brown hair that droops at least five feet down from his head. Then there is my best friend in the entire world, Jay Butterfly! I just call him J-Butt, he is just as short as me, which is very hard to do considering I'm barely five feet tall, but that's about all we have in common appearance wise. J-Butt has dark brown curly hair, some would call it an afro but...smaller! He also wears these nerdy-ass round glasses that look extremely flimsy, aaaand he is currently calling me...?
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Ring ring bitch!
A picture of Jay popped up in a circle on my cracked phone screen. I quickly tapped the green "ANSWER" button on the bottom of the screen.

"Ring ring bitch!"

"Whaddya' want J-Butt"

"Sup Fil, just checking to see if you ate this morning...?"

"Ugh, you know I hate breakfast J-Butt--"

"Aah! Fil, you gotta eat you promised!"

"But I'll be late for school."

"We'll be late for school, look out the window."

I run over to the window above the sink and pull the blinds back, and there stands Jay wearing his smug ass smile. In his hands is a brown bag...a brown lunch bag. J-Butt has made it his personal goal to get me to eat more, I feel like I should be annoyed or frustrated by his constant attempts but in all honesty, it kinda feels, ya' know...nice that someone cares enough to help me. Especially since he buys me breakfast burritos every morning.
After hanging up the phone, I open the door and cross my arms smiling. "Breakfast burritos?" He smirks back and nods. "Two breakfast burritos, no mayo and extra cheese." I take the bag from his hands with a laugh.

"I'll eat it for lunch."

J-Butt squints at me and sputters "What? Hey you--"


He sighs and scratches the back of his head. "Alright...but wont it get cold--OOF"

I shove my elbow into his side and laugh as I grab my green bookbag, though its more of a pincushion now with all the colorful pins poking out of it in a disorganized manner, and throw it over my shoulder, and head out the door. Our high school is only a few blocks away, which means that we are close enough that the school won't let us ride the buses, also its winter right now so goddamn is it a cold walk but J-Butt makes it a little bearable. I was too deep in thought to notice that he is much farther ahead of me until he yells: "Fil, catch up slow-ass!" I smirk and quickly run next to his side.

(Let me know your opinions so far, what i need to improve on, etc.)
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