[1E] Charms: Extra Action: Can't Split Dice Pool. What?


New Member
Ok, time for my first newbie question (or, at least, newbie in regards to Exalted).

I have searned this forum and did not locate a topic that dealt with this specifically.

P.154 of Exalted, under Extra Action Charms, says that a player's dice pool may not be split on any of the actions granted.

Ok.  I must be missing something blindingly obvious.

If you cannot split your dice pool, how do you do more than one thing?
Ah this is the beauty. The Extra Action, gives you extra actions. Meaning, if you normally have one attack and say, you're a spirit using Principle of Motion, you get extra dice actions.

Or say, oh bloody hell what's the name of it...the top tier dual fighting charm in the Night Caste book. It escapes me now. But it allows you to have TWO attacks, at full dice, or a parry and an attack at full dice. Do you follow?
[...] Do you follow?
Yes. :D

Actually, I was looking at Arrow Storm Technique, on the next page.  That would seem to grant quite a few dice actions, providing that you continue to hit.

I was speculating that Extra Actions actually gave you whole extra dice actions, but it doesn't actually say.

Thank you.


More newbie questions will undoubtedly follow as I try and puzzle out the rules.
Re: 1E: Charms: Extra Action: Can't Split Dice Pool. What?

RainOfSteel said:
P.154 of Exalted, under Extra Charms, says that a player's dice pool may not be split on any of the actions granted.
What this means is that when you use an Extra Action charm, you cannot then make a flurry out of that extra action to get even more actions.

For example, your character has Trance of Unhesitating Speed and with his long powerbow has an attack pool of 11 and an Essence score of 3.  This means that the character can spend 8 motes to makes 4 attacks, all of them using his full attack pool of 11 dice.

What he cannot do, however, is spend 8 motes to get 4 actions and make those actions flurries in which he attacks three times with each action, thus making a total of 12 attacks.

Basically, one can never make a flurry when using an extra action charm.
We fucked the pooch on this one our first time out with the system.  

Jakk's first use of his first Combo wound up wading through a combat oriented Lunar in the first round, literally, as he made up making eight attacks on the poor bastard, and scored something like nine points of damage past Incapacitated with his Grand Daiklaive on the sucker.  

We later realized our error, but it was a nice moment...

It wasn't until the next session that we realized our error--but the ST kept the result of the fight, and we just didn't make the same mistake again.
Re: 1E: Charms: Extra Action: Can't Split Dice Pool. What?

alohahaha said:
What this means is that when you use an Extra Action charm, you cannot then make a flurry out of that extra action to get even more actions.


Basically, one can never make a flurry when using an extra action charm.
A little extra elaboration beyond what is written in the book goes a long way toward explaining things.

"Flurry" is a 2E term. This is a 1E question.

I think there's an Extra Action DK power that lets you split your dice pools; the mechanical effect of it is that you just do everything twice as fast. The only limitation was that sorcery still took the normal time.
I think PAoC Style also has a Charm that lets you split each Extra Action, but Sidereal MA Charms are pretty much rule-breaking by nature.

Not really an EA Charm, though there's a Level 5 Fire HS that gives you a dice action that you can split...
RainOfSteel said:
I was speculating that Extra Actions actually gave you whole extra dice actions, but it doesn't actually say.
It does. It is these actions that cannot be split. Note that various extra action charm may provide actions in different ways. Also note, your original dice action is consumed by activating the extra action charm (so, therefore, cannot be split either).
Stillborn said:
"Flurry" is a 2E term. This is a 1E question.
Aw shoot.  That's what I get for posting at 3 in the morning.  I didn't see that it was 1E.  My sincerest apologies for any confusion I caused.  Next time when I can't sleep I'll just stick to the Time Cube forum instead.  Sorry all.
wordman said:
RainOfSteel said:
I was speculating that Extra Actions actually gave you whole extra dice actions, but it doesn't actually say.
It does. [...]
On the very first reading, the phrasing seems to indicate something else than it does now that I know what it means.
Hey, RainOfSteel:

Since it seems like you're just getting your feet wet with the Exalted rules, why not start with Second Edition, instead of learning what is now an obsolete system?

RainOfSteel said:
wordman said:
RainOfSteel said:
I was speculating that Extra Actions actually gave you whole extra dice actions, but it doesn't actually say.
It does. [...]
On the very first reading, the phrasing seems to indicate something else than it does now that I know what it means.
Arg. On re-reading my post, I realise that I may have unintentionally sounded like I was being argumentative. When read, it appears the "it" in my "it does" comment references "but it doesn't actually say". It was intended to reference "Extra Actions actually gave you whole extra dice actions". I should have chopped off the last bit when quoting RainOfSteel. Sorry.
Stillborn said:
Hey, RainOfSteel:
Since it seems like you're just getting your feet wet with the Exalted rules, why not start with Second Edition, instead of learning what is now an obsolete system?
I already own almost all of 1E.  I've been buying it over the years because I have enjoyed reading about the milieu.  It was always a sideline, though, and I never read through 100% of the milieu material.  Also, I read through about 5% of the systems/mechanics material and about 25% of the Charms and spells.

Getting into 2E will require buying it.  D'oh.  I can't afford a new game at the moment.

Worse, from glancing through the new Storyteller's guide, it appears built exactly the way the original Storyteller's guide was, with what appears to be stop-gap material on the other Exalted-types to tide GMs over until the other core 2E books come out, a process that could take several years.

I glanced at some of the 1E/2E topics, and the changes in at least some charms appeared to be significant.  This means I cannot directly translante my 1E DB/L/S/FF/A/Au stuff into 2E material, at least not without hurculean effort.

As I now that plan to run a campaign that is a variant of the Locust War (a big variant), and that I plan to let in almost any type of character (except the Authchtonians) into play, I find it easier to work what what I have, especially since I don't have to buy much.  Given how experienced my gaming group is (nobody has been gaming for less than ten years, and I've been at it for twenty-six and I'm not the most experienced one there), and their exotic character creation tendencies, restricting it to just Solars isn't really an attractive option.  Oh, I could shove it down their throats, but I don't want to.

The only 2E material I have is The Book Of Lost Wonders.

I will undoubtedly pick up 2E as time goes on, but it will simply not be involved in this campaign.


I hope my 1E questions aren't too annoying.  Especially since it is my intention and need to ask a lot more.

I've actually been holding myself back from spamming the Cloister with new questions as I read further onward past seeming sticking points (or think more extensively) in an attempt to answer my own questions.

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