[Official] Transformers: Battle for Earth RPG

[Official] Transformers: Battle for Earth RP

This is where the actual RPGing will take place. To post character bios and learn the basic plot of this RPG, go to the Transformers: Battle for Earth Character Thread (link is posted below).

Just a reminder about the rules.


1. No powerplaying.

2. Please no cussing.

3. Don't kill other player's characters without permission.

4. No G-modding.

5. Transformer characters can form bonds, but keep it family friendly.

6. There will be violence in this RPG, but also keep it family friendly

Here's the link to the character thread:


On Another note, here's a link to PyroWarriorZ's Beast Wars RP

(I'm going to start) Siren sat in front of Teletran 1 in the crash landed ARK and listened to the computer as it recounted the history of Cybertron. She sighed to herself; wishing she was back home.
The crash of the ark shut off his visual systems and he was in the process of rebooting. Standing against the wall, strapped in for impact.

"Siren, is that you?" Thundershock asked as he listened to the teletran listing off information about cybertron.
Siren looked at Thundershock. "It's me," she replied, "I was wondering when you'd wake up, the ARK must have crashed really hard to have knocked you out this long," she added in a teasing tone.
"You know that i am like twice your size. This crash had more impact on me then you." Thundershock replied.

As his optics returned to working order, he reached his hands up and released his restraints. Falling to the ground, he landed in a kneeling position behind Siren.

"Whats the situation, boss?" Thundershock asked out as he looked at Siren.
Revenant's optics activated to a pulsing red light. An emergency... He lay there for a moment,trying to determine the nature of the emergency. No gunfire. No loud noises. Just creaking bulkheads and sparking panels. We crashed. Getting up,Revenant scanned the room he was in. The mighty Nemesis was either shot down,or some idiot flew us into the ground. He was surrounded by his fellow Decepticons,all apparently knocked out,save for one. "Starscream,step away from Megatron." The reliably traitorous Decepticon looked at Revenant,and looked as if he were going to say something to the effect of "Make me",when he caught sight of the glowing blue barrel of Revenant's fusion blaster,pointed straight at his face. "As you wish,Revenant. I was merely trying to ascertain Megatron's good health." "Stow it,snake. We both know what you were planning to do. Better leaders exist,but you're not one of them." Knowing what he was up against,Starscream backed off. "See if you can't wake up Soundwave." Starscream nodded,and stomped off to find Soundwave,Megatron's most loyal minion. In the meantime,Revenant proceeded to his post on the bridge,the sensors.

Unsurprisingly,almost all of them were inoperable,either damaged or destroyed entirely. Using the barely functional exterior cameras,Revenant observed the immediate area around the crashed revenant. Most of the bow cameras were black,but still broadcasted.
We're stuck nose-into something. That complicates extraction... The dorsal cameras revealed a blue sky with white clouds of varying texture and shape. Oxygen and nitrogen rich atmosphere,with a good deal of dihydrogen monoxide present on-world...We're not on Cybertron anymore. The ventral cameras revealed a dusty,rocky ground,just close enough for the boarding ramp to make contact. Just. And a silicate crust...Such an odd world. His musings were interrupted by the sound of a punch behind him,quickly followed by a familiar robotic monotone, "Don't even think about it,Starscream!" Revenant turned around to see Soundwave having since knocked Starscream over and planted his foot on his chest,pointing his gun at his face. "Settle down. I have finished reconnisance of the area immediately around the Nemesis. We have crashed on a world rich with silicates,oxygen,nitrogen,and dihydrogen monoxide. This means that it's quite possible that advanced carbon-based life may live here." Soundwave nodded,and proceeded to attempt to wake up Megatron,while Starscream looked confused. "And that means,what,exactly?" "It means we're not alone here. And our company will be squishy. Long range technology scanners are still operational. I'll do a scan. Once it's complete,we can select an appropriate alternative form for the purpose of espionage and reconnisance."

Revenant engaged the scan.
"We have landed...er...crashed on a new planet," Siren replied, "It's inhabited by carbon lifeforms, they're smaller than us; very squish-able," she added, "They have primitive technology compared to ours, but their forms of transportation are much like our alternate forms. You may have noticed that I look a little different then I did when I was on Cybertron, that's because I have a new vehicle form; you'll need one too."// A Decepticon named Roadblock coughed and looked around. "What a dump...what happened to the Nemesis?" he asked.
Revenant simply shrugged. "Most likely annihilated. Such is the fate of smaller craft when they collide with a planetary body." The scanner interface bleeped,signalling the conclusion of the scan. Reading the screen,Revenant said, "It appears the extent of their technology is combustion energy and propulsion,nuclear fission,and wireless data transfer. How barbaric." Revenant pressed a button,calling a list to the main screen of the Nemesis bridge. "There. This is a list of appropriate alternative forms if you wish to remain inconspicuous. Very few of the native platforms are armed,I've noticed,so if you do select an armed platform,I reccomend you still exercise caution. Now..." He trailed off,noticing the bottom portion of the scan report. "Cybertronian technology detected. Very nearby. Could it possibly be...Could the Ark have crashed alongside the Nemesis? This will warrant investigation." Revenant stood up,and approached the reformatting chamber. "I'll scout the crash site and report back. If Starscream tries anything,beat him with his own arm until Megatron comes to."

Entering the chamber,Revenant selected one of the vehicular forms higher up on the list,one of the most common vehicles in the area. It was a long,unarmed vehicle,seemingly designed to carry around seven individuals,plus cargo. After a few brief minutes,Revenant left for the cargo bay,where the boarding ramp was. Opening the ramp,Revenant transformed and began his approach to the crash site of the other Cybertronian craft. He lamented the vehicle's poor top speed,but at the same time he was thankful for the relatively silent engine...Well,as silent as a device that runs on explosions can be.
Roadblock picked a black Ion Saturn as his car mode. "Hold on a sec," he said into the com-channel, "If you're going after the Autobots, Siren is mine."
"Negative,Roadblock! This is not a combat mission. This is reconnisance,nothing more. And,let's be honest...You'll be spotted a mile away. Unless you want to be a distraction." Approaching the location the scanner identified as having Cybertronian technology,Revenant transformed back to his bipedal form,and taken cover behind a boulder. Engaging all of his counterintelligence measures,Revenant said over communications, "I've arrived at the perimeter of the site. No visual contact as of yet. I'm going in. Roadblock,if you feel like contributing,make some noise nearby. Get their attention." Turning invisible in a wave of blue hexagons,Revenant stepped out from behind cover. He added, "Remember,this is not a combat mission. So if I say retreat,retreat or I'll scrap you on my way out." Revenant approached slowly. He may be invisible,but he had no way of masking his signature to anything other than optical sensors. However,non-optical sensors would detect his dozen or so false signatures. He'd still raise an alarm if he was indeed approaching an Autobot installation with active sensors. He had no idea,however. However,to err on the side of caution,he had his fusion blaster ready...Just in case he was discovered.
"Fine, but if we were fighting, I wanna scrap Siren myself," Roadblock replied, before having his rocket launcher appear on the roof of his vehicle and fired some in the air so they would explode. "Was that distracting enough?" he asked.
"Small squishable life forms?" Thundershock replied.

Shaking his head a little, Thundershock placed his hand on his face as he stood up.

"And i did see your appearance had changed. I should probably check out some of their vehicles and choose me a new form." Thundershock continued to say just before explosions were heard off in the distance.
Gyrospark woke up. "What happened?" he said to himself. He looked at the great disepticon strongohold now crahsed. He walked over the other unconcious allies. He needed to find how this happened. Or go with a squad that wants revenge with like him. He wondered how long he was out. Not many others were still disconected from the world so he imagined for a long time. He set off to find a recon squad.
Revenant rounded a corner in the rockscape,and saw it. The Ark,half buried in another mountain. He opened a communications channel to the Nemesis, "Base,this is Revenant. The Autobots are here. I repeat,the Autobots are here. Their ship seems non-functional. I'll attempt infiltration and sabotage." Killing the connection,Revenant approached the ship,invisible to sight,and appearing as a small army to sensor systems. "Someone make enough noise to make 'em charge out." Pulling out his fusion blaster,ready for the worst,Revenant edged closer to the Ark. I can end this war right here,right now...
Thundershock walked up to the teletran and strted to browse through the vehicles his size.

"I got it." Thundershock said as his form changed from a slightly glossy shine to a rough green camo.

"I will go check out that noise siren. try to wake the others then meet me outside. Just in case." Thundershock continurled to say as he headed towards the door.
"Be careful," Siren said to Thundershock.// Roadblock hung around outside. *This is a recon mission* he thought to himself *I bet Revenant is getting ready to scrap Autobots if he has too...* "Anyone functioning?" he asked over the Nemesis' com channel. (I think I'm gonna use Megatron, unless someone else wants to be him) Megatron's began to come to. "I...still function," he said as he began to stand.
During the Ark downfall one of the ship's crew had been put in status due to injuries suffered from the previous mission and when the large Autobot ship had begun it's unprepared descent the pod automatically ejected as it flew through the air it went smashing into theme park with a large crash as fire burst into the air followed by smoke.

The pod surrounded by a burnt crater sparked due to the damage of the fall, the on board health system immediately began to flash warning signs.

"Warning! Warning, damage to Central Processing Unit! Warning! Damage to Central Processing Unit! Begin scanning now!"

The pod began to scan for the area for alternative modes for the Autobot inside as it scanned over a mechanical Tyrannosaurus Rex built as an attraction for the Theme Park which roared.

After the scan was finished, the pod rumbled as a Dinobot shot out. The new Dinobot looked around, his head sparking in pain. He couldn't remember, he just remembered pain. He looked at this unfamiliar body with it's small arms, giant legs and tail?!

He felt this sensation and did the only thing that felt right as he let out a huge roar that echoed through the old abandoned Theme Park. He then began walking forward, towards where he smoke coming from other areas.
Siren felt a rumble caused by the crashed pod. She rushed over to Teletran 1 and sent out a probe to search the are where the computer triangulated the landing. "By the Matrix, what is that thing?" she asked herself when she saw the Dinobot on the screen.
The Dinobot saw the probe and he immediately let loose a blast of flames which fried the probe causing it to fall to the ground as he went over to it.

"How dare you sneak up on me! I am..."

The Dinobot realized he didn't quiet remember as he thought hard.

"I am Grimlock!"

With that he stepped on the probe, crushing it with a roar that echoed through the area causing birds to go flying out in all directions.
"Great...it took out the probe," Siren muttered to herself, before transforming into her police car mode; she drove toward where Grimlock was, using her hologram projector to make it look like a female cop was driving her.
Grimlock soon heard the strange buzzing like sound coming towards him as a strange vehicle appeared before him.

"What this strange metal thing coming to me now! Like the other strange metal thing trying to sneak up on me! You want to sneak up on me! Grimlock destroy you!"

Grimlock yelled as his head sparked as the police car got closer.
Siren went back into robot mode. She would have turned her hands into guns, but since she was closer to Grimlock, she noticed his Autobot symbols. "I don't want to hurt you," she said softly, "We're on the same side."
As Grimlock saw the female Autobot transform he suddenly saw her face as he looked at her intently almost as if she seemed familiar.


He suddenly scream out in pain, trying to hold his head in agony but his arms being too small as he cried in torment as his head sparked and shook.

"You! You make me sore! You make me have pain! I kill you!!!"

He charged at Siren with his teeth bared out ready to take a chunk out of the strange metal lady.
As Gyrospark wandered around searching for other decepticons with his role as a recon unit. "Ware is a recon group when you need one," he said to himself aloud. As he continued to explore he ran across an imfamous marvel. The autobot ship not vary far from him. He looked around to see if any other troops were around, his visual reseavers were still shot and he couldnt see vary far. As far he could see there wasnt anybody close to him. He couldnt conect to base with audio either, with his reseavers out a visual signal wouldnt be vary helpfull either. "That crash did alittle to much damage to me. He turned his arms into his two guns, "At least these still work."

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